Monday, December 17, 2018


Religion is a system of rules and orders that followers adhere to as a way of worship to their God. Jesus came to show a new way out of religion to a way of Life. He said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Therefore it is possible to belong to a religious order and still follow Him. Most of us are born into a family and adopt the religion of our family. We are born muslim, Hindu or Christian . Now we have to choose to follow Jesus. Even a Christian can be a non believer. Just because one is born into a Christian family does not make one a Jesus follower. One needs to come to a place where conviction of sin and need of a Saviour is revealed. This revelation is a spiritual awakening to all who seek the way of salvation. We are saved from sin and its power to a new life born from above. We were born into this world of corruptible seed. We are born again of incorruptible seed. This means that we inherit eternal life. No man can rob us of this life. God keeps us in this life for eternity. This life is of His Son Jesus who came in the form of sinless man and died to save us from our sin. Sin and death, the result of sin, was defeated once and for all by His resurrection from the dead. Yes therefore you are not defined by your religion but by the life of Jesus in you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


This is a paradox but true. Jesus died that I may have life. This is only possible because He rose from the dead. He had to die first before He could defeat death. He rose and His resurrection has purchased  His life for me. Now I can live His life on earth if I choose to identify with His death and resurrection life. This is a life of heaven on earth. This is what He calls abundant life. A life powered by heaven and producing life on earth. This life is available to all as He came to die for all. However we have to choose this offer of life. We can choose death or life. I have chosen life and that eternal life now. This means that I have immortal life now. Death is defeated and fear of death is banished. Fear of death is what causes death and decay. All of creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. When we choose to die with Him then all creation rejoices for we bring life. All creation includes vegetation and animals and even inanimate things. We are all basically made out of energy and take a form depending on our creation. We are all affecting each other for good or evil. When we become aware of this then our consciousness of others rises and we realise our purpose is to bring His life to all creation. This is how the whole of creation becomes one and God's Kingdom is established on earth as it is in heaven. What a life, what a destiny.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Guidelines for moral living

The Bible is God's guideline for right living. God provided for us the rules for right living. When we live according to His word then we reap the fruit of right living. When we choose to ignore His word then we reap the results of our rebellion. In this age where morality is relative we have drifted away from His laws for right living and what we see is the fruit, lawlessness, sexual immorality and gender confusion, lust and depravation. God allows this just as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah and see what happened there. The end is self destruction. We see this in increasing self destruction through the use of drugs and suicide and self harm. These are warning signs that our lives are out of sync and we have lost direction without God and His word guiding us. When man chooses to follow his own wisdom than he reaps the results of his choices. God has given us a choice and we can choose to follow Him or disobey. Now in this PC generation anything is allowable and there are no guidelines to follow other than our own whim. We will reap what we sow. Therefore don't be surprised at the anarchy and chaos that follows. Let us return to the Bible and listen to His voice and follow Him.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Our minds will limit us in many ways if we allow it to be boxed in. We need guidelines to keep us in check. Just like rules they keep us boxed in to help us function. However these rules could also limit us from being creative and exploring spheres beyond those rules. This could be a limitation that prevents us from receiving because we are scared of the  unknown. Learning to sky dive is a new experience and quite frightening. However we take the risk to experience what others have assured us is safe. Till we do it we never know what the experience is. This can be applied in other areas of life where we have to operate beyond known rules. Faith is sometimes spelt risk. We have to believe and if we have mental blockages than we will find it difficult to believe. We will not see till we believe. This means we have to take a step into the unknown to experience the supernatural. Many will stop at this point and go no further. It is like a road block. The only way is to go back to our usual mode of operation. Once the block is removed by stepping out in faith then the miracle will happen. Our mind sometimes is the main hindrance to experiencing true deliverance from our prisons. These self made prisons keep us from experiencing the more of God. Relax and let go and let God take over and be free and experience what God has promised in His Word.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


 Truth is truth and is in a person, Jesus Christ. Everything else is fake news. Truth therefore divides as there are many who don't believe in Jesus.  Jesus said that many will be divided because of Him. Father against wife, son against father etc. Why does this happen? In a world of compromises people desire peace but peace never comes through compromise. Why not? Because in compromise there is a drift away from truth. Jesus was clear when he mentioned that the goats have to be separated from the sheep. Goats but, sheep follow. The buts of this world will never accept the truth because they have too many buts. Jesus said if you follow me I will lead you to quiet waters. That is the peace He promises. Only in Him is there eternal peace. Therefore in Him only will there be eternal peace.
 Everything which is a compromise never lasts for it is based on a compromised foundation. Jesus is the Rock of all ages and the foundation He provides never moves. Truth is the same yesterday, today and forever . Those who put their trust in Him will know the truth and the Truth will set them free.

