Sunday, July 12, 2015


What a position to be to know the end from the beginning. Only God has this position but now we who belong to Him also know the end. We are all going to be raptured into His presence. We need fear no thing because we are hid in Him. All the cares of this world will soon be over because He is coming back to deliver us from this sinful world. We have nothing of interest in this world as we know it. We belong to another Kingdom, the Kingdom of God. When He returns we will reign with Him in a new world. This is our destiny and we need to prepare to receive this Kingdom. When the King arrives than He will transform all things. This is our hope and prayer that we will see an end to this evil age and see God's Kingdom be established on earth as it is in heaven. No more poverty, no more slavery, no more contending with evil. The light will replace the darkness and it will be clear as day. Now we see dimly but than we will see as He sees and rejoice. Live in the Spirit and never give in to the flesh.