Monday, January 30, 2006

Faith is the key to abundance

30/1/06 Faith is the key to abundance
Faith is the key to abundance in God. The abundance within will manifest itself without. A man of faith will demonstrate his faith through his works. The seed of faith is in you and will grow to be a tree that will spread many seeds for the Kingdom. Your words are like seeds. When you speak in faith you plant seeds in hearts. Seeds that find good ground will burst forth into fruition. Seeds that find barren ground will die. So also when you walk by sight you sow seeds that are limited by sight. You can only grow seeds that are seen. Seeds that are of the Spirit are eternal and therefore produce fruit of eternal value. This world and the systems of this world are based on sight and not on faith. The Kingdom of God is based on faith and therefore cannot be seen except through works. This is why faith must trust God to produce the fruit of faith. Prayer is one way of sowing in the spirit and reaping in the flesh. There are two worlds and you reap from the world you sow in. In the spirit you sow and reap in the spirit and in the flesh. The spirit world is above the physical world and includes it. Therefore when you sow in the spirit, you will reap the benefits in the flesh too. Faith hears and obeys and obedience leads to works. Therefore walk in the spirit and reap in the spirit and enjoy abundance.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Gift of discernment

28/1/06 Gift of discernment
Just as there are spirits behind words so also there are spirits behind names and characters. A spirit is a force that is transmitted through words and character. A helpful spirit helps. A negative spirit breeds negativity. Many are unaware of the spirit behind their words and character. They only judge other’s through their behaviour, what they can sense. Spirits need to be discerned and not sensed. Sensations are based on your physical senses. The spirit behind a word or gesture can only be discerned by the spirit within a person. So when you walk around you pick up the spirit in a place or person. This is the gift of discernment. When you discern a negative spirit this repulses you and therefore you keep away from the person or place. Now as a Christian you are to discern the evil spirit and then to bind it so that the person is free to be and not controlled by the evil spirit. Once the evil spirit is bound then the person is free to express himself without being controlled by the evil spirit. This is how you are able to know the person and not be put off by the spirit that indwells the person. Many cover up the real spirit and this is deception. Evil spirits operate through deception. The gift of discernment enables you to discern the spirit behind the cover up and then be able to bind it. Many are the manifestations of the evil spirit but it is only the discerning who are able to see and therefore not judge prematurely. God has called you to move in this gift so that you can bind the spirit and release the victim.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Security in the Father's love

26/1/06 Security in the Father’s love
The key to the management of anxiety is to place all in the Father’s hands. Your confidence in the Father is what will enable you to stand against all the forces human and ethereal that come against you. It is this confidence in the Father’s love that Jesus had and you have. This is the secret to all ailments physical and mental. Man has lost the security of knowing the Father heart of God. He is your Father and He will keep you safe. In Him is life and that eternal. What more can you ask then a security that is eternal and available now. In this is your confidence. Man’s opinions and theories are susceptible to change and therefore are temporary. Look all around you and see how much you have and rejoice in your inheritance. The world has nothing to offer that can surpass the love of God. In this is your security and destiny. Therefore do not let the daily problems of life cause you to be anxious for in Him you have all the tools you need to overcome.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Bind the evil one and lose the victim

23/1/06 Bind the evil one and lose the victim
Sexuality is the God given identity that makes you who you are. A distortion of your sexuality is what sin and Satan try to do to rebel against this God given attribute. Security in your sexual identity makes you who you are. Satan will try and distort this role and the rise of feminism is an example of this distortion. All movements that are driven to rebel against the norm instituted by God is Satanic. This is why you need to discern what spirit is behind every behaviour and movement. Even political parties are driven by a spirit. Those who are driven by satanic forces will deceive by putting up a front in the name of religion or god. Thus several movements have arisen only to confuse and deceive. You have been given the gift of discernment not only to discern between right and wrong but also to identify the spirit behind the action. Any foul spirit needs to be bound so that the action perpetrated will lose power in its manifestation. You have the power to bind and to loose in Jesus name. Do it and see a liberty and peace that follows this binding. Bind the evil one and lose the victim so that he/she can choose what is good. This choice can be limited in many ways because an individual who is bound by the spirit of rejection cannot choose what is good. When the spirit of rejection is bound then the victim can choose to receive love. Here is the key for you today and that is to bind the forces of evil so that the individual is free to choose what is good. In states of possession the victim is not free till the evil is cast out.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The real battle is spiritual and not material

