Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in His own wisdom. The Lord’s ways are higher then the ways of man. The man who trusts in the Lord need not fear anything because the Lord is his help. God has many ways of redeeming His own. God moves in mysterious ways and only He knows the end from the beginning. So trust in Him and not in your own wisdom which is earthly and will decay. The Lord is a strong tower and in Him you have a security that cannot be shaken. The Spirit will write through you and speak through you. It is humbling for a man not to trust in his own strength. It goes against the flesh which wants to pride itself and take credit for everything. Kill this tendency in you and you will be free to be. No more guided by the whims of man but only by the will of God. This is the way to live an abundant life in the Lord. Totally free in Him and I breathe and act His will. His desires become my desires and in Him I am fulfilled.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


God in Christ Jesus is redeeming the world one by one. His message is going out and His ways are different from mans. He is God and He knows what is the best way. He sent Jesus as the paschal lamb to die for the sins of the world. Now a way has been made and all who call on His Name will be saved. Salvation is free. Man’s way is to work for his salvation. God knew that man would be defeated in this process for the sin of man will not allow him to be set free from its demands. God found a new way through sacrifice. God took it upon Himself to be the Lamb that sacrificed His life for man’s sin. In this way man was set free from the torment of sin to be free to be. Now a way has been made for you to choose freely which way you will walk in, according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. The fleshly mind is still in you but it is being transformed by the new mind in Christ. The fleshly mind can be transformed but not the flesh. This is the renewing work of the Spirit. As you walk in the Spirit more will be revealed to you till you choose wholely to walk in the Spirit. The spirit mind is peace and love and in Him there is no division. It is the divided mind that seeks its own way rather then the Christ way.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


The Lord knows everything and therefore it is best to entrust all things to Him. This is the time to just rest in the Lord. He has given you all things to enjoy and therefore enjoy them. Your life is hid in Christ. He is your all in all and there is no other. Rest in Him. He is the Alpha and Omega of your faith. He is the great I AM. In Him you have all you need for love and significance. In Him you are established forever. He is your sure foundation. He gives you all you need when you need it. What more can you ask for? He has called you by name and in His Name you have access to His abundance. His abundance lives in you. The Holy Spirit is the giver of life and that eternal. His eternal life operates in you to bring life to all your being. In Him alone do you have life. Therefore cherish each moment and do not give into your fleshly urges. They will always be there but they will never satisfy you. You have been bought with a price, the blood of Jesus. Glory in His blood and in His love. These are 2 weapons you have to defeat Satan and to win the hearts of men. His love shed abroad in our hearts is the only thing that will satisfy. He came and he poured His love into man so that he could be delivered from his pain of separation from God.

Friday, May 27, 2011


The power on high is available to you because Jesus has gone to the Father. You are His representative on earth now to represent His love and grace. His power flows through you as He sanctifies you by His Spirit who lives in you. This is the essence of grace in that He supplies all His ability to overcome what you can’t in your own strength. God wants you to use the talents He has given you and He supplies more when you require more then what you have. His supplies are unlimited. Yet He wants you to be dependent on His power. His power through you enables you to live a supernatural life. You don’t operate in your own strength now but in His. When you sacrifice all to Him then He releases His resources to you. These are resources that will sustain you when you need it. Material resources help but cannot sustain you when the pressure is high to give in to the world, flesh and devil. The spiritual resources you require to fight every demonic onslaught will be available to you. This is why you don’t fight flesh and blood but spiritual powers in high places. His weapons are required to slay the enemy of your soul. So fight the good fight in His strength and prevail

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Love is the most powerful weapon for spiritual warfare. Satan does not love because all he knows is fear and he imputes fear and controls through fear. Love is the most powerful antidote for fear. Fear causes violence for violence is a defence against fear. Fear drives violence for fear loses control and therefore violence ensues. Underlying all violence is a spirit of fear. Fear of loss of control is the basis for violence. Fear of being attacked and losing face results in violence. Criminals in prison are tormented by fear. This torment makes them hard and ruthless for they are victims of their own fear. In prison they feel safe from their own fears. Outside they will be surrounded by fear of retribution. Love heals, comforts, respects and does not control. Therefore love is the most powerful weapon to overcome fear. Whenever fear attacks you remember to energise the spirit of love. Love does not focus on the negatives but the positive. The positive power of love is the healing force to all the problems in human relationships. This love will lay down its life for another just as Jesus did. The Cross symbolises love for it is the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus died that I may receive His love that heals my heart of fear and fills me with His peace.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


