Thursday, October 31, 2013


God's purpose in all this is to bring all of creation into communion with Him. His ways are not our ways. He has plans that defy the ways of man. He operates in pure love. There is no ambiguity about His ways. His ways are certain and sure. His ways are from eternity. He decides because He is and not because He feels like it. He operates from who He is. Marvellous are His ways and beyond compare. His ways are just and all who seek His face will know His ways. He weeps for those who are lost. The lost are being eaten up by worms and will die. Their salvation is near but they fail to see. The Jews heard the word but chose to worship their man made gods. They preferred to worship creation rather then the Creator. Today seek The Lord with all your heart. He is available to all and will respond to your heart cry.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Our perceptions are influenced by our emotions. If we are feeling high then our perceptions are positive and we tend to minimise the negatives. If we are feeling negative then our perceptions mainly see the negatives and minimise the positives. This is why we cannot make a unbiased judgement because our perceptions are not based on facts but emotions and change like the weather. Love covers a multitude of sins but sometimes ignores the negatives. Love is an emotion as well as a decision. I decide to love even when I don't feel loving. Loving feelings enable one to minimise the negatives and this is what happens to newly married couples. They tend to minimise the negatives till those loving feelings begin to fade and reality reveals the negative aspects. Only love can then continue to stay the course for the negatives are very powerful to breakdown those loving feelings. Love now takes on a new meaning. It is not just a feeling but accepts the beloved,warts and all. Anything less then that is lust. Therefore be careful about your perceptions for they are not reliable. Taking time to let those initial feelings settle usually helps us see situations and others more clearly.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


God desires us to operate in reality rather then fantasy. To operate in fantasy is to be disconnected from reality. Fantasy tends to minimise the reality of responses from others. Fantasy is safe because one is in control of the movie that is played in the mind. Reality always has to consider the other. In fantasy there are no checks as anything is possible and only the operator is affected. One can tend to manipulate the outcome according to one's desires. This kind of operation when resorted to often leads to a life cut off from reality. Neurotic fears are quelled through this kind of avoidant activity. When a grip on reality is absent then psychosis is the result. The way out of fantasy is to apply your mind to what is happening now. This enables one to face the reality of the situation one is in now then escape into fantasy somewhere else. Bringing your mind to attention to what is present enables you to face the situation or person in full attention. Practicing the presence of God is possible by resting in His presence and letting Him give you His thoughts and feelings. The more you operate in the now the more you become real to others. You stop avoidance behaviours and confront the reality that is in front of you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Possessed by God is the desire of my heart. God desires a people who He can possess. To be filled is good but to be possessed is even better. God wants to have total control of you freely. He will never impose Himself on you. God wants willing servants who will trust Him with all their heart. Trust is the vital ingredient that will satisfy the Father. He is looking for a people who will trust Him unreservedly. God accepts you unconditionally. He did this on Calvary.He gave himself freely so that you can be free to choose. There is nothing more you can do to earn His love. All He needs is your free will.

Monday, October 21, 2013


God is at work in you to will and to do. How good is that? God initiates the work in you and then continues to help you in the same. It is His work because you are His workmanship. It is to serve His purpose that you have been called. Now all you need to do is rest in this knowledge and security of the same. To work for yourself is one thing but to work for Him is a greater mission in life. He works in you to proclaim His work for eternity. His work is for a larger purpose in achieving His goals. Your goals are nothing compared His goals. Therefore remain in His presence and see how He will open doors to achieve His goals in His time. Paul was chosen by God to achieve His purpose. You too must remain content to know that He is working things out in His way. What a place of rest to be in Him and know He is in control.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Man is not alone for God is with him. However man chooses to do it his way without God. Independence is a curse that led to Satan's fall and the same trait is in fallen Adam's race. God made man to have fellowship with Him but man wanting to be like God has chosen separation. This separation has brought about a different kind of Kingdom that is earthly and without God. God has taken second place because man has chosen to reject God. God sent His son to redeem man from his fallen state. He restored His relationship with man and now God can establish His kingdom though the called out saints. The church is to be the Kingdom of God on earth. However the church has lost its bearings and now behaves like the kingdom on earth. God is still in control and will redeem His church from it's fallen state. When the church wakes up the world will take notice. The world is at the mercy of the church because she holds the key to the future. Rise up church of God and take your rightful place among the nations.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The flame of fire within you will burn till the day you die. God has put this flame within you. It will burn all that is of the flesh till you are burning the light of life in the spirit. God's fire is like a light that burns the darkness away. His light brightens your insides and as the flesh life is burnt up the spirit life will shine through you. His light will lighten the ground you walk on and others will sense his presence in and around you. This is what will result in revival. God's light will drive out the darkness and his light will be the healing for the land.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Christianity needs to be practised in the market place if it is going to have an impact. Too many are comfortable meeting in church buildings where it is safe. Jesus spent most of His time in the market place. This is where sinners were and this is where the need is. Too much inward looking has kept the church stifled and weak. Growth occurs when your faith can be applied in the market place.Your faith is useless unless it can be applied in the market place. Faith rises when it is challenged. Jesus moved among the populace because He came for them. He spent time in the synagogue but all they did was to reject Him and His message. People in the market place followed Him and werie healed in mind and body. This is what the church is called to do. If the church continues to be cloistered within its four walls it will decay and die.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Jesus the Name above all other names. His name is Jesus and He is the Lord of all. Call on His Name and see the enemy flee from you. His Name is more powerful then a mantra. He is living and He comes to you when you call on His Name. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Jesus was and is and is to come. He is the Saviour of the world. Call on His name in the day of trouble. His name is your name when you call on Him. He becomes you because He has gone through all the trials and experienced every sin known to man. He took upon Himself your sins and bore it on a tree and died. He is your redemption and your Saviour. There is no other Name on earth or in heaven greater then His. What a name and what a way to go for all mankind depends on Him. He knows the end from the beginning. He is and therefore you are.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


