Friday, February 25, 2022

Ego Is A Seed That Must Die To Bear Fruit.


Our ego is that fallen state that is self centred and proud. Our ego has to die so that it can bear fruit to righteousness. The fruit of the ego is pride, jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, malice and all other kinds of destructive tendencies. We need to die to these tendencies and bear fruit that builds our character. Fruit like love, peace, joy and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit. How can pride be companion with humility? One must die for the other to flourish. This is the process of sanctification. We must actively die to the fruits of the ego so that we can bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. This is an ongoing battle we face and each time the ego bears its head we have the opportunity to die to it.


We must bear good fruit to add to our faith. Many fall into harms way because their faith was not girded by the fruits. We may have a lot of faith but without love we are but a clanging cymbal. This is where the battle is and our part is to daily die to our ego. A seed must die to bear fruit. A seed that does not die remains as it is, a seed. Death leads to life. Jesus died and came forth in resurrection life. We too must die to operate in resurrection power. Could it be that the church has failed to die and therefore lacks power? This power is to operate in the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.


Let us each day confront our ego and die to our selfish ambitions. We know what is good and therefore have no excuse to give in to the desires of our flesh. Many problems in the church can be solved when we walk in love. Failure to do so will result in division and hostility. What we see in the world of division and hostility is sadly seen in the church too. How can we be light and salt if we are like the world? It is time for the church to be the church and lead by example. It is time for action as talk will not achieve anything but hot air.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Replace Death With Eternity And Enter The Promised Land.


The only certainty we have in this life is death. Everything dies in this life. However few want to think of death because it is the end of life. What is the point of living if at the end of the day we all die. Jesus came to conquer death and give us life. He reversed the end from the beginning and now we can live knowing that we will never die. Death is just a transition to another life where death is no longer an issue. Jesus promised us eternal life when we follow Him. He made the way for us to enter the promised land. This begins now and not the here after. His promises can be fulfilled now if we believe in Him. 


The people of Israel wandered in the desert due to unbelief. We too can wander around and not enter into the land of His promises through unbelief. His promises are yes and amen. There is no reason for us not to inherit His promises if we only believe. This appears simple but is true. God has made it simple so all can believe. We make things complicated by our own thinking. His word is to be believed and not to be reasoned with. Reason sometimes interferes with trust. We need to trust and obey. God said obedience is greater than sacrifice. Those who are obedient will reap the fruits of their trust. 

Promised Land

Now is the time to reap the fruits of His sacrifice. There is no need for further sacrifices because His sacrifice is sufficient for all. His grace is enough to help us to move into the promised land. Let us enter in now and enjoy the abundant life He has promised and live. When we think eternity our whole being will begin to respond with life and not death. Death becomes an illusion. Life will stream through our body and soul. Our spirit will take control and the Holy Spirit within us will lead us and guide us. Come now to to the river of life and be refreshed into life.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

How Our Theology Determines Our Outlook

Law Versus Grace

God gave us the Ten Commandments to make us aware of our sinful nature. Without the law we were unaware of sin. After the law was given man had a choice but he found he was powerless to obey the law and its demands. The problem was sin and the only answer was a blood sacrifice. So animal sacrifice were made to satisfy the demands of the law. However this was only a partial solution. The only solution was for God to send His only Son to be the permanent sacrifice for the problem of sin. The power of sin was reversed through the Cross and now we are free to be. This is what grace is all about. It is a free gift with eternal consequences. We now can continue to live under the law or live under grace.

Predestination versus Choice

Many believe we have been predestined to be saved and therefore there is no need to spread the gospel of Good News. This is a false teaching that says there is no point to do anything because God had already predestined as to who would be saved. Yes God has predestined us for salvation but we have a choice to make. God knows who are His but we still need to make a choice. He has given us a free will and we can choose to follow Him or reject Him. Jesus died that all maybe saved. He did not come just for the few select ones. We must choose to accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.

Poverty versus Prosperity

Many believe that poverty is a sign that we have no attachment to things on the earth. However God has promised us an abundant life. This abundance is not just spiritual but that we should prosper as our soul prospers. This means it affects our bodies and our finances too. We can walk in health and prosperity or poverty and sickness. This too is a choice. A theology of poverty and lack will reap the same. We need to check our theology and align it with the word of God. Human interpretations of scripture have lead many to make wrong choices. The above are a few of the ways we live below what God intended for us. Correct your theology and see how your life changes for good.

