Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rational Mind Versus Intuitive Mind.


The rational mind is the logical mind that thinks through the information we receive from our five senses. Our mind then processes this information in a logical way that we can accept. This is done on a background of a template we all have that gives meaning to our thinking. This thinking process is conscious and generally linear in mode. It makes good common sense of problems and seeks to give understanding through rational processes. This kind of understanding is how we are educated in schools and science is based generally on this mode of thinking. What is outside the parameters of logic is not entertained in this paradigm. This means that other factors outside consciousness are rejected because they are beyond our conscious experience.


Intuitive thinking however goes beyond our senses and includes all aspects of thinking, both conscious and sub-conscious. The intuitive mind is not limited in any way and will entertain the most remote possibilities. Some of the concepts cannot be measured and are largely felt. God and other spiritual matters fall into this sphere of thinking or experience. The arts and philosophy would also embrace this form of thinking and experience. Some talk in terms of a sixth sense that exists beyond the five senses. Dreams and visions are often explained using this form of thinking. Spiritual experiences also are often explained using this form of thinking.


To the rational mind, intuitive thinking is irrational as it cannot be measured. What cannot be measured falls into the category of nonsense. God created us as spiritual beings. We deprive our spirit by rejecting what is our creative and God-like character. Many find this kind of experience frightening as it challenges their rational mind. Madness sometimes is likened to irrational thinking. So most of us would rather remain safe and not delve into this area of mystery and uncontrollable spheres or dimensions. 


God is beyond comprehension. The Bible states that those who come to Him must believe He is real. Belief is irrational as it operates in faith to comprehend things that are unseen. We cannot see God but we can experience Him. We cannot see the wind but we can see the 

effects of the wind. Many who can't explain miracles are confounded and confused by what they see. Our minds need to shift to see beyond the rational and then it is like, " once I was blind but now I see."

Friday, August 28, 2020

Only Prayer Can Remove The Scales From The Eyes Of Unbelievers


Scales on our eyes is a way of describing how people are blinded from seeing the truth. Many of us are blind to certain things and we call this our blind spot. The gospel is hidden from some and they can't see because the god of this world has blinded them. Paul mentions in Romans 11:25 that the eyes of the Jews are temporarily blinded till the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. This kind of blindness is a form of mind blindness. I can see with my physical eyes but I fail to understand. I can see a work of art but fail to see the depth and beauty that the artist sees. To see is to behold the depth and beauty of the truth that is hidden. Only the Light can open our eyes to see. 


The gospel is also good news that can open blind eyes to see. We are so programmed to see like the world which is mainly through our senses. However there is a world beyond our senses and we need to be spiritually aware to see this greater world. When we only see what we see with our physical eyes, we are bound to the physical world. We can be psychologically blind and not understand the workings of our mind. We interpret everything we see and hear through our physical senses and are blind to the psychological world. So we misunderstand others because we fail to see the hidden meaning behind their words. So also we need to be spiritually aware to see the spirit world. This is a higher realm beyond the physical and psychological worlds. Only those who are spiritual can perceive spiritual matters.


God is spirit and He can only be known through our spirit. God created us as spiritual beings in an earthly body. He has given us the capacity to commune with Him. However our spirit is dead until we are born again. Our spirit then comes alive and our spiritual eyes are opened to see. Now this is like having scales removed from our spiritual eyes. Our blind eyes see when we become a new creation in Him. This is only possible when God opens our eyes to see. When we seek Him we will find Him. This spiritual blindness in unbelievers can be removed as we pray for them. When the Spirit moves whole cities and nations will come to know the Lord high and lifted up. Now is the time to pray for nations to see and be made whole.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Same Spirit That Raised Christ From The Dead Operates In You


Romans 8:11 states that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you. This is amazing. Resurrection power lives in you. Why do we not experience this power to the full measure? I think it is because we do not really believe this truth. If we did believe this then we would be raising the dead just as Jesus did. We would be free from all sickness, disease and disorder just like Jesus. No demon would be able to assail us. The power of the resurrection is present today because Jesus lives. It was our crucifixion and resurrection with Him that freed us from the power of sin (Rom 6:5 – 8; Eph 2:5, 6). Without His resurrection, His death would have been like any other death. This is the difference between Jesus Christ and other religious leaders who lived and died and still are in their tombs. This is why Jesus is the only way to Heaven.


Jesus died and rose from the dead to redeem all mankind from sin and to righteousness. By faith we believe in the Word of God that says He rose from the dead. Our faith is also based on evidence and is not just blind faith. This evidence makes it more certain that we can live in resurrection power. This power is available to all who confess He is Lord. Those who believe will experience His resurrection power. These are some of the signs that will follow believers: sickness and disease will leave us and we will be healed; and demons will leave us as His power in us will drive them out.  This is heaven on earth. This is His Kingdom being established on earth as it is in Heaven.


