Saturday, March 24, 2018


To operate in the mind of God means to know God's mind on all matters. How is this possible unless we have a intimate relationship with God. A husband and wife or close intimate friends know how the other thinks. This is the same with God. When we walk in intimacy with Him He will reveal His mind to us. He has revealed His mind to us in the scriptures. This is His love letter to us. When we read and meditate on His word we become familiar with the mind of God. He operates in the Spirit. The spirit mind is different from our mind. The spirit mind operates in love and holiness. Our minds have been  adulterated by the world we live in. This is why we need to pray in tongues to cleanse our minds and be in tune with His mind. He will reveal His mind to us and than we will know what to do and when to do it. This means waiting on God till we know His mind. He will .reveal His mind on a matter whenever we seek Him. In this way we become like Him in thought, word and deed. What a relationship we have with our Heavenly Father . Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. Let us yearn to walk like Him.