Saturday, December 31, 2005

Love is the only answer to this world's problems

31/12/05 Love is the only answer for the problems of this world
Love is the only remedy for the problems that confront you. There is no other remedy that can cover a multitude of sins. Without love this world will be reduced to dust. It is only love that keeps this world from decay. Sin and the devil will sow hatred and disease but love is a greater force then these. Even in the darkest hour expect love to win out. Always expect the best from people and you will get the best. Expect the worst and you will receive the worst. Satan expects and tempts the worst. You can know a person by what he encourages in you, hate or love. Love begets love and hate begets hate. You reap what you sow. Therefore choose to sow love. Everyday the Lord provides fresh manna for you to consume for the needs of the day. He provides enough to see you through the day. This is how you need to live. Each day live to the maximum and reap the best for this day. In this way you won’t dissipate your energies in worries for the future or regrets for your past mistakes. Live in the now and rejoice.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Living for others

30/12/05 Living for others
The price of relationships is a death to self and a concern for others. A person who is not prepared to die for another will live as an island all by himself. Jesus lived for others. He came with this mission in mind, to lay down His life that others may live. His life in me motivates me to do the same. To live for others is Christ’s way of redemption. Each time you seek to serve another is like being Christ to them. This is what reality is all about. When you live for yourself, you don’t have to think of the needs of the other. A self-centered person will only think of what he can get and not what he can give. This self-centered generation thinks only in terms of rights and not in terms of service. Therefore be committed to Christ’s mission of service for the good of others. In this way you open up within you the fountain of life to water a dry and parched land. Think always in terms of blessing others through the fruit of your labours and you will be rich beyond compare. This richness is what Christ came to give, to be spent for others. This is the gospel of redemption. You will reap what you sow. So sow in Christ and reap abundance in the spirit.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Address your own sinfulness first

29/12/05 Address your own sinfulness first

It is when you realise your own sinfulness rather then that of your neighbour that true redemption and deliverance is possible. As long as you are preoccupied with the sins of your neighbour, you will continue to be blind to your own sin. Jesus taught that we should remove the plank from our own eyes before attempting to remove the splint from our neighbour’s eye. So true that we are all able to see the faults of our brother so clearly but are blind to our own faults and foibles. What a delusion this is. This is the cause of all the wars between us – a failure to address our own faults. This is the reason for all the fighting and relationship breakdowns. We rather gossip and pour oil on fire rather then repent and turn from our own sin. What a sad state of affair this is. Paul cried out who can deliver us from this cy-cle of sin. Only the blood of Jesus. In Him we have redemp-tion from sin and its effects and can be free to love our neighbour as ourselves. This is to do what you would like done to you. What a gospel of redemption. Come Holy Spirit and have mercy on us blind victims of our own sin.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christ paid the price once and for all

28/12/05 Christ paid the price once and for all
Redeeming your shadow side is a life long work. Christ redeemed by submitting all to the Cross. This is to slay the enemy of your soul. As you now submit your shadow side to the Cross for redemption then you will find deliverance from its control. This is where confession is so powerful. It has the power to expose and defeat the enemy who works in darkness. Counselling too has this objective to expose the things in the dark that harass the soul. No medication is a substitute to confession. This is why the Bible commands us to confess our weaknesses to each other for healing. Confession is like bringing the darkness into the light. As long as a sin is not confessed it has the power to bind. Confession is the most powerful key to soul cleansing.
Christ has redeemed you from your sins past and future. Now all you need to do is to receive His forgiveness and redemption and be set free. This is done through exercising faith in His Word and experiencing His redemption. The devil too can be redeemed but he refuses. Christ paid the price once and for all and that includes the devil. All can be saved but only some choose to be saved. Therefore share this message to all that some maybe saved. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Spiritual warfare