Sunday, September 02, 2018


Faith is the substance of things hope for, the assurance of things not seen. Faith is evidence. Like signs and wonders following the preaching of the word. When I speak in faith I can expect to see the evidence. If this is in the physical realm than physical evidence. If the emotional or mental realm than  evidence of  freedom or release in this realm. If in the spiritual realm than evidence like speaking in tongues or deliverance. Expect evidence to follow your faith journey. Do not settle for anything less. In the anointing  you can expect evidence. Faith must be seen. Faith is not blind. The Jews expected to see a sign. Many are looking for evidence of our faith. This generation is so visual that they will not believe unless they see. God is revealing Himself in many ways especially in the Muslim world. Having visions and dreams is a sign. Therefore look for evidence of your faith. If it is physical healing expect to see evidence. If it is financial than expect to see financial supply being met. If it is emotional than expect to see freedom from emotional bondage. God is responding to your faith so expect much and much will be revealed.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


We live in an age and what we knew as truth is being broadcasted as fake news. Once we knew what was right and wrong. Now it seems wrong is right. What were truths like created in the image of God as male and female are now being challenged as gender fluidity is preached as the truth. What was seen as holy sacraments of marriage and fidelity before marriage is seen as outmoded and stupid. It is ok to lie because it is politically correct and hide the truth because we should be inclusive and not exclusive. PC is the new norm. If I call a person fat it is abusive and not kosher. Black is white and white is black in this new world of tolerance at any cost. Therefore educational institutions have to comply with the new lingo or perish. Where will all this end but in moral and spiritual Armageddon. God is kept out of the equation in life because all we are is we see. What about the world of spirits and angels and the signs and wonders that occur daily in life? No that's all for people who are dumb and uneducated in this new world. Perish the thought that we have compartmentalised life so we are blinkered in our vision and only see the part and not the whole. So as the blind lead the blind we follow the music of the piper to death not having lived a life of fullness in God. Just in the days of Noah have we become hypnotised to oblivion and at what cost. Repent and be transformed before it is too late for God to have mercy and change our hearts to walk in His ways before it is too late.

Monday, August 06, 2018


When you have come to the place that you are prepared to die for Christ, than you have truly experienced true freedom from the flesh and all it's desires. Jesus said anyone who desires to follow me must take up his cross and follow Him. Taking up his cross is to be prepared to die daily to all that  is of self, greed, pride, envy, lust, sloth etc. This is the only way to live in victory. Death means no desires can tempt you to sin. A dead man is dead to his senses. He is awakened to his spiritual senses. Now one can spend less time worrying about the cares of this world and be totally absorbed in the cares of His Kingdom. God has called us to be disciples not just followers. A disciple is disciplined daily to choose His way rather than my way. This means bowing down to trust and obey the Master in following His way. What a privelege and blessing to be called sons of God. You are now a priest and king in His Kingdom. Now you are able to call on Him and He will answer  swiftly. Nothing is withheld from him who will answer His call. What appears to be silence is working for you for a greater blessing. Come now and take up your cross and follow Him.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018


God has given us His own Spirit  that we are now able to walk in the Spirit. This is the way Jesus walked on earth. He spent time with His Father and did what He saw and heard his Father doing. This is the way He wants us to walk. In the flesh we will feel impotent and helpless but in the Spirit we will feel strong. The more we walk in the Spirt the less will be the pull of the flesh. The flesh is our default mode. We will always switch to this mode but than we need to submit to Him and walk in the Spirit. This is a journey and as we choose to walk in the Spirit, He will enable us to do so. Rome was not built in a day so also we are continuously changed into His likeness as we walk in the Spirit. Jesus has given us His Spirit to dwell in our spirit. This is the new way He opened up for us after He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Now we can have His thoughts and feelings and this changes everything. What appeared impossible becomes possible in the Spirit. Life takes on a new dimension as you are no longer seeing things according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. What appeared as reality now bows to a new reality, the reality of the Spirit. This is supernatural living. There is limitless supply of everything in the Spirit. Many labour in the flesh and get burnt out. In the Spirit you are always living in abundance. Come Lord Jesus and fill me with your abundant life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Only believe is the key to tapping into the resources in heaven. Believe is a active word. We have to activate our faith through believing. I can passively believe something but it never results in the fruit of our belief. Fruit comes through actively believing that what we believe will be. This is the earthing of our faith. This is the substance of things not seen. We have to see in the spirit to receive the things of the spirit. We cannot receive by believing with our heads. It requires a shift from our head to our heart. This means that we need to set our critical faculty aside and begin to tap into our intuition. This is the deep knowledge of knowing that is beyond thinking. We think with our head . We believe with our heart. Jesus always addressed the issues of our heart. When we believe in our heart than we bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. All we need is available as all was finished at the Cross. Our physical, mental and spiritual needs were all finished at the Cross. Now we need to access them through heart belief.Praying in tongues enables you to shift from your head to your heart. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are released to you as you walk in the spirit.