22/1/06 The real battle is spiritual and not material.
Spiritual forces are at the root of many problems hat man faces. However because of the materialistic view of man these are not addressed and therefore problems continue. The present debate about science and ID are basically a battle in the spiritual realms. It’s only when one understands and sees the problem in the spirituals that one stops fighting the battle in the physical. This is why it is important that spirituality is taught in our education systems so that our children are aware of these forces. The church needs to rise up and warn as this generation is blind and cannot see. The blind cannot lead the blind. All the parties and celebrations are a replacement for the true joy and happiness. What is seen is a counterfeit to the real. We are spiritual beings yet we neglect the spiritual because we fail to see. When we see we will change our perceptions accordingly. Then relationship difficulties are no more fought in the physical realm but in the spirituals. These unseen forces control nations and people groups. Wake up and see and bind the forces of evil that rule to destroy. Jesus saw and therefore did not respond in human ways but saw beyond the human realm and therefore subdued the forces of evil and overcame them through His death and resurrection. Resurrection is proof that life is not just material existence but more then that.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Liberty in Christ

21/1/06 Liberty in Christ
God’s word is the final word in all aspects to do with Him and His plans for mankind. He is the Creator and His word is the blueprint for living. Anything other then His word is not His word and therefore is an adulteration. God gave His word as a template for living. What is in the world is a rebellion to His word as it is a product of a compromise with sin. If man does not have a solution for sin then the only way to deal with it is through compromise. God’s way is to deal with sin and not compromise with it. He has given man the way out through His Spirit. Man chooses to go his own way to destruction. God has come to give life but man chooses death. This is the story from the beginning of time and will be to the end. Those who find Christ, find life and that abundant. The Spirit longs for many to come into His liberty from the shackles of sin. Man has to choose and his choice will determine his destiny. Let God’s word provide you with His power to cancel all that is of sin and bring you to the place of total freedom in Christ.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Spirit filled words produce life

16/1/06 Spirit filled words produce life
Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of the Lord. Words of scripture are the bread that feed the soul. Many deprive their soul by feeding on the words of man rather then on scripture. The Bible contains the Word of God which is different from the words of other scriptures. It is different because the Word has life while words provide knowledge. Knowledge alone cannot provide life. They are vehicles for communication but do not have life in them. God’s written word has inherent power because they are Holy Spirit breathed and so can impart life to the soul that reads and assimilates it. This is the difference. Whatever the source will bring forth the fruits of the source. When you assimilate Spirit inspired words then those words will ring forth Spirit filled life. Jesus quoted scripture because He knew scripture but He was also the author of those words. When the author speaks the words He imparts the spirit of the word to the receiver. Whatever spirit inspires will be transmitted to the receiver. You are spirit and therefore your words can produce death or life. Jesus spoke the word and death was defeated and life was formed. So also as you read His word, His life becomes birthed in you which is food for your soul. Many are the words that are spoken by holy men but they cannot produce life. They are streams of knowledge that are good for the intellect but does not produce life. When you believe that His word produces life then life is birthed in you. The seed that is planted in you is what will produce fruit. So as you live by faith, let the words of scripture so feed you so that your faith in His word can produce the fruit of His living word. His life within His word will produce the fruits of His word in your life. This is the word of the Lord.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

