Sunday, April 16, 2006

There is no other way but through Christ

16/4/06 There is no other way but through Christ.

The man who puts his trust in the Lord will never lack anything. His trust is in the Lord and from Him he will obtain all things he needs for abundant living. Abundant living is a state of the heart and not of the mind. The heart that is in communion with God knows that everything comes from Him and goes to Him. Such a heart rests in the sure knowledge of God’s salvation and never fears the future. This is abundant life, to know Him and His salvation. There is nothing you can do or say that can add to the salvation He has wrought through His death. This is the good news that should be proclaimed for all to hear that Jesus is alive and He is coming back for His own. There is nothing that can satisfy the hunger of man without Christ. Man will seek after riches and glory and fame but these will never satisfy. They give an illusion of satisfaction but is empty. So make this the mission of your life, to make known the Saviour of the world that many may come into the joy of his salvation.

Monday, April 10, 2006


10/4/06 Boundaries
Boundaries are like walls that keep one safe and separate from the other. Boundaries are necessary to keep one safe from the intrusions of the other. When one’s boundaries are blurred then it is possible for another to transgress and enter one’s space. Personal space is personal and another cannot come in unless allowed to do so. What separates one from another enables each to respect each other. Where there is’nt a clear boundary then all other transgressions will take place. Abuse of any kind is a result of blurred boundaries. An insecure identity is related to blurred boundaries. A secure identity gives rise to clear boundaries as the secure identity knows what one’s limitations are. Limitations are a good sign of maturity. Limits define one’s ability to take a course of action which is within one’s abilities. Without these limits one tends to try anything and hopes one hits a target. Blurred boundaries lead to lack of direction and purpose. A person who lacks boundaries is like a bull without a fence to keep them in. When fences are broken intruders will come in and take residence.
There are physical boundaries and emotional boundaries. Physical boundary defines an area which can be seen. Emotional boundaries are unseen but can be defined by the language used to define relationships. When one speaks for another then there is a blurred boundary in that relationship. When one makes decisions without consulting the other then this is a sign of a blurred relationship or a dysfunctional relationship. In families blurred boundaries give rise to all kinds of transgressions which result in conflict and bad feelings.
In the spirit realm also there are boundaries. Evil will cross boundaries where there is’nt a boundary. The blood of Jesus is a boundary. Your faith is a boundary. Forces that seek to usurp your position in Christ is an enemy. These forces can be spiritual or material. There is no limit in the ways the devil can distract you from your chief calling. Therefore beware of your boundaries. When you feel confused and indecisive then you know that someone or something has transgressed your boundary. When a boundary is broken then a person will be filled with fear and doubt. Fear then controls you and leads you to break down internally and this leads to anxiety, depression and sometimes even psychosis. All these are a result of boundary transgression. Such transgression occurs when one allows one’s boundary to be transgressed because of not taking action to guard your boundary or allowing external forces to transgress it by default.
The solution is to be sure of your identity by accepting yourself and working towards repairing your boundaries. This will then lead to clear and direct communication which will then enable you to be clear in your decisions. Clear thinking leads to clear decisions which lead to goals being achieved and success.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Deliverance from sin and the power of sin

9/4/06 Deliverance from sin and the power of sin.

The anointing comes as Jesus is proclaimed Lord of your life. No devil can stay for long in a place where Jesus is pro-claimed Lord. He cannot hide in darkness for the Light of the world will expose him and he will be blinded by the light of Christ. This is what He came to do, to set free those who were in bondage to sin and the devil. Sin gives the devil the right to take residence. The blood of Jesus is the only cleansing agent for the problem of sin. Sin and the curse of sin is cancelled at the Cross and the captive is set free once and for all. This is the salvation that Jesus came to provide for the sin problem. Now you are free to live like God in-tended you to live. Once you come to the realisation of this truth then everything changes accordingly. Change in your perceptions, relationships and goals. Satan will want to keep you down but God will push you up and out of his prison. God is your Deliverer and He will deliver you from all evil. Trust Him to guide you and lead you along the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Thankyou Lord for your deliverance.