Friday, September 30, 2011


Call on the Name of Jesus and He will come to your aid. His Name is the most powerful Name in heaven and on earth. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is the everlasting Savior of the world. The world needs Him more then ever. He needs to be proclaimed to all. The church's main mission should be to proclaim Him and not be distracted by side issues. When a church majors on its mission of salvation for all then it has caught the Master's heart and mission. A church that fails to proclaim the saving Name of Jesus to the world has lost its vision and mission. Jesus is all we have and know. He is the only solution for peace and without Him peace is a fantasy. The only sure foundation we have is Jesus. Let us be urgent in our need to proclaim His Name to all.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The lusts of the flesh are so subtle that sometimes it is only in times of isolation does it comes to obsess you. There is only one way to handle them and that is through the Cross. The lusts are so powerful that they can attack you and overwhelm you when you least expect them. Be watchful for your enemy works through your flesh to overcome you. This is the spiritual warfare you need to win. When the flesh is strong the spirit will grow stronger, not weaker. The spirit is up to every challenge. The flesh is weak and can easily be tempted to sin. This is why you need to acknowledge the life giving power of the spirit to overcome every weakness. For every weakness there is a solution in the spirit. God gave His Spirit to you so that you can overcome fleshly weakness. Now you can step up to the platform and fight the enemy of your soul and defeat him. His blood continuously cleanses you even when you are not aware of it. Awareness brings strength. Unconsciousness leads to weakness. Most patterns are unconscious and therefore driven by a power that springs from the depths of your soul. These unconscious patterns have been laid down from early childhood. These are the hidden drives that make people do silly things and then they are surprised when they are caught with their pants down. Praise God He makes us aware of our weakness that we may overcome through His Spirit.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Faithful is our God who prepares me for every situation and gives me the words and the ability to do what I have to do. Living by faith is an adventure because anything can happen. You are prepared for anything and surprises are welcome. You are prepared to change to accommodate to the situation at hand. You are not stuck in a rut of routine and programes. You are free to be who you are called to be. You can do anything because you believe you are able to do anything in God's strength. He will provide the wisdom and the unction to do what to you may appear impossible. God will lift your sights higher to operate in the impossible realm. You will stretch yourself higher and wider to reach for the utmost. This is what the faith adventure is all about. You are never bored but excited at each new day and what it has to offer. You are prepared because He knows the end from the beginning. Thank you Lord for saving me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Prepare and be prepared for the coming days are days of testing. Be much in prayer and be much in waiting for the Lord. Doing your own thing feels good but haste always results in mistakes. Be calm and ready and wait for the unction of the spirit. Move when it is time to do so and never doubt. Always trust in the Lord and He will come through for you. The Word of Knowledge is so powerful because it comes suddenly and lifts you up from your rut. This is the way the Lord works. He is forever near and He is so close to you. He will intervene in times of need when you have exhausted your resources. He is the God of plenty and in Him there is no lack. See how good He is, for He gives you all you need to live an abundant life. Enjoy each moment as if it is the last moment of your life. Praise Jesus.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Wow what a great God we serve. He has appointed a time and a place for all things. He has planned everything and everything will happen according to his plan. No devil can stop Him. Yes God is doing everything and man is just a pawn in the order of things. Man thinks he is in control but the evidence is otherwise. Man has no control over the weather , tsunamis and such. He can contain things but some things are not containable. Things happen and man responds to those things. Death is not in man's control. God is in control of life and death. In God you are safe and secure because you are in Him. Without Him life is but a dead road to no where. Man without God is a dead end. Man with God is an eternal journey of love and life. Thank you God for who you are and for giving me life. Enjoy life to the full with God knowing He knows the end from the beginning. Because He knows this you can be confident that the end will be good. For a christian the end is eternal life which never ends.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


