Saturday, December 31, 2011


Man was made for this one purpose, to glorify God. God is in you and around you. He operates through you. When you come to this realization then you become like Him. Jesus was like Him on earth and you are called to be like Jesus on earth as He is in heaven. This may sound impossible but this is possible in Jesus. Jesus full of the Holy Spirit walked on earth as sinless man. He was sinless because he was not born in sin. Yet he bore our sins on his body on the tree and died a death that sets me free to be like Him on earth as He is in heaven. All that hinders me now is my consciousness. When I am conscious of his presence then I am operating like Him. Many times I am so taken up with earthly matters that I fail to walk in His presence. God created me and I am created for His purpose. All mankind and all creation was created for this one purpose,to glorify Him. Therefore glorify Him today in all your ways and see how you will operate in power.

Friday, December 30, 2011


The Lord causes you to manifest in thought His mind on mAtters that concern life and living. His words pour out through you as you open up to him and act as a channel for Him. We are all channels for Him to manifest His works. He works through all creation. Those who are open to him will manifest goodness and holiness. Never reject any of His creation. His creation is marred by sin but that does not mean that they are less then perfect in His sight. God does not see sin for He is holy. He sees you through His blood and so in Him you are sinless. His blood shed on Calvary enables Him to see you as you are , a perfect creation. This is how God sees you. You must see yourself as God sees you. As you walk in the light as He is in the light then the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin. In this sinless state anything is possible. This is the state of sinless purity which is the state in which God resides. You are able to be in this state only because of His blood. His blood is alive and powerful and cleanses you continuously. This is the everlasting sacrifice purchased at Calvary for you. What a wonderful transaction was made and now you can enjoy the privilege of this transaction now and for eternity. Sinless perfection is your destiny and it begins now. In this state it is impossible to sin. When you are conscious of this state then you have transferred to a different dimension of operation in the spirit. This is the realm of miracles.You have moved from the world of form to the formless where the spirit is. Your spirit joins with His Spirit and you are one just as the Father and the Son are one.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Separation and divorce are evils that arise from the pit. The devil seeks to steal, kill and destroy and anyone who participates in these evils are the devil's agents. Sexual immorality many times is the cause of this and is condemned by God. Any sexual perversion including homosexuality is condemned by God. Sin distorts the perception of evil. When society shuns the word of God then evil will creep in and darkness will cloud the minds of men. Evil is so devoius that it has many faces. Like a carmellion it manifest its face in darkness. Why does evil operate in darkness? Because it likes to hide its works from the light. Men who walk in darkness are blinded by the light. Illicit drug also promote the works of darkness. Therefore walk in the light as He is in the light.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Meditate on His word day and night. His word is the source of your life. In His words are contained the oxygen for your soul. Like blood that feeds your organs so is the word for your soul. In His word lies the power of God to transform your inner being. It is God's thought in written form. Imagine the power contained in His word to change. When His word penetrates your soul it releases benefits untold. It is health to your body and your soul. If man's word has such power then imagine what God's word can do. Your destiny lies in His word to you today. Abide in me.

