Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Precious are the moments of intimacy with the Lord. These intimate moments are like blasts of anointings in the Spirit. The anointings crystallize your relationship with the Lord. Look out for these moments. They are like light shafts that penetrate the inner most parts of your being. They are revelations in the Spirit that come and pass and you must grasp it. To grasp it is to make it your own. When it becomes your own then it is like you have possessed it. What is possessed becomes a part of you. It is like the word of God that shines on your heart and delivers you from all your fears. God's word penetrates through the darkness and lightens your path. When you walk in His presence then you become light. His light will shine through you and expel all the darkness around you. Don't give into those slavish thoughts that will bind you. You are free and your freedom in Christ is what will deliver you from all evil. Divorce is evil and you must not collude with evil. Do not collude with any kind of evil because colluding is as good as participating in evil. Resist evil and it will flee from you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Brilliant are His ways and thoughts. Incomprehensible His plans for they are beyond comprehension by our puny minds. God is beyond comprehension because He is our Creator. We box Him in with our own thoughts of Him. We try to contain His power and His glory. God cannot be contained. He is too large to be contained. He is above all and yet in all. How do you comprehend that? He is in all because He created all things, good and evil. He will not be reduced to a thing. Images of God are a abomination to the Lord. Images are man made things to represent God to man. Man is limited by his image of God. God is image-less yet He says He made us in His image. Figure that out! When you grasp the immensity of God then you realize you are a but a speck of dust in His presence. This is what humility is all about. Be humble for God loves the humble of heart. God has chosen to make Himself known to the humble. Reach out to Him and let Him touch you and transform you.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Perhaps the Lord is coming soon. Are you ready for His coming? Perhaps He is not coming soon but has delayed His coming. Does this make any difference to your preparation? His coming or not coming is not the issue. The issue is whether you are ready to meet Him one day face to face. Death is the exit door to meeting Him. He comes today for many who will exit to the next life. Yes there is a life after death and this is why you need to be prepared for it. Those who are unconscious of death live in an illusion. They are only conscious of time and space. They do not live but exist. To be conscious is to be aware of every moment and to enjoy the present moment. This means you are connected to what is and not what has gone or what is to come. Living is a conscious and vibrant connection with all that is around you. Today prepare to meet your Maker.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Familiarity breeds contempt. It is so easy to assume and neglect what is precious. Once you get used to something it loses its initial charm and curiosity. It is as if it has become part of the furniture. This is why people seek for new experiences. The old is stifling and comfortable. The new is bright and challenging. The world is full of challenges and it is easy to fall prey to the new thing on the block. The familiar has a sense of ordinariness to it. The new is different and so is exciting. However the new one day will become old. Beware of familiarity for it will kill you. Keep appreciating what you have and you will live a vibrant life. Gratitude is a good habit to cultivate. When you have nothing then everything is a bonus. Keep to the straight and narrow way and you will never lose your way.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


