Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Many are the faults of people but they all need to be loved. Love does cover a multitude of sins. Where will we be without love? Love is the powerful force that sustains relationships. The more difficult the relationship, the greater the need for love. Agape love shines through when you allow God’s love to flow through you. God’s love washes over you and then spreads to touch others. His love is free and flows to you as you look to Him. God is love. His very nature is love and there is no lack of it. It is unconditional love which touches the worst sinner. Love is like dynamite that will burst through the fortress of hatred. Hate always divides and destroys. The only remedy for hate is love. This kind of love is not man made. It is God kind of love. It is real and cannot be substituted. This is the kind of love that made Jesus take up His Cross and die. His death released His unconditional love so that all can now receive His salvation. What a marvellous exchange, what a marvellous love.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Powerful are the words of the Lord as He speaks through the scriptures. Imagine Him speaking personally to you today and receive life abundant. He is alive and the scriptures come alive when you hear Him speaking personally to you. He is the Saviour of the world and anyone who hears Him will receive Him as his Lord and Saviour. His word is sharper then any two edged sword that will pierce through the finest thread of resistance. His word is like a sword that can turn hearts from rebellion to submission. This is the word that contains the power to change. Man’s eloquence cannot compare with it. His word contains life for the soul. The soul hears from the deep and responds to the now word. It is manna for your soul. Come and receive His word today and be filled.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


God is able to do and He will, when you trust Him to do. His power is available to all who call on His Name. Jesus is the Name above all names. His Name is the key to salvation and deliverance. He will meet all your needs when you trust in Him with all your heart. His word is true and you will experience His word when you believe it. His word is one with Him. He is in His word and His word is living. It has power to change and to redeem. One word from the Lord is like a thousand words. It contains the power to change and to redeem. His blood cleanses sin and redeems you. His word was sent to heal you. Trust His word rather then the word of man. His word is eternal and therefore has the power of the eternal in it. No nuclear power can contain the power of His word. So powerful is His word that it was sent to do what it was said to do. Now say His word and see how His said word becomes His sent word to perform a miracle.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Abiding in Him is like being in the womb of a mother. You are so united with Him and depend on Him for all your nourishment. He feeds you and clothes you and you are safe and secure in Him. He enfolds you with His love. You are protected from all bugs and you remain firm in faith and resolve. You are entwined and filled with His Spirit and you have no other desire then to glorify His Name. You become one with Him just as Jesus is one with His Father. This is your inheritance in Christ. He has bought you with a price and in Him you are a prince. In this new image you can rely on Him and not in yourself. Self becomes subjugated to His presence in you. You are like a fire brand that sets fires wherever you go because of His presence in you. Therefore live in the fear of the Lord for He is a fire that burns and destroys all His enemies. You are in a war and need to be ready at all times to be called into warfare with the enemy of your soul. The devil wants to destroy you for you are a threat to him and his kingdom. Live like a king for the Kingdom is within you.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Healing and blessing follow those who follow the Lord whole heartedly. This does not mean that the sick are lost but in your sickness you are able to whole heartedly follow Him. He knows what is best for you. Death has been overcome and therefore even if the sickness is unto death you can still praise Him. God knows what is best. Through all the trials and tribulations we face we know His purposes are good. He has our life in His hands. We are content to know that He is with us in our sickness, trials and tribulations. He suffers with us. The suffering is short compared to the eternity with Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. All we need to do is stay committed to the course and never take our eyes off Jesus. He is with us and knows our pain. He is shaping us into His image and we are content to know that all things work together for good. The devil is a loser. The Cross never was a failure but a positive sign of victory. So also your cross which you are called to bear should enthuse you, knowing that it is a sign of victory and not failure. What appeared to be a lost cause became the fulcrum of change for good. What a gospel, what a Saviour, what a destiny. Hallelujah.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


God is in the business of making you whole. He is not interested in your works but in your character. Character plus good works results in great gains. Good works without character is like a face without a soul. The soul of a man needs to be united with his work. This brings life to what you do. When you separate yourself from what you do it will feel like doing things without being involved. You become like a machine that goes through the motions. Robots cannot bring the soul into an activity. Even if it is doing mundane stuff like cleaning and washing it becomes a living activity when your soul is involved. Bring all of yourself into what you do and you will see transformation occur before you. Giving a sermon like a book will feel like noise unless your soul is involved. It is involvement that makes the difference. Many exist rather then live and therefore they go through the motions of doing things. This is never satisfying for it is like a train on railway lines that goes through rigidly and never deviates from its set course. Life can be like that but there is no joy in such activity. Get your soul involved in what you do and see new life being breathed into what you do today.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


