Sunday, March 17, 2019


We have all been programmed over years to believe in one ideology or another. There are many ideologies and when we get hooked into only one way then problems arise. In this fallen world man can think and come up with theories that explain the reason for existence. This can vary from democracy to fascism and the many shades of grey in between. All these theories or ideologies tend to keep God out of the equation. This is man trying to live without God. Some believe in God but adopt a worldly ideology. This is the way systems are created by man and these systems change over time. There is no perfect system. Republicans will choose their own judges and so will democrats. The bias is built into the system. Judges are biased. We try to create a system which is as close to the truth but worldly systems are always biased. We are biased by our own beliefs. Beliefs are so powerful because they are what forms our identity. Therefore do not think that we are able to have a smooth sailing as at every turn you will face opposition. Jesus faced opposition although he was talking of a heavenly kingdom. The truth is somewhere in the middle and so welcome opposition for it means you are noticed.  God finally determines our destiny and so in Him you are safe and secure. No threat or trial is able to overcome you as long as you are centred in Him.

Friday, March 08, 2019


The time has come for an explosion in your ministry. God is taking you to a new place of power and glory. He will provide you with the skills and strategies to solve problems and bring break throughs. He will reveal to you fore knowledge so you know before hand what is to happen. You will wait on Him and be led by the Spirit. This is a new dimension of walk which is a promotion into the realms of the Spirit. You will be amazed by the revelations and intuitions that are from another world, the spirit world. This the time when the church has to move into supernatural realms to overcome. The usual mode of operation in the flesh is not sufficient to overcome the enemy. This is a war and not a battle. A war requires an upgrade in knowledge and strategy. I will reveal this to you and the enemy will be overcome before they know it. Therefore be prepared for a new dimension in your walk and talk as you are imbued with power from on high. Wait on the Lord for instructions and then move forward. The Angels will go before you to prepare the way. Selah.