Friday, December 16, 2011


All things work for good to those who love God. What a priceless promise. God's promises are yes and amen and cannot be reversed. When you receive His promise by faith then you can expect a result. Promises are to be received by faith. They are the grist to the mill of faith. Faith is the station where promises are milled and the product is produced for consumption. Put your faith in action on the promises of God rather then your own thoughts and opinions of man. In this way you train your brain to expect what God says then what man says. The doctor says impossible, God says anything is possible. Who do you believe? This is the acid test of faith. Both are right in their own knowledge but faith believes in the goodness of God then the knowledge of man. Come now and trust God and see all your fears and worries melt in His presence. Rejoice and be glad when troubles come, for God is with you and victory is assured. Thank you Lord for your promises.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. A man who trusts in the Lord is a man who can stand any trial because His faith will hold him up. The Lord is with you always. He is a armor around you and He lives in you. His Spirit in you is your hope of salvation. His Spirit in you will keep you sane when everything around you is crumpling.This is the faith that kept the saints alive when they went through fiery trials. This is the kind of faith that will be the trophy you bring to Him when you appear before His throne of mercy and grace. There is nothing else you can bring to Him on that day but your faith. Your faith is what God is strengthening at this time. Through all the troubles you have gone through and are going through it is your faith that is being tried. Just as gold is purified so also your faith is purified till it is as pure and as tough as gold. Trust Him at all times and do not let the enemy steal what is yours. Thank you Lord for sending your Spirit who dwells within me to help me be the man you have called me to be.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today is the only day you have to live for. Tomorrow is just a dream. Yesterday has past and gone forever. Living in the Spirit is to live each day as the last day of your life. What is done is done. What has happened has happened. You can't go back and change it. All you can do is make a better day today. Living in the now is the only way to live a full life in the Spirit. Yesterday was a good day but today will be better. Each day as you live for this day, life will take a new direction. All you can do is sow and leave the rest to God. In Him you have all wisdom and knowledge to do and say the right thing. Do not waste your time in vain imaginations for this will sap you of strength. Focus your thoughts on God's words and you will find strength to carry on. Life in the now enables you to focus all your energies in the now and get the best from it. Your old pattern is to let the old dominate your present. Now shift your focus and stay fixed on the now and be set free from the guilt of the past and the fears of the future. God is in the now because He s eternal.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Prepare for the days ahead are going to be difficult. The tempter is going to tempt you in various ways but you must fix your mind on Jesus. He is within you to help you when you go through these distressing periods. It is not easy for anyone at this this time but the Lord is with you and will help you. Be steadfast in your commitment to Him and He will see you through. The darkness is part of the course. Think of those who have endured more then what you are going through. Know that you will come through this even a better person. God is working things out in you and so you can rejoice in times of trouble. The trouble itself is not to be welcomed but the trial of faith will make you stronger. In this you can be assured that your faith is the only thing that can hold you up during these times. So pray for mercy and be encouraged.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


To keep oneself fixed on God will enable one to be whole and secure in His love. No greater love is there then the one who died for you so that you can be free from the power and guilt of sin. Sin is as real as your body and will violate every area of your life and pollute it. God knew that man was helpless in his sinful state. The power of sin is so real that no man can overcome it. Man has tried to overcome it through self flagellation and by flogging themselves to death. Yet sin has a power more then man can bear. This is why God sent His own Son to die on the Cross to set man free from its power and guilt. Now man is free to be as the Cross has set Him free from the power and guilt of sin. Yet sin has blinded man to this simple remedy for sin and he still works to rid himself of it. It is only the grace of God that can reveal the mystery that has been revealed to the sons of man through the ages. Lord have mercy and open the eyes of man that they may see and believe and be set free. The battle is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers that rule the world. Now rise up and move in the power of God to subdue the enemies of your soul and be victorious.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


What comfort there is in hearing God's voice. To hear His voice amidst all other voices is rest for the soul. His voice is different because it just revives your soul. It is not positive thinking. It is a voice that you hear from heaven and it has a different quality to it. When you hear His voice you realize you are not alone. You have a Comforter and He comes in at the right time to lift you up and assure you of His love. His voice bring new wisdom and revelation. There are so many voices you hear in your head but His voice comes from the heart. You still hear through the same channel but the voice has a comforting and distinct quality to it. It is as if you are hearing it for the first time because it is fresh and different from all other voices. You yearn to hear His voice like a deer that thirsts for water in a desert place. You wait to hear His voice come through when you are bombarded by your own thoughts. You realize quickly that it is so easy to be lost in your own thoughts and never hear His voice. However when you are determined to hear His voice then He comes through so clearly you can't miss it. Thank you Lord you are so real and I look to you for daily manna to feed my soul.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Confidence in the Lord and in His plans for you is what will see you through trouble times. Look back to see His faithfulness. Look forward to the great things He has planned for you. You never got to where you are alone. The Lord was with you all the way. Thank Him for all that has happened and be glad. You can rejoice in all circumstances and situations for your confidence is in Him. This is what it means to live in abundance. The abundance mentality comes from a intimate relationship with the Lord. Jesus cried on the Cross but rested knowing it was His Father's will. Contentment is great joy for those who rest in His will. Not my will but yours be done must be your daily song. This will remove all cares and worries and you will enjoy the present moment fully. All your cares will be wiped out and you will shine like the noon day sun. Transparency will reflect the image of Christ in you and others will be warmed by His presence in you. It is your ego that prevents others from seeing me in you. Death to the ego will open up and let His gifs and fruits flow through you.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Only total surrender can avail total possession. The key to total possession is total surrender. A well that is empty can be filled. When you empty yourself of self then you are ready for a infilling. A well that is filled will overflow to blessing. This is the only way to please God. Jesus lived a crucified life and ended at the Cross. He had already emptied Himself when He left His position in heaven and took the form of man. Now He lives to fill everyone else with His Spirit. His Spirit is freely available to all but only some will avail of Him. He is roaming the earth to fill all who will empty themselves. The world will hold no more attraction. Yes the flesh will lust after things but this will be temporary. These lusts only serve the flesh and not the spirit. Fix your mind on this one thing, to be filled with God's Spirit. Then this one thing will possess you and turn you into a mighty vessel of God.

