Friday, May 28, 2021

Hearing And Understanding. Seeing And Perceiving.


We hear a lot of things and see a lot of things. However this hearing and seeing is wasteful if there is no understanding of what we hear. This was the problem when Jesus walked on earth and it is still a problem today. We hear things but we do not understand. What we hear passes through our brain and then we forget what we heard. To understand what we hear, we need to listen to what is said. Listening is a higher form of hearing. We listen to understand what is said. Even here we can understand with our mind or with our heart. Both are essential to understand what we hear. It is understanding with the heart that results in revelation, which is the so-called aha! experience when the light bulb comes on.


We also see a lot of things especially through media and films. We are a very visual generation and are bombarded with images all day. Yet we need to perceive what we see to understand what we see. Many today see life as a movie. We watch our lives passing by like we watch a movie and then forget what we just saw till the next movie. What a waste of our life. Life is for living not just to watch and forget. When we perceive what we see we will get rooted and changed. Transformation only comes through understanding the truth. Jesus died and rose again. This is the truth but lack of understanding keeps many from receiving the truth. Many hear the good news of the gospel but never receive the salvation in it. 


As in the days of the apostles so also today we declare the good news but few listen and perceive the truth in it. They either oppose it or ignore it. The devil has blinded us from seeing and receiving. This applies in all areas of life. What we dismiss will not have any lasting effect on us. We will be like dreamers who dream but no action follows. We will be like clouds with no rain. Come today and listen to the good news of God's message of salvation and receive the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father and be saved. This will change your life forever and heaven will be your final destiny.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Switch Your Thinking From Your Head To Your Heart


God created us as a triune being: body, soul and spirit. Our thoughts and thinking mainly occur in our mind. We are programmed from birth to think in a certain way. Our education system emphasises thinking and processing through our mind. We pride ourselves on our intellect and there are intelligence tests that are able to score  the degree of our intelligence. We are so used to thinking with our head that we miss out on another area called our spirit. When we talk about things we are mainly speaking from our mind. We discuss and opine on matters from our mind. This is good but it is not the full picture. Our spirit also has a mind.


Our spirit mind has a different language. Our spirit thinks in dreams, pictures and visions. Our spirit intuits things and feels things that cannot be seen or reasoned. It senses from a different realm. It sees into the spirit realm and then tries to make sense of it through our mind. To think in our spirit is to think like Jesus. He spoke in parables and created stories that had meanings that only those  with spiritual eyes could see. Those who were spiritually blind only saw the external and got confused as to what Jesus meant. Even with the disciples Jesus had to explain what He meant.[ Meaning has many layers. The word of God has many layers of meaning. It is only the spiritually aware that are able to see beyond the word.


Switching from operating with our mind to operating in our spirit is not automatic. We need to step back from our mind to observe what we hear and see. We then are able to switch into the spirit mind to discern the spirit behind what we see and hear. Our minds tend to see things through filters. In the spirit there are no filters. There are images and shadows of things to be. We need a spiritual lens to see the meaning behind those shadows and images. When our hearts are enlightened we begin to see beyond the natural. We enter the realm of the supernatural. We see in the spirit and we speak and then see the manifestation in the earthly realm of what we see in the spirit. This is how Jesus walked. He saw what His Father was doing and followed His lead. Today let us begin to think and see in the spirit and walk according to the Spirit.

Friday, May 21, 2021

When Gold Is Refined It Becomes Like Glass

Gold has to be refined to clear it of impurities and make it of value. Gold unrefined is like dirt and has no value. Gold has to be heated in a furnace to refine it. This refining process gets rid of all the dirt that contains the gold. Gold cannot be manufactured. It is of the earth and is eternal in value. The streets of heaven are paved in gold. Some say gold is made by God and that is why it can't be manufactured by man. Other metals can be manufactured and you can get a manufactured version of that metal, like silver. Gold is precious and because of its inherent value is used as a guarantee against currency. This precious metal is mentioned in the Bible as an analogy for how a believer is refined through trials to be transformed.