To be free in the spirit is to be free from the ego. The ego is that part of you that wants to be in control and will fight the spirit. The spirit is consciousness that is connected to God and communes with God. The ego is earth bound and succumbs to the sins of the flesh. The devil operates through your ego. Your flesh and the devil are your main enemies to a closer walk with God. A lot of your energy is expended in defending your ego. God says die to your ego for in this is your salvation. All your systems are affected by your ego. The ego is slave to the drives of the flesh which seeks to glorify self. The ego is unconscious and therefore operates on rote. It is captive to its own patterns of thinking and feeling. It goes round in circles because it likes conflicts and attracts conflicts. You are always battling something and this is your ego. It does not like peace and rest because it thrives on negativity. This world is filled with negativity and darkness because the god of the world controls it. God is above this world and sees the captive state of mankind and has provided a way of escape. See how freely you operate when you are free of your ego. Learn to walk in the spirit and see yourself delivered from your egoic state.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Demons are real and affect people and animals and things. They find haven in places of darkness. They need a place to hide and they feed on sin. Sin is a opening for them to abide. Darkness in a place is a sure sign of demonic activity. They thrive in darkness because they are of the darkness. They hate the light for they are blinded by the light. Therefore avoid places where darkness resides. These are places in the world where there is hidden activity and the rebellious spirit is in control. People who venture into these places will be affected by the darkness. Walk in the light as He is in the light. You work with people who are affected by darkness. Some are controlled by demonic entities but they are not aware of it. When demons see the Cross they will manifest the darkness in them. People of the darkness will feel uncomfortable in your presence. The demons in them will feel agitated. They will manifest themselves when provoked. The light in you will dispel the darkness. Don’t be fooled by fronts. The root is bad and the fruit will manifest what is in the root. This is why marriages break down because the deceptive front is exposed. This is why marriages are being attacked for they will show the true qualities of the person. A marriage demands commitment. A generation that shuns commitment will shun marriage.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The heart of flesh is what man needs to live an abundant life. The heart of stone has developed because of fear. The heart of stone can never see the needs of others. It is blinded by the defences of a life that has grown to protect itself. The heart of flesh relies on God. Only a heart that has received the light can have a heart of flesh. A heart of flesh is alive and vibrant. It does not seek its own but looks out for others. It is alive and therefore can sense everything around it. A heart of stone is dead to what is around it because the stony heart hides from everything around it. A heart of flesh will rest in God’s providence and not rely on man’s providence. The Spirit of God dwells in the heart of flesh. What man needs is a heart transplant. This is possible in Jesus Name. He transforms you from an inward focussed person to one who is outward bound and looking for opportunities to serve. Giving becomes a way of life and there is nothing too difficult. Such a person is held by love and knows no other language then the language of love. Love will overcome every barrier and sin and evil force. Jesus showed the way and He will work through you to open the way for redemption.