5 positions and associated emtional states

Five positions and associated states

There are 5 positions that one can take in relationships. The first position is the narcissistic or self-centred position. In this position all the thoughts and associated feelings are experienced from a self-centred view. It is the I position and therefore the I is the centre and everything else is secondary. One cannot see beyond what is beyond the self. The other is not important and everything is seen in terms of what is good for only I. This is the position of looking after no.1 and everyone else is just a number to be used and abused to serve one’s own self interest. Perceptions of others are distorted because the other is viewed from the position of how I feel and think. There is no consideration of how it affects the other. Many in crisis regress to this position and get trapped and entangled and confused by the plethora of thoughts and feelings which may be related to childhood states.
The second position is the empathic position. This position enables one to walk in the other’s shoes. This enables one to try and picture how the other feels and thinks. It puts one’s own feelings aside and seeks to understand rather then to be understood. One moves from a position of stuckness in self to a position of negotiation or compromise. This is important to enable one to forgive and be able to love another. It’s a position of sacrificing one’s own needs and being prepared to meet the need of the other. This is a crucial shift in building relationships. Without this ability it is difficult to negotiate change. Autistics are stuck in the first position and are unable to shift to a second position to appreciate how one’s behaviour affects the other.
The third position is the objective position. From this position one is able to view a relationship from a interactive perspective i.e the ability to see how an action leads to a reaction that then leads to a style of interaction that keeps the individuals involved in negativity. This position also enables one to distance oneself from the object to see the other as separate from oneself. This separation is important to enable one to set boundaries and be able to manage emotional states of the other and not be entangled or sucked into the negative states of others. Emotions are powerful modes of communication and it is so easy to get carried away by the feelings of others, unless one is able to distance oneself and be objective. This is the therapist position which enables the therapist to view the interaction objectively so as to enable change to occur. Without this objectivity the therapist will get sucked in and therefore lose his/her ability to be helpful to manage change. When this happens then the therapist needs help to pull back and regain balance otherwise he/she will become part of the problem rather then part of the solution. Supervision can be one way to enable one to get unstuck. Long term therapy can be due to this situation where the therapist becomes part of the problem and no change occurs. The negative feelings of the client have so entrapped the therapist that confusion and chaos becomes part of the therapist’s dilemma. To regain distance and balance the therapist needs help to extricate himself from this chaos. Teams can likewise get stuck in this way and need direction to develop into a more healthy mode of operation. A team that is chaotic is a sign of such stuckness. A healthy team will be able to respect it’s members and empower and enable individuals in the team to develop their own skills and giftings.
The fourth position is systemic. In this position one is able to see the whole and not just the parts. In this position one is able to see how the whole is more then the sum of the parts. This is the ability to see how internal and external sub systems impact on the system to enable it to function well or otherwise. It is the ability to position oneself at the boundary of a system to see how the internal and external forces impact on the function of the system. This is where leaders need to be positioned and be the boundary keepers to enable their teams to function well. The team can only function as well as the internal and external threats are managed in an effective manner. A team can crumple under internal stress or external stress. Boundary keepers are essential for families and teams to survive in a hostile environment. Leadership is called to account when these boundaries are not well managed.
The fifth position is the God centred position. This is to view all systems from God’s position. This is the ability to be above all worldly systems and to see the position from the Creator’s perspective. This enables one to move away from the systems that ground one to this earthly form of government to one where God is seen as the one in control. From His perspective all the chaos and evil in this world has a purpose which is eternal and not just limited by time and place. This is a creative position that enables one to be secure in the knowledge that all things work for good. In this position all suffering and evil is seen as working together to achieve good in the end. It enables one to see the higher plan and not be limited by time and place. In God’s position time and space are unlimited, that is, eternal – no beginning and no end. Operating from this position leads to altruism or the ability to be emptied of self and be able to see one as created for a purpose and a destiny.
The ability to move freely between these positions is the mark of true maturity. This is also the way to live and not just exist. It is this ability that will lead to higher functioning of individuals and families that will enable society to change for good and not for evil.