Friday, February 18, 2022

If Ideology Is What Separates Us Than Jesus Is Who Unites Us


Ideology is the story of what we grew up from our birth. We were taught what were the norms in the culture we grew up in. The culture determined who we would follow and how we would behave. If we grew up in India it would be different from if we group in China. One was brought up in a democratic nation and the other in a communist nation. The two ideologies are different and so we become like the one we were brought up in. The clash of ideologies follows us throughout life. It has become part of our identity. Identity is essential for our survival. This is compounded by being brought up in a nation outside our race. Now we have to adapt to the ways of the nation we were born in.


Most of us follow blindly the way we were brought up. They may not be always the best ways but they are the ways we know. We parent the way we were parented. Therefore a clash occurs when our ways are challenged. This is because our identity is being threatened. We think our way is the right way. Only those open to change will be prepared to change. The new ways of working challenge the old ways. The old ways maybe right and good but the new ways introduce a difference. This difference if not managed well can lead to disruption of relationships at all levels of society. We see this acted out in marriage, education, health and government. The labour movement thinks differently from the liberals. One is for sharing all things while the other majors on rewarding those who can work.


Jesus came to bridge the cultures. He refused to follow the religious laws and traditions of His time. He came to fulfil the laws by laying down His life for His creation. This is the only way we can unite in our differences. Either our differences keep us separate or Jesus unites us through His death and resurrection life. He changed history by putting an end to death by giving us eternal life. Now we can enjoy His life without fear because we are all headed for heaven. What is the point of fighting for our rights when we have His life in us. We have everything we need when we have Him. Let us unite in His Name and not give in to petty distractions that keep us divided.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

It Is The Outflow That Determines The Inflow


Giving is the principle that is the key to abundance. We reap what we sow.  If we do not sow what will we reap? Nothing sown, nothing reaped. Therefore if you are suffering lack, it maybe because you have stopped the outflow. Many live in poverty because they have stopped giving. Giving is an attitude of the heart. In this world we have been taught to take and so there are more takers than givers. The Kingdom of God is giving. God gave His only Son to redeem the world. Jesus lay down His life to be the sacrifice for you and for me. He showed us the way to abundance. Now when we give, we become like Him.

Poverty Mentality

There needs to be a change of heart to realise the shift from a poverty mentality to a abundance mentality. A poverty mindset is always holding on to what little we have. Letting go is like losing all. This fear keeps us imprisoned and so we fail to sow. Sowing is a principle of life.  We can sow into areas of need. We can sow in money, time, kindness, love and so many other ways. Charity begins at home. We will reverse many situations when we choose to give rather than take. Relationships will grow when we choose to give rather than take. Needs will be met and poverty will be exterminated.

Abundant Living

We can apply this principle in every area of life and it will work. Let us look for opportunities to serve rather than to be served. What a new world we will create around us. Give to those who cannot return the favour. Serve in small ways everyday and change the world. God is a giver. He wants to bless us and not hurt us. Therefore we can trust Him to bless us when we give. Many have grasped this principle early in life and gained from it. Let us begin today and reverse the world and sow peace and love. What a new world this would be when we love our brother as our self.

Monday, February 14, 2022

In The Spirit You Are Flying Above The Clouds

Flesh Walk

Most of us operate in the flesh rather than in the spirit. We are only aware of our spirit when we are not engaged in fleshly activities. Our daily activities are done in the flesh but we can still operate in the spirit. Few do this and so are oblivious to the spiritual dimension affecting them. When things go wrong they look for fleshly solutions. The real problem maybe spiritual attack but due to lack of knowledge we look for solutions in the wrong places. Many are hassled by feelings of rejection, shame and self hatred. They maybe psychological problems but the culprit maybe demonic.

Spirit Walk

In the spirit we operate above the clouds of rejection, despair and a host of other issues. Under the cloud these problems can be major stumbling blocks to a walk in the spirit. The solution can be to fly above the clouds in the spirit where there is sunshine all the time. We were born as spirit beings and therefore have the ability to fly above the clouds. Yet we choose to walk in the flesh rather than the spirit. Few choose to walk in the spirit most of the time. Therefore we see a church struggling, weak and powerless in its engagement with the demonic world.

Spiritual Warfare

The demonic world is real. Satan pretends that he does not exist and fools a lot of people. Most think Satan is just a funny guy who frightens little children. This is false and let us not be fooled. We need to confront our arch enemy who is robbing us of our inheritance. Jesus main mission was to defeat Satan at the Cross and set us free. We cannot now sit on the fence and do nothing. We must engage our enemy and fight from above and not from below. When we do this, we will overcome and win the world for Jesus.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Are We Ready To Meet Our Maker?