God’s power is experienced not just talked about. His power is available to heal, deliver and save. His power was released at Pentecost and continues to be released today. You can experience it too if you tap into it by faith. Faith in the Name of Jesus releases the power. His Holy Spirit within you holds the power that is released as you speak forth the word of His power. The word of His power is limitless. The word is a living word. When you speak forth His word by faith it performs the word. If the word is for healing then healing is released. God spoke the word and the world was formed. It is the same today. The power of His word is sent forth and will perform. This is the difference between a said word and a sent word. A said word only is good for hearing. The sent word performs what it is supposed to do. You need to release the word and power is released to perform the word. Come Holy Spirit and perform your works through me.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Better is the man who seeks the Lord then walks after his own ideas and desires. If you acknowledge Him in all your ways then He will grant you the desires of your heart. When you seek Him with all your heart then your desires come in line with His. What a wonderful combination. You and God are a majority. You will never feel alone again for He is with you always. He walks with you and talks with you along life’s narrow way. What a fellowship of the divine union between God and man. This is what salvation in Jesus is all about. It is not just theory but also experience. Most of western religion is a mere intellectual exercise. This is why the New Age movement has weaved its way into the hearts and minds of the West. The East has invaded the West and now we can look to a revolution of thought and experience. This would lead to a new way of living which will challenge the systems of the West. This combination will lead to a new kind of spirituality which will also help the church to not only major on right theology but also experience the power. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is not just talk power but power to heal, deliver and save.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Many are the ways that people can walk but the end is disastrous. The Lord will guide you if you acknowledge Him in all your ways. The scriptures are your guide to right living. He will bring to your remembrance His words of life to help you to live life to the full. His joy is everlasting. It is not a temporary feeling of happiness but a joy whose depth is unfathomable. His love is so deep and wide that there is no limit that can be set. So much can you feel His love as you tap into Him. By His Spirit in you, you will be able to fathom those depths of joy and love. You can do this ay anytime and at any place. He is present all the time and He is available to all. How good is He that He should extend Himself to you? Many cry out to Him and see their needs met. Cry out to Him day and night and see how you can breathe His life into you. He has come that you may have life and that abundantly. Dig deep and you will find a source that will keep you loving life.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Watch how you talk and walk. When you watch your talk and walk then you are able to distance yourself from yourself and observe your talk and your actions. In so doing you do not identify with your thoughts. Identification with your thoughts makes you talk and walk as if your thoughts are the same as you. You are not your thoughts. Thoughts come from various sources, God, self, world and the devil. When you observe your thoughts you are able to discern the source of your thoughts. If from God then do it. Be wise and as you study the word of God you will think more of His thoughts. His thoughts determine your attitude. Your attitude determines your talk and walk. Therefore judge your thoughts. In this way your talk and your walk will become more like Him. His Spirit in you will help you and this is the way you will become more like Jesus.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Walking on water means to be able to transcend the power of gravity. Jesus walked on water because he was able to transcend the power of gravity. Peter hooked on to what he saw and walked on water. He was able to do so as long as his eyes were on Jesus. When he shifted his focus then he lost the connection and began to sink. You too can walk on water when you see Jesus and fix your eyes on Him. Your faith level rises as you fix your eyes on Jesus. Imagine this by faith and see yourself moving mountains as you gaze on Him. It becomes so easy. It is not through effort but by faith. Just trust Him to work through you. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit will flow through you as you fix your gaze on Him. See with the eyes of your heart. Your head will doubt but your heart will see and believe. What you believe is possible will become possible. This is a different dimension from the world you live in. It is a world of faith where fears melt away and trust rises to take hold of that which you have access to in Jesus Name. All the promises of God are yes and amen in His Name. So tap into them and walk on water.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Happy is the man who puts his trust in the Lord. He will be kept in the hollow of His hand. He will be content and at peace because he knows his Lord cares for him. God is able to do much more then you can think or imagine. He is God of all. Today you have entered a new place. This is the place of the master who has mastered his mind to obey him. When your mind is under your control then you are able to direct it in good ways. A mind that is out of control will do anything at its whim. A controlled mind will obey its master. This is the place of the master. You are a master now because you have learnt the key to master your mind. Your flesh is under your control. It cannot dictate its desires and you are free to operate in the spirit. You don’t have to continue to battle with your flesh because your mind is under your control. The Holy Spirit will guide you as you walk as a master. His master plan is to enable you to live like a king in all circumstances. This is to rule like a king. You have all of heavens supernatural resources at your bidding. Ask in Jesus Name and be blessed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The Lord is your Keeper and hiding place. He will keep you safe from the attacks of the evil one. Run to Him and He will enfold you and keep you safe. This world is a hostile place to those who love the Lord. Jesus came to this world and the world rejected Him. They crucified Him and resisted Him. You will also be despised for your allegiance to Him. All His followers have to partake of His resurrection power and His sufferings. Suffering for good is good suffering. It is suffering like Jesus did for they know not what they do. Evil will cause suffering for good people. This is why the whole creation is crying out for deliverance. Death and hell are waiting for those who collude with evil. You have an eternal Kingdom awaiting you. Enjoy His Kingdom presence now as He lives in you. The Kingdom is where the King resides and He lives in you. Now live like a king as He rules through you. He will speak and feel through you. In this is your sweet recompense. In Him you are always present and alive.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Many are the people who call Him Lord but do not really serve Him. To call Jesus Lord is to give Him total and complete authority over your life. You will say what He says and do what He does. He is calling for a people who not only acknowledge Him as Lord with their lips but also with their heart. It is heart conversion that leads to overcoming life. To be a over comer you need a heart conversion. This conversion is from a fleshly mindset to a heavenly mindset. These 2 mindsets finally determine your destiny. Many are happy with the cover of Christianity and then they do their own thing. Christianity is not just the cover of the book but also the contents. The cover is just a face. It is the content that fills you. A people that celebrate the cover and not the content is like building your life on sand. This generation is taken up so much by the visible that the invisible world is missing. To tap into the invisible world you need to wait and be silent. You will hear His voice then more clearly. His voice is firm and encouraging. This is how the rhema word is felt and received. The physical world becomes the living word. Jesus became the word incarnate. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and became flesh. Your God thought spoken forth in faith becomes the living word in flesh.