In a believer the process of sanctification is akin to the refining process. Trials and tribulations are part of the process of refinement. It feels like we are in the furnace and going through the fires of purification. This can be a painful process as the flesh dies to its lusts. God is a holy God and He refines us to be holy. When gold is refined it shows our reflection. Pure gold reflects like glass. You will be able to see your face reflected in it. We are being refined to look like Jesus. We will reflect the image of Jesus. Others will see us and see Jesus.

Yet so many of us resist being refined. The flesh is satisfied with being comfortable. The refining process is only for those who desire to be like Jesus. God desires a holy people. Our flesh wants to go it alone without God. God is holy and He desires a holy people. Holiness is a state of complete surrender to God. Only a surrendered life can be holy. The flesh is strong to resist being refined. This is the battle that we face. We are our worst enemy. We desire to be holy but our flesh resists the refiners fire. The fire is there to burn the dross and bring out the precious gold in us. God had predestined that we would be like His Son. We will be like Him when we see Him like He is. We will reflect the image of Jesus when all the impurities are burnt out of us. Come now and let us submit ourselves to the refiner's fire and be changed into the image of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Are You Driven Or Are You Led?

Many are driven in life to achieve. They have a passion to be someone and in that process will give all to their mission. However there is a danger in this. The danger is that anything that drives you could also harm you. Goats are driven while sheep are led. Anything that drives you has the potential to destroy you. The devil drove Judas to betray Jesus. Demonic forces tend to drive people to do things that they never intended to do. Many impulsive actions are done because emotions have driven someone to act. Murders and accidents occur when one is driven to do things only to regret the actions later.

Being led is from a place of rest. Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. He always consulted His Father and never did anything outside His will. To be led is to be secure where we are. When we are secure in the Father's love then we will be content to be and do at His bidding. Many are driven by their passion to achieve. Ask yourself if you are driven or led. He leads us beside still waters. There is a sense of peace and tranquility in being led. When we are driven we tend to be flustered and agitated and annoy others.

God is calling us to come to the place where we know the Father's love and are content in His presence. From this place one can be led to green pastures and be nourished and fed. There is no restlessness here. One is content to be led. There are no control issues and people around us will feel safe. Discern your leading for many have crashed through relentless effort. Many start out well but get burnt out through striving. God wants us to rest and be led by His Holy Spirit. Be blessed as you seek to be led by His Spirit.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Believers Must Unite On Absolute Truth And Not Be Divided By Opinions Or Experiences.

We live in days that call us to choose daily whom we will serve. These are the days of many opinions and persuasions and many are led this way and that. It is vital that we know whom we believe and not be swayed by this way and that. We must build our lives on the solid rock and not the sand of division and opinions. Many in the church have fallen away because a leader has fallen. We have only one leader and He is Jesus Christ. This is absolute truth. He is the only way, truth and life. Anyone else is a thief and a robber. Therefore choose this day whom you will serve.

Absolute truth is absolute. There are no grey areas here. It is black and white. In heaven there are no opinions. Jesus says it and it is done. We have to choose to believe Him for He is absolute truth. His Holy Spirit will confirm His word and we will know if it is the truth. He will lead us into all truth. God's word is the truth. Man may misinterpret His word. This is where we see so many divisions in the church. One man's experience is not the truth. It is an experience and nothing more. His church was founded on truth and not experience. We must hold on to firmly to what is written in His word and not be led astray by interpretations of His word. 

This is the time of separation of the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat. Our foundation is Jesus Christ who is Lord and He is the only one who rose from the dead. He rose to testify that He is the truth. He would be like any other leader if He was still in the tomb. His resurrection confirms He is God for no man has power over death. He gives life and that is eternal. We live forever when we believe in Him. He is the source of all things and to Him be all the glory. Today let us unite in Him and live for Him.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Differences And Conflicts Are Opportunities For Healing And Transformation.