The Lord bless you and keep you. His face shine upon you and give you peace. The Lord is good and He always comes through in your time of need. He is your Supplier of all your needs. He offers you comfort when you are troubled and He gives you healing for your body. He is a friend at all times and in all places. The Lord is God and He cannot be limited to times and places. Man is limited but God is unlimited. When you tap into His wisdom and grace then you come into the realm of the impossible. In this realm anything is possible at anytime even the dead being raised alive. Hallelujah that you have entrance into this realm through the Holy Spirit. There are many deceiving spirits that seek to control you but your life is hid in Christ. Purpose now to remain in His presence and you and yours will be protected from the evil one. It is tempting to give up when things don't go as you plan but remember the Lord knows the end from the beginning. Keep the end in mind and you will never lose heart. The end is victorious and splendid and you are a winner.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Giving is the only way of having a satisfying life. When you stop giving, you stop growing. The attitude of giving helps you more then the one who receives the gift. Giving is from the heart of God. God gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The Cross is the ultimate symbol of giving. When you view the Cross you view a life of giving. The Cross applied to yourself will cancel out self and you will think of the other. The Cross is the only solution to a life of holiness. Without the Cross there is no way of escape from a sin filled life. Many do not appreciate this and think they can live without the Cross. If the Cross was a useless death then we are all condemned to death. It is because of the Cross that I have access to the Almighty. Nothing can replace the Cross. Therefore let the Cross be always before you and the world behind you. In this way you will always be available to God to serve others.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Taking one thing at a time helps you to focus on that one thing and not be distracted. Distraction is what causes you to shift your focus. You want to do too many things at one time. This is the ploy of the enemy. He will cause you to be impatient and not get things done. Enjoy each moment. Your life is hid for eternity and therefore there is no rush. You can wait for His time and not be rushed into your time. His time is forever. When you lock into His time then time becomes a non issue. Only death can put an end to your time. Therefore as long as you are alive enjoy each moment and don't be rushed to get things done. It is in the rush to get things done that causes stress and strain. Relax and be calm and take things as they come. Rejoice that you are alive and well. In this way you will not be impulsive but take things as they come. You have all the resources of heaven to tap from when you need it. You will access these resources most when you are down and out. Depend on God to supply your needs and you will never be in lack. His abundance flows to you from heaven. Why bother about things on earth when heaven has a abundant supply? Trust God and in His time He will make all things possible.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Impregnated with the Word results in delivery of a kind that will nourish you and others. The word of God is the written thoughts of God that were sent forth to enable you to know Him and to follow Him. God never left man to wander in darkness. His Word is light and when man receives His Word by faith he becomes whole. His Word came as flesh and dwelt among men. His Word is the light of the world. His living Word is Jesus. When you read scripture as the spoken word of God then you will value His words more then life. Men have forsaken His words to their detriment. They have allowed their own fallen logic to control them. The word of God led nations to victory while the words of man fell to the ground. It is His Word that will help you to conquer and be victorious in these times of testing. Watch for His rhema word and live.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am a new creation in Christ. Behold old things have passed away, all things have become new. What a powerful verse this is from the Bible. In Christ my spirit has been born again. Now I have His thoughts, feelings and character. Old things to do with my Adamic nature are dead and gone. I don't have to listen to those old voices and feelings. I am a new man in Christ. I now listen to His voice in me. I listen to what the new man is saying. In this way I am transformed through my renewed thinking. My thinking determines my new way of living. Therefore I will think His thoughts about me and others. I will not listen to those old voices that have to be drowned by His voice. As I die to the old me, I am free from its torment. The old me can only think of itself and no other. It is steeped in selfishness and self interest and self indulgence. In Christ I am outward focused and thinking of how I can serve others by meeting their need. Jesus came to serve and this is the attitude that you have in Christ. As I serve all my needs are met in Christ. This is the way out of a self serving life and a life renewed in Christ.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When the Lord speaks He speaks so loudly that you cannot but hear and act. Listen to Him. You will hear Him clearly when you surrender all and seek only Him and no other. Fasting enables you to subject the body to submission. Fasting is a form of death to self. The flesh likes to indulge in the senses. The appetite is a strong indicator of where you are in your fleshly state. Indulgence is a a indicator of fleshly works. The flesh indulges to satisfy its ego. The ego likes to boast and to indulge in itself. When you fast you make a choice to die to the flesh. You hear clearly and therefore pray aright. Look for opportunities to die to the flesh. The things that attract you and entice you need to be killed. Anything of the ego must be killed off. You should have no attachments to things in this world. They will all disappear in a second. Your sights must be for things above and not below. In this way you will give the flesh no place to take control. All your fears and anxieties are related to your ego state. The ego wants to be in control but the spirit also desires to be in control. The fight is on and only when you surrender to the spirit will your ego let go.

Monday, November 14, 2011


The love of God is so large and big that nothing can contain it. His love is so real for the man who seeks Him and embraces Him to his heart. God loved the world is such a profound statement of faith. There is no love other then His love because His love gives sacrificially. God can change your personality to be like Jesus. This is a process but can happen suddenly. God can do anything. The chain of curse is broken when you submit to Him. Your submission to Him is the key to change. Many talk about surrender but only on their terms. Your surrender must be unconditional. We hold on to something only to realize that it really is of no value. What cannot keep you from death is an illusion. All that you see is an illusion because it could be wiped out in a second. So what are you holding on to but your fragile life. God came to give you eternal life. You are unconscious of death but that would interfere with your consciousness. When you become conscious of death then you come alive. It is a paradox but true. Jesus was conscious of His death on the Cross and He faced it. He knew this was His Father's will and there was no way out of it for the sake of the world He created. The devil demanded it and God bowed down to it. Yet in the end Christ was the victor over the grave. Today you are a victor because He lives in you. His life in you is your assurance of victory. Hallelujah.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hitting rock bottom is like death. There is no way out but up. When you hit rock bottom your ego is completely out of control.It has nothing else to fight for as it has lost control. No more control battles. It can't fight anymore because it has lost everything and in losing one comes to one's senses. Reality hits home. You are now no longer living in an illusion, a make believe state of your mind. All of us live in our minds. Our mind can conjure up anything we want. This is like building castles in the air. However these castles are not reality but a figment of your imagination. Reality is that you have nothing because everything you have can be taken away from you in a second by death. This is something we do not want to face. Once we face it then we have hit rock bottom. The trials and temptations and persecutions we face are to help us face death. These challenges are just that and no more. Once you have come to the place of surrender then these challenges are a joy for you know that you will come out stronger, bolder and more loving and lovable. Embrace these challenges in the Lord. He is on your side and will never leave you or forsake you. How good it is to trust in the Lord. Jesus went away to be quiet and to receive strength for the day. You too must spend time apart to pray and fast. Fasting is like dying to fleshly desires that keep you from the Lord. Thank you Lord for your now word.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