Why do we not see more of this in our churches? Why is the church struggling to survive? I believe it is because we have compromised with the world. We have listened to the lies of the devil and conformed to his lies. The world operates on his lies and so is unaware of resurrection power. We who have been saved should know better but the pressure to conform is huge. The only way out is to believe and receive afresh His resurrection power and walk by faith. His Spirit will fill us to overflowing and we will be empowered to see signs and wonders following us.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Test The Spirit That Is Behind A Programme Or Movement.


There are many positions that one can hold around an issue. The issue maybe to do with rights, freedom, responsibility or death. We are sometimes faced with these issues and could have a position on each which is different from that of other people. We could use scientific or moral evidence to back our position. Whatever the issue, one needs to also discern the spirit behind each issue. Our position appears to be correct on the surface but the real matter is the spirit behind the issue. Many are unaware of these spiritual forces that are behind the issues that we fight about. We therefore part ways because we disagree on an issue, each one being adamant that he is in the right. We get into polarised positions and sometimes even defend our position to the death.


Jesus always responded to the spirit behind the questions about His identity and statements. The Pharisees misunderstood Him and thought He was a lunatic. Jesus called them white-washed sepulchres who judged others but failed to judge themselves. He called their father the devil. He addressed the spirit behind their anger and hatred of Him. They were deceived and could not hear or see the Truth. He did not give an opinion but addressed the spirit behind their objections. In this way they were confused and dismayed and failed to see the Truth. On the other hand, the blind, deaf and lame saw the Truth and believed in Him. 


In these days too, there are many opinions and we get caught up with taking sides. For example, in American politics, it has little to do with the Democrats or Republicans. They are all human beings caught up in a programme which they believe in. The programme or template they operate from blinds them to the truth of the matter. We too can believe in something very sincerely, but we may be sincerely wrong. Like the Pharisees we could be blinded by our own beliefs. However it is the spirit behind each belief that needs to be addressed. There are many good people doing good things, but is that often just a shop-window dressing to cover up a demonic spirit? The god of this world can appear as an angel of light and deceive many. Many are trapped by this deception. 


Discern the spirit behind the words, opinions or beliefs. A wrong spirit can trap you into believing and agreeing with the devil. Ask God to open your eyes to see and turn away from the spirit that controls you and seeks to destroy you. Choose the way of love and be prepared to repent and turn away from the path that you thought was right. Only God can lead you into the light. In the darkness we cannot see because we are blind to the Truth. God is light and when we cry out to Him, He will shine His light and deliver us from the present darkness.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Ways And Works. What Is The Difference?


Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John14:6). What did Jesus mean by being the Way?  A way is a path or route to a destination. So when Jesus said He is the Way, it was as if He is the password to enter His Kingdom. There is no other way to enter His Kingdom than through Him. In the Old Testament, God established some ways man must follow to be like Him. His ways are higher than our ways. We might want to do things our way but His way is higher. God gave the Ten Commandments as ways to walk in His ways. Now He has provided a new way. The old ways were based on laws: do this or don't do that. The new way is through a Person.


God opened a new way based on grace and not on law. This way of grace is full of love and mercy. He says My burden is light (Matt 11:30).  The Law was a huge burden to carry, since breaking one law meant all the laws were broken. Now we have an eternal sacrifice through Jesus that sets us free from the law of sin and death. We have a new way promising eternal life for all who call on His Name. What a heavenly transaction this new way is.


Many are looking for signs which are the works of God. Few are prepared to walk in His ways. Even in Jesus’ time the Jews asked for a sign. They said show us the miracles and we will believe. Today we also look for the works that we may believe. Works are manifestations of His presence. They cannot replace His ways. His ways build us up and strengthens us. Miracles and signs come and go and when we put our trust in them, we will not be building on solid ground. Like the signs in the sky they fade and disappear. This is why we need to keep His ways and not look for signs. Jesus said these signs shall follow those who believe not the other way round. Keep His ways and His works will follow.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Life In The Spirit Is Beautiful.


God is Spirit and He created man as a spirit being, having a soul, and housed in a body. The spirit of man is separate from the soul and body. In the garden of Eden, man was one in the spirit with God. His spirit man was able to communicate with God. The Fall led to man being separated from God. Sin does this; it separates us from God. This is why Jesus had to sacrifice His life to restore us to fellowship with God. His act of sacrifice paid the price for my sin and that of the whole world. Now man is redeemed in his spirit and can commune with God. This is the good news of the Gospel.


We are a new creation in Christ. The old has passed and the new has come. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were made of animals for man’s redemption as a forerunner of the one last all-sufficient sacrifice of the Lamb of God. His sacrifice now is available to all mankind forever. His sacrifice redeems us from the hand of our enemy and into a relationship with our Father in heaven. This is the beauty of the Cross. Now we are free from the power of sin and can live a life in the Spirit. This is the answer to the problems we face in the flesh. The flesh is still prone to influences from sin and the devil. The Spirit within us is free from such influences. God has given us His Spirit to dwell in us to enable us to separate ourselves from the world and the devil.


