Friday, February 28, 2020

Fear Free, Faith Filled Living

Victorious living is available to all who are prepared to live a surrendered life with Jesus. Jesus called us to follow Him. He did not leave us alone but sent His Holy Spirit to follow Him. This is a divine exchange that occurred on the Cross when He sacrificed His life so that we could obtain His life in exchange. He proved this by rising to life after 3 days in the grave. Now He has ascended to heaven and wants us to be like Him on earth. His life on earth was fulfilled through his death and resurrection. Now He is able to defeat all His enemies for He defeated death itself. When we receive Him we receive all He has when he walked on earth. He resides in us through His Spirit. What a divine exchange this is. He has baptised us in His Spirit and we can now operate in the nine gifts and fruits of His Spirit. Our flesh was crucified with Him on the Cross. We receive His death and resurrection through faith. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are received through faith. He promised to be with us always. Now we need to step out in faith and be transformed into His image. With some it will take years but for others it could happen in a twinkling of an eye. It all depends on our preparedness to surrender daily to Him. Not I but Christ.
1John 2:27 says that He will reveal all things to us because He lives in us. We don’t need to run to this teacher and another for He will be our teacher. Learn to listen to Him. Come into your real identity in Him. You will never be the same again for now you are led by His Spirit. Enjoy fear free living.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Why Do We Not See More Healing In The West

We hear of signs and wonders in the East but not many stories in the West comparatively. Why is this so? Many have gone on missions to the East and come back with stories of miraculous healing. In the West on the other hand we hear of sporadic healing but very few miracles. God is not limited by time yet miracles appear more in the East. Is this something to do with our mental set? In the East people are more in tune with the spirit world and appear more prepared to expect the miraculous. This is deeply ingrained in their psyche. In the West we tend to rationalise everything and through this process debunk any possibility beyond what we see and hear and touch. Do we need a mental shift to entertain the miraculous? If this is true than we need to set aside our rational mind and simply believe. Smith Wigglesworth used to emphasise the importance of simply believing. He saw many miracles in his day. Believe is trust. Can we trust God to come through for us and not doubt? Maybe this is what is preventing us seeing more miracles in the West. Our mind has interfered with seeing with our spiritual eyes the deep things God has prepared for us.
How do we shift in our thinking to believe rather than doubt? Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten our mind so that we set our rational faculty aside and learn to trust. God says that whoever comes to Him must believe and trust. We must take the risk despite all the objections of our rational mind. Mind interference is the cause for a lot of our problems. When we think critically and objectify happenings we try and understand with our mind. We need to sense and operate from our heart to see miracles. This is what it means to be filled in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. Do as the Spirit leads and think about it later.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Death Results In Life

This is a contradiction in terms but the truth is that death resulted in life. Jesus died and this resulted in resurrection life. A seed must fall on the ground and die before it can give life. A seed that refuses to die will not give life. Jesus said that I must die to my self, take up my cross and follow Him. There is no life without death. Jesus knew that our major battle is with our flesh. The only answer to victory over the flesh is death. However this is not a one time event. Death to the flesh is a daily walk of crucifixion to the flesh. Death to the flesh is the only way to life in the Spirit. God knew that it was impossible for man to die to his flesh. Therefore He sent Jesus to die for us. His death now makes it easy for us to die to the flesh because He rose again. It is His life that enables us to overcome the flesh. The Cross alone was not sufficient to overcome evil. It is His resurrection from the dead that made it possible for Him to enable us to live. He gave His life that we may come to life.
This is the good news of the gospel. To many it was bad news because they saw Him die. But three days later He overcame death by rising from the grave. Now our hope is not in the Cross but in the resurrection. If Jesus had not risen than our faith is as good as dead. His resurrection is what makes His death meaningful and real. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him. Only death to self is key to resurrection life. I identify with His death and resurrection by faith. Hallelujah what a salvation.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Faith Is Like Finding A Parking Space Every Time

