Monday, April 13, 2015


Fear is more a state of mind then what you face in reality. The reality of a feared object is more to do with your perception of the object than the object itself. Fear of dogs is a perception of dogs as animals that bite rather than an animal that loves. Once you change your thinking about dogs the fear dissipates. So also for other fears that dog you daily. Reality is never the issue. The issue is what you think is the reality. It is framed by past conditioning. A child who has never had a bad experience with a dog will be happy to touch it. However when once bitten than the fear generalises to all dogs. Now imagine what will happen when you can treat all fears as a fiction of your imagination. It will all melt away. You begin to live in what is before you rather than what you imagine to be. Imagination is good for it can be creative. However imagination which is fuelled by negative emotion like fear can entrap you. Today face your day by distancing yourself from your fears and walking in love. You are a incredible creation and life is waiting for you to be known.Never let fear dominate your life. Only let love control your life. He is love and He will love through you.

Saturday, April 04, 2015


God purposed from the beginning and knows the end from the beginning. Giving man free will was His way of ensuring true freedom. Man's idea of freedom is within limits while God's idea is no limits. Without limits there is a freedom that takes risks to the extent to which that freedom can be used or abused. God is free to do anything He wants and He wants the same freedom for us His creation. However there is an enemy that had to be contended with and God took the risk when He created man to allow this. How amazing that He then decided to use His freedom to send His Son to be the sacrifice to reverse the sentence of the curse. What a plan no man could do yet God did. May many avail of this freedom now and not wait for the life here after. Freedom is for now and forever. So come and taste of His freedom in the Holy Spirit who is our Helper and Comforter. T

Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Love or lust. Discern what is driving you. Lust is based on your senses and is worldly. Love is based in your spirit and is heavenly. Lust is the predominant driver in all your operations in the world. Most times you are unconscious to this driver because you are controlled by your senses. When you become conscious of lust then you can detach yourself from it. Lust for power, sex, control, success, are all rooted in self or ego. The ego drives you to want more and more. You think the more you have the more you will be satisfied. This is a delusion for there is no limit to the lust of greed. Just like a hungry lion you are driven for more. In the end you come to a place where you come to your senses or consciousness that all you have been driven to is pointless, an illusion of satisfaction. This is the point where you hit rock bottom and now seek for that which lasts, that has eternal value. The things that you chased after was mere wind with no substance. Now you are ready to seek that which is eternal and which Christ purchased for you on the Cross, your salvation. Everyone goes through this journey and till death there is a pursuit for happiness, a desire to be fulfilled. The only real fulfilment is found in Christ who has gone before to prepare a place for you with Him in eternity.