Monday, January 31, 2011


Plan ahead and leave the rest to God. Your planning is to develop strategies to achieve the goal but the final outcome belongs to the Lord. All the things of this world will pass away so why spend your time and money on these pleasures. They only serve to add pleasure to this life. Spend your time with eternity in mind and you will make choices accordingly. Focus is the key to change. A lot of time is spent on the trivia and so goals are lost in the process. Momentum is important but focus on the object of your goal keeps you on track. Do not let your mind wander but keep it fixed on this one thing, your goal. In this way all things natural and supernatural will come to your aid. When purpose is built into your outlook then this will drive the outcome.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Your destiny is assured in Him because He knows the end from the beginning. He knows everything including the choices you will make. You know the end too because you know how it will all end in victory. His resurrection assures you of an end that promises everlasting life. Now you can let go of all your cares for you are in His hands. All you need to do now is live each moment in His love. The flesh knows only the past and the present. He knows the future and the future is bright. Therefore whatever happens, you know you will win because He has said, it is finished. He did it all on the Cross. He purchased all for you and this is why the Cross is central to your life. What it signifies is more then what is seen. In the unseen, He has through the Cross purchased your salvation. There is nothing more or less that you can do because all has been done for you. Now all you need to do is enjoy it. His hands have led you this far and the rest of the journey is going to be pure joy. Joy because you will live your life in the knowledge that you are a winner. Despite all that happens around you, you have the pearl of great prize within you. You carry Him within you for eternity. What more can you ask. Now all that is left is to manifest His life through you by surrendering all to Him.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Reaching out to others is a sure way of blessing your self. Many are caught in the trap of waiting for others. You will wait forever. It is in reaching out to others that will free others to reach out to you. If you need love then love others. Giving is the only way to start the chain of receiving. What ever you need, start to give away first. In this way you prime the pump and start the flow. God gave His Son and this changed history. Blessings flow as you bless others with your love and goods. This is how the world turns round. This is why only love will do in the end. Hate will breed hate. The principle is the same, you will reap what you sow. Therefore in any area of lack sow what is needed and you will reap a harvest in time. Withholding never works because a folded hand never gives and remains empty. An outstretched hand reaches out and touches others and creates a response. It is like a pack of cards that results in a crescendo of giving. It starts with one move and a domino effect is the result. Never restrain or restrict, for you will only limit what you will receive. Give and it will be given to you abundantly, press down and overflowing.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Perfect are His ways and He will lead those who call upon Him. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Therefore I will meditate on His words all the days of my life. He is my armour bearer and he protects me from all the assaults of the enemy. The Lord is my Shepherd and I will not want. He comforts me and leads me beside quiet waters. He is my strength and His banner over me is love. He leads me because He loves me. He sows His thoughts into me so that I can be nourished. When you seek the Lord in all your ways then you will know His guidance in your life. He loves those who seek His face. God loves to communicate through His people. You can sure that He will give you what you need when you need it. This is how Jesus lived His life always dependent on the Father for everything. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is above all and all the riches in the world cannot buy His love. He gives His love freely and money cannot buy it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Purpose to serve Him and He will be inclined to serve you. The Lord will do in you what you cannot do in the flesh. He is the God of the impossible. What appears to be impossible will be made possible because He lives in you. He is with you and in you and around you. He surrounds you with His love and His angels guard your steps. He is your Father and He is reliable and will come through for you. He is able to do much more then you can think or imagine. This is your God. God is a word to describe someone who can’t be described. He is above your thinking mind and cannot be limited by space or time. This is why He is God. Yet He has chosen to limit Himself to your body. Your body is the temple of the living God. When you understand this then you will respect your body and take care of it. You will not abuse it and will respect others the way you respect your self. When you are filled with His love and light you will be transparent. His light will shine through you and reflect itself in others. They will reflect the image they see in you. This is the way you know that His presence is in you. Their faces will tell the story. Therefore be careful what you think because it will be reflected through others. His presence in you will attract many to Him and they will glorify God in you. This is how Jesus attracted many to him. They found what they were missing and received a deposit of His Spirit. Now His Spirit dwells in you and will equip you for the impossible.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