27/12/05 Spiritual warfare
There are unseen forces at work and therefore you need to pray for wisdom in situations that are beyond your control. These forces seek to disrupt and destroy what God has intended for good. Wherever there is good, evil is at hand to destroy. Satan hates what is good. You know who is in control of a situation by the words and actions in that place. Where there is harmony, love and peace you know that God is present. Where there is turmoil and sickness and disease you know that evil is at work. You know from the spirit what spirit is at work. In those situations you have to bind the work of darkness and plead the blood of Jesus. This is your work. You have been placed to do this work of binding the evil one and releasing the captive. In this way you bring the Kingdom of God into existence. This is the work you can do all the time and you are not restricted by time or space. This is the work in the spirit and only the spirit can do this work through you. You have been made in the image of God and therefore you have the authority to do what God has allowed. Yes what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Be wise and know the times and walk uprightly. Be an instrument of God rather then the instrument of the devil.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Separated to the Holy Spirit

26/12/05 Separated to the Holy Spirit
There is only one way to live and that is to be set apart for the Holy Spirit. He is the one who will enable you to live a life in God’s will. There is no other way to live a life pleasing to God. Self has to be dethroned and Christ enthroned. This is the only way to save your self from a life of self. Your thinking and feelings will change as the Holy Spirit takes control. There is no other way to please God. His Holy Spirit was given to you for this purpose. Any other way will lead to a mixed message of self and Christ. Purity in life is only possible to those who are completely separated to the Holy Spirit. This is frightening to the self but this is the only protection you have from the devil and the flesh. The flesh will major on the negatives while the Holy Spirit will major on the good. God is not blind to the evil around you but He is concerned about the solution. The solution is His Holy Spirit. It was so for Jesus and it is the same for you. Separated for dominion and conquering evil through good. This is the gospel.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


25/12/05 Christmas
God’s work in you cannot be measured by human standards. God’s standard is unseen and He knows each heart and the struggles therein. God knows and He cares and He desires to fill each person with His Spirit so that each one is delivered completely from self. The battle is between God’s will and man’s will. The will has to be surrendered completely to God so that He can completely possess you and fill you. This is a daily act on your part of surrender and then God is able to fill. It is a cooperative effort but only possible with God. Self cannot be overcome by self. It needs an outside factor to overcome the desires of the flesh. God has made the way in Christ and it is now possible to get out of the vicious cycle of death and hell. This is the message of Christmas. The Christ child born from heaven to earth and now man can be born again to live for eternity. This is the good news and the world needs to hear it and believe it to be transformed. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to see and believe and receive your message of salvation.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The power of the blood of Jesus

24/12/05 The power of the blood of Jesus.
Men who are prepared to expose their shadow side have come to the place of healing. Those who choose to hide behind their self made façade will continue to be enslaved by their shadow. Christ came to deliver men from the power and guilt of sin. When men expose their sin then they are truly free. Confession is such a powerful tool for the cleansing of the soul. Medicalising the problem is just window dressing of sin. It is not the answer to the problem. Only the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse a sinner and set him free. There is no drug that can cleanse a bitter and guilt ridden conscience. When you have experienced the cleansing in the blood then you will know what power there is in the blood. Know that His blood was shed for all but only those who receive it like receiving a gift can experience its cleansing power. There is power in the blood and this power is what will render Satan and his demons powerless. Come now to the healing stream and be refreshed in the blood shed for you and for me and has eternal consequences.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Fatherhood key to healthy child development