Walking in the Spirit

15/1/06 Walking in the Spirit
Faith demands a walking by intuition rather then by sight. Intuition is the inner ability to see from God’s perspective then from the senses. This is to walk in the Spirit then in the flesh. To walk in the Spirit is to be able to intuit in the spirit and this is a different dimension to the one in the flesh. To walk in the Spirit is life and that abundant. Many give lip service to the things of the Spirit. The Spirit is living and lives on even when you are not aware of His presence. However Godly men and women learnt to live by the Spirit and therefore they belonged to another world. They were walking on earth but living in the heavenlies. This is what brings the dimension of the Spirit to earth. To live in love is to live in the Spirit. In the Spirit anything is possible. It is possible to surpass time and space. In this dimension all that is earthly becomes like dust compared to the world of the spirit. Therefore walk in the Spirit and do not give into the desires of the flesh which are carnal and deadly. To live in the Spirit is to be anaesthetised to the things of the flesh. Your joy is to spend time in the spirit to reap of the goodness of the promised land, a land of milk and honey. This is a state of dependence on the Spirit to provide for all your needs through His resources and not just the resources of the physical realm. To operate in this realm is to experience God and to be known by Him. To be known of Him is the greatest reward of walking in the Spirit.

Know thy self

14/1/06 Know thy self

Deal with your own problems of control, rejection, envy, pride etc. before dealing with the problems of another. If you fail to deal with your own demons then it is easy to see it always in the other. This will then lead to a blinkered view of others, mainly in the negative. It is only when you are aware of your own faults that you can separate your own faults from that of the other. People who are quick to judge fail to see their own faults. People who are over sensitive are too quick to judge the intentions of the other. Therefore be tuned in to your reactions for they are an indicator of the state of your own heart. If you are unable to respond in love, then this is an indicator that you need deliverance from whatever is troubling you. Relationships are a means to arouse feelings that usually are submerged. It takes a relationship to arouse feelings. A man can never know him-self by himself. It is only in relationship that a man is known. Therefore cherish relationships especially those that arouse a lot of negative feelings, for in this is your path to healing. Many avoid these relationships because of the feelings aroused in one. You should do just the opposite and seek to heal yourself through these difficult relation-ships. Jesus came into the world to relate with sinners and redeem them through His self sacrifice. This is the way you have to walk too to redeem yourself from your evil self. Yes call what is evil, evil; then you can take action to dispel it rather then compromise and tolerate it. Live in your new identity in Christ rather then in the old identity in the flesh.

Friday, January 13, 2006

13/1/06 Present relationship conflicts are re-workings of past relationships with parent figures

13/1/06 Present relationship conflicts are re-workings of past relationships with parent figures
It is in close relationships that conflict arises that mirror conflicts with parent figures. All conflicts in relationships are a mirror of conflicts with parent figures. These are reworkings of conflicts and power relationships that have caused hurt and despair. The only way of healing and freedom from this is to surrender them to the Lord. Distance yourself so that you don’t get pulled into that emotional arena where you lose control. Observe and see how they tend to replicate past relationships. Now let the healing love of Christ redeem that situation and see how your perceptions change over time. No more do those fantasies continue to plague you. You are free to be and not be controlled or controlling. This is the way forward. Present relationships have to be broken and remade so that these repetitions do not occur. Power relationships especially are prone to be repeated as they are past power struggles with authority figures. Positioning yourself in Jesus enables you to take the Christ position and love at all times and think the best and not the worst. Remember you are a king and a priest in the household of God. Think this and be this in all relationships and see how your relationships are transformed in the present. When old feelings are aroused remember they are just illusions and do not give into those feelings but arise and conquer in the Name and blood of Jesus.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

God consciousness

12/1/06 God consciousness
God consciousness leads to respect for all of God’s creation. It is the lack of God consciousness that leads to rebellion and all the sins in society. It is a return to God consciousness that will lead to a restoration of law and peace in the land. Without God there will be anarchy in the family and in government. What you are witnessing is a trend towards anarchy in society and the children are running wild. There is a replacement of God consciousness with a morality made by man which has no standard. All standards are arbitrary as there is nothing which is seen as absolute. When one moves away from the law of absolutes then one finds oneself in a sea of confusion. This is what happened at the tower of Babel. The one language united the people and produced power that took them beyond God consciousness. The confusion of languages dispersed the people into different language groups. This then diminished their power. So also when there is no accepted standard then life becomes a merry go round and nothing stands for much. Moral values are all relative to the situation. The court system becomes a battle field as the judges have no standards to judge by. This then leads to anarchy and a return for God consciousness which will restore peace and trust. This is the story of nations that have rejected God and gone their own way. This is the story of the human race. The battle will continue for the devil and God are pitched against each other till the end of this age. Trust in the Lord till the end and do not be distracted by the vile of man.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

11/1/06 In relationship with yourself, use your head, in relationship with others, use your heart.

