Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own abilities. Your abilities are given to you by God. It is up to you to develop them. It is like the man who had money but decided to bury it rather then to invest it. Investing it made it grow. So also God has given you abilities that need to be applied to bear fruit. Doing nothing will bring you nothing. Therefore sow your seed and in time it will bring forth a harvest. If you choose to sow love and understanding then this is what you will reap. If you sow in dollars then this what you will reap, dollars. This principle applies in all aspects of life, what you sow you will reap. If you sow envy and jealousy then this is what you will reap. Choose to sow love and peace and you will reap the same. It begins with one and the same seed you sow will spread around and bring forth abundant fruit.

Monday, January 30, 2012


When you operate in the Holy Spirit then you know of a power beyond your own. WHen you walk by faith there is a power released that will enable you to overcome every weakness. You can operate in your own strength or in the strength of power from above. YouR whole being will be empowered when you operate in heavenly power. There is nothing that can cancel the power from on high. All powers and principalities were subjected to Him at the Cross. He cancelled their power and rose from the dead. Any power that can overcome death has the power of life. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy but God comes to give life. Therefore when you are connected to God, you are connected to His power of life. This world is dying and there is no hope for a dying world. All you see around you is disaster, death and terror. These forces cause fear in the hearts of people. They die through their fear. Fear kills. Love builds and repairs and restores. Replace all fear with faith and love and be a overcomer. You can overcome because the overcomer lives in you.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Jesus sacrificed His life on the Cross. We are called to sacrifice self on the Cross daily. This is the only way to be filled in the Spirit. Self will always want first place. Selfishness is ingrained in our psyche. We must surrender self to Him. In surrendering self we commit our body and soul to Him. This is the flesh life that threatens our spirit. Our spirit must have dominion and not our flesh. It is our will that needs to decide to sacrifice self. The Holy Spirit will help us when we call on Him to help us. Our flesh is weak but our spirit is strong. Don't give into the flesh for this is sin. God demands a total sacrifice of your self. There is no other way to have power with God. Satan and his demons will conspire to make your flesh strong and give into temptation. Check your thoughts and turn them away from fleshly distractions. The desires of the flesh will fuel your thoughts. When you are able to rein in your fleshly thoughts then you are able to control your fleshly desires. Pray much in the spirit to empower your spirit. In the spirit you will receive spiritual thoughts that will enable you to overcome your flesh. Identification with fleshly thoughts will result in sinful acts. Distance yourself from your fleshly thoughts. You will then be able to see them as thoughts and not identify with them. Identification leads to personalisation which then deprives you of control over them. Watch your thoughts.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Blessed is the man who loves the Lord and seeks to serve Him with all His heart.David was such a man despite the failings of his flesh. His heart was for the Lord but his sinful nature lusted after sensual experience. Lust is a driver and will drive you to madness. It is fired up by hell itself. This is why you find many people who have worked hard and been honourable fall because they gave into a weakness in a time of vulnerability. When lust takes over you it is best to share with others then to keep it secret. Lust thrives in darkness. It loses its power in the light. Never give into lust for its is a hard task master. It will reduce you to a regressed state and you will function like an animal. All the base desires of the flesh are vile and will reduce you to a state of a lower creature. Guard your thoughts and feelings for your destiny lies in controlling your base desires. Surrender them to Jesus. Call on His Name and He will rescue you. You cannot do it on your own for they have a power that is fuelled from hell itself. Only the Spirit in you can overcome and set you free from its power.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Many are coming to the Lord but few are being taught how to live in the Spirit. Living in the Spirit is the only way to sustain the spiritual life. In the Spirit your spirit communes with His Spirit and together you are able to grow in the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. A spiritual life cannot be sustained through a lot of intellectual exercise alone. Knowledge is important but it is the rhema word of God that feeds the spirit. The word can be read like any other word and gives intellectual stimulation but it is all head knowledge. Faith is based on heart knowledge. Heart knowledge results in manifestations of the spirit. Manifestations of the spirit can be in dreams and visions and other gifts of headings and miracles. This is what the Kingdom of God is all about. Trying to translate what is spiritual into form is impossible without the Spirit. Only the Spirit is able to transcend the world of form. Man can try in his own efforts but without the Spirit he will never reach the dimension of the spirit. The spiritual dimension is accessible only through the Spirit. Just as the physical world is sensed through your senses so also the spirit world is sensed through your spiritual senses. You can touch, see and hear and receive knowledge and wisdom from the Spirit. It is in this world that the Kingdom of God is established. Those who are spiritual will know and operate in this dimension.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord whole heartedly. Trust is a matter of the heart and not of the head. The heart intuits and believes while the head analyses and discriminates. Heart believe is based on faith. This does not mean that facts are ignored. Faith based on facts is the foundation of the christian faith. Jesus did die on the Cross. He did rise from the dead. He did ascend into heaven. He will come back again. All these are facts and your faith is based on these events and the person who claims He is the only way, truth and life. He promised to send His Holy Spirit and He lives in you. This is a fact and can be experienced now as the disciples did 2000 years ago. Faith based on facts has a solid basis for believe. Faith based on myth and fables will die with the founder. Therefore believe and be restored in your faith to receive all He has prepared for you. Without faith it is impossible to please God. God operates in the realm of faith. Faith empowered by the Spirit can achieve anything. It takes risks because it has heard the Master's voice. You will do exploits in His Name and no adversary can stand in your way.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