God is alive and well and He is Lord of all. He does not have favourites for all have fallen and fall short. Man was born in sin and has to be redeemed. Redemption is the only way to restore relationship with Him. Man created in God’s image has the potential to be like God. However this potential was marred when sin entered and distorted his image. He is now prone to lack and limited in his ability. A redeemed man has the potential to be like God. This is why the Bible refers to man as gods. Tapping into the invisible enables one to transcend the forces of nature and push through limits. Man has from the beginning of time pushed the limits and achieved much. This proves the potential within a person. However with this knowledge comes the desire to be independent of God. In this the fallen nature of man deviates into areas that get him into trouble. The fruit man ate gave him knowledge of good and evil. Evil now has also insinuated itself into man and infiltrated his psyche. Herein lies the trouble to cause all kinds of disorders unknown to man. By his own foolishness man has brought about his own down fall. God allows this so that he will turn from his wicked ways and return to God. The wisdom of man sometimes leads to his demise. What is common becomes uncommon and vice versa. Yet God in His love and compassion reaches out to man and many hear His voice and turn from their wicked ways.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Many are the woes, trials and tribulations in this world but the Lord is above them all. Those who dwell in His presence are protected from these woes. They have the protection of His angels who guard them day and night. This is the only security worth anything because all else is fragile to forces of nature. God is above His creation. He is Lord of all and there is nothing that can overpower Him. Why not be on the side of the over comer then be the victim. Man wants to rule but he cannot do so without dependence on his Creator. Man rules only through dictatorship. He rules through fear because he cannot trust anyone. Man is so fragile in his commitment that trust is fragile at anytime. This is why you need to put your trust in the Lord and not in man. This shift in dependence on God will enable you to trust Him for everything. This is what is needed at this time. The Holy Spirit lives in you and abides in you to help you to do so. Without Him it is impossible to live a holy life. Therefore surrender all to Him and see Him lead you and guide you to supernatural living in the power of the Holy Spirit. This power is available to all who put their trust in Him. Do not look at your circumstances but look to the Lord and you will come through uncinched by the trials and tribulations of this world.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


God is good and His banner over me is love. He enfolds me with His love. He bears me up and never lets me down. When I am desperate for Him, as a thirsty deer that pants for water, so I will be quenched of my thirst. The Lord is the bearer of all my sins. He bore it all at Calvary. He is my Saviour and Lord. How good it is to trust in the Lord. He calls me and sets me free. I love Him and will serve Him all the days of my life. He succors me as a mother succors her child. What more can I ask, for the Lord is my shield and strength. In Him I have everything I need for my daily life. I live each day knowing that He is my life. I live in Him and He lives in me and together we are one. What a mystery and what a joy. Today Lord I will praise you. Meditate on His word and see His word take form in you. Meditation is the way God builds faith in you to expect the impossible. Faith is the key to access the wonders God has in store for you. Just as a plane takes off so also your faith will take off in Him. You will transcend the natural and move in the supernatural realms of the Spirit. This is supernatural living. What a life is this that I who am nothing can expect God to dwell in me!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


How good is the Lord and His promises are yes and amen. When you act on His promises as if they are real and has happened then you will find the treasures you are looking for. Within each of His promises are hidden the riches untold which you can unlock by faith. Faith is trusting God to fulfil His promises. Where there is perfect trust there will be abundance. If you trust in God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, then you know you have what He has. Gosh imagine that you have all that the Father has. You are a rich man in Him. This is what the Father wants each of His children to know. Once you realise this, then there is no limit to what you can achieve through Him. Many live in poverty because they don’t know the Father. It is like sitting on a treasure all your life and never enjoying its benefits due to ignorance. How blind and deaf is this generation that seeks its own wealth then the wealth that the Father has in store for them. Your true wealth is in knowing that you belong to Him. Jesus knew His Father and waited on Him and did what He saw His Father doing. How blessed to be called the children of God.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Power is released to the one who yearns for it. You need power to do things. Even in the Kingdom of heaven you need power to heal and to bless. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Power of the Holy Spirit is the anointing that comes with the baptism in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the source of this power. You can’t do anything without power. This is why Jesus said that He had to go to the Father so that He could send His Spirit to us. His Spirit now lives in your spirit and empowers you to meet the need before you. All the gifts of the Spirit are available to you according to your need. Therefore when you are confronted with a need expect to exercise the gifts. If it is healing then exercise the healing gift. If it is wisdom then expect wisdom to be imparted to you. If it is knowledge then expect knowledge to be imparted to you. So look for needs so that you can exercise the gifts. You don’t need gifts if you are not ministering to needs. Expect the gift and leave the rest to God. In this way you will be able to minister in any situation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