Monday, May 07, 2018


God created us and His Spirit lives in our heart. However we have been trained to think with our head and not our heart. Thinking in our head is analytical thinking. It is a process of analysing the pros and cons before coming to a conclusion. Thinking in our hearts is intuitional. The heart does not analyse. It just does. God speaks to us through our spirit. He is Spirit and He communicates His thoughts and feelings to our spirit. This may come in the form of dreams and visions or revelations. Our mind is than enlightened and we come to a new understanding. This kind of knowledge is different from the knowledge we gain from books or other sources of information. Heart  knowledge heals the soul. We can receive some healing through head knowledge but it is limited. Heart knowledge is revelational that heals the roots and sets the captive free. When we begin to communicate at a heart level a whole new world opens up before us. Once we were blind and now we see from a new dimension. It is like seeing a flower and describing its characteristics but failing to appreciate the beauty within it. It is a aha experience that brings about transformation and this is a heart experience and not a head experience. Love is the language of the heart and not the head. The head tries to understand love but the heart feels it. When one communicates at a head level with another who communicates at a heart level there will be misunderstanding and miscommunication. Heart to heart communication brings life to a relationship. God chose to communicate to us through our heart for He wants a relationship with us. Once we begin to communicate with our hearts than our relationship with Him and others begins to take a new course. Love is a fruit of the Spirit and the characteristics of love are peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentlemess, faithfulness and self control.

Saturday, April 07, 2018


Time is a fact. Time became a fact when death became a reality. When God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it, He created them in eternal time. This means there was no beginning or end. With the fall time became fixed and so all creation is limited in it's existence and will age and die. Creation was ageless and timeless. Death began its work from birth. This means that we all age and will die. Our bodies are limited by time but our spirit lives for ever. Jesus came to reverse this trend and superseded time by His resurrection from the dead. He faced death and defeated it. Now we too can enjoy eternal life. The sting of death has been cancelled. Time has become eternal again. Our bodies will be changed into new bodies like Jesus after His resurrection. What a wonderful news to broadcast from the roof tops. Because He lives we have hope for tomorrow. No illness or disease can rob us of this eternal life. This life operates now and so we can live this life like as if we are in heaven. Transformation occurs as we live in Him and for Him.This is to walk in the supernatural.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


To operate in the mind of God means to know God's mind on all matters. How is this possible unless we have a intimate relationship with God. A husband and wife or close intimate friends know how the other thinks. This is the same with God. When we walk in intimacy with Him He will reveal His mind to us. He has revealed His mind to us in the scriptures. This is His love letter to us. When we read and meditate on His word we become familiar with the mind of God. He operates in the Spirit. The spirit mind is different from our mind. The spirit mind operates in love and holiness. Our minds have been  adulterated by the world we live in. This is why we need to pray in tongues to cleanse our minds and be in tune with His mind. He will reveal His mind to us and than we will know what to do and when to do it. This means waiting on God till we know His mind. He will .reveal His mind on a matter whenever we seek Him. In this way we become like Him in thought, word and deed. What a relationship we have with our Heavenly Father . Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. Let us yearn to walk like Him.

Sunday, February 04, 2018


 Your thoughts are the key to your walk. When you have control of your thoughts than you have victory in your walk. Thoughts are like seeds and when they are watered they become a plant bearing fruits of it's kind. Therefore you need to watch your thoughts as the enemy can also sow seeds of his kind and deceive you. Thoughts that are negative and lies are bound to cause disorder and disease. These are fruits that will manifest in your body. Angry thoughts will produce disorders like peptic ulcer and arthritis. Many cancers are linked to unforgiveness. Unforgiveness arises from hurts that have been marinated over time and they manifest as physical and mental disorders. Everything that happens inside you will manifest itself. Good thoughts will produce good fruit, health and vitality. The eternal word of God will produce good fruit. You can judge a tree by its fruit. Therefore watch your thoughts. One way to cleanse your thoughts and have victory over negative thoughts is to pray in tongues. The Spirit prays through you and cleanses your thoughts and gives you His thoughts. Pray continuously for this is His command to you. Let your subconscious pray in tongues and your conscious thoughts will become renewed and you will be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


God has united in one Spirit with you. This unity in the Spirit is similar to the one Jesus had when He walked on earth. In unity you have access to all the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. The Father and Son are united in the Spirit and lives in you. What a combination of the God head. Now it is your will that needs to be submitted to His will to abide in Him. Jesus said not my will but thine be done. This should be the attitude of your heart. The flesh will not give in easily and this is where the battle is in your mind. The devil and the flesh will conspire to dethrone His place in your life as Lord. You must fix your mind in Him. It is easy to overcome the flesh and the devil when you are united in Spirit with Him. When the flesh rears its ugly head submit to His will. All the resources of heaven are open to you. Bind the works of the evil one. Your perceptions change and you become like Him on earth as He is in heaven. The King is in residence in your heart. Therefore live like a king but have the attitude of a servant. A servant heart will always look out for your neighbour. Jesus came to serve and give His life for mankind. Abide in Him and be a overcomer.