Sunday, April 30, 2023

Soul Noise Limiting Hearing God's Voice

Our soul is constantly engaged in chatter. Most of the time we are unaware of this chatter which occurs at a subconscious level. However, we can become aware of this chatter when we consciously watch our thoughts. This is the basis of cognitive therapy. When we observe our thoughts we will become aware of the repetitive nature of our thoughts. These thoughts cause us to feel up or down. Many times we are so consumed by our thoughts that we are unable to hear God through our spirit. The Holy Spirit talks to us through our spirit. We then hear Him through our thoughts. However, if our thoughts are so loud then we will drown out the voice of God. This is why we need to learn to silence our souls and focus on God's voice in us. This is easily said than done but it is possible.


One way to quieten our soul chatter is to pray in tongues. This cancels our thoughts as we now are communicating in the spirit which bypasses our mind. We get into the spirit mode. We can also meditate on the Word of God and hear His voice speaking through His Word. Distracting our thoughts by diverting our attention to something else is another way to quieten our soul Painting, listening to Godly music, and playing a musical instrument are other ways to distract ourselves from our repetitive thoughts. God speaks loudly when we are able to wait on Him in silence. This silence is an inner silence not just by being in a quiet place. We can be in a quiet place but still have noise in our souls.

God's Voice

God's voice sounds like His written Word. He sometimes speaks to us in pictures or through our senses. He can speak to us when we are occupied doing housework. We must be open to hearing Him. Soon we will be hearing Him more clearly. Once we enter into habitation we become more familiar with His voice. We will only want to do what He is saying. This is a state of complete surrender to Him. We become detached from the world we live in. It will feel like living in heaven on earth. This may only happen at times in the beginning but becomes more continuous as we surrender all to Him. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Believe In Your Heart

Jesus said, "Believe in your heart and you will be saved" Romans 10:9. Many don't understand this and so continue to operate in their soul and lose out on the abundant life Jesus promised to those who believe in Him. Believing in your heart is a shift from the soul realm to the heart realm. Our spirit dwells in our hearts and not in our souls. Our soul needs to be differentiated from our soul. Many confuse the heart and the soul. They, therefore, operate from the soul realm and understand the Bible from their own human understanding. Spiritual discernment is lacking and therefore we have different translations of the Bible. This is like the confusion at Babel. Therefore we have a divided church because we confuse spiritual understanding with soulish understanding. When we are born again we are born of the Spirit, not our soul. Our soul continues to need to be redeemed through the transformation of our mind. Our spirit is saved and goes on to eternity.

Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is lacking in the church at large. We, therefore, have division and a lack of understanding of Biblical truth. God's word is truth and it never changes. Culture may change because as humans we are growing in wisdom and knowledge. Facts may change but the truth never changes. Science observes and changes the facts depending on new evidence. Spiritual truth is eternal and infallible. Jesus came as a man and died and rose again. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is the only way to Father, God. These are eternal truths and will never change. God created man and woman and there are only two genders despite the move to cancel this truth. Life begins in the womb because we were created not evolved.


Today culture seems to dictate what we believe. If our belief does not accommodate with culture then we will be ostracised. The church needs to stand for truth and not accommodate to culture. The way to do this is to discern between what is soulish and what is spiritual. We are spiritual beings on an earthly journey. Our destiny is heaven to those who believe. In fact, we are already seated in heavenly places with Christ. This is the differentiation that needs to happen before the church can truly be the church on earth as it is in heaven.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Demonic Activity ++

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. The devil's mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to bring life and that abundantly John 10:10. In this is our mission too in the world. We too are called to destroy the works of the devil. How do we do this? God has supplied us with the blood of Jesus as a weapon to drive out the devil and his demons from our midst. As we do this we will see a shift in the atmosphere around us. God's original intent for us was to enjoy the fruits of His creation as in the garden of Eden. We can still do this as we apply the blood of Jesus everywhere we go. We have the same authority Jesus has because He has given us this authority to bind and to lose.

The Church

The church is the body of Christ on earth and is the only vehicle on earth through whom He has appointed for His mission to be accomplished. His church must wake up to the truth of His word and believe it. He has given us His word so that we can receive His promises in it. We need to believe and receive it by faith and see the evidence of it manifested in our midst. All sickness and disease have to bow to the Name of Jesus. There was no lack in the Garden of Eden. There was no sickness in the Garden of Eden. The people of God were protected in Goshen and were not affected by the plagues that infested the Egyptians.