19/12/05 Fatherhood the key to healthy development
Father’s are the key to the healthy development of the child. Too much emphasis has been laid on mothers to the detriment of the child. In early childhood it is the father that provides the secure environment for the mother to care for the child. Without this security the mother will pass on her anxiety to the child who in turn will become insecure. The father is the limit setter in the family. He is the voice of authority while the mother is the voice of care. It is this balance that leads to healthy development. Too much authority without care leads to fear of authority. Too much care without authority leads to insecurity. Every child needs limits and these limits provide the secure base for the child to explore his/her world. When the couple are able to provide a united secure/caring environment for the child then the child will be able to develop a well balanced personality.
Fathers have been neglected in a lot of research because of the key role that mothers have played in child development. With the break down of families it is vital that fathers are included in future research. The extent of violence and disruption in society maybe an indicator of the loss of authority in fathers in the present world. Sexual promiscuity can also be related to this loss. In such an environment there will be anarchy and then this results in the birth of a dictator to rule and dictate. History relates these events in societies that have gone through revolutions and point to the loss of male authority in stemming the tide towards anarchy. Again in this generation the rise of homosexuality and moral degradation point to a move towards another revolution - hopefully a reclaiming of fatherhood as a solution to the decline.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Blood of Jesus is the only cleanser for sin

18/12/05 The Blood of Christ is the most powerful cleanser
When evil desires are stirred up within you then it is time to take stock and act to dispel them through the blood of Jesus. His blood is the only power that can dispel Satan and the power of sin. There is no other solution to sin and Satan. The flesh is powerless to heal itself for it is controlled by sin. This is why the Cross applied to the flesh cancels its power but the blood cleanses sin and dispels the devil. These are real forces and people look to psychology and science for remedies but they are only superficial remedies to a spiritual problem. A spiritual problem needs spiritual answers. The answer is the blood sacrifice of Christ. There is no power that can overcome the power of the blood. This is the good news for this season and for all mankind. Yet the devil has been able to blind the eyes of the masses and men have sought after other ways then the way to salvation. The Jews continue in their blindness. Now pray that the blood will cleanse others. Even as you experience this in your own life you are able to pray the power of His blood on others. This is the way to claim back the land Satan has usurped. His blood is the answer to this world’s problem for peace. His blood had been shed and there is no need for more shedding of blood for He has made peace through His Cross. The price has been paid and now all men need to do is receive His peace by faith. Come Lord Jesus and spread your peace around the world as you are raised up as the Peace Maker.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Walking in the fear of the Lord

16/12/05 Walking in the fear of the Lord
The fear of the Lord will preserve you as salt preserves food. Wisdom is based on the fear of the Lord. Where there is no fear of the Lord there will be chaos. Man’s wisdom is fallen and carnal and does not reflect the mind of God. God’s ways are so different from the ways of man. God’s ways bring life while man makes plans and makes a trap for himself. How good it is to trust in the Lord and follow His plans. They are sure and secure and bring life and health. There is no fear in walking in the fear of God. Man’s fears are mainly based on his awareness of his own vulnerability. How secure is that? But a man who walks in the fear of God sees as God sees and walks as He bids him walk. In this is security and life. The devil comes to rob and destroy but God comes to give life. Now choose to walk in the fear of the Lord and live.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dealing with negative projections

12/12/05 Dealing with projections
When you find negative feelings stirred up within you, then it is time to see them cancelled through the Cross of Jesus and cleansed in His blood. Then replace those feelings with His love. In this way you will deal with your own projections in real life and in dreams. This is the process of change. Many are blind to the fact that their negative responses are part of their shadow self and therefore blame the other for the cause of their negative feelings. The turning point in healing is when you are able to recognise that those feelings are really yours and take responsibility for them. Many shy away from relationships because they think that others cause pain when in reality you cause your own pain. When you are free from these tormenting spirits of selfishness and greed then you will be free to love all. This is to bear the image of Christ. So the first step is to remove the plank in your own eye before removing the splint in your brother’s eye. This is a true saying. We are quick to judge and label others but be careful for you judge yourself when you do this. How you judge your brother will be the way you judge yourself. Once you have judged yourself then it is easy to see where the other is coming from. This is why relationships are so confusing because of the unconscious processes involved in the interaction. So judge yourself first when you find a stirring of negativity within and then see if you can see clearer. Many times familiar spirits are able to attract and therefore what you condemn in the other is the shadow part of you which you are blind to. You avoid such relationships and seek those that do not stir you up the wrong way. You can heal yourself and then be able to heal the other. This is what Christ did when He accepted and loved others and then redeemed them through His Cross. You are called to do the same.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Confront your shadow side