In this fallen world we will face differences of all kinds. God is a God of variety and He did not create us as clones of Him. Everywhere you see beauty in the variety of creation. Every finger print is different. When we see differences as variety then we will see the beauty in them. If we see difference as problematic then conflict will ensue. This conflict is due to wanting others to see things in the same way you see them. Sameness is not unity. Unity in diversity is where beauty is created. Sameness is not attractive because it is dull. Therefore begin to see differences as a way to create beauty and grow. Why then do we struggle with difference or change?


Change is difficult because it means we have to adapt to the difference. We are all creatures of comfort and want things to remain the same. However change only occurs when there is a difference of opinion. Conflict arises when we resist change. God planned for us to be His from the beginning. However He has given us a free will to choose His ways or ours. Most of us prefer to live our own lives on our terms. We pride ourselves on achieving our success and making it in the world. God however has a better plan prepared for us before we were born. This plan was for us to fit into His plan and destiny for us. Now we can choose to obey or rebel. Our choice will determine our destiny.


We are transformed by the renewal of our minds. God's will many times crosses our will. His will crosses out our will. Saul thought he was doing a good thing by persecuting Christians till God confronted him. Saul became Paul and fulfilled God's mission for him. We too need to come to the place where we get crossed out and God takes over and leads us to our destiny on earth. God already has a plan for our lives established before the foundation of the world. This is absolute truth. He does not want anyone to go to hell. We were all created in His image. However many choose not to follow Jesus and instead end up in hell with Satan and his angels. Today choose to follow Him and be healed and delivered from the path to hell.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thoughts Are External Till They Are Accepted By The Receiver.

Many struggle with their thoughts even after they are born again in the spirit. Thoughts are like missiles sent to discourage the believer. We can entertain these thoughts or reject them. Most of us accept these thoughts because we think they are our thoughts. This is to personalise the thoughts but this may only cause guilt and suffering. Many are caught up in recurring thoughts of lust or anger and jealousy. These are a trap to keep the believer imprisoned in a make believe prison. We need to discern the thoughts that come to us and take control of them. 

Once we realise that thoughts are like birds that fly around, then we can take action to prevent them building a nest in our mind. We need to see our thoughts as external to us to be able to prevent them taking residence. This insight alone will help to take a step back and resist the negative thought. Thoughts enabled become habits that will then become part of our character. Good thoughts will build good habits. Watch your thoughts. Are they ones that you would entertain? If not reject them immediately however enticing they be. Thoughts do stir up your feelings and once your feelings are sparked it becomes more difficult to be set free. Habits are difficult to break because emotions are involved but not impossible. Demons attach themselves to habits and make a habitation there. 

The way of escape is to be filled in the Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to take over our will. Our will is the decision part of us that needs to allow what comes in. It is like a filter that filters in what is good and blocks what is bad. The Holy Spirit will help us in our weakness and strengthen us in our weakness. The spiritual walk is met with challenges in body, mind and spirit. We have to be vigilant to not allow what is of the world to infiltrate us. This can happen slowly and subtly. The Holy Spirit is our watchman and He will alert us to what is evil and to be resisted. Watch what you see and hear for it is through these channels that we give entry to negative thoughts.

We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. However many of us still live as if the old is still alive and current. Why is this so? This is so because we fail to enter into the abundant life Christ has promised us. Just like the Israelites we wander around in circles rather than enter the promised land. Today decide to allow the Holy Spirit to filter your thoughts so that you are free from its torment. Live as His new creation and never give in to the temptations of the world or the devil. Those who persevere to the end will inherit the riches promised.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Walking And Ministering In The Spirit.


We were created in the image of God. This means we have the potential to choose to live like God. Jesus revealed this as He came in the form of man and lived like God on the earth. He made it possible for us to be redeemed from the power of sin so that we could become like Him. This great miracle happens when we are born again of the Spirit. He comes to live in us by His Spirit and help us become like Him. Our spirit is redeemed and we are being transformed in our soul to be like Him. This is a life long process and few walk in it. Many lose their first love and go back to living in the flesh. This is why many are sick and fail to live the promised abundant life.