Monday, June 14, 2010


God is setting you up for the goal He has given you. He is positioning you in the market place so that you will attract maximum publicity. He is the one who ordains men into positions. He will provide you with the support you need when you need it. God works through vision and works on your heart. He will then give you the strategy to obtain what you need. See how He will cause others to support your cause. You will marvel as hearts are united to the cause. The cause is greater then the man. Men fight for a cause because their hearts have been fired up for it. Your vision so possesses you that it takes over your life. Jesus was possessed by His cause to be the Saviour of the world. The world includes everyone. He was not put off by any barriers man had created through the fall. Separation comes when we put up barriers to communion. Communion was broken through fear. Love always binds. Love trusts the other. Fear divides and we put up protective walls that divide. When the walls are so thick then we fail to see our neighbour. The walls of belief are the strongest walls to crack. Belief causes many divisions and separates. These are the walls that can only be broken by a massive deluge of the Spirit. When He comes all walls will be broken. Like the wall of Jericho it will come crashing down. Once the walls are down then it is easy to invade and occupy. Jesus came to unite the Jew and the Gentile by tearing down the wall of separation. Hallelujah what a Saviour.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


God’s thoughts are not your thoughts. His thoughts are higher then your thoughts. His Word contains His thoughts. As you meditate on His word it becomes a vehicle to carry His word of power to you. When you meditate on His healing word it brings healing to you. When you mediate on His loving word it carries His love to you. God’s word carries the substance. God spoke His thought and created the world and all that is in it. It all began with a thought. Therefore treasure the thoughts God sends to you. They are like manna to feed your soul and bring life to your bones. In Him is life and that eternal. Without Him you are just flesh and bones. His Spirit in you establishes you. In Him you are established for life and good works.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Help is always available for those who seek the Lord and are eager to please Him. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will show you the path you need to walk in. Yes battles have to be fought and in all your affairs look to Him. In the end He is the one who decides. The devil is a loser and he can never win because he has lost the war. The final outcome has already been decided. He may win some battles but the Lord will use it to bring about good. People’s hearts are touched by the truth and not lies. Lies only breed hostility. When you stick for the truth as revealed to you, the truth will finally win. Lies do not have the staying power of truth. Therefore fight for the truth for God is behind all truth and against all lies. Always let love gird you and never give into fear. Your life is hid in Christ and therefore you are protected from all evil. Rejoice and be glad that your name is written in the book of life.