Death is not an easy subject to talk about. Yet the reality is that we will all die one day. The reality of death is what makes life so precious. Without death life is meaningless. However to many death is something to be feared. Why? Death is the end of all things. Jesus said He had come to give us eternal life. He had reversed the curse of death. This was His primary mission. Death entered mankind and all creation through the Fall of Adam and Eve. Life now comes through Jesus. Only in Jesus is the answer to life and death. There is no one else that can answer the question of death.

Eternal Life

Everyone of us will have to come to terms with death. Most of us would avoid this subject as it sounds negative and destructive. Death never appears to be positive except for those knowing eternal life. Eternal life has no beginning and no end. God is eternal and He is the only one who can give us eternal life. Yet God has destined man to choose heaven or hell. Our choice depends on our decision to follow Jesus or deny Him. God has given us a choice because He is God. He does not force Himself upon us.

Your Choice

Our God is a consuming fire. He is also a God of mercy and grace. Because evil is real so also is love. Light and darkness cannot live together. We either walk in the light or in darkness. Our God is a jealous God. He has purchased us with the blood of Jesus. He therefore will not treat the sacrifice of His Son lightly. Once we come into the light, His blood cleanses us of all sin. It is this transaction that enables us to walk in the light as He is in the light. Death has lost its sting and we can face death with no fear. What a salvation we have in Jesus.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Face Your Fear And Fear Will Leave You


What a paradox this is! Most of us will normally run from the thing we fear or hide. However the truth is that fear needs to be faced to be conquered. What I feared most came to bite me is a common saying. We attract to ourselves what we fear most. Many are caught up in this fear triangle and get triangulated. We can fear in the inside, outside and upside. They all conspire to paralyse us to inaction. Fear has the power to kill you. Therefore what ever fear your is, now is the time to confront it. Whether it is fear of sickness, relationship breakup, accidents, heights, closed places, confront your fear and be set free.

Fear Is A Perception

Fear is based on not knowing. The fear of the unknown is mostly due to wrong information or lack of correct knowledge. Fear is an illusion and mainly a perception. You perceive danger and therefore your natural response is to go into a defensive mode of operation. However our defensive position could be reinforcing our fear. If we fear a dog will bite us than we will freeze with fear. However if we decide to confront the dog than the dog will sense this and move away. Use this illustration to confront all your fears. Either the dog gets you or you get the dog. So many people are trapped in a state of fear. Fear of catching COVID is the most recent terror plaguing the world.


Jesus came not to give us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. He is our deliverer from all fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. He is our hiding place and in Him we can face any fear inside and outside. Whatever your fear is first acknowledge this and than confront it. Your fear will change to be your strength. This is the transformation that God will do in you as you surrender your fears to Him. His love will so embrace you that all fear will leave you. What appeared to be your weakness will become your strength. Today be fear free and faith filled.

Friday, February 11, 2022

What Does It Mean To Be Possessed By The Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus who was sent after Jesus ascended to heaven. He now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit after His baptism. He commenced His ministry after His baptism. He now baptises us with His Holy Spirit and fire. He said He would send us a Comforter who would dwell in us and lead us and guide us. He set the example as to how to lead a Spirit possessed life on earth. Now He wants us to walk in the Holy Spirit and be possessed by Him. Is this possible?


Jesus said the Holy Spirit will reveal to us the truth. He is our teacher. We can rely on Him to reveal the truth to us. All we need to do is believe that this is possible. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost He filled the disciples that met in the upper room. They wee filled as tongues of fire settled on them and they all spoke in tongues. This was a sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Why did the Holy Spirit take hold of our tongue? Because the tongue is the rudder and what we speak releases a blessing or a curse. Once our tongue is surrendered to Him there is nothing that can stop us. We have the power to bind and to lose. 


I want to be possessed by the Holy Spirit. This is the only way I will be able to walk like Jesus did. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. How can we walk like Him if we are not filled? Many try to walk in the Spirit but have one foot in the world. This is adultery as one cannot walk in the Spirit and in the flesh at the same time. We have to choose whom we will serve. The Holy Spirit will not share His glory with another. This is why the church is so weak and powerless. Let us today decide to be possessed by the Holy Spirit and bring glory to God. There is no second class citizen in heaven. We are for Him or against Him. Choose today whom you will serve.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

When We Move Out, God Moves In.