Faith is a spiritual gift that operates in realms unseen to bring into the realms of the seen. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. How does one operationalise faith? We talk a lot about having faith in God and to just trust and not doubt. These sometimes appears vague and difficult to understand. Faith is trust, is hope and is evidence. However it is difficult to operate in faith when we have been brought up to operate in what we see. Seeing is believing. However we don"t need faith if we can see. God operates in the unseen realms. God is Spirit. We therefore need to trust Him for things. Abraham believed God. The Bible is full of stories of how people obtained things from God and overcame through faith. Faith therefore is essential path to commune with God. We have all been given a measure of faith. According to your faith be it unto you. There are times when the gift of faith is in operation to work miracles. Without faith we cannot please God. All who come to God must come by faith.We can grow in faith. Therefore faith can be seen as a fruit of the Spirit.
I have faith for car parking space. The same faith that led me to Jesus needs to be exercised for all other needs. I need to exercise faith when I pray for healing. Once I see people healed than my faith increases to see more healing. It is like a skill that needs to be developed. The more we practice the greater the results. Step out today and practice operating in faith for needs in yourself and in others and see God come through in signs and wonders. God loves to answer and will respond to faith. Some say faith is spelt as RISK. We need to take the risk and be bold. Happy faith adventures to you.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Ministry Of Angels

Angels are ministering spirits. They were created to help the saints in fulfilling their mission. Angels surround us and help us. They are waiting for our command to do what we need to accomplish. Angels complain that they are bored because His people are not aware of their help. We need to look to angels to help us in all situations. They are our helpers in the spirit world. When we intercede for others we can send the angels to deliver the answers to our prayers. When we are discouraged we can ask the angels to come and comfort us. The ministry of angels is vital to the life of the believer and for the church.Send healing angels to minister to the sick. Our ministry is a spiritual ministry and we need sprit helpers to accomplish them. When we rely on our own strength than we become tired and discouraged. God has provided us with helpers to accomplish His work.
There have been many instances when I have escaped danger because of angels. Situations which were dangerous and incidents that would have been disastrous were avoided because of angels. Angels need to be acknowledged in their help. When we realise the benefit of ministering with them we become more reliant on them. Call on them to help you in every situation. They are sent to help the saints. Imagine a servant always ready to serve. So also are angels to us. They need to be employed. Why do we neglect the ministry of angels? We do so because of the lack of knowledge. Just as the Holy Spirit is our Helper so also are the angels. Today call on them to help you. See the difference in your daily walk. See how signs and wonders will follow you as you seek their help in your ministry.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Fear Is In Your Mind

In the garden of Eden when sin entered the human race, fear was the result of sin. Adam and Eve hid themselves from God. Ever since than Satan has used fear as a major weapon against us. Where there is fear there will be torment. When fear controls you than everything else becomes subject to it. You see the evidence of fear in every walk of life from the individual to the family to the community. Fear also dominates churches. Fear is the cause of a lot of controlling behaviours. Power battles are the basis for a lot of grief and turmoil amongst relationships. Once fear is overcome it will be replaced by peace. Lot of the peace we talk about is just a compromise. There is no peace unless fear can be overcome. The answer to fear is faith.

Jesus came to deliver us from the demon of fear. His resurrection power enables us to overcome fear through faith in His resurrection power. The Cross served a death blow to Satan and His resurrection from the dead was the final weapon. Where there is no resurrection only fear and death prevail. People can die of fear. However every weapon the devil forms against us can be overcome by faith in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.There is no other solution to fear than what was accomplished on the Cross. The first Adam succumbed to temptation. The second Adam{Jesus} reversed this curse. Now all we have to do is to receive this finished work by faith by putting our trust in Him. Tap into this power and be set free today. Every other problem or struggle can be overcome easily when fear is vanquished. His promises are yes and amen. He will never disappoint. Today is your day of salvation.