11/12/05 Confronting the shadow self
Everyone has a shadow or dark side that is handled in different ways. The dark side usually rears its head during times of pressure or stress. This side then takes over and fear and negative feelings will determine your thoughts and actions. It is this side that needs to be confronted during these times and exposed to the blood of Jesus for cleansing. The shadow is usually in darkness in good times. It rarely appears to rule during good times. But it is always there and this fear of the unknown is what keeps many living in fear. Fear of the dark side taking over and the imagination and thoughts come to the fore in dreams. The only way to deal with this side is to expose it. Defending it for fear will only give it power to harm. Dissociative behaviours are due to the suppression of this dark side. Whatever the cause the way to deal with this shadow is first to acknowledge its presence. This is a sign of maturity. Many call this a state of ambivalence. Whatever it is one needs to acknowledge this side otherwise your life will be stunted by it. True freedom is to acknowledge the good and the bad. Denial of the bad only leads to it manifesting itself in sickness and disease. Many get into compulsive behaviours powered by the dark side. These are unconscious ways of dealing with the shadow. The healthy way is to channel this energy into helpful ways of giving and loving. The real and the shadow are both to be accepted and dealt with. This brings about a harmony as acceptance enables one to live with oneself without condemnation. Why wait for others to condemn you when you can confess your weaknesses and be free. Sin is real and no one can hide from it. It is denial or rationalisation of sin that causes a problem. The blood of Jesus is available just for this that you maybe set free from the power and guilt of sin.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Faith Filled, Fear Free, Living

10/12/05 Faith Filled, Fear Free, Living (4FL)
Faith filled fear free living is what a life in Christ is all about. Jesus comes to give life and that abundantly. This means a complete surrender of one’s life to Him and living as if this is the last day of your life. Your choices will completely be dependent on doing the will of God. There is nothing else that matters for this material world has no more interest in you as you have in it. You are focussed on only walking by faith and dependent completely on God and doing His will. The Holy Spirit is your guide and you choose to love at all times. No negativity of any kind will be entertained for you want to be a pure vessel at all times. Sin and the devil have no power over you for His blood has full power over you. You have victory over every weakness and sinful desire. Satan cannot touch you for you are covered in His blood and he cannot stand the sight of His blood. Only eternity is ahead of you and your past has been wiped clean by His blood. Now all you know is purity and no evil can subdue you. You rest in Him and enjoy every moment knowing that this moment is the most important moment of your life. No problem is too big. Every problem is seen as an opportunity to be solved through His love. Love cures all problems, for love is the ultimate remedy for the problem of living. You are so imbued in His love that everything is seen as puny even the little irritants that used to upset you in the past. You see others and life as needing love and care that nothing else matters. All the differences that used to separate you from others become non-issues as love heals the differences. You realise that this is not your love but God’s love flowing through you. When you are immersed in His love then all things take a new perspective and life is truly for living and not an existence. All you want to do now is to share this love with others, small and great. His love possesses you.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Spirit of control and lust

5/12/05 Spirit of control and lust
The feeling of lust is associated with the spirit of control. Lust is a desire to control the object of the lust. Lust desires to fulfil its own need then the need of the object desired. This is why it is related to the spirit of control. So does adultery and all other sins that only desire to fulfil one’s own need or carnal desires. Lust is therefore a selfish desire and one that needs to be crossed out of one’s desires. It should be looked as a sin that deserves hell fire. Even lust for money is a desire that deserves burning in hell. So must you see lust and root it out of your life. See it crucified with Christ on the cross. See it as something that serves to destroy you and others. See it as a demon that needs to be cast out. All obsessions and compulsions arise from a lust for power and control. These belong to the spirit of Jezebel. There is only one remedy and that is this spirit must be cast out in the Name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Give and it will be given to you