God is in control and that's all you need to know. For a child of God His control is all that he needs to know. The devil appears to be in control but he is a deceiver of souls. He will plant doubt in hearts and cause them to fear. God is love and in Him there is no fear. Therefore fear God and walk in love. He who fears God has no fear of the devil. When fear assails you remember God is in control. This is the only way to overcome fear. In Him you have the power to overcome all things. In Him you are a victor. In the Spirit you can do all things. The ego is the only thing that keeps you bound and helpless to change. Once the ego is dead there is no barriers to your salvation. The ego must die or be put to death by identification with His death. In this way you are free from its chains and set free to be what God has called you to be. Hallelujah.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Mighty is our God to save and to keep. God not only saves but keeps. You can trust Him with your soul. He is your protector and will hold you and keep you for eternity. This is not an illusion. This is the real thing. When you are saved you are saved for eternity not just for your time on earth. You are saved from the clutches of the evil one. The whole world is controlled by the evil one. Only those who are saved are protected from the evil one. Therefore the need for salvation is urgent for protection from the evil one. You must fast and pray and seek His face daily till all your near and dear ones are saved. Those outside the fold need Him. There is no way out of sin then through Jesus. His sacrificial death is the only way out. Facsimiles will not do. You need the original. Come to Jesus and be saved. Today is your day of salvation. Accept Him now.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Prepare for the day of reckoning is soon coming. The Lord is in the wind and the rain. He controls everything. Man may manufacture weapons of mass destruction but the Lord is in control of it all. He can change things in an instant. The mind of man is controlled by God. He knows when the right time for intervention is. He appoints leaders and they are His agents for change or destruction. Man is foolish to think he controls his destiny. Death is the final master. No man can stand against death. How foolish man is to think that he can control his destiny. God will put thoughts into your mind which will enable you to walk in victory at all times. What appears to be a setback is a strategy for success. Hallelujah your God reigns.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


How good it is to be in the Lord. His Holy Spirit is with you and in you. He will comfort you and direct your thoughts. Cancel all those negative and toxic thoughts of the ego and the devil. The ego will always want conflict because the ego is defined through conflict. Peace is a foreign word for the ego. The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. The ego in cooperation with the devil is a toxic influence. It is only in the Spirit that you can be saved from the torture of the ego. The ego will kill itself when it cannot win. So intense is its craving for power, lust and glory. The man of God will not chase after those things that feed the ego's needs. Rather he will subject the ego to the Spirit. Be free from all attachments of the flesh for in this way you don't allow the ego to feed on these things. When you are free from these attachments than you are free to move freely. Anywhere is home because God is in you. His address is your address. How good is that?

Monday, November 07, 2011


Death to self is the only way to live a life of true freedom. The ego needs to be smashed into pieces for true release of the real self. The ego stained with sin can never replace the real self. The real self is hid in God. The real self is your spirit. In your spirit dwells the Holy Spirit. His Spirit works with your spirit to destroy your ego. This is what it means to take up your cross, crucify your flesh, reckon it as dead and to follow Jesus. In following Jesus you give up all rights and the only right you have is to follow Him. It is not the giving up of things or beating yourself but a surrender to Him in all ways. Not my will but your will was Jesus cry through out His earthly journey. This should be yours as well. Only then will you experience the fullness that is promised in the scriptures. As long as there is a bit of self there will be a partial filling only. You have to decide each day and this will transform your mind like to be like Jesus. In Him you are made whole, sanctified for His service. Without His Spirit working through you it will all be wasted work. His work inspires while your work retires.

Sunday, November 06, 2011


Precious are the moments that open up new vistas of knowledge and experience when you are present in the moment. The moment is the most precious place to be when you walk in conscious presence. His presence in you enables you to be present and alive. Most people are on automatic pilot and their brains just operate in automatic mode. There is nothing new because it is all the old programs that are working in the present. When you live in His presence then new thoughts and ideas flow in and disrupt the old patterns. These old patterns are like old friends and provide a sense of false security. They are false because they are routine and nothing new. Being alive means to experience each moment as new. It is living life to the full. To hear the sound and see the sights in a new way is to be present. This means walking in the now and not in the past. How you live each day determines how you grow and mature. This is why it is good to die to self because self always wants to be in charge. Self is in charge by building its own program and sticking to it. It never changes because it is in a prison of its own making. It prefers to be in control even if it is in a prison. Death to self or the ego releases you from these repetitive thoughts and feelings and releases you into risky living.