In each of us are different persons that dwell within. Each has a personality and out of each emanate thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The predominant personality usually operates and dictates how you will conduct yourself. In crisis especially it is the main personality that operates and controls your behavior. Many are able to show forth their good selves in controlled settings. Away from those settings the more dominant parts of you operate. The degree to which you can hide your real self is dependent on how sophisticated you are in hiding. People play different roles and these roles demand certain behaviors. Some are easy to play because they are congruent with who you are. Others are more difficult. It may be easy to be a boss but not a husband. Being aware of the different personalities within you will enable you to shift and not be pulled down by the negative personalities within you. In Jesus all these personalities are under His control. You can shift easily to Him when you call out His Name. You have been saved from yourself through Him. He comes and takes residence in your heart. When you give in to any of these other personalities within you then they will take over. The depressive takes over when you feel depressed. The worrier takes over when you are worried. The tormenter takes over when you feel persecuted and so on. Surrender to Jesus and He will take over and subdue your other personalities. When the Holy Spirit possesses you then He will be in charge all the time. Any shift will be quickly subdued by Him. The only safe place to be is in Him who abides in you. Abide in Him and He will abide in you.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Perfect are His plans for you. Everything He has planned will come to pass. He will direct your steps. You may feel at times that this cannot be so but God is in control. Everything and everyone put in your path will have a purpose in His plan. Nothing is wasted. Everything will be enveloped in love. All the negativity will be enveloped in love. There is nothing outside His world of love. All are included in His great plan. He is God and He controls and envelopes everything. He created the worlds and all that is in it. He gives breathe to produce life. It is His breathe that sustains life. The devil has been subdued. He has only entrance in places where he is given permission. Man has authority on earth, not the devil. He will try and induce fear in you and make you think that he is in control. He lost control at Calvary. This was the turning point in history. Now he is history and Jesus is victory. His Spirit in you will enable you to do anything He has called you to do. His is the victory and the devil is a liar.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Only Jesus saves. No other person saves. This is what the world needs to hear. There is salvation in no other but Jesus. He came as a message from God and now lives to claim His own. His Spirit is roaming the earth and saving all who are called. Pray and seek Him and He will guide you to the souls that need to be saved. He is the Savior of the world and and He saves for eternity. Salvation from self can be an earthly thing but salvation in Jesus is eternal. Many are the ways you can be delivered but true deliverance comes only from the One who has conquered sin and death. Sin causes death. Jesus causes life. Therefore choose Jesus and you have chosen life. God is working through you and will bring to pass His will. Call on Him day and night and never lose sight of the goal. The goal is to be with Jesus in heaven. Paul said he rather be in heaven but there is much work to do here. Therefore work as if it is the last day on earth and be Jesus to all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Ask and you shall receive. A child asks believing he will receive an answer. God works in the same way. Ask and you shall receive. Ask Jesus who is your big brother. He came to be the representative of God. He will represent your requests to God. You are now His representative on earth. When you pray for others you are acting like Jesus. You have direct access to God through Jesus. Now you can ask for anything and it will be done for you. Total surrender results in total acceptance. You can ask for anything because you belong to Him. Nothing is impossible to Him because He is God. If Jesus was raised from the dead then that is a mark of what is possible. In your new body anything is possible. You are in Him and therefore all things are new. You now can operate in your new man. Reckon your old man as dead. Now you live an eternal life not limited by your old life condemned to death. Resurrection power flows through you. All you see is just a perception. It changes as you change your thinking. Life and death are in your hands. What you curse will be cursed and what you bless will be blessed. The old has passed away, behold the new has come.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Cry out to god for mercy in this fallen world. God will answer in the wind and the storm. He is waiting for a people who will trust Him completely. Abraham trusted God. Joshua trusted God. Daniel trusted God. Trust is the basic ingredient of faith. Without trust faith is a farce. In all relationships trust is essential. Superficial trust ignores the bad times. Trust is essential especially during the bad times. Never take your eyes off Jesus. Just call on His Name and He will come through for you. He will fight for you and strengthen you. Once trust is established then mountains will move. The sure way to measure your faith is to measure your trust. Who do you look to for your salvation? Who do you trust to help you through hard times? These are the questions you have to ask. If your answer is anything other then Jesus then you have to come to the Cross and repent and be saved. A superficial trust will get you no where. You have to trust completely to receive His goodness. No trust, no gain.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Man is bereft when God leaves and the devil comes in. It is only God's presence that keeps the devil at bay. God is for His people. The devil is against His people. The devil has been sent to keep the saints on alert. Without an adversary the saints will relax and let their guard down. Therefore be watchful for he is out to try and out smart you. In Christ you can rest for in Him He has conquered the evil one. The devil will try and confuse you and make you believe that you are a lost case but never listen to his negativity. Everything negative is from him. He is a liar and a robber and a destroyer of souls. Pray much for in this way you will keep yourself free from the intrusion of other voices. God will then come clearly to you. God will keep you strong when you live each day in the power of His love. His love can overcome anything. Pray for the power of His love to drive you today. This is the only power then can overcome the world and subdue the devil. Run to Him for safety and you will feel His arms enfold you. Never stop walking by faith for it is only by faith that you will be able to overcome your enemy. Many voices will confuse but His voice will direct you. Therefore don't move till you hear His voice.