11/1/06 In relationship with yourself, use your head, in relationship with others, use your heart.
The management of your emotions is critical to your well being. Managing your emotions is the key to success in every area of your life. This is primarily true in managing your feelings in response to your own thoughts. Your thoughts fire up your feelings and this then sends you downhill confused and distraught. The way to manage your feelings then is to use your head and not your heart. Your heart is helpless in this situation because it is confused and lacks direction. Your head has to come to the rescue and enable yourself to distance from your feelings and take direction to help you come out of it. Therefore if you feel rejected then your head has to take a step back and analyse where this feeling is coming from, the past, present or the devil. This enables you to observe and then to decide on the possible action. If from the past then offer it up to Jesus who will pour His love to heal those feelings. If in the present then see the rejecting person as needing help and healing. If from the devil then bind and cast him out.
In relationships it is important to listen with the heart. You are then tuning into the heart of the other. It is using your heart to tune into the other’s feelings. It is not your feeling you are dealing with but the other’s. Because it is the other’s feelings you need to empathise and not judge. Judgement comes when you use your head rather then your heart. It is easy to judge another as you only see superficially and not deeply with understanding. This is why many feel judged because especially in husband/wife relationships the husband fails to listen with his heart. Listening with the heart is the key to building relationships. This is to listen and to reflect on what the other is saying. In this way you bond with each other emotionally. Reflecting enables the other to feel accepted and in this is healing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fight and claim your inheritance

10/1/06 Fight and claim your inheritance
The constant pressure of negative thoughts is a key that you are alive and in a battle. The battle is to reduce you to nothing so that you can reign in Christ. The devil is out to discourage and destroy those who are in the battle for his territory whether human or otherwise. He will try and deceive and fool you to choose the easy way out. You must stay the course and not give in to his tactics. Offensive love is the only way to live. Defensive action does not lead anywhere. By faith you take the risk and move forward trusting in God to supply for your needs. The only people who went anywhere are the movers and not the stayers. Stayers are people who live defensively wanting to keep the peace at any cost. They are bound by fear without knowing it. God has given you all you need to live a victorious life despite the opposition. Let Satan down and lift Jesus up and all your enemies will flee from you. You have to take the land by active invasion. No one got anything or anywhere by sitting down. You have to move the boundaries of your inheritance to claim more for the Lord. There is safety in your inheritance but God has more for you. Enter in and reach your destiny in God.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Walking by faith

9/1/06 Walking by faith
Walking by faith is to trust completely. This trust does not come suddenly. It is built over time. Each step of faith, trusting God to do what you cannot do, is a step of faith. This is the way you can build your life. Any other way will only build fear. See how far you have come by knowing that you have let go of everything that is your security. This is true freedom. You can live now knowing that you have all the resources in heaven within you. All you need to do is to ask and it will be given to you, pressed down and overflowing. This is the abundant life that Jesus has promised. The devil will try and steal and destroy. Just be persistent in your belief that the demon of control will let go and you will be free. It’s when you can see the work of this demon that will enable you to trust God then self. Displace self and replace with God and His gifts. If God is for you who can be against you. No one or thing can over rule God. Therefore during this time pray for deliverance and the devil will let go and you will be free.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Living Life in the Spirit

7/1/06 Living life in the Spirit

Tapping your inner resources enables you to overcome in all situations. Many rely on external resources for survival. You have the Holy Spirit within you as a resource for all your needs including the physical. This is how the saints sur-vived starvation and physical torture and extreme physical deprivation. It is the Spirit within that is the source of life. Once the Spirit leaves, the body is dead. The devil has de-ceived you and the world by making you think that only the physical is important. However this is not the truth. The Spirit is the real source of your breath. The physical realm is limited to the extent to which it can heal and restore life. It is the Spirit within that gives you the thoughts and the feelings to go through life victorious. Never be distracted by the physical. In a materialistic world view only the physical is important. However this is a blinkered view. The physical world is just what you see. There is a larger unseen world that you have entrance to and the spiritually blind cannot see this world. Now tap into your inner resources and begin to live in a new dimension that is above this material world.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Communication opens blocked channels