Friday, May 20, 2011


When the Holy Spirit fills you then He changes your script to a new script, His script. Your script developed over the ages through life experiences slowly dissolves to be replaced by His script. This script is His word that washes and cleanses you. The old script just bound you to a way of thinking and feeling that resulted in death. The new script brings life and that abundant. You revel in the new life for it is full of life giving words and energy. This new energy penetrates into the core of your being and revitalises every cell in your body. When the Lord calls, He provides. God never calls you to do something without providing the means to do it. God works through His Spirit and therefore He who owns a thousand hills can do what only He can do. When Jesus walked on earth He depended on His Father to provide for His needs. There was more then enough because He depended on spiritual forces. The angels ministered to Him. The Holy Spirit led Him to the Cross. He healed all who came to him through the power of the Spirit. This is the way you will live as well. No more dependent on man but on God. A spirit filled life lives and moves in the spirit.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The youth of a man continues as he is led by the Spirit. The word of God says that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles. They will not faint but their youth will be renewed. In the eternal Spirit all things become new. They will run and not be weary. Because the Spirit is eternal it has the power of eternity. All diseases and sickness of the soul and body will melt away. The Spirit will renew, refresh and transform you. As His word takes deep root within you, you will become like a pillar of gold, strong and steady. You won’t bend like a reed in times of trouble. All your sorrows will be consumed by the Cross. His Cross will cancel out everything negative and evil. His blood will wash away all sin and cleanse you. Only the power of the blood can cleanse, heal and deliver. Come Holy Spirit and apply this truth to the inner parts of my being.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Precious are the times when you can sit and talk with people and see their needs and pray for them. Jesus is a silent witness in all your conversations. You are there as His mouth piece. Your own needs are secondary to theirs. He meets all your needs. When you feel assaulted then you know He absorbs it. You don’t have to carry the load for He carries it for you. All your burdens are lifted at Calvary and you are free. This is the way to live, freely. You receive freely and now you can give freely. This is the way of the Spirit. There are no dead lines to meet. You are on His mission and not your mission. All these years you have worked for yourself. Now you work for Him. You are not bothered about your career or achievements. All you want to be and do is to serve others through Him. He appoints and does not disappoint. Your salvation is free but your sanctification is costly. The cost is to your flesh that has to die daily to its selfish needs. Selfishness drives the world. This is the state of unconsciousness. Ever since man left the Garden of Eden he became unconscious and therefore blind to the spirit world and was lost in darkness. Now your eyes are open and you can see the end and it is so good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Freedom in the Spirit is like free air to breathe. We breathe freely because air is free. So also the Spirit is free but at a price, the death of Jesus. He rose and ascended to the Father so that I can breathe freely. Without His Spirit I am as a dead as a corpse. My fate is sealed in Him. I am now living a life for eternity in Him. It is His Spirit that enables me to breathe. Nothing can stop me from experiencing the love of Jesus. His love enables me to love others. Only through the Spirit can I receive anything. He enables me to do what He has promised to do. This is the life of liberty. Yet men reject this simple message because it is too simple. They do not realise that the flesh always wants to take credit. Jesus takes all the credit. Only pride can stop a man from receiving of His fullness. In Him I am full and free because He has purchased with His blood and I am free. The freedom I have in Him costs Him His life. I owe all to Him and I will be eternally grateful for His sacrifice.

Monday, May 16, 2011


The flesh is strong but the Spirit is stronger. Every time I defeat the flesh through the Spirit I feel stronger. This is evidence that in the flesh I can do no good thing. The flesh will always try to please the ego by giving into its fleshy desires. The fleshly desires keep man blind to his deeper needs. He is unconscious of his fallen state and therefore thinks that all this is o.k. When his eyes are opened to see his fallen state then he repents and turns from his wicked ways. This is what happens when a man is delivered from his deluded self. Pharaoh was so full of himself that he proclaimed himself god. This is what happens when power becomes a demon that controls you and you get mad with power. You think that you are indestructible and use others for your own ends. You destroy yourself in this process. The Spirit can deliver you if you submit to Him. He will give you the grace to see your fault and to set you free. This is the gospel of salvation which is free for all but few choose to follow. Man prefers to keep to his rules and regulations and deceive himself that he is safe. No man is safe in his own castle because others will be waiting to see him fall. This is the evil in man that does not wish for man to prosper but to fall. This is what news is and this is what the populace thrives on. The more negativity the better one feels, as it is comparison of who is less evil then the other rather then who is better then the other. Evil can only compare with itself for it does not understand good. Lord deliver us from this evil age and have mercy on the poor.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The Lord is overall. He is available to all but most are unconscious of His presence. The world is blind to the workings of God. This is the way the world has been deceived. The world is held captive by the great deceiver of our souls, the devil. He fools everyone by distracting them by the things they can see. The age of media is the primary way of his deceptive tactics. Don’t fall for it as all that glitters is not gold. The flesh is easily enticed but at the end of the rainbow is an empty promise. God seeks for those who thirst after righteousness. He is merciful but the devil will accuse you and seek judgement. Jesus chose to lay down His life for me rather then to judge me. It is my own heart that judges me. He never condemns me for He has paid for my sins, past, present and future. So who will I give my life to? Only Jesus deserves all honour and praise and glory. There is no other way for His way is the best way. No other leader has laid his life down for his followers. They have all sought to lead them down a road that appears good but at the end is death. Jesus gives eternal life and this life is for now. Don’t get caught up by issues but seek to give life and the rest will take care of itself. Issues become important only when the real issue is not faced. Avoid the main issue and secondary issues will take centre stage. Be born again and see how your life takes a different direction as His Spirit comes and transforms you from a destiny of death to life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Many are the ways of man but God has only one way. This is the way of His Son, Jesus. He proclaimed the way when He said, I am the way. The way to God is through Him. He made the way when there was no way. He is the righteousness of God in flesh. He is our righteousness and in Him we are free from all sin. What a place to be. By His grace and mercy you have been saved from destruction. God knew you even before you were conceived. How could this be? Because He is God and He knew what He is doing. He knows where and when and how. He knows from the beginning of time till the end. He knows everything about everything. You think you know but it is nothing compared to what He knows. All you can do is discover what He knows. You take the glory when you discover but God gets all the glory because He is the source. Sin has turned the heart of man away from God. Yet God is merciful and He will turn the hearts of the rebellious to worship Him. What a great God we serve. To Him be all the glory and praise forever and ever amen.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