Monday, September 19, 2011


God's ways are not man's ways. God works through His Spirit. Man works through his intelligence. Man's ways are limited by his vision of how things have to be done. He can't see beyond the present. The present climate determines his vision. God sees the end from the beginning. He knows all that is in the way and so knows how to work through those hindrances. Man is subject to what happens outside and there is no smooth path. What works today may not work tomorrow. Therefore there is a risk in each venture. Listening to God to find His way is the sure way to move forward. Following after every whim and fancy is not the way. Waiting on God to hear Him and follow Him is the way to go. Therefore wait on the Lord and live in His presence daily and He will direct your paths. God will work out in you what you have to do and where you have to go. He will send His angels to help you. In this way you can be sure that He is guiding you. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


The Lord is good and He will come to you when you least expect Him. Never be guided by your feelings for they change like the weather. In Him you are safe and secure and nothing within or without can change this. He is there and He will speak to you and comfort you. What or who can replace Him? Nothing or no one can replace Him. He is always with you even when the storm clouds come. He just wants you to be His witness. He will reveal to you His plans in due time. In the meanwhile just learn to rest and enjoy the journey. Don't confuse your goals with His goals. Your goals sometimes are ego led and not God led. Ego led goals serve to promote you and your agenda. Think about this: what can you do that He has not done already? He has done everything that needs to be done for your salvation. Now all you need to do is to be a witness of His great work. To be a witness is to be His hands and feet where He has placed you. This does not take brilliance because He has equipped you with all you need to be His witness. Share His work in your life and see Him come through each time you do so. Trust in His supernatural power and you will be able to do anything. It is relationship with Him that will result in power with Him to do exploits for Him.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Communion with the Father is the only way to maintain a close walk with Him. He is always there but your thoughts wander to other spheres. God is good and He will always come through for you. You expect a revival and you will have one because you asked your Father for it. Prepare for a revival. Remember there is a responsibility to not only usher in a revival but to maintain it. A revival will bring change and this change may not be comfortable. Any change will cause a disruption to your thoughts and feelings. Embrace these changes for they will keep you alive. The dead boredom of routine is what kills people. Change is good because it will keep you alert and embrace change like a good thing. When you are positive about change then the change becomes a friend and not a foe. Your life is hid in Him and therefore He is in the change with you. He will change you to be like Him. If you refuse to change then you will remain stagnant and go stale. Watch out for this for this is bad. Stale water never produces life that is fresh and vital. Fresh water energizes and refreshes. Therefore seek to be fresh each day as you feed on His fresh manna daily.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Purpose is what generates energy for moving forward by faith. No purpose results in lack of enthusiasm for the cause. A purpose is a goal to aim for. Your goal of a million souls is a goal. Now the energy for the goal comes from heaven. Christ Himself in you will manifest Himself through you so many may come into His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is within you and needs to be seen through you to be seen around you. God manifests His Kingdom through His people. When His people love each other then the Kingdom of God is manifested on earth as it is in heaven. His Kingdom is not made with hands but it is a spiritual Kingdom breathed through His spirit. His Spirit moves freely wherever He pleases. When you expect a move of God then He will come and move in your midst. By faith you can imagine and expect anything. Your Kingdom come, your will be done. This is your prayer till you see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Perfect is the love of the Father. He is above all and He loves His children. You can do anything that God asks you to do because His power will back your resolve. He will back His children 100% and there is no dithering with Him. He is all for you and therefore you can depend on Him all the time. He is for you and will be with you no matter what. Jesus knew His Father had sent Him and would be with Him all the way. You also know that God is with you. Do not let your thoughts and doubts dissuade you. Cling to His eternal word and you will be safe. The only way to reverse the power of your thoughts is to cling to His written word. This never changes. When the devil attacks you, proclaim His living word. His blood will cover you and His blood will wash your conscience clean from dead works. He will give you new thoughts to counter act the old thoughts. In this way you become renewed in your mind. Therefore be glad that your Redeemer lives.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Many are the trials and tribulations you will have to face but the Lord is with you all the time. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is always there with you and will sustain you. Only keep your eyes on Jesus. Each challenge is an invitation for you to trust Him to work through you. No challenge, no growth. There is a purpose for the challenges. You can view them as negative experiences or challenges. The challenge is to enter the fray and come out victorious. Do not be overcome with a defeatist mentality. There is no failure in Christ. When you walk in the spirit then all you do is walk with Him. If the Cross was a failure then it is only so in the eyes of those who do not believe in the resurrection. The Cross is the only way to experience the resurrection. No Cross, no resurrection. There is life in negative experiences. It is the key to overcoming. Therefore look for the resurrection experience when you go through the challenge. Never say die till you die. All the experiences you have had have molded you to the person you are today.Therefore commit all your ways to Him and He will make straight the paths. Change your thinking and it will change your outcome.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Keeping your focus on Jesus enables you to separate yourself from the thoughts and feelings of others. You will allow Jesus to fill you with His thoughts and not be influenced by the thoughts of others. When you catch yourself thinking what others are thinking then you know it is you thinking what you think they are thinking. Own these as your thoughts and you will change your perception of others. You will not judge others so easily when you realize it is your thoughts that you think of them and not their thoughts. This is to be more real then think for others. You think for others to put yourself up or down. When you think highly of others then you will put yourself down. When you think lowly of others then you put yourself up. All these are ego thoughts that play the role of the victim or the victor. The ego needs conflict to be real. Where there is no conflict there is fear and trepidation. Conflict enables the ego to feel real and it is in the process of the conflict that you become known for who you really are. All your emotions are stirred up and you become your false self of your deep fears and desires. This gives you reason to save yourself from the torment of your oppressors. These oppressors are not external to you but internal. Your projections of your oppressors make them external entities. This is why when you own your feelings then you will be less likely to project and displace your feelings on to others. This realization enables you to be free from your oppressors and become real with others. You free others to be themselves when you are open about your fallen feelings. This is the path to true enlightenment. It is this process that leads to your salvation from all the cravings of your flesh.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Father God I love you because you are my father. What a powerful name that contains the essence of one's being. There is no other name that can rePlace the name of father. It is the source of all life. It spells creator, for from father flows the son and daughter. Without the father there is no creation. When I connect with my Father I connect with all creation for all creation comes from the word of His mouth. All are from Him and are under His control. No one listens to anyone but the Father. Even the mother is subject to the father. The son obeys the father because he is his father. Connect with the father through the son which is what Jesus came to do. Man lost connection with the father through sin and therefore father had to sacrifice His son to reconnect with us. His sacrifice is the only channel through whom I can connect with Him. The Father sees the son in me and connects with me. It is His son that He sees and responds to. Because I have Jesus in my heart, therefore His Spirit in me cries Abba Father. Now I am free to commune with my Father in heaven because of His Son. Hallelujah. I can now know His thoughts and respond to Him.