4/12/05 Give and it will be given to you
This the secret to abundance. This is why God gave, that we may have the abundance that comes through faith in the finished work on the Cross. Jesus gave His life that I may receive abundant life. Now I can give because His love works in me to give. As I give, I start the process of turning the wheel that will produce abundance in all areas of my life. This self centred world has been led astray by the consumerism message of take all you can, rather then give all you can. This leads to half the world remaining in poverty while the rest continue to eat each other up. This is a principle for the individual and society as a whole. If we fail to give then we will be left alone and in poverty of spirit if not in kind. It is good to have a giving attitude. This world is deprived of the things of the spirit because the spirit of materialism has clouded the minds of the people. The only way out of this sin state is to come to the Cross and be rid of this selfish state and be redeemed into His abundance. This is what is confusing to many that some are rich and others are poor. The key is to look for the spirit behind the abundance. Some are rich materially but are poor in the spirit. Others are rich in the spirit but poor materially. However in the area you give in that area you will experience abundance. There will be always inequalities in this world as long as sin is the master. But in Christ sin can be overcome and salvation can be your portion. Salvation in body, mind and spirit.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Projections of self, determine relationships

3/12/05 Projections of self determine relationships.
Projections are the unconscious ways of seeing another that are an externalisation of one’s own feelings towards another. The unconscious nature of this process is what is confusing to many. This kind of process goes on in every relationship and encounter. It is just a way of perceiving that has been programmed since childhood. It is based on the type of relationship one has had with parent figures. These projections continue into old age. They are very powerful and programmed into the hard wiring of the brain to some extent. However change is possible but is only possible by recognising these as projections and not the real thing. This kind of insight can come only through working on the subconscious areas of our mind to change the programming of years of habitual ways of thinking and perceiving. This is the challenge for those involved in counselling. How does one change these projections especially the one’s that hinder or cause problems in relationships. The rebellion against father figures can be seen as a way to change the projections against authoritarian figures that instilled fear in the past generation. The rebellion against such figures maybe a way in which the masses are trying to reverse this in the next generation. Rebellion against seeing God as a father can also arise from similar negative experiences. One needs to understand these projections before one can look at change. Most people relate on the basis of their projections rather then what is real. A lot of fantasy is based on projection then what is real. Love relationships are based on projections till the reality of the relationship changes those initial loving feelings. This is the case in all new beginnings where hope and expectations give a new lease of life only to be brought down by the reality of sin and weaknesses that diminish the fantasy and destroys the dream. How powerful are projections and are the basis for the war of good and evil. This is enacted in various ways in the daily course of life. How we are fooled and then still rise up to repeat the same story throughout our lives.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Charge your spirit to overcome the flesh

28/11/05 Charging your spirit to overcome the flesh
You need to charge your spirit for it is blemished by the flesh which is your body and soul. The world has so corrupted you that it is only through the spirit that you will be able to change and be transformed. God’s Holy Spirit is in you to enable you to be cleansed from the evils of the flesh, the world and the devil. This fallen world can only be redeemed through the blood of Jesus. There is no solution for the sin problem except the blood of Jesus. Everything else is an adaptation to sin. This will not deliver you from its terror. Sin terrorises just as fear terrorises. Sin’s power is in causing death. Man will not die if he were sinless. It’s only because Jesus was sinless that he was able to rise again from the dead. He had to die as He took on sin for us and the cost was death. Now He has redeemed us and death is only death to the body as the soul and spirit live forever. When Jesus returns you will have a new body just like Jesus resurrected body. No sickness or illness can affect this body. Jesus was never sick because He was sinless. Therefore today charge your spirit so that it can transform your body and soul for righteousness and you will never be the same again. All the past programs will be changed and the new programs of the Holy Spirit will be installed. In this way you will be transformed for eternity to rule and to reign with Christ.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Perfect security system