The Lord is God and there is no other God but the Lord. He is and was and evermore will be God. He cannot be reduced to a thing to be worshipped. He is above all and in all and He has revealed Himself in His Son Jesus. What more can God do to reveal who He is but to send His Son in human form to enable man to believe in Him. He has through the ages revealed Himself to many but ultimately through sending His Son to die for the sins of man. Now all there is left for man to do is to receive the revelation of the Word of God. In receiving Him you receive eternal life. Life in the Son is eternal life. Jesus gives His life in exchange for yours. Your life is limited and earthly. Your spirit lives on into eternity whether in hell or heaven. The choice is yours here on earth. All other ways point to the Son but is not the way. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. Therefore if any man believes in Him, he will be saved from eternal damnation. Open your eyes and see the King coming soon to receive you. He came as a gift and now He will come again to take possession. Worship Him who was and is and is to come. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Operate each day as if there was no yesterday. In this way you wipe your slate clean from past grievances and operate each day as if there was no yesterday. You see each person in a new way with no history attached. Your story is new each day and you are not encumbered with the past. To live this way is to move in the Holy Spirit who operates in the now. In this way you don't operate in defensive ways and operate in the past or the future but in the present. The present is all there is and therefore all your senses and perceptions are influenced by what is and not what was. Too many people are caught up in their past that there is no time for the present. Their past influences their present and distorts the present. Past grievances distort the present and therefore everything is tarnished by the past. There is no room for change because the past controls the present. The past cannot be cut loose and one is stuck in the past. The only way out of this trap is to live each day as a new day free from all the past. See each person in a new light not tarnished by the past. In this way you will look for change and expect change. Relationships will be renewed and refreshed. You will feel like a new person and not one carrying the burdens of the past on your shoulders. Life is an illusion and all you can do is live life today.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Praise God from whom all mercies flow. Praise him all heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is worthy to be praised who was and is and is to come. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. When you are connected to Him then you will see what works He performs. In God you are able to do and expect the miraculous. Without Him you operate in the realm of the natural. With Him you operate in the realm of the supernatural. God works His wonders to perform. He is marvellous in all His works. He will supernaturally invade your life and perform works of healing and miracles. You will stand back in awe at His wondrous works. Your perceptions will change and you will see others as God sees them. You will expect Him to work and intervene in your daily life. There will be the miraculous that invades your daily walk. You are walking in the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. You welcome the spirit world into your daily walk. Now you are able to do the impossible and expect the impossible. What was appears as if it was no more. He will wipe away all your tears and give you joy. Praise Him all day and night and be at peace.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