God’s rhema word is so powerful that it changes you from a sinner to a saint. This is why it is important to wait on Him and seek His face. He will reveal His word to you and you will be amazed. His word will be so clear like light shining through darkness. You will have no doubt for all doubt will be washed away by His now word. This is how the Spirit works by revealing His now word to you. The flesh will think of the past or the future and waste your time in vain imagination. God’s word comes like a lightning and bolts you and gives you power to do. He encourages you and persuades you. He never condemns. Seek His now word and be encouraged. He supplies manna daily for your soul to live. Without His manna your soul will seek for other things to satisfy its hunger. Watch and pray when you are idle. An idle mind will seek to satisfy its self through fleshly thoughts and desires. This is how man falls when he looks away from Him and seeks his own way. Pray much in the spirit so that your mind is always ready to receive His now word and be blessed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Happy is the man who believes and therefore receives from heaven above. He believes in the promises of God. He does not waver in his belief. He remains steadfast and therefore will receive what he believes. Belief is such a powerful word that it is closely related to faith. When you believe then you exercise faith in that belief. This applies to any belief. Faith is the key to unlock the power in the belief. You can believe a lie and it will come to pass. Myths are built on this. Placebo effects are based on this belief that a pill will work. The power of belief is what makes a human being different from animals. A man can convince himself of his belief and die for it. This is why many are confused because the lie appears to be the truth and the truth a lie. Both like the wheat and weeds grow together. They grow out of the same soil of belief. This is why so many philosophies thrive because people want to believe something. An atheist also believes that there is no God. One has to believe something as believe in nothing is impossible. Tap into the power of belief and see how the power of God will change your life. This is supernatural power and is available to all. You connect to the spirit world through belief. Believe and be saved is what Jesus taught. The whole Bible is based on believing the written word of God. Tap into the promises of God as you exercise your faith in them. His word will transform you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Therefore bring all your gifts to the Lord and let Him use them for His glory. What is surrendered to the Lord will be used for His Kingdom purpose. What you hold on to God cannot use. He gives freely to you so that you can use it freely. However what you give to Him, He will use for His purpose. I surrender all to you Lord for you are worthy of all. God has given you life and now He has possessed you for His purpose. You belong to Him now. Everything that happens to you is for a purpose. You are bound to Him. You are His slave to do according to His will and purpose. You were bought with a price, the precious blood of His Son, Jesus. Once you appreciate the cost of His sacrifice then nothing will stop you from giving Him your all. He is your righteousness. The flesh will continue to demand its way but when you acknowledge Him as Lord of your life then no flesh or devil can overcome you. The flesh will demand its way but God will have His way because you belong to Him. In Him you are safe and secure because He will guard you and send His angels to minister to you. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Precious are the thoughts that the Lord sows into you as you pray and wait for Him. He will cover you as you pray and look to Him. He is your protector. He is your hope and everlasting joy. He watches over you. Day and night He watches and looks after you. Every breath you take is ordered by Him. He loves to commune with you. He will always be there for you. When the going gets tough He will be with you. He is with you always even when you don’t feel Him. All you need to do is to trust Him. Place all your cares on Him for He cares for you. Your attitude will change as you trust in Him. Jesus came to show forth the attitudes that will determine your progress. Attitude is everything. A negative attitude will attract negativity. A loving attitude will attract love. Therefore check your attitude always. Your attitude will determine your thoughts. It is not feelings but attitude that determines your walk and talk. Wrong attitudes will breed chaos and wrong actions. Therefore start each day with the right attitude.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Helpless and hopeless you may feel but the Lord comes and rescues you. He is always there and when you feel helpless and hopeless then He comes to help and give you hope. Always know that He comes with healing and hope when all is against you. Never despair for Christ in you is your hope of glory. In this world you will face negativity but in Him you will overcome. He will never let you down. So see negative situations as an opportunity to prove the power of God to save. Every negative situation is an opportunity waiting to be reversed. Jesus came to reverse the negative power of sin. Now when sin appears to be winning see the positive power of God working to reverse its effects. When you pray in the spirit you are doing just that. The Spirit works through your spirit to cancel the effects of sin. Floods, fires and dangers will come but He is in them all. He is in them because He came to reverse them. He bore all our sins on His own body on the tree that we maybe saved. He became sin for us so that we maybe set free. Now all you need to do is avail of His salvation and be set free. Now you need to walk in it and see the enemy being trampled under your feet.