Supernatural Living

God is waiting for us to move out so that He can move in to do what only He can do. As long as we sit content in our own world nothing supernatural will happen. We can either walk in the natural or supernatural. God is supernatural. He abides in a world different from ours. We live in a limited world. God operates in an unlimited world. Yet God has chosen to live in us through His Holy Spirit. What a mind boggling state this is! How God in His infinite wisdom has chosen to dwell in man. This was God's design and intent from the beginning. 

God Living In Man

God living in man is not something that we can comprehend through our finite minds. This is because God is Spirit and only the born again spirit of man can understand these things. In the spirit there are realms unlimited and unfathomable. When we choose to believe this God will take us to new heights of revelation in Him. What we see now is colourless compared to the colourful realm God lives in. His world is multi dimensional. His truth is not limited by man's fallen mind. We tend to operate in a finite world and so see things in limited dimensions.

Endless Possibilities

God wants to brings us into His world of endless possibilities. Imagine what this will look like. In His world sound and light has many levels not seen or heard. Animals can sense things that we can't. They can see things that we can't. Their sense of smell is far superior to ours. Imagine what it would look like when we can see and hear like God. If God lives in us there are no limitations to what we can see and do. God wants us to move out of our comfort zone so that He can manifest His supernatural power. What an abundant life that would be. Supernatural provision, healing and abundance will flow from this realm by faith. Lord I desire this.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Know Your Authority In Christ


Jesus said, "I give you all authority. Go in my Name and make disciples of all nations". What does this all authority mean? Authority is to do with rulership. The centurion had authority to command his soldiers to do as he commanded them. They went and did it. Similarly  Jesus who is God has given us spiritual authority over all demonic forces to command them to be silent. This world is under the control of Satan. However Jesus came to take back control. He does this now through His church on earth. Satan has taken over the earth but the church is called to take it back from him. The church is asleep and has forgotten the command to take control and to rule and reign on earth.


We as believers in Christ must now take our place and implement the command to preach the gospel to all nations. The good news that Jesus has completed the defeat of Satan on the Cross must be preached. It is only when the church heeds the call will we see victory in our life, family, community, city and nation. We have to do the job as we have been given the keys to death and life. The angelic hosts are waiting for us to use the keys to bind and to lose. We bind the enemy and lose the captives. The spirit world is real and the church needs to wake up to take our place of authority. The world is in a mess because the church has not implemented the command of Jesus.


Jesus set the example for us. His light now shines through us to push back the forces of darkness. Men are bound by darkness and the demonic controls them. We need discernment to see the spirit world and take authority to push them back from controlling our lives. In all areas of life the demonic is prevalent. We see this played out in government, family and society at large. The false ideologies have taken root in the masses and the devil is stealing, killing and destroying us . We the church have to implement our God given authority to reverse this downward trend. The angelic hosts are waiting to act on our command. Let us establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven now in our areas of influence.

Monday, February 07, 2022

Spiritual Blindness Is Real


Many go about their daily lives blind to so many things in life. We operate in our own make belief world and do not see it as others see it. This kind of blindness can appear in many areas. We could be physically blind and so cannot see. This will be apparent to all. A blind man needs help to guide his way. His organ of sight is absent and so he cannot see. However we can also have blind spots where we see but still don't see. Something is right before us but we don't see it. Someone else comes along and finds it but we never saw it although we had looked at it in the same place. 


In a similar way we could also have psychological blindness. We fail to perceive certain things because we fail to understand or grasp beyond the physical realm. This will affect our communication. This is illustrated clearly where men are said to mean one thing but women think or discern a different message in the same words expressed. The meaning is at different levels. Both are right but perceive differently. A glass half filled with water can be seen as half full or half empty. So also in other areas we fail to understand another person because we interpret a situation in physical dimensions rather than in psychological. 


Spiritual blindness is also real. Many doubt there is a spiritual dimension to our lives. We think all we see is all there is. Others know about God but don't know Him personally. There are different levels of spiritual blindness. This blindness is what Jesus meant when He spoke in parables to His disciples. They did not understand what Jesus meant because it was hidden from them. Spiritual truths can only be understood by the spirit. One needs to be born again in the spirit to understand spiritual things. What is seen as spiritual can be just a interpretation of the mind like most philosophies are. God is Spirit and those who come to Him must come in spirit and worship Him in spirit. May God open your eyes to see and believe.