God works in ways beyond our comprehension. We work according to the laws of nature. God works above those laws. When we are in communication with Him, then He reveals His mind to us. It may seem impossible but God operates in the realms of the impossible. Therefore be excited and see what God has prepared for you as you walk in His Spirit. We are called to be filled in the spirit and to walk in the spirit. This is a different dimension to walking according to the flesh. The flesh will follow the spirit. When you pray you operate in the spirit. In prayer you receive His words and speak it forth and this word then goes forth and performs. The spirit carries the spoken word and the angels and all the ministering spirits then perform the word you have spoken. God made the whole world through the spoken word. Your words are powerful to build up or tear down. As you speak believe what you speak and it will be done.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


God is looking for a people who are surrendered to Him so that He can work through them freely. Many call Him Lord but never mean it. To acknowledge Him as Lord means total surrender in word and deed. This is a high calling and only a few will do it. To obey His call is to be free. This freedom is not cheap. Jesus died daily so that was His preparation for His death on the Cross. To die daily to your selfish thoughts and desires and wishes is the only way to live in total freedom. You know this in your head but till it is in your heart you will never know the meaning of true freedom. Decide today to live only for the Lord and you will have a taste of what it means to be free.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Man was made to worship God. God made man to worship Him. Man is a creation of God. The creation was made to worship Him. In the garden of Eden man was in complete union with God. There was no separation between man and God. All creation was one and there was no fear. It is this unity that God seeks with man. This is possible now in Christ Jesus. He broke the veil that separated man from God. Now it is possible to walk in unity. The union between man and God results in man having authority over all creation. A man completely united with God has an authority on earth like God. God gave Adam complete authority because He was made in the image of God. An image is a reflection of what is. Man made in the image of God is a reflection of God. This is the perfection with which man was made. Jesus came in the form of man to suffer and die for the sin of man. In Jesus now man is free from the sin that Adam committed. The sin that so controlled man born in sin is now broken. This is the good news of the gospel that all mankind must hear. The deliverance is near and it only takes a step to enter into the inheritance.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Many are the sorrows who walk in the ways of man. The ways of man produce strive and confusion. The ways of God are clear and produce abundance. Your soul was made for God. When you transgress God's laws then you reap the fruits of the transgression. You were created by God for God and only when you fit in with His programme will you bear His fruits. The devil was sent to confuse you and to rob you of your inheritance. God has sent His angels to protect you and to fend off the fiery darts of the devil. Jesus had to contend with this on earth. He prevailed because He sort to please His Father in all things. Even on the Cross when His Father turned His face away He was true to Him. Therefore keep His face before you at all times and you will never have to face the devil. He will face the devil for you. This is the only way to live a life of holiness before the Lord. No amount of confession will do it. It is His righteousness that has been imputed to you. He paid the price and now you are free.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Sin is sin , is sin, is sin. There is no such thing as small sin and big sin in God's sight. Sin is sin, is sin. He calls our righteousness as filthy rags. So much for our competition as I am better then you. No one is better as we are all sinners. When you come to this place then you appreciate that only Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for your righteousness. Then you know beyond a shadow of doubt that Christ had to die that we maybe saved. It is finished were His last words. It really means He finished that work for me and you. Now there is no more work to do. All I have to do is to surrender to Him and He does the rest. It is His Spirit that prays through us and works through us. When we come to this place then living water will flow through us and refresh us and others. This is what abundant living is all about. There is enough and more for all as Christ died for all. You will only be blessed and not deprived when another is blessed. This is the Good News of the Cross. There is more then enough, so share His love with others today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