6/1/06 Communication opens blocked channels
Live for the moment and each moment believe that God is using you for good. Therefore do not entertain any form of negativity for God is not in the negative. Just use it as an opportunity for healing and restoration in the spirit as you surrender all to God. When you are at peace, then all around you will be at peace too. The main focus of your attention should be on your own internal state. Once you are in a stable state then you will be able to think clearly and see clearly. The Holy Spirit will then be able to plant thoughts into you that will enable you to do the right thing. Remember all your thoughts are your own till they are shared with another. Reality is tested when you share with another. Otherwise you can be blinded by your own thoughts. It is in communication of your thoughts that enables you to separate the wheat from the chaff. Communication also enables you to rise above the conflicting thoughts and feelings that sometimes block your channel of communication. It’s like letting the water flow out of a blocked pipe. The water cleanses the pipe so that water can flow freely. If you find yourself blocked then the best way to unblock is through sharing with another. This is why God has called you to be part of a community so that you can build and support each other. Everything belongs to God and therefore you have nothing that you can call your own. At death you can’t take anything with you. Therefore live like a dead man in relationship with the things of this world. There is nothing permanent in this world. Therefore invest in things of eternal value like love and peace and joy.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

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Changing old patterns through love

5/1/06 Changing old patterns through love.
The only way to break out from the old patterns is to consistently operate in the new pattern. Old patterns are so ingrained that they are on automatic pilate. It is so easy for the old patterns to emerge even after years of retraining. This is the way you have been patterned to learn and store information and behaviours reinforced by authority figures. This is why the fear of authority is so powerful to induce change. Parent figures are powerful in setting down these patterns from early age and they form the hard wiring of behaviours for life. Until a concerted effort is made to reject these unhealthy patterns and lay down new patterns, the old will rule. In Jesus Name these patterns can be changed through the help of His Holy Spirit. His Spirit works through love and not fear. Thus when you approach an old pattern and replace it with a new pattern in love, the latter is more powerful to displace the old pattern. Whatever is done in love does last and patterns that are sown in love will bring about lasting change. This is why lasting behaviour change can only occur in an environment of love. Fear can only be displaced through love. Childhood fears of authority figures continue into old age. Therefore even the old need to be loved to help them change their old patterns. This is why communist regimes that try and change the masses through fear have not lasted. Fear can only cause temporary change for love will always win out in the end.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Mutual projections cripple relationships

4/1/06 Mutual projections cripple relationships.

True freedom in relationships occurs when a person is able to separate himself from the other by respecting the other as separate from himself. It’s projections of self on to the other that lead to a lot of problems in relationships. This separation comes about by keeping oneself tuned into one’s own negative thoughts and feelings. When one does this then there is less need to project those feelings onto an-other. Stability in relationships are maintained through projections. This is unhealthy but as immature persons we tend to do this unconsciously. This is why the family is protective as well as destructive. Protective in that someone else in the family colludes with the projections and main-tains the stability in the family but at a cost. For example someone takes the blame for your projections of guilt and negative feelings. This excuses you of your own behaviour as it blames the other for your problems or feeling states. It is how families handle and moderate these mutual projec-tions that lead some to survive and others to destroy. These projections are outside one’s conscious control and after a while control you and your family. Separation enables one to see these feelings as emanating from oneself and not from the other. Your reactions are a product of your own thoughts and feelings. This is why it is easier to get on with those who you are not emotionally connected with. This is why many fear commitment because of seeing this as a life sentence. Only the emotionally mature are able to take re-sponsibility for their own thoughts and feelings and desist from projecting their own negative feelings on to the other. This is what will bring real change and healing. Confession enables one to separate from the other person’s own feel-ings. Many times when one confesses one’s feelings. It then enables the other to move to acknowledge those feelings or accept the confessor and his thoughts and feelings. In both instances trust is built through mutual confession and ac-ceptance.
In emotionally close people these projections can also occur at distances and when one is not in their immediate pres-ence. This is why moving away does not help deal with these feelings as they follow you around and are alive even when the person is dead and gone. These feelings have to be confronte. In this way you take ownership for these feelings and in this is healing. Even if are identifying with the pro-jections of another it is still your responsibility to own those feelings.
A therapist is distanced from the patient and therefore is able to separate his own feeling states from that of the pa-tient. He is therefore able to reflect those feelings that he perceives from the patient back to the patient and in this way help the patient to take responsibility for his negative feelings and thoughts.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Faith sees and receives accordingly