Saturday, November 05, 2011


We are all reflections of the people we closely associate with. This may come across as a surprise but it is true. One sees this in close relationships like husband and wife. The wife reflects her husband and vice versa. We reject the parts that we see in others but fail to notice that we reject those parts of us that we see in others. A controlling wife will see her refection in her husband and reject him. The relationship becomes toxic when we try to control those reflections. God placed us together for a purpose and that is to refine us through each other. The moment we see that the other is a reflection of me then we stop blaming and start changing. When I change then my reflection changes. Just like a mirror that reflects my image so also wife/husband reflects me. This insight is what brings about change. You stop blaming the other and begin to work on changing yourself so that you reflect a different image. In this is the healing process not in changing the other but yourself. Your reflection should help you to know what needs to be changed. Therefore I am the change I need to see. I will see love when I am loving. I see patience when I am patient. I am the change I want to see. Help me Lord to be Christ so that I see your reflection in others.

Friday, November 04, 2011


Open to God and open to others is living life to the max. Closed to God and others is the sure way to decay and death. The soul is enriched through intercourse with others and God. Your mind is open to receive and in this process you are open to change and grow. Growth is a sign of vitality. Just as a well watered garden shows the vitality within so also a well watered soul is rich in vitality. It grows and nourishes others because it is nourished from within. Spending time alone with God is good nourishment for the soul. The soul thirsts after God because it is made for God. Nothing can fill this space but God. This is why all are created in God and seek for refreshment from Him. Many are not aware of this need but when it is revealed to them they become thirsty. You are called to direct others to their Creator. Many will reject this because of their blindness. Only the Holy Spirit can open their eyes. Once opened they are never the same. Walking in the Spirit is like walking in heaven, light and easy. Heavenly wings will propel you to other spheres which will enable you to attempt new things and overcome old fears.

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Prepare daily for the onslaught. This is wise and you will be prepared for battle at anytime. Just like a fireman is ready for the call so also you need to be ready when your call comes. This readiness will keep you alert. There is no time for resting in this life. The rest comes in the after life. The after life is for eternity. Therefore work as if it is the last day on earth and the first day in eternity. What an outlook for a believer who has set His heart for eternity. Death is just a door into eternity. There is no other way other then ascension which only a few experience. Most will have to enter through the door of death. This should keep you alert at all times because your last day maybe today.This is why life on earth is just a journey through earth on your way to heaven. You are born on earth but born again for heaven. Are you born again? If not today repent of your sin and accept Jesus as your Savior and live forever.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Life is a roller coaster ride. You have to be prepared for this otherwise you will be left behind. In Christ you will have a faith that is prepared to take on every crisis and hindrance in your walk of life. The Holy Spirit in you will guide you as you listen to His voice in you. Just be in the spirit and you will find solace for your soul. Any other state will bring you confusion and distress. This is why living in the spirit is the only way to real life living. He has appointed you for a time like this to prove He is worthy. It is not escapism but a reality test of His faithfulness. Over and over again He has proven Himself to you. This is another test and you will have another testimony to share. God breaks the impasses and hindrances to help you breakthrough the deadlock situations. It may not be pleasant to the flesh but you do not operate in the flesh but the spirit. In the spirit you can overcome all these things and you are more then a conqueror in Christ. Therefore rejoice and be glad and be bold.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Giving is a way of life. Christ gave His own life as a living sacrifice. He died a death that was fit for criminals. An innocent man dying for sinners is the utmost act of giving. Giving that costs much is a sacrifice. Giving that costs you nothing is not a sacrifice. God is calling His people to give sacrificially. This is what pleases His heart. This kind of giving unlocks the treasures in heaven that will release abundance on earth. The key to abundance is in sacrificial giving. Therefore be delighted when you are called to give for then you can expect abundance. God knows and sees your heart and that is what matters. He does not judge by externals. His love flows freely but only those who tap into it will enjoy it. Come to the river and be filled. His riches money cannot buy. See how one thought from Him can change your perception. Poverty thinking will see giving as a loss. Abundance thinking will see giving as an opportunity. Give therefore, as you have freely received, freely give. This is the way to be cut free from earthly attachments.