For God is good and His grace is sufficient for you. He has called you into His Kingdom and in His Kingdom there is peace everlasting. You live now in His Kingdom and work in His Kingdom. No more earthly kingdom for you, for you belong to a different King who is Lord over all. Your journey is into eternity for that is your destiny. Now is the time to work and walk in Kingdom mind set. In Kingdom mind set you only do what your King leads you to do. Your interests have all changed. You are no more interested in the things of the world. You have lost interest in the things of the world. All you are interested in, is in His Kingdom and His callings. He calls and you go. He will provide the resources to do His will. You are His agent now and you establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, You work with His resources and not your resources. Your resources are limited while His resources are unlimited. Therefore enlarge your vision and be ready to move forward and fear nothing.

Friday, October 04, 2013


We are the body of Christ. Just as the body has many parts so Christ's body has many parts. Each is appointed for a specific role or task. A finger cannot do the job of an eye. So each member of the body is called to do their part. The whole body will only function when each part does its part. Otherwise the body will malfunction and not fulfil its destiny.

The body of Christ worldwide is going through a process of transformation. Each is recognising that we need each other to fulfil God's mission in the world. We need to embrace our differences and not try to manipulate each other to conform to only one part. This is a huge calling for the body to respect and encourage the various ministries of the church. Only a committed body to Christ's cause in the world can do this. Let us do our part to fulfil the great commission before Christ returns.

Thursday, October 03, 2013


 Blazon the land with the light of His Presence. How? By praising and praying till you shine His light through you. God's light is in you. The only way it is going to be seen is through praise and prayer. You enter his courts with thanksgiving and connect with the Holy Spirit. When you connect with Him He will connect with you. A charge is set off and you light up just like a bulb that lights up when the switch is on. It is this connection that is needed to set your heart on fire. When your heart is on fire it will just burn with His love and peace and joy like no other. This will light other fires and soon the land will be on fire for the Lord. In His presence there will be manifestations of all kinds including healing and miracles. The word of the Lord will go forth and perform its works. Faith will rise and bring forth fruit and the world will go round like a musical melody. Crime will reduce and people will see through His eyes and become like the people of heaven on earth. All selfishness and hatred will vanish and replaced with pure love. Shine Jesus shine through me today.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


I am the temple of the living God. The Holy Spirit dwells in me. I am a holy vessel cleansed in the blood of Jesus. He keeps me holy. He cleanses me and fuels me each day to walk in His ways. He is my light and my fortress. In Him I dwell safely. I am His and He is mine. I will never depart from His ways. He has promised never to leave me or forsake me. In His presence is joy and peace and everlasting love. In Him I am and my destiny is in Him. I am, therefore I can be.

Many follow other gods that satisfy their fleshly desires. I choose to follow the Lord who fills me with spiritual desires. The world is on a course to self destruct. Selfishness is the god of this world. Selfishness never results in holiness. God is holy and He is always thinking of you. Blessed is the Name of the Lord. It is good to know that God is in control. As this earth flies though space it is held by His mighty hands. The winds of change will blow but God is not moved. His stable right hand will take the earth to its destination despite the chaos in the world.  Man is but a speck of dust and will be no more when his time is up. God is eternal and never ceases to live.