God did it all for us. We need to tap into His promises of love and live in them. This requires a radical change from a walk according to the flesh to a walk according to the Spirit. Many are stuck in the letter of the word and do not know the life in the word. God's word has power to change lives, to heal and restore. All these benefits are accessed through His Spirit in us. However the church has failed to teach these truths and therefore the people remain sick and poor. The only way out of this dilemma is to walk in the Spirit.


To walk in the Spirit is to be centred in our spirit and not in our flesh. We can choose to walk according to the demands of our flesh or according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When we live in the Spirit we are able to transcend the demands of the flesh. God has made a way for us to overcome all the challenges of the flesh. We have to choose who we will follow. When we choose to follow the Holy Spirit, He will guide us to the abundant life promised. The devils  cannot harass us in His presence.  We operate in a different realm, the realm of the spirit. Every bondage gets loosened and we are set free. We will walk like Jesus on earth as we set our heart on Him. Today choose to walk by the Holy Spirit and live.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Devil Is Stickler For Rules. God's Grace Trumps The Devil.

The devil is bound by rules. He likes to impose rules on others and bind them. He has control over those who break the rules. We give authority to the devil when we sin. Sin is the cause for law breaking behaviour. The devil knows this and so he tries to trap everyone in his net by making them break the rules. It is like a prison. He imprisons us by making us slaves to rules. The law was given to make us aware of sin. The law in itself is not evil. God gave us laws to help us to know what is good for us. He did not give laws to condemn. We condemn  ourselves when we break the law. Conscience is that part of us that helps us know what is good and to choose to do right.

God's grace came in the form of a person, Jesus. Jesus came to abolish the power of sin and to make us righteous through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. God knew we were unable to fulfil the law because of sin. Our sin became a burden too heavy for us to carry. He came to exchange His burden with ours. He said His burden is light because He carries our burden for us. On Him was laid all the sin of the world so that all can now enjoy true freedom from the law of sin and death. Now He has opened the way for us through the law of life in Him.

What a freedom we now can enjoy in Him. The devil cannot access His grace because he was thrown out and his destiny is hell. We have been bought with the blood of Jesus and have eternal life in Him. What a beautiful exchange. Come today and be set free from the law of sin and death and live. Once you have tasted of His salvation, nothing can cause you to want to return to the old life. However many choose to return to Egypt having lost their first love. God is calling us to return to our first love and be set free.

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Money Is The Currency Of This World. Love Is The Currency Of Heaven.

Money is not good or evil. It is in whose hands it is and how it is used that makes it good or evil. The value of a thing is determined by how much it costs. A painting may cost next to nothing but the painter can make a difference. The value of the painting is determined by the author. A famous painter will fetch large amounts of money on his paintings. So also we put value on things in this world like houses in certain localities and antiques of a certain age. All these are perishable and a fire could destroy all these works of art. However God's currency of love has no worldly value.

God's love has eternal value. This kind of love cannot be bought with money. God sent His Son to show us His love for mankind. Yet man rejects His love and rather have money. There is no comparison. A man sold all he had and bought the pearl of great price. This is the kind of love that God gives and it is free. He promises eternal life. Yet most of us are so blind to reject this eternal life. We are so blind that we cannot see and so settle for that which is temporary. This is the kind of blindness Jesus talked about. Money has blinded us and we only appreciate what we see. Love opens our eyes to see riches beyond our physical senses.

These riches can only be obtained by faith. The same love that drove Jesus to the Cross will drive you to obtain His riches. You will sell all to receive His riches. This kind of love money cannot buy. These heavenly riches can be enjoyed now on earth. All we need to do is believe in the finished work of Christ on the Cross. He died that we may live and have eternal life. This is the inheritance of all who come to Jesus to be saved from the love of money to the love of God. This shift causes one to desire the things of God rather than the things of this world.  Come to the river of life and be saved for eternity.