Friday, September 09, 2011


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own wealth. The Lord is wealthy and He is generous. He gives freely because all things belong to Him. A man who trusts in the Lord will give freely and not hold back. God is good and He will answer your prayer because He loves to give. You are entering a season of revival. Prepare for the Lord's return for it is very soon. Put all your energy into this and you will find that people will flock to you. When people believe your message then they will give for the Kingdom sake. People will give to a cause they believe in. When they have tasted the Lord then nothing else matters. He is going to move mightily amongst you. Watch and pray and expect the best and the best will come to you. Ignore the small irritations and be fixed on the big plan. God will provide the resources for His cause. All He wants is willing people to fight for His cause.

Thursday, September 08, 2011


God is good and He answers your prayers in His time. His timing is the best for He knows when it is right. All you need to do is pray and wait. It is His cause you are fighting for. He will reveal His purpose in His time. Your time is now but God's time is eternity. This is why you need to live in the now but have an eternal perspective. In this way you can live fully now with an eternal perspective. God loves a man who can trust in Him fully. No doubts, just trust. This is the way to move forward in faith. He allows you to experience Him in different ways. He will provide you with the wisdom to know and to do. He will direct your paths and in Him all things work together for good. The good and the bad experiences will be brought together in Him. In this way He is in control of all things. He created the world with all things. Sin entered and messed up things but He is still in control. Therefore be true to what you believe. There is no right or wrong in Him for He is all right. Therefore in Him when you walk in the Spirit all is right. You have peace of mind and your heart is in all that you do. This is the way to live and be fruitful. No more agitating about what could be. All is as is because He is.Now go and multiply and be fruitful.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Purpose is what drives achievement. A man with a purpose enables all his faculties to function in unison to achieve the goal. A soul totally surrendered to God and His purpose has no worries about tomorrow. He has given up all personal ambitions and is fixed on serving His purpose. Such a person is not taken up with his ego needs but is taken up with what God desires and wants. This is to be invested in fulfilling the purpose of another. In such a case the Lord is the driver and I am the passenger. I just appear to be in the driver's seat when actually He is driving it. I am just a vessel in His hands to do His bidding. I just take each day as it comes and accept the outcome of each day. I know that He is working out all things and wait for surprises. I let go and let Him do the making. I am content to sit and wait. I will not be driven to distraction. I will remain focused on my goal as He works it out. How good to be in that place of total rest in Him. He determines my days and I am satisfied with my lot. I will rejoice each day in His goodness. I will rejoice and be glad. He is my Father and He loves me so. Great is His faithfulness.