Friday, June 11, 2010


God is good and His mercy endures forever. He is so good that you can rely on Him at all times. He will turn your mourning into dancing. He has promised you eternal life and this is what you need to hang on to. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will bestow you with gladness all the days of your life. He is with you and in you. Praise be to the Lord. He is an ever present comforter and friend. You don’t need modern aids to connect with Him. He will infuse you with wisdom, knowledge and love. Yes He is a wise God and He will help you sift between what is good and what is non essential. His love enfolds you. You are one in Him as the Father is one with His Son. You are a child of God. You are His feet and hands in a troubled world. Go out today to bless His world with His presence. His presence goes wherever you go. Now live it out and see how your day becomes light.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Many are the ways of the Lord but He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His ways are powerful because He knows what is needed. He does not play the guessing game. He moves in ways unknown to man. What appears a disaster turns out to be a victory. See what happened at Calvary. He turned the cross into a crown. The cross was a hated and dreaded sign in the Roman era. Yet many wear the cross as an ornament of beauty. God works to redeem while man works to amass. Man’s riches is in amassing wealth which is gone tomorrow. The financial turbulence is to shake the world of its security in wealth and direct their attention to the eternal. None of these things will suffice on the day of reckoning. When your heart fails then only God can restore you. Things can provide a false sense of security but cannot suffice when the day of trouble descends upon you. Your strength comes from a heart filled with joy and hope. Nothing else will suffice on that day. Therefore hope in God and all these things will be added to you. Acknowledge Him as Lord and He will turn your sorrows into joy. Keep your heart safe from the evil of this world. Never surrender your soul to what is temporary and sinful.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord rather then his own feelings. The Lord is God and He is Lord overall. This is something man finds difficult to comprehend. Man likes to divide and rule. In this way he can control his patch. This is the basic way the animal kingdom behaves. God is overall and He loves all creatures great and small. God is no respecter of persons. He is freely available to all who call on Him. The muslim and hindhu call on Him. He knows many who are sincere and He judges fairly. The divisions between men are due to man’s own insecurity. God is secure in His position and so welcomes all. He sent His Son as a mediator between God and man. In Him the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile was broken. Now the only way to true peace is when men of all creeds and traditions acknowledge Him as Lord of all. This is the mission of the church. Not compromise but speaking the truth in love. Love will finally win out for God is love and those who love God will choose the way of love. Seek those who walk in love and you will find a common spirit of seeking for the truth. When their eyes are opened they will see Jesus as the Messiah and receive Him as their Lord.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Remember the days of old and be glad. He was faithful and kept you on the way. He was there when you needed Him. He was there in your troubled times. He came through for you every time. He is close to you and very near to you. He is with you during your up time and down time. He is with you always. He will never leave you or forsake you. His word will remind you of his faithfulness and care. He is the vibrant force that keeps you together. Without Him you can do nothing. He is always speaking and you will hear Him when you tune into Him. His word comes through when you tune into His channel. Why listen to these other voices when only His voice is all you need. Listen to Him and see how your needs will be met and you will overflow in His love. Lord I love you and you are everything to me.

Monday, June 07, 2010


Better is the place for unity then competition. Unity is the heart of God. All 3 united in the Godhead. Unity is the glue that seals the vision for the mission. In unity you find harmony. Everyone is focussed on achieving the goal rather then attracting attention to one self. When one sacrifices one’s own interest for the whole then you have really come to the place of maturity. Maturity is always seeking for the other then for one self. Maturity is the cream of all successful enterprises. Jesus laid down His life for the goal of redemption. If He refused to do this then you and I would be lost in eternity. His sacrifice sealed the covenant between you and God. Now you can live on this completed sacrifice which means you are free to live life in the overflow. The overflow is the life of Christ in you overflowing to others. His life is always full because His love is limitless. You become a super human being in Him. God and you are a majority at all times. In your self you are nothing. In Him you are a guided missile filled with God’s love to turn this world upside down. This world is trapped in self love. A trap is a prison that keeps you stale and sour. It is only the joy of the Lord that can free you to be free. Come and be filled with His joy today.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


God is at work in you to prepare you for the harvest. He has planted the vision in you. Now you will be infused with it till it overtakes you. When you become your vision then nothing can stop you from achieving the impossible. God always works through vision. He gives you sight first before you can see the vision accomplished. Sight is the result of faith. Faith sees the impossible become possible. The saints saw and believed and acted. This is what made many to leave all and go to foreign lands to win the lost. It is the vision of a lost world without Christ that inspired many and cost them their very life. What a vision can do to a man is unfathomable. With true vision you can scale heights that were never achieved before. Your mind goes to work and your body follows. Without a vision the people perish. You need a vision to spend your life in. You then are moulded by your vision and to achieve your vision becomes your goal. You are transformed by your vision and your vision then wins souls for the Kingdom. Everything is stream lined to achieve your vision which becomes your mission. Jesus set His sights on the Cross. He achieved His mission and rose from the dead. The Cross was not the end of the road but the beginning to a glorious redemption.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