27/11/05 Perfect security system
Bind the spirits that seek to offend and destroy in body, mind and spirit. The Spirit of the Lord in you will guide you and lead you in all areas of your life as you give Him sole governance of your life. He is a respecter of persons and will never transgress your free will. However when you give Him rule over you, then He will protect His honour and govern to do His will. This is the place of perfect peace and rest. Your flesh will resist this governance but you must surrender your will to Him. In this is joy everlasting to know Him who has called you according to His purposes. Your life is hid in Him and you need fear nothing because He dwells in you and His angels guard over you. You have a security system that is above all. What more can you ask when all things are subject to you because you are subject to Him. This is the real life in the spirit and there is nothing that can compare to this kind of life. Therefore be in the Spirit and you will find healing and health and wealth will flow to you. Hallelujah what a salvation, what a redemption, what a life. Thankyou Father for your love and grace that enfolds me and succours me and gives me hope.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Reality test

26/11/05 Reality test
You can determine the state of your soul by your reactions. When a negative remark elicits a strong negative reaction, it means that your tank of positives is low. When fear is apparent in your reactions, it means that you are low on the positives. When you are defensive, it means that you are just existing. To live life to the full you need enough positive energy. Too much defence and negative energy leads to paralysis and dis-ease. Therefore be sure your tank is full of love otherwise the negatives will enter. All space must be occupied by the positive or negative. Build yourself up in the positive and see how your perceptions and therefore your reactions change. Only a person secure in God’s love can live and win in the struggles and traumas of life. It is the positive love of God that can cancel all negativity within and without. Therefore bask in the love of God and face your fears and overcome.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Maintain a broad perspective in conflict resolution

20/11/05 Maintain a broad perspective in conflict resolution

God always has a broader perspective and sees beyond the immediate. To stay balanced in your judgement, you too need to have a broad outlook and not be taken up with peripherals. You need focus to advance but when it comes to conflict resolution try and maintain a broad outlook. In this way you avoid being snared by your negative emotions which always take a blinkered position. Emotions get aroused when a narrow focus is taken in conflict situations. This is how black and white thinking takes place, where there is a failure to appreciate the position of the other. To be broad is to first to seek to understand rather then to be understood. In this way conflict resolution is easy. God chose to provide the answer to sin then to judge you. He knew that no amount of reasoning could solve the sin question. Therefore the answer was provided through the death of His son. When you seek to understand and seek to provide an answer then you move from the position of a victim to one of a victor.

Evil is an illusion

21/11/05 Evil is an illusion
Evil is real but it is an illusion. Jesus came to defeat it and now evil is an illusion in Him. He reversed the process by crossing it out so that good could flourish. You have been cleansed in His blood and Satan is a defeated foe. Why treat something which is an illusion as real. The mind cannot differentiate between what is a fantasy and what is real. Therefore when you treat evil as an illusion that’s what it becomes. Why make it real when all it is now is an illusion through the blood of Jesus. Satan and his demons pretend to exist but they are only as real as you want them to be. What you treat as real is real for that is what you have believed in. What is an illusion is such for the same reason. Therefore today when you treat your evil imagination as an illusion they loose their hold over you. It is easy to love your enemies when you realise that the evil in them is an illusion. Only good is real for the redeemed. Therefore you can treat all the evil desires as an illusion and defeat them by the power of the Holy Spirit and through His blood. What Christ did on the Cross was to render all evil as powerless and now it is up to you to treat them as such and they loose their power over you. No enemy can now have power over you and therefore you are able to stand against anything and bear all things because you know God is in it. No disease can overcome you for it is also an illusion. Now stand up and stand tall and be a power house for God’s redemptive gospel.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Evidence of your faith will be seen in signs and wonders

Jesus said that these signs will follow those who believe. You will see
signs and wonders. Therefore if you believe that He is alive then
you can expect to see signs and wonders. Jesus came to bring salvation
to body, soul and spirit. Therefore expect to see signs and wonders
to confirm His Word. Those who don't believe this have accomodated
to another version of faith that believes with the head and not the
heart. It is heart belief that leads to signs and wonders following.
Have faith that moves mountains.