He is my hiding place. Though I walk through the valley of death He is with me. His rod and staff comfort me. He leads me beside still waters and my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. What promises and assurances that must be burnt into our hearts so that we will always remember his faithfulness. This is the inheritance of those who are called and belong to Him. What greater insurance policy will you need? The Lord is your Protector and in Him there is no ifs or buts. His promises are yes and amen. Therefore if that is where your heart is then that is where your treasure is. No matter where you are or what you are going through you can be sure He is there with you. Even when you don't feel Him, remember He maybe carrying you and all you can see is His foot steps.Dig deep into His Word and you will always find rest for your soul.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I am a sinner saved by the grace and mercy of God. His righteousness is imputed on me by His sacrifice on Calvary. Now I am free from the guilt and power of sin. I stand righteous on the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Now I am free to be because all my burdens were lifted on Calvary. I am no longer a sinner in the eyes of God but a saint. He sees me as a blood washed son and not a sinner. I must now walk in the righteousness of Christ and not slip back to the old sin filled life of my past. Now this is the battle I have to fight daily because I am still in the flesh. One day I will be totally free from this conflict when I am with Christ in heaven. Jesus had to fight the same battle because He was a man. He experienced the same temptations of the flesh but was sinless. It is because of His sinless sacrifice that I can now claim His righteousness as mine. Now I have access to the Holy of holies because the curtain has been torn down and the veil that separated man from God has been lifted. This is the good news of the gospel and everyone needs to hear it and be saved. There is nothing else in life more important then this message of salvation. Many have tasted it and fallen again because they have tried to work out their salvation through the flesh. Only the Spirit can do it as I surrender all to Him. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


He is alive and He is able to talk to you anywhere, anytime. What a comforting thought that he lives. We worship a living God. He hears our prayers. He knows our needs. He is with me all the time even when I don't acknowledge Him. He is a loving Father and His Spirit keeps me whole. He is with me and desires to walk and talk with me. He is everything to me. He is my counsellor and my friend. Friendship with the Lord is like no other. He comes and anoints me and my cup overflows with joy. He gives me strength when I am weak. I am a sinner and He imputes His righteousness on me. What a gospel we have, that when we were yet sinners He died for us. Now I can stand in His righteousness and I am whole in Him. I want to shout this from the roof tops that He is alive and because He lives I have hope for tomorrow.

Monday, January 09, 2012


God is able to do much more then you can think or imagine. He is God and you are His creation. He works through you to enable you to glorify His works through you. All you need to do is surrender to Him and he will work through you. God is able and He enables you to do what you thought was impossible. This is the partnership that will work and produce much harvest for the Kingdom. God sent His Holy Spirit for this purpose. He sent His Son, Jesus, to free you from sin so that He can work through you. God worked through Jesus when He walked on earth. Now He works from Heaven to fulfil the rest of His mission through you. God is looking for an army that will rise up and conquer the world for Him. Your enemy, the devil, will try and discourage you but God is above all. His people need to know that He lives in them and therefore the enemy has no chance of winning. You are on the winning team. God and you are a winning team. Therefore go forth and light up the world and be a blessing today.

Saturday, January 07, 2012


How good it is to know the Father God and to know His presence with you all the time. In sickness and in health He is with you. He knows your every need and cares for you. He provides for you. In fact you can live life by just knowing He is near. He fills you with love and peace and there is no fear in it. His presence is so real that you can feel him. No amount of money can buy His presence. You have to experience this through faith. Believe He is and you will experience Him. He is closer to you then the one you love. He is Abba, Father. When you are alone you will experience His presence even closer. It is during the alone times that he appears closer then at other times. You can expect him to speak to you. I am writing what he is communicating to me through my thoughts. They are spontaneous thoughts that flow through me as I write. I am not thinking these thoughts. They flow through me just as water flows through a pipe. It is so blessed to give and just as water flows through a pipe, so also He flows through you. All you are is a vessel for His thoughts to flow through you. You can speak them out or write them. They will bless you and others. Now you realize that you are here not for yourself but to glorify him. He just wants to commune with you and through you to bless the world. Therefore surrender to His Spirit and be blessed.