His presence in you is the answer to many situations that confuse you. He knows and He will guide you. Once you know how to respond in His way then you can move forward in boldness. You are not taken up with your negative responses of your flesh. You respond in the Spirit as you walk in love. Others may devise evil plans but when you respond in love you cancel those negative plans. God is able to help you everyday all the day. It the consciousness of His presence within you that will enable you to do this. He is able to do this through you. You will not waste your energy in defence and rationalisation. You will act in the moment and be free from all negativity. Negativity in the world is what causes all the turmoil in the world. When the positive presence of God invades you then all negativity will leave. The devil cannot stand a positive presence. He thrives in negativity. Negativity is also a condition of your ego. Your ego loves to hear bad news. This world revolves round bad news. The media thrives on bad news. Good news is bad news for the ego and the world. Therefore be a positive influence by spreading the good news of His resurrection. His resurrection power brought new life to you. It is this life that will keep you from the rot of this world. Jesus died that He could be born again in a new body as a promise of things to come. Your walk in the flesh is temporary and all you have is temporary. Therefore live in the expectation of your new body as you live life in His presence.

Friday, June 04, 2010


Blessed is the man who puts his trust in the Lord. He will be blessed and His wells will be full. You will water others out of your overflow. You need never water out of your own well. Your own well is to meet your needs. God will minister through you out of your overflow. Many feel burnt out because they minister out of their wells. You will minister out of your overflow and therefore you will never lack anything. Isn’t this wonderful. You will not lack anything in body, mind or spirit when you minister out of your overflow. Therefore when you are feeling tired and wasted you know that you have been depleting your own resources. When you minister in the overflow you will feel pumped and full. God will fill your well every time you minister to others. God is a debtor to no one. He has more then enough for any need. All you need to do is to connect to him and be the channel of blessing to others. Many are paralysed by fear for they live out of their own resources. When you shift and depend on God’s resources, you are free to give freely because you have received freely. Hallelujah.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Blessed is the Lord who gives and gives and gives so freely. He gives and He takes away. Blessed is His Name. Who am I to question Him whose love is perfect. He never fails and He knows what is best for me and for others. All I need to do is surrender to Him and I will walk in perfect peace. There are things beyond my control and the best I can do is surrender to Him. Because I know Him and I know He has the best for me, I am secure in Him. Now I can sing like a bird and dance like a fairy. The angels dance with me as I give all glory and honour to Him who was and is and forevermore. I will bless the Lord and in Him I will be glad. Today sing a new song and be glad. Today is the day He has made and today you are free. How good it is to walk in the presence of the Lord. He gives me new thoughts and new desires and makes me feel alive. He never changes, the same, yesterday, today and forever.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


The Lord will protect you from the onslaught of the devil. He will keep you safe from the evil around you. He will insulate your mind from the evil darts directed at you. You will be at peace because He is your shield and defender. In Him you are whole and He renews you everyday. In Him you hold the pearl of great price. The Holy Spirit in you is the guarantee of your eternal life. In Him eternity is your inheritance. The Holy Spirit guides you and leads you. In this world man is worried about what he has. In His world you have the peace of God that passes all understanding. In Him you have all things, health, wealth and peace of mind. His peace fills you and His joy propels you to new heights. In Him you are assured of a salvation that leads you to be a witness of His great glory. His love keeps you comforted and at rest. You are able to face any mountain. He gives life and not just words. In the world you will hear empty promises. In Him you receive life and that abundantly. This is your inheritance in Christ. Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Your perceptions are guided by your thoughts and feelings. When your feelings take over then your thoughts become secondary. When your thoughts take over then they will control your feelings. This is why you should never allow your feelings to dominate your thoughts. Negative feelings are especially dangerous as they will kill and destroy. Balance your feelings with your thoughts. Your thoughts are subject to scrutiny while your feelings are not. Your feelings are subjective and will clear once your thoughts get in charge. Your soul is polluted by negative feelings. When you fix your mind on Jesus then all your thoughts and feelings come under His control. In His presence you become whole. This is why meditating on God’s thoughts (His Word) will check your feelings. His Word is reassuring and positive and will reinforce positive feelings. It is when you are challenged that negative feelings will be aroused. So fix your mind on Jesus and walk like a king.