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Pray much and do not give into the thoughts of your false self. Your false self loves to distract you from your real self. Your false self lives on thoughts that gratify self. It is programmed for survival rather then love. Love always is thinking of others and not in defence. The false self is always thinking of how to boost self by putting others down. This is its only strategy. Love is always thinking of how to put others up. It does not think in terms of gratifying self but in blessing others. It has learnt that it is in giving that you lead a blessed life. Sin has turned into itself and therefore thinks in terms of survival. Love that is possessed by the eternal lives by giving out rather then holding in. When you stop giving, you stop living. Unconditional love always gives because it has learnt that this world needs love. There is nothing that is more blessed then to love without needing returns. The flesh is always scheming to give to get. Unconditional love gives and never thinks of getting. You know the spirit that controls you when you give selflessly. This is the spirit of God. It is more blessed to give then to receive is the logo of unconditional love.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Happy is the man who is able to manage his thought life. Your thoughts are closely related to the state of your ego. Your ego is self centred and only thinks of itself. It thinks of how to please itself. It does not care about others. Pleasing oneself is all it can think of. Once you realise this, you are open to change. Your ego will dominate your thought life till it is checked. This is what it means to die to self. You are imprisoned by your ego. It is wired to pleasure itself. When you distance yourself from your thoughts you see a wider picture. Just like operating the lens on a camera, you widen the area of focus. This enables you to think more broadly. More opportunities arise and this means ability to move more freely. Most people are conditioned by their own thoughts which go back to childhood programming. In their unguarded moments regression takes place and unfulfilled needs begin to take place. Emotions that you kept repressed arise and take control of you. This is what happens when external events trigger those childhood memories and cause one to regress and become infantile in one’s reactions. Exercising presence, that is, to distance yourself from those selfish thoughts enables you to cut yourself off from those feelings. You can then access positive feelings from the Christ in you rather then from your ego.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own understanding. The Lord is good and He gives freely to those who ask. He is the provider of all good things. All you need is to look to Him and He will answer. He provides for those who hunger and thirst for Him. He loves to give just as a mother loves to feed her chicks. God is like a mother who has only thoughts for its offspring. He created you and prepared you for a time like this. In Him alone is there contentment for He gives you the peace that passes all understanding. Think how privileged you are to live in times like this. All you need to do is to live life in the moment for the moment. In this way you give all to Him and rely on Him to provide for the next moment. Nothing is lost for all the moments in your life have led you to the present position. Now enjoy this moment. You are free and you are loved and you are needed. Feed my sheep says the Lord. Encourage them and lead them to the quiet waters. There is nothing more to do for all has been done. All you need to do now is to live your life as if it is all you need to do, enjoying every moment and giving Him all the glory. You will then enter the place of rest to be the person God has called you to be. Your future is in His hands. Your past is in His hands. Now all you have is the present which is in His hands.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Trust in the Lord and not in your own ability. He watches over you and cares for you. The weather may change but the Lord is Lord of the weather. He allowed the floods and He was in the floods. He allowed the crucifixion of Jesus and He was there. He allowed the massacre of millions and He was there. He is God and He is everywhere. Knowing this you can be confident that He is with you everywhere. The storms will come and go and so will the earthquakes and tsunamis. He is above all these natural disasters. These changes show that man is vulnerable and has no answer to these changes. This is why he cannot trust his own abilities. Only God can be Lord and the sooner man realises this, the sooner he will be saved from himself. The lack of dependence on God leads to evils. Evil’s head is bound with pride. Pride always ends up in destruction. Pray that this destruction will turn the hearts of the people to God. Then revival will break out in Australia.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is the one who blesses us with all things. He loves us so much that He wants to bless us. He will not withhold anything from us. He is a bountiful God and He gives freely to those who will receive. A gift must be received for it to be realised. Many have been given gifts but have failed to receive it. How sad that He beckons all to come to His dining table but few take up the offer. They are distracted by the lights of the world that promise much but deliver little. Look to Him and receive from Him and be satisfied. He is the God of the eternal and what He gives does not fade away. He is so full of His bounty that there is more then enough for everyone. In the world people fight for things because they fear that they will lose it. Fear rules the world and love rules the kingdom of heaven.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Belief is a powerful attitude that is closely linked to faith. You believe in someone and this belief translates into action. Belief in miracles translates into substance. This is transmutation from one form into another. Thought changes into substance. This is the realm of the miraculous. It all hangs on belief. Faith in the power of the gospel to save, heal and deliver translates into salvation, healing and deliverance. The Holy Spirit provides the unction to believe and this belief becomes fact. It seems like an illusion but an illusion does not have substance. Thought is one form and substance is another form. They both originate from the same source. The fish is one form that has apparatus to survive in water while the bird is anther form that has wings to fly. Man was formed in the image of God and therefore can think and do like God. An image is a reflection of the real. You see your image in the mirror and see what you look like. Your image in the mirror that you see is the image of God. When you believe this then you will act like God in love and righteousness. God is love, faith, hope and all things good and lovely. When you bear these fruits then you reflect the image of God.