God came into the world because sin had come into the world and tarnished all that He had created. The sin of the world is rebellion against God. God had established the garden of harmony but sin brought in disharmony. Since then man has had to fight against negativity all his life. Jesus came to be the sacrifice that would set man free from the power of sin. Now through His Cross you have liberty to choose. Sin has no more dominion over you. You have been saved through the blood of the Cross. This is the message of salvation that all need to hear and be saved. This is the message that needs to be broadcast to all and sundry that all maybe saved. However many hear and do not respond to the Cross. The religious did not recognise Him and now the world does not recognise Him. He came as a servant and those who were poor recognised Him. Today those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will find rest for their souls in Him. This world as it is will come to an end. You have to diminish so that He can increase. You cannot serve God and mammon. The more sold out you are for Him the more brightly your light will shine.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The Lord works through His Spirit. Man works through his mind. To know the mind of God means that you will have to access Him through your spirit. It is spirit to Spirit communication that results in revelations to your mind. The mind cannot understand God for it is carnal. God operates in all realms but by His Spirit. It is by His Spirit that He performs all His works. Without His Spirit He can’t do anything. His Spirit dwells in you and enables you to do what He expects you to do. God is at work in you through His Spirit. Most of the time you are unaware of His works. To be aware you need to be conscious of His Spirit. When you become conscious then you will receive revelations of His workings. His work is to prepare you for His return. He is coming soon and all who are chosen will respond to His calling. Prepare your heart and soul for His return. Now is the time to walk in the Spirit and to be constantly alert to His words. He will make you aware of His presence and speak words of comfort to you. His warnings are to prepare you and not to distress you. The day of the Lord’s return will happen suddenly so be prepared. Man will have many theories and speculations. Never be distracted by them. Fix your eyes on Jesus and you will be saved.

Monday, May 09, 2011


Inspire and be inspired. This is the way of the Spirit. Inspiration comes from breathing in the Spirit. The Spirit is a person and He can feel and communicate through His 5 senses to your 5 senses. Therefore when you are open to Him you will sense Him through your senses. In this way you will know. You are not just governed by your thoughts but you also intuit through your senses. This is to be informed through multiple channels. You are not restricted to one sense. When all your senses are working in harmony then you will get confirmation from each. Otherwise you will only sense through one channel and think you are right. Learn to sense through many channels. In this way you always be on top. Truth is not limited to a narrow channel. It is able to see from many angles and then provide a solution. When you are limited to one channel then you only see what you are used to seeing and this becomes truth to you. The danger in this is that you limit your potential. God works through multiple means. Therefore be open today to multiple channels and be enlarged.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


What a wonderful place to be in total surrender. Total surrender means 100% surrender. There is no place for anything but total submission to Christ. This is the only way to know Him. The flesh will want to compromise and tolerate but the Spirit demands total surrender. This is a radical position which will attract opposition. Jesus was killed for His position as God in flesh. The Jews called this blasphemy. They did not know what they were doing when they screamed crucify Him. Their guilt was screaming at them and all they could do was to kill Him. By killing Him they thought they could put an end to Christ. How wrong they were. Only death can produce resurrection power. The flesh has to be crucified. There is no other way. No compromise. You have to live what you believe even if you are the only one. Many fail to receive because they fail to go all the way. This is the only way to know Him. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to experience His resurrection power today. Come Holy Spirit and help me to surrender and experience your resurrection power.