This life in the Spirit is beautiful. In the Spirit I am able to overcome every temptation and attack from the devil. This is the place of total freedom. In the Spirit I am able to fly like an eagle. My perspective changes and I am able to visualise the world like God sees it. This new perspective enables me to enjoy His goodness and the resources of Heaven are available to me. Money cannot buy this life. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus that makes this life in the Spirit available. Come now and enjoy this life now and for eternity.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Manifestations Of God's Goodness To Me.


Not long ago I shared my experience of the lesson learnt through the sale of the lemon of a car. The story continues after the sale was aborted. I was introduced to an MG motor mechanic who had a look at the car and advised me that it would cost me a further large amount to fix it. However he said that he would be interested to buy the car from me for an equal amount. I had already spent so much money on repairs that I felt led to sell it to him. Moreover he said he was buying it for his mother. This blessed me even more knowing the car would be in the good hands of an MG mechanic.


In January this year, there was a hail storm which damaged my pergola, and the roof of my house also suffered some superficial hail damage. The claim for the pergola was straight forward and a cash settlement was agreed with the insurer. This enabled me to do some extra repairs and painting to the pergola. There was a dispute about the roof as two repair quotes did not agree on the degree of damage. I got my own independent report which agreed with the first report. After six months of delay the Complaints Department of the insurer asked for a fourth report. This agreed with the initial report and I had a cash settlement twice that of my independent quote.


God has ways of turning a disaster into a blessing. Surrender the situation or relationship to the Lord and see how He makes all things work together for good. Praise Him at all times and see how praise can turn your mourning into joy. God is good all the time. Never give up as He is in control. Look up and see that your salvation draws nigh.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Word Of God Has Many Layers, Just Like An Onion.

 God's Word is a person and His Name is Jesus. Many read His Word like a letter and forget His Word is a person. Once you come to realise that His Word cannot be separated from His personality, new light dawns on you. Your eyes open to a new dimension of truth. You move from treating the Word like a letter and come to know the person behind the letter. You begin to absorb the personality of Jesus. You are on your way to become like Jesus. It's like once you knew about God but now you know Him. People who get upset about the letter of the Word are like the Pharisees who missed the point of the Word. They were so taken up by the letter that they missed the substance. What a shame.


We too can get caught up with the letter of the Word and miss the Spirit of Jesus behind the Word. This is why Jesus said to some, I never knew you. They were surprised since they did miracles by invoking His Name. Yet they never knew Him. How sad. Beware of those who preach the Word but don't know the Author. Many preach from their soul realm and not the Spirit realm. This is an offence to the Lord. Our soul is being transformed. Our spirit has been redeemed at the Cross. We are born again in the spirit and not the soul.


God has made Himself known to us by sending His Son, Jesus, is God in the flesh. We now have access to God the Father through His Son. The devil does not have access to God but he has access to us. He does this through our flesh. He tempts us and distracts us by keeping us bound in the flesh God has provided everything we need to live an abundant life here on earth. We need to surrender all to Him so that nothing can hinder His supply. Walk in the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. This is the only way to enjoy Him and His salvation.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Give, Live, And Build. Reverse The Devil's Strategy Of Steal, Kill And Destroy.


The devil is the master at stealing, killing and destroying. We see this in every aspect of life in this world and he is known as the god of this world. Are you then surprised by what you see in the world We are to reverse the effects of his workings and implement God's strategy of giving, living and building. This is the only way to implement God's will on earth as it is in heaven. We have to use the strategy of reversing everything the devil does. We should partner with God in this mission to save His world. In every department of life, we need to apply this principle and defeat the devil and give him a headache.


During these days we are faced with death and challenges to our very existence. The whole world is being held hostage to the COVID virus and many are suffering loss and death. The whole world is grieving and in pain. We need to be the answer to the world in providing a way of escape. We need to fast and pray and do battles in the heavenlies and also provide for needs down here. We can meet needs by giving and supporting vulnerable groups. Pray for all those in the front line of this battle. Pray for leaders who need wisdom in making the right decisions, provide shelter to those who need it and food where necessary. These are some of the ways we can be light and salt and show forth God's goodness.


We don't have to wait for a crisis to do this. This is a lifestyle we need to live by all of the time. God is good. He will reverse every evil intent when we surrender to Him. This is His world, although at times we wonder. The Bible is clear that Satan has a limited time here till he is sent to hell for ever. Meanwhile we need to watch and pray and be the solution and not the problem. The church needs to rise up and stand in the gap. God will have mercy and deliver us if we trust and obey. Stand for justice and righteousness and, as in the days of Abraham, God will hear our cry.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Love, Unity And Peace. Pray For That At This Time.