Saturday, January 08, 2011


Love is the greatest key to make the world go round. Nothing speaks louder then self sacrificial love. No one can argue with love for it is egoless. All conflicts are ego based. It has to do with me and me alone being challenged. Road rages are a perfect example of the ego being transgressed. The ego is a hard task master. It will demand its way at all costs. The extreme form of it is in the form of dictatorship. It is power crazy and will do whatever it can to abuse and use others. Satan was full of it. It is the mark of a person who has let pride get to him. This comes in many forms. It is based on love for self and no other. Such people are isolated and surround themselves with toys to comfort them and protect them. They live a sheltered life and know nothing of poverty or discomfort. However their soul is seeking for comfort but they can’t find it because they are bound by their own blindness. They are blind to the true riches which are not of this world. Love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is what is yours in Christ. You can enjoy this at all times. A person who truly loves has the world at its feet.

Friday, January 07, 2011


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own righteousness. His righteousness is like filthy rags. God imputes His righteousness because of the blood shed on Calvary. This is a marvellous work beyond human comprehension. His ways are beyond the ways of man. Man thinks in a different dimension from God. God is above all the worlds He has created. Man lives in a world within worlds. Therefore his understanding is limited. Lord I thank you for the blood shed at Calvary for my sins. This alone humbles me to give all to you so I may attain all you have planned for me. It only takes a moment to shift your attention from one world to another. When you are filled in the spirit you have access to God and His wisdom. In Him I can overcome all weaknesses because He is my strength. I have come to the place where I recognise that all these earthly pleasures are like dung compared to His manifold goodness. I will seek Him with all my heart and in Him will I gladly trust for my salvation.

Thursday, January 06, 2011


God sends His thoughts for a purpose. He knows what you need when you need it. He comes at the right time so depending on Him enables you to look to Him for the answers. His answers come like a revelation that lightens your mind. It will be like a light bulb that suddenly lights up and you know that you know that you know. This knowing is what will cause the rising intimacy with Him. He is Lord and there is no other. Therefore stop looking for something else and concentrate on developing your relationship with Him. He comes through in different forms for all are His creation. It is difficult to imagine that the locusts and snakes are His creation too. Yes they are and they all have a purpose. One learns from them. Wild things can be tamed. Sin can be cancelled. Fear pervades all creation since the fall. What was blameless now is tarnished by sin. Sin manifests itself in different ways. Being washed continuously in His blood keeps you cleansed from the pollution within and without. Without the blood the stain of sin will continue to bother you. In His blood you are as white as snow. The only valid detergent for sin is His blood. No penance or crucifixion can avail for His death has done it all. Praise His wonderful Name.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