3/1/06 Faith sees and receives accordingly.
Trusting God is to trust someone outside yourself. This is healthy and leads to the development of trust in others. It’s more difficult to trust someone you don’t see then someone you can see. Trust in God is called faith. However this faith is based on facts and experience. It is not just faith based on fantasy. Whatever you put your faith in will produce within you the characteristics of the one you put your faith in. If in love then love will be produced. If in guilt then guilt will be produced. This is the law of imitation. Imitate Christ and Christ will be produced in you. The characteristics of love and joy are the product of imitation. If you want to have characteristics of a winner then imitate one. Focus on what you want and you will receive this through faith. Faith is the key to abundance especially in the spirit but also in the physical. Jesus walked by faith. You have the gift of faith and this conflicts with your senses. However when faith wins then you receive what is not sensed. To lead a supernatural life requires the leap of faith. This is to walk on water. You cannot walk on water by relying on your senses. It takes faith to walk on water. Therefore today walk by faith and see your mountains become level ground. In all areas of your life exercise the gift of faith and you will move in a new dimension and produce the works of faith.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Holy Spirit, the Comforter

2/1/06 The Holy Spirit, the Comforter
The Holy Spirit is the one you need to live a life of abundance. There is no other way to live an abundant life. He fuels your thoughts and the result is that He energises you to live by faith and expect the best. He does not procrastinate or allow you to dwell on the past but in the present. He is the one who will lead you into green pastures and enable you to rest when all around you is in turmoil. He gives you the peace and the love to stand in the midst of trouble. Nothing will go wrong as you commit all to Him. All your worries and cares are due to lack of trust. All your future is in His hands. There is no fear in perfect love. He is perfect love and in Him there is no fear of the future. You know from the past that He can be trusted. He has opened the way where there was no way. He is the one who has brought you to this place today. He is the one who can be trusted to lead you all the way. No one can take this joy from you. When you are alone, He is there. No wonder you enjoy these moments the most because He is in the most intimate association with you during these times. No one enjoys pain. So be pleasurable and enjoy the small things in life. Be a person who is interested in others to deposit something of eternity in them. His presence in you will rub off on others as you rest in Him. Take on the challenges of the day and do not fear rejection because you are shielded by His love. No man gets anywhere by standing still. You have to go to get the job done. The Holy Spirit is with you and therefore you can depend on Him to help you. If nothing happens then continue to rest for that is the best thing to do. There is no place like being one with Him. He is the centre of your being and in Him is joy everlasting. You can be assured that at all times He is with you and in you and will never leave you or forsake you. Money cannot buy His presence. So rest in Him and be filled.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Visualise a creative future in God

1/1/06 Visualise a creative future in God

Life is so full and all it takes is a trust in God to experience the abundance therein. Without God life is a drudgery. Each day is an existence and there is nothing to look for-ward to. With God there is hope and hope gives life even in the smallest event or situation. Life is power that brings life into a situation. Death works to deprive and exhaust. So choose life with God and His abundance will flow into you.
You have a choice to live in the love of God or in darkness. The light of the love of God shed abroad in your hearts is what will lead to abundance. You create this life by your visualisation of your future in God. What you visualise will come to pass because you have the creative power in you as a god given gift. This gift needs to be exercised to bear fruit. God saw, spoke the word and creative forces went into ac-tion to bring forth the object of what He saw. You too will see with God’s mind and bring forth abundance. This is the only way to live – creatively. The rest is death and decay. People of God trust Him and therefore will live. Others will poison themselves to death. Where there is life there is hope and He will not disappoint.