This insight alone should cause us to take up our arms and get on our knees in prayer. Prayer is our weapon to battle against the forces of evil that are infesting our world. We need to be the watchman who stand at the gates and watch over the people. What we bind will be bound. Let us bind the works of the enemy of our souls and set the captives free.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

God's Kingdom Is In You

God's kingdom is not a physical entity but a spiritual kingdom that was established when he came to live in us. Jesus is King and He came to claim us for His own. Many looked for an external Kingdom but God planned to build His Kingdom within us. We are the body of Christ and as we come to unity in His Spirit we become His Kingdom on earth. His Kingdom grows as we grow in Him. This is an organic union where we become a community of people who serve Jesus as Lord. When we grow in maturity we become strong and resilient. All our needs will be met from within. God established this way from the beginning. However, we tend to still look for things from the outside.

His Will

Jesus looked to His Father to fulfill all His needs. He only did and said what he saw His Father doing. We too need to walk in His Spirit and be led by Him in every area of our life. There is no other way to walk in the kingdom. We lose our way because we try and walk in the flesh to meet our needs. This is not the way Jesus came to establish. He said His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He has already decided on the plan for each one of us to fulfill. Now it is our turn to fit into His plan in heaven.

His Plan

Our books have already been written in heaven. We miss His plan only because of delays or hindrances. We will face many challenges as we choose to walk in His way. However, when we choose daily to do His will, we will fit into His plan. God is calling each one of us to begin to tap into His resources within us and bring heaven down to earth. There is no other plan. 

Friday, April 07, 2023

Jesus Finished Work On The Cross

Jesus said "It is Finished" on the Cross. These three powerful words finished the work He had come down to accomplish. The devil was given a death blow on the Cross. He had no idea that the crucifixion was meant to cancel his power. Jesus reversed the curse through the sin of Adam for eternity. He became the second Adam to redeem man from the curse of sin. This is the Good news of Good Friday. Many still mourn His death when we should rejoice and be glad. Now we can enjoy freedom from the power of sin through His resurrection power.

Resurrection Power

His resurrection power made applying His finished work on the Cross possible. Without His resurrection, His death would have been powerless to complete His salvation. His resurrection power makes His blood powerful and alive to cleanse and set free the sinner from the power of sin. God had planned it all from the beginning. He knew man had no power in himself to change. Throughout history, we see how His people were so weak to keep from sinning. Even the disciples could not stay awake in the garden of Gethsemane. Yet they were all changed when Jesus rose from the dead and took possession at Pentecost.


Pentecost sealed His mission for good. Now He is able to possess those who confess Him as Lord. His church is no more powerless but powerful to overcome. The gates of hell cannot prevail over His church. We must apply what Christ has possessed on our behalf. There is no other way to overcome than through Jesus' blood. His blood applied through the power of the Holy Spirit will make us whole. Satan cannot stand the mention of His Name or His blood. Today let us rejoice in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

God's Voice Sounds Like His Word

God's voice can be heard and He speaks to us primarily through His written word. The word of God is the inspired, infallible eternal word of God. It was written by saints who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write down His words of truth. Now it has been handed down to us through the ages so that we too can enter into the fullness of it. As we read His word we become familiar with His voice. God in the beginning spoke and formed the worlds. He created all that we see and the unseen worlds. He is the Creator of all things. What was originally intended for good has fallen and so lost its original form and purpose. Jesus came to restore His original creation to its original form.

Word of God

The word of God is inspired and therefore has life in it. It is infallible and so holds truth that is of eternal value. Jesus quoted the word and even said to the devil that it is written. We too need to use His word to confront the devil. The word of God is an offensive weapon in our armory. All other parts of the armor are defensive. When speaking the word of God by faith we set in motion the word to be fulfilled. When we pray the word of God it is set in motion to perform the word. His word performs means it will create what it is sent forth.

Spoken Word

God has given us the authority to speak His word. His word eaten and received will bring forth fruit of its kind. The healing word of God will bring forth healing. The deliverance word will set the captive free. As we read and meditate on His word we begin to hear His voice. This is how we can discern His voice from many other voices that we are exposed to. Our speech will be like scripture spoken out loud. We become sensitive to His voice and now begin to speak what we hear from Him. In this way, we grow in stature and power with God.