God can change your situation in an instant. It just takes a change in mind set to bring about a miracle. A miracle working God works miracles through His rhema word. His word comes as a thought and when spoken in faith delivers the miracle. His said word becomes His saying word. This is why you need to be filled with His word. His word becomes a now word when received by faith. In an instant a situation is changed. Many are bound by their own words of unbelief. These words they speak to themselves all day and they are not even conscious of it. Listen to the words that you say to yourself. Those negative and fear filled words need to be replaced by faith filled and positive words of His power. His power is released through His spoken word. Speak His word to yourself continuously and see your life change according to His word. Mary prayed be it unto me according to your word. So also new life comes forth as you live by His word. Today is the day to begin and see your life change according to His word.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


When you enter the state of the supernatural everything real becomes an illusion. This is why death and disease don’t have any real existence. They become like illusions that can be changed. What is real cannot be changed. Illusions can be changed by changing your perception. Pain is a perception. Once you change your perception, the pain disappears. When you realise this then you enter the realm of the impossible becoming possible. Praying in tongues enables you to enter into the realm of the supernatural. Minister to others from this realm and see miracles happening around you. Miracles happen when what appears real transforms into something else. A diseased hand becomes whole, a dead body comes alive, water is turned into wine. These happen as you enter the supernatural and transmute what was to what is. Those who have experienced this realm can see it happen again and again. This means that there is another world that envelopes this world. If you limit yourself to this world then all you see is real. When you realise that this world is just a small part of the real then change is possible. Anything is possible when you enter the supernatural realm and tap into the riches of it.

Monday, January 03, 2011


God rescues those who are abandoned by the world. The world judges by externals while God looks at the heart. The world is deceived by the illusion of the real. Discern and do not judge by your image of what you see. What you see is an illusion of the real. Your brain interprets what it sees and hears. It is subjective in its interpretation. Language is deficient in expressing what it really sees and perceives. This is why knowledge is partial and limited by the perception of the subject. God knows everything about everything. He sees as a whole while you see in parts. Your brain is limited in its capacity to see as a whole. Your own biases limit your vision of the whole. This is why many counsellors help to make up for this deficiency. Community is the only way to see the whole. One brain cannot do everything. Just as there are different parts to the body and each part has a purpose to fulfill so also see yourself as a part and not the whole. Selfishness has robbed community of its purpose. Jesus came to build His Kingdom and he started with his disciples. Yet one can see the tussle that went on in that small group to maintain unity. Each one had his own way of thinking and doing things. When you move from your point of view to that of community, then your focus changes. Building community is essential to sustainability. Without community there is no hope of maintaining peace. True community build trust and confidence and longevity.

Sunday, January 02, 2011


Press into the favour of God. He is your Provider and Sustainer. In Him you can trust for anything. He owns the sheep on a thousand hills. How rich is He? You belong to Him and He knows what you need when you need it. When you are about His business then He will provide. All He needs is your trust. Faith is trust in action. Your faith links with His abundance and releases His promises to you. His promises are not just words but substance. This is why faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for. Substance is tangible and not just an illusion. It may seem an illusion till you can see it and feel it. When faith arises in you to believe then it transforms into substance. When you believe in healing then your faith taps into His healing power and transforms your disease into wholeness. What a power house of faith you have within you to transform what isn’t into what is.

Saturday, January 01, 2011


A New Year begins and many make resolutions hoping for a better year. Yet it is today that matters. Yesterday is past and tomorrow is in the future but only today matters. Today you have life and breath and today you are able to do things that you have never done before. This moment is so precious yet so many squander it thinking that tomorrow will be a better day. Your tomorrows are made up by doing what needs to be done today. There is no better day to begin a good work then today. Why waste today when this is all you have got. Never leave for tomorrow what can be done today. Today is the best day of your life. Don’t waste your time thinking about tomorrow for it may never come. What a blessing to enjoy the day and never think about tomorrow. This is the way to live life, enjoying the day and rejoicing in it. Holy Spirit burn this message into me till it becomes a life style that I lead daily. I am so blessed that I can enjoy today because He lives in me and talks to me. What a life, what a destiny.