Monday, September 05, 2011


I am addicted to Jesus. Jesus is all I have. He is mine and I am His. Now all I want is in Him. I want to be like Him. I want to think and feel like Him. I want to be possessed by His Spirit. His Spirit within me is my salvation. He is the guarantee that I am His and my salvation is secure in Him. He gives me all I need to live for the moment. In Him I am energised and filled with hope. He fills my being with love and hope. Hope keeps me alive. This is not a dead hope but a living hope. Jesus means hope for He is the hope of the world. The world is doomed to annihilation because the god of this world is condemned to hell fire. Men are trapped in his snares. The world entraps you by gold and glitter and girls. Yet God will redeem you from these things and bring you to a place of complete detachment from these things. Once you are detached from these things, then these things have no more influence over you. You are like a dead man who fails to respond to these things. Thank you Lord for your salvation that keeps me free from attachment to these things. You have to forsake all these things to inherit the Kingdom of God.

Saturday, September 03, 2011


3/9/11 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. He is the Lord of all and therefore He knows everyone's heart. He calls all into His kingdom but only a few will hear. The god of this world has blinded many to the way. They follow other ways because they are enticed by the god of this world. The god of this world always entices through the external lights and pleasures. Man falls for this so easily through his eye gate. This gate is the gate that entices all to fall. The media is the main channel through which the world influences us. Watch the eye gate and do not fall for the superficial ways of man. Pride entices by feeding the ego which looks for power and popularity. Pride always gets in the way of dependence on God. Man was created in the image of God and therefore has the desire for power. But this power has been turned inwards and serves self rather then others. God's power is available for service and not to serve your self interests. Whenever you are involved in serving others then you know you are working for God. Many serve but again they do it with self interest. It may all look good but where there is pride the ego is fed and not the other. Agape love serves without any self interest and serves the other without conditions. This is the kind of love that will go the distance and bless the people. Be filled in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit and you will fulfill all God's commands in the flesh.

Friday, September 02, 2011


2/9/11 Amazing God who has chosen to commune with a chosen people to work out His plans for a Kingdom made without hands. God wants a people who will be totally dependent on Him. This means death to self and a whole heart surrender to His ways. God's ways are not man's ways because there is no selfishness in God. Man is always self centered because he is man. God is Creator of man and so only seeks to bless and not to control. He gives man free will so he can choose to obey rather then be forced to do so. His ways are always the best way. Therefore listening to Him and walking in His ways leads to health and wealth. Pride never served man, only destroyed Him. God is watching your heart, not your purse. Man is moved by hearts that are broken and compassionate. God is moved by hearts that are broken and open for His healing touch. This is why God moves through whoever is available to Him. It is not education or standing but a humble heart that leads to communion and power with God. God loves a humble heart that will give and not think of the cost.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


1/9/11 Praise God who gives new direction and guidance daily for my pursuit of His glory. God is good and His faithfulness is everlasting. In Him will I hope and in His goodness will I cherish. He is my father and I am His child. In His presence is everlasting joy. In His courts there is justice and fairness. In the world there is so much disparity. The poor are neglected and the rich are courted. How much the world's systems are against justice and fairness. This disparity causes all the ill will and discontent. Peoples are divided and there is no safe place because the disenfranchised look for justice in their own way. Blessed is the man who walks in the ways of the Lord and does not trust his own judgements. He looks to His Spirit for guidance. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you and you don't have to seek the favor of man. Many are the troubles that follow the man who is guided by his ego. The man who trusts in the Lord fears the Lord and not man. .