Friday, January 06, 2012

How thin is the veil that separates us from the spirit world. Once we enter into that world we confront a different reality. The world of form keeps us fixed on our senses and reality is interpreted through our senses and our interpretation of the same. In the spirit world there is a different sense perception and there is no interpretation based on your story. In the spirit world all is love and peace. There is no sin to tarnish what you sense. God lives in this realm. What peace and love surrounds you and this is truly what nirvana is all about. You can travel freely without fear because love is so powerful to overcome all fear. in this world there is so much negativity and needs a lot of love to overcome fear. fear rules in the heart of man. His only escape is to enter into the realm of the spirit. In the spirit you can overcome anything because God is with you. He abides in you and you abide in Him. Therefore seek to abide in Him and find rest for your soul.

Thursday, January 05, 2012


All things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to His purpose.What a powerful promise for those who love God. He is in control and therefore you can be assured that he will not allow any harm to happen to you. What appears to be harmful will turn out to be helpful. God is above all. We see in part dimly but he knows the end from the beginning. In him all things that happen to you will work out for good. The key is to surrender all things to Him. He can turn your mourning into dancing. Imagine many mourned when Lazarus died but Jesus enters the scene and raises him to life. This is our God who works wonders in times of distress. Therefore surrender all to Him and see how your day will turn into joy.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


Arise and be counted for the Lord is with you. He has called you to possess the land. Think about this, that the Creator of the Universe has chosen to dwell in you. You are a spirit being and God is spirit and you abide in Him Abiding in Him makes you one with him. Now in him you can imagine anything and His creative power will go to work to manifest it. This is how the Kingdom works through faith imagination. You have all you need to lead a victorious life. All you need to do is walk in His presence. In the spirit you are operating in the formless and are not limited by the world of form. Your flesh will indulge in thE world of form but your spirit works through the formless. Once you have tasted the formless world of the spirit you are open to the world of the impossible. Men who have enTERED this world have performed beyond their human ability. Now rise up and enter this world and be at rest.

Monday, January 02, 2012


Set apart for the Holy Spirit to possess me for His service. This is the cry of my heart. The world of form takes so much of our time and attention that we lose years in wasteful activity. The world of the formless is the world of the Spirit. In this world there is a depth of knowledge and wisdom that surpasses anything in the world of form. We are all led by our senses and our senses demand attention. However when we enter into the world of the formless it brings in a new era of excitement and adventure which leaves the world of form behind. This is a world of excellence and a world of the Spirit that brings new dimensions to living in abundance. In the world of the Spirit there is a life that is one with God and all creation. There is a different sense and a peace that passes all understanding. It affects your perception and you are living in the now rather then the past or the future. You have been freed from the prison of past programming into a life of present knowing. This is to live a life free from the worries of the world. There is no fear only love. Love pervades your whole being and you respond rather then react to everything around you. Your ego dissolves and is replaced by the Spirit. This is what some call nirvana. Oh how blessed it is to operate in this realm all the time. it is possible only in the Spirit.

Sunday, January 01, 2012


The Lord is God and there is no other on earth or in heaven. There are many gods that are worshiped because man was made to worship. Man created a god of convenience to do at his bidding. This is man's way of controlling god to fit in with his desires and wants. God cannot be reduced to the size of man. God is beyond comprehension for He is the creator of all things. Man desires to control everything and in this is his downfall. God controls everything and it is to man's doom that he wants to be god. This was the problem from the beginning of time. Satan wanted to be like God and so he fell and with his fall everything fell. Before man was created sin already existed and since then it has always been a matter of choice. We can choose to follow Satan or God. We have to make these daily choices and in this lies our destiny. God has given us His holy Spirit to make the right choices. Be filled in His Spirit and he will help you make the right choice. This is His calling and He will do it.