Love, unity and peace is what Paul described in Eph 4:1-3. This is an exhortation to the church. Be humble and gentle and bear with one another in love. Be united in the Spirit in the bond of peace. What a powerful exhortation. Do we see this in the church today? I see the opposite. The church is divided, hostile and powerless today. We are happy to do our Sunday duty and attend church but then enmity and discord are prevalent within the church. What happened? I think we have wandered away from the Word of God and are playing God according to our own making. This is what the people did when Moses went to meet with God. They made a molten calf to worship and satisfy their own lusts.


Each time the church wanders away from the Truth and stops worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, chaos results. Is the church responsible for the chaos we see in the world today? Is the COVID virus a sign that the whole world is being taken to task for our sin? Satan will use any and every sin to attack and destroy people. God allows this but He will also use this to turn His people back to Him. The Bible is full of examples of this; in particular, when the children of Israel wandered away from Him. Will the Bride now forsake her wicked ways, repent and turn to Him for salvation?


God is a good God. It is His goodness that leads to salvation. Sin does the opposite. Sin always traps us and we need to be saved. How blind are we that we still continue to sin as Adam did and go our own way. How stupid can we be? Yet despite our stupidity God is merciful and will save us. Let us turn to Him at this hour and love each other and unite despite our differences. The Holy Spirit will grant us His peace which will be a bond that cannot be broken. There is no other peace like His peace which passes all understanding. His peace is solid, unmovable and strong. Come let us unite and be worthy of His call.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Only Goats Butt And Doubters If. Sheep Follow.


We live in days where many doubt the existence of God. This is in no way a new problem. Even from the days of Adam there were doubters. Doubt some say is a good thing as it forces us to question and therefore seek for answers. Blind acceptance is not healthy. However when we don't seek, we become like everybody else who are led by the crowds. Many followed Jesus during His days on earth because of the crowds. The crowds followed Him because of His miracles. He was able to prove that God was real through His works. He healed the sick: the blind saw, the deaf heard and the lame walked.


Today too we see many who doubt the existence of God. Others seem to believe but they tend to worship a god of their own making. They are called goats. In the church we see the same problem. Many go to church but they are satisfied with warming a seat and following a dead religion. The church has largely become an institution of goats. How have we come to this state? The world calls belief in God a delusion. Freud said that religion is the opiate of the people. How have wrong beliefs penetrated the church so that many now follow a dead religion? 


Jesus said in the last days there would be a falling away. We hear of great leaders deconverting and rejecting Christ. Can one deconvert after having tasted of the goodness of God? Yes this is possible. The devil is a master of deception. He will try to deceive even the elect and make them compromise. Now we see how many have drifted away from the power of the good news of the gospel to accepting a religion without power. This is a sad and sorry state but God is still on the throne.


We will be tested in the last days. We have to hold fast to the faith we first received. Persecution, trials and temptations will form part of the testing. We cannot let up. We must persevere till the end. There is no other way to inherit His promise of eternal life. Come away from the goats and the doubters. We are to be separate from the world. We must stand up for what we believe. We must each take our place as His representativon the earth. This is the time to trust and not to lose hope. Faith believes and does not doubt. Let us be sheep that follow the Master's voice.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Pray The Answer, Not The Problem

Prayer is a two-way communication between God and us. Most of the time we pray asking God to meet our needs or pray for the needs of others. We are almost begging God to be merciful and to be the answer to our need. However our prayers are so focused on our need that we forget that God wants a relationship with us rather than being an ATM machine. We treat God as if He is a machine who can cough up what we beg Him to do for us. This is where we have missed the point of Jesus’ teaching on prayer. He taught us how to pray and said, "Our Father".  This is the sound of a son calling on His Father. This is a relationship where God the Father is listening to His Son. There is no begging for things but a sound of worship.


Relationship is different from taking cash out at an ATM machine. Relationship involves trust. My Father knows my needs even before I ask Him. He will provide for my needs.  He already knows my needs, just have to pray for the needs of others.  Praying for our needs means we doubt if God loves us. It is a relationship where doubt prevails rather than trust.  We don’t have to remind God everyday of our needs but rather say thank you Lord for answering our prayers for all that we need. He is  our Provider, Healer, Protector and Friend.


Once you know God as the all-sufficient One then you will trust Him for everything. You will stop telling God your problems. You will seek to know what His will is and thank Him for the answer. If your need is healing then you will pray as if you are already healed. If it is a promotion then you will pray as if you are already promoted. Confidently praying the answer knowing it is God’s will to heal, provide and protect opens the heavens to provide from His resources in Heaven. Try this and see how your prayer time changes from asking to thanking Him for all His answers. Amen.