Monday, December 05, 2011


Possessed by the Holy Spirit is the state of true Pentecost. To be possessed by the Holy Spirit is to be totally controlled by Him in thought, word and deed. This possessed state is a continual state and not one that comes and goes. All you need to do is surrender to Him and He will do the rest. It all comes down to your will. Are you prepared to surrender your will and say 'Not my will but yours O Lord'. This is the only state that really will bring heaven down to earth. When Jesus said those words on the Cross He brought heaven down to earth. It is a clash of 2 Kingdoms, the Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of hell. Jesus came to usurp power from Satan and bring heaven to earth. Now you can live a heavenly life when you surrender all to Him. It is so simple yet so profound. This is all that is necessary and this is why only the Holy Spirit can enable you to attain this. It is not by works but by His Spirit alone. Which spirit are you enabling today? The worldly satanic spirit or God's Spirit. I choose to be filled in His Spirit.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


His blood and His Word and His Holy Spirit are sufficient witnesses to His life. The word of your testimony and the blood of the Lamb are the weapons of your warfare. When you live in enemy territory then you need weapons to defend and to fight the enemy. The enemy of your soul is spiritual not psychological. The psychological is a surface phenomenon just like the physical. A headache is just a physical symptom of an attack. Your body was made for health and not sickness. Sickness is an attack of the evil one to discourage you. Pain in any form is evil for you were not born to live in pain. Therefore face every sickness and disease and stress as an attack of the enemy on your soul. Divorce is an attack. Conflict is an attack. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Anything that is not these is not of God. Conflict, stress and unhappiness is not of the Kingdom of God. Therefore face the enemy by using your spiritual weapons and see the enemy flee. His blood is sufficient for every sin and His Word is the supplier of all your needs. When you receive in the spirit then you will receive in the form by faith. When you receive healing in the spirit you receive healing in the flesh.

Saturday, December 03, 2011


The Holy Spirit wants 100% possession of you. Anything less will make you vulnerable to oppression from within. He wants to possess you so that He can work through you. Imagine the potential within you when you surrender all to Him. Your surrender will translate to His possession. He can only possess what you surrender to Him. He will take your marriage when you surrender to Him. He will purify the relationship and keep it secure in Him. He will not allow the enemy to infiltrate it. What God has joined let no man put asunder and that includes the marriage partner. God is at work in you to bring you to a place of total surrender. It is your own ego that prevents Him from completely possessing you. Kill your ego and see how easy it is to surrender to Him. Your ego wants its own way and will refuse to surrender. To surrender is to be detached from your ego and the world around you. This is the place of perfect peace and joy. In this state nothing will phase you. You are in heaven seated with Christ.

Friday, December 02, 2011


The Holy Spirit is your senior partner. With Him you have the confidence to face every challenge. Each challenge is seen as a faith challenge. You wait for His instructions and then act on them. There is no other more exciting way to live then in the Spirit. The spirit man will cooperate with the Spirit of God to accomplish great things for God. A man who fixes his mind on God will do great things because God is on his side. God and man in unison can do great things. Therefore do not fear what the enemy can do for God will turn what is intended for evil to good. God changed the power of sin by cancelling it at the Cross. This is the message of the Cross, good for evil. It is a positive sign of victory and not a negative sign of defeat. What the devil intended for evil turned out to be the salvation for man. What a anti climax for the devil. So also in your life when you turn everything to God He will turn your mourning into dancing. Hallelujah.

Thursday, December 01, 2011


Failure is not the end of the story. Failure many times can be the stimulus for change. Change is the grist to the mill for advancement and progress. No change is usually associated with a gradual degradation of your life. It is not only the young who are challenged. All age groups are challenged but it is your attitude to the challenge that determines the outcome. A positive attitude always results in a better outcome. A positive attitude is an attitude of faith that the best is yet to come. It embraces change. Conflict is not seen as an end but a means to a better end. Therefore embrace change in the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of your being. Change in any dimension will affect other areas. A decision to fast will have psychological and spiritual impact. Never settle down or retire for this is the beginning of a decline in your faculties. Always be vibrant and active and outward looking. Such a person will always be growing and never boring.