Sunday, February 06, 2022

If It Be Thy Will Prayers


Most of us have been taught to pray "If it be thy will prayers". This is to say that we don't really know if it is God's will, but if it is, so be it done. This appears to be the right way to pray as we don't want anything that is not His will. However such prayers also mean that we really don't know how to pray. Jesus knew He had to go to the Cross but prayed " Not my will but thine be done". This is not a if it be thy will prayer. It is a prayer  to confirm that this is God's will although it is a painful task ahead for Him. However many times we use this as an excuse to pray, if it be thy will.

How To Pray?

God has revealed in His word how we ought to pray. We must pray with certainty for what we ask. We must demand that we have what we ask when we ask according to His will. This means we must know His will first. How do we know His will? We know His will through His written word and His Holy Spirit who confirms His word. Should we pray for healing? God's will is that we all be healed and be prosperous. In this fallen world we will be prone to sickness and poverty but this is not God's will. God's perfect will is that we are well and made whole. He allows sickness but this is not His perfect will. Should we pray that we marry a certain person? God desires that we marry and not be consumed by our sexual passions. He won' want us to marry the wrong person who is an unbeliever. How can light walk with darkness? 

God's Will

We can know God's will. Once we know His will then we are to pray with certainty and not waver. Some prayers are answered immediately, like in healing. Others have to be contended for till the answer is received. Stop praying, if it is thy will prayers once you know His will. We must wait in the Spirit till we know His will. We cannot understand God's will through our mind. His Spirit will give us the answer in specific situations. Our mind will then understand. When we begin to pray with conviction than we will begin to see more answers to our prayers. Let us to day ask and not doubt. God's will is that we be whole as our soul prospers. Sickness is not God's will.  Jesus completed His work on the Cross so that we can be free from sickness and poverty. Let us believe this and glorify God. He is waiting to bless us. Are we ready to receive His blessing?

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine


The lyrics of this hymn recently crossed my mind and blessed me.

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchase of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

A song written by Fanny Crosby from the depths of her heart. How it resounds of a heavenly sound that resonates through the ages and has blessed millions. This is my song too because I can relate with the words. Jesus is all to me and because of Him I can sing from my heart.

Perfect submission, perfect delight. Visions of rapture now burst in my sight. Angels descending bring from above, echoes of mercy whispers of love.

What a surrender of will that results in perfect delight and rest in the Saviours love. What visions of rapture that delight my soul and delights in the mercy and love of God.

Perfect submission, all is at rest. I in my Saviour am happy and blessed. Watching and waiting, looking above. Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Saviour all the day long.


How this song blesses me and my heart rejoices in my Saviour,  in His love and mercy. This is our inheritance in Christ and there is no love greater than His. I therefore can praise Him all the day long and share His love with others. 

God inspires His saints and provides downloads from His throne in heaven. This is one of them. Once we have experienced God's supernatural love, we will never be the same again. His love is transformational and changes our nature from a sinner to a saint. Yes we do still struggle with sin and the flesh but we have been redeemed in the spirit. There is no greater love than this. I rejoice in this daily and will do so till my dying day.

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

When Everything Crumbles Around You, Learn To Live From Within You


We live in a world which is constantly changing. How do we survive in a world system where everything appears to be going against us? We must stay committed to what we believe in. The changes are challenges to where we stand in matters of faith and values. The Bible is a record of how the people of God wandered away from their God in times of change. They were an oppressed people living in an oppressed society. God was always with them and led them by a cloud by day and fire by night. Yet they chose to rebel and follow other gods. They killed the prophets who spoke for God. Are we entering the same period where only a remnant will keep to the faith?

In God We Trust

When troubles come our way do we turn from God or to Him? God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We live in a fallen world and will be challenged daily on who we will choose to follow. We have to make a choice and stay current in our faith. If we give in to pressure from without then we will compromise and give in. This is the time when we need to live from within us. The Kingdom of God is within us. We need to rely on the resources within us to survive. Our God has made His residence within us and in Him there is abundant supply. No weapon formed against us can overcome us. We need to rely on His word and not on our circumstances. Every thing may appear against us but we can overcome because the overcomer lives in us.

Battle Ready

Imagine how a athlete trains daily to compete in the final race. We too need to train and be ready when the challenge comes. We cannot be caught sleeping because our enemy is like a roaring lion. He knows we are against him and therefore will be against us. We need to be vigilant and ready when he attacks. We will win in the end because Jesus won the battle on the Cross for us. Now we can depend on His victory on our behalf and not fear. We can choose to love and overcome every scheme of the enemy and prevail. Let us not give up but persevere to the end.