Saturday, May 07, 2011


Self talk or God talk, you choose. Self talk comes from the ego which is preoccupied with the past or the future. God talk comes from the Spirit which is comforting, loving, compassionate and free. It is not controlling or condemning. Self talk is concerned about the self. God talk is concerned about others and God’s heart. The Bible is full of God talk. When you meditate on His Word then your self talk becomes God talk. You will begin to think like His thoughts because His thoughts are His words. You can use God’s Word as a standard to see if your thoughts measure up to it. If you find that they don’t, then it is your responsibility to crucify them. A lot of stress and distress is caused by self talk. Underneath all the self talk is the demon of fear. Fear is the opposite of love. There is no fear in love. Perfect loves casts out all fear. Therefore look for fear and if you sense it then you know that the root is evil. Love always thinks and looks out for the other. Jesus had no fear because He was assured of His Father’s love always. You are assured of the Father’s love always. Don’t get upset over silly mistakes of the flesh that is in a hurry to do things. Step back and take your time. There is no bus to catch for He is in control of all things

Thursday, May 05, 2011


The power of the gospel is the power to save and to set the captive free. When the good news is received by faith it has the power to do a work in you that is eternal. Many fail to walk in it, for it is a process that takes a life time of communion and cleansing. The old man in you has to be reckoned dead daily otherwise he will continue to pollute your mind with its desires and longings. These desires are opposed to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot do his work in you unless the old man is reckoned dead. It is by faith that you reckon him dead. It is by faith you reckon that the Holy Spirit is renewing you. As you access His strength you become renewed. It is His strength in you that enables you to reach for the lost. The lost are dying and death is the end point. For a Christian death is a translation into eternal life. The path you choose will enable you to walk to death or to life. Choose life today for it is eternal. The eternal life of the Spirit in you will enable you to defeat all your enemies.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Belief is the core of ones being. One cannot exist without believing in something. All our values are based on our beliefs. Belief is the essence of life. Once you know what you believe in, it will motivate every thought and action. Your desires are essentially your beliefs in action. Your beliefs cannot be stagnant. They will be acted on and expressed in some way. This expression gives you meaning and purpose. It is the expression of your belief that results in how you conduct your daily life. If you have no hope then this is expressed in depressed ways. If you believe that you are a superman then you will behave in that way. Some are unaware of what motivates them but underlying all expression of behaviour is a deep belief system. This is the essence of your spiritual being. You may have been taught certain religious traditions but ultimately they mean nothing unless they are part of your belief. Religious practices can take place without belief. These practices are done to satisfy some system you belong to like the church. It is only when these practices are part of your belief that it has any value. Many go to church but operate in unbelief. Your spirit comes alive when your faith becomes expressed in action.

Monday, May 02, 2011


Praise God that he is able to help those who are His. He watches over them and cares for them. He is always there for them. He is the One who promises to help them when everyone else leaves them. God is able and He is able to do much more then you can think or imagine. He is above all and full of love. He is a generous God. He gives freely because He lacks nothing. He gave His only begotten Son. There is no limit to how much He can give. He gives freely to all who ask Him. He is the giver of life. When the water flows freely then more will be supplied to flow through you. You hold back only in fear. You will lack nothing because God lives in you. He is full of abundance so when you give then you will be blessed. There is so much joy in giving. Giving is a way of life. When you bless others then they will want to bless you. Love always wins. There is no lack in love.

Sunday, May 01, 2011


Today is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Today the Lord calls those who are His to rejoice and be glad for your names are written in heaven. God has made a way where no way existed. God has given man hope of eternal life. He died for the world but the world rejected Him. Each generation is given a choice to choose and each generation will be held accountable. There is no other way. Nothing matters more then your eternal destiny. This life is short when compared with eternity. Only those who call on the Name of the Lord will be saved. It is urgent now to spread the word. The King is coming soon. Prepare the way. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. Now go and catch them in the Name of Jesus. In His Name all will be saved who call on Him.