Sunday, March 31, 2013


His presence is what will lead you to hunger and thirst for more. Mary chose to be with the Lord for she was hungry for more. Martha chose to serve for she was committed to service. Both in their own way were worshipping their Lord. Both need to be acknowledged as the ways to serve the Lord. Listening to Him and serving others through Him. You are a ministering spirit to minister to the needs of others. Jesus was surrounded by people with needs. He answered them at the point of their need. We are all needy because we are incomplete without Him. We need Him daily to meet out needs. Only He can meet our deepest needs. He is our heavenly Father and in Him we have all our answers. He answers us when we call. He desires that we should call on Him. He is blessed when we call on Him. Therefore call on Him day and night till He answers. He is not slow to answer but there are hindrances in and without us that delay the answers. Persist till you have a break through. In Him there is no time limit for He is timeless.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Marriage designed by God is between  man and a woman. There is no place for marriage outside this arrangement. What man seeks to do is water down God's arrangement and thus distort and complicate matters. He does this to thwart God's purposes for good healthy living. God has the last word and just like Sodom and Gomorrah will be the fate of those who try and twist God's laws. He has given these laws to man for right living. All that is in the world is distorted and broken because man is broken. All arguments that try and dissolve what God has ordained will fail. Right living is based on God's commandments. The confusion arises when man tries to argue his way out of doing what God has commanded. Man does this to his own detriment. Therefore in God's law court there is only  right and wrong. There is no compromise in God. He is black and white in matters of law. The human law compromises because of social pressures that are based on the popular vote. Popularity does not mean that it is right. Popularity many times is the cause for a lot of bad laws being enacted. Righteousness will prevail when men pray and seek God for His truth.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Slay the enemy that tries to seduce you to walk according to the flesh and not of the Spirit. The enemy will come like a slithering and scheming agent to seduce you. He will make all kinds of excuses and work on your resistance. Resist him firmly. In resistance you grow resilience. This resilience will see you through the tough times. Tough times come to strengthen you to persevere when all else fails. Perseverance is a Godly character and is found in those who never give up. God will never give up on you for He knows the battles you have to fight. He has been tempted in the same areas that you do. Therefore when you call on the Name of Jesus He comes and takes over. This is not weakness because He has done it all for you. He does not want you to fight in the flesh. He wants you to fight in the spirit. In the spirit He operates through His Spirit to help you overcome. All fleshly battles can be overcome in the spirit. Therefore go and fight and be an overcomer for He lives in you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


The family is the core of society. Without the family there will be chaos. God designed the family. He created male and female to serve the purpose of creating a family. God is a family of 3. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They have different roles but are one. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. The husband and wife become one flesh to create children who then go on to do the same. In this way the family grows and becomes a larger group of families that live to serve each other. A family divided is a curse. A family united is a blessing. God always intended for the family to be united and strong. Sin however will divide  and not unite. This is why we need to be on our guard against any division. Love unites. Love never divides. The height of love is demonstrated by Christ's death on the Cross. He died to heal divisions caused by sin. There was no other way to conquer sin and the devil. He died that love may heal the wounds caused through sin. Where there is love no sin can thrive. Sin thrives in negativity. Love is positive and powerful and will overcome all things. Therefore choose to love at all times.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Jesus is with you all the time. We forget this because we become distracted by other things. The consciousness of Jesus being with us all the time will make us behave differently. He is our Comforter and friend. He is our Helper and Encourager. He is everything to us and yet we forget He is with us all the time. We are so caught up with the world and worldly pursuits that stimulate our senses that we forget about Him. It is time to surrender our senses to Him. He will then work through our senses. We will see through His eyes and hear  through His ears and touch with His touch and smell an aroma that is His presence. This is the work of His Holy Spirit. What a wonder this is that we can enter the holy of holies and be in His presence all the time. This is the communion He wants to have with us. He is no respecter of persons and is available to all and all can experience His presence 24/7. Go forth today and be in His presence and see how His angels will minister to you. Expect miracles and you will see miracles. Get out of your prison and be free and fly like a bird.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Prepare for the battle ahead. How do you prepare? By prayer and readiness at all times. Never get slack for the enemy will attack. When you are on guard then you will always be ready. This battle needs to be fought on a daily basis. There is no time to rest. Rest is for the next life in heaven. Here the only rest you will get is in total surrender. This is the only way to fight the battles. In this state you allow the Lord to fight your battles. He is Lord only when He is Lord of your life. You cannot be lord and make Him Lord at the same time. There can only be one master. When you pray in the spirit He works through your prayers. Pray all the time for this is the ministry of the Spirit. Without prayer you will be working in your own strength. Through prayer you are operating on His resources. All of life is an illusion because you live your life through your mind. What you see and do emerge from your state of mind. If you are in a depressed state then that is the reality for you. In a Spirit filled state you see a different reality to the one in the fleshly state. In prayer you are always ready in the spirit for the battle. Therefore whatever you are doing, be in prayer and His Spirit will fill your day with joy.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The light has come into the world and dwelt among men but they did not see it. How can there be light and men still not see? This is amazing because what you see many times is not what is there! You maybe looking for something that is right before your eyes and still not see it. This is due to faulty perception. You are looking for some thing which you have already assumed must look like something but don't see it because it does not look the way you thought it should look. You are therefore blind and cannot see. Jesus came into the world as the light of the world but the world did not see Him. They had already decided how the Messiah should look like and Jesus did not fit their image of the Messiah and therefore they did not see. The devil has blinded the world to the things of the spirit and therefore man goes searching in the wrong places and finds he has searched for nothing. Jesus has come and now He is calling all those who will hear the Spirit calling to hearken to His call. This is the final hour of His calling. Come now to the Saviour and be made whole.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The Holy Spirit is your helper. He helps you with your daily needs both material and spiritual and emotional. Jesus always looked to the Holy Spirit to meet His needs. When he needed a miracle a miracle was provided. When He needed healing, healing was provided. He proved that He could supply all His needs. So also when you are filled in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit all your needs also will be met by the Spirit. The Spirit is above all things. This is why it is total freedom to be poor in everything so that you can be rich in the Spirit. The process of coming to this point of surrender is called sanctification. Live as if you have nothing and see how you will live in the abundance of God. The poor in spirit are rich for they have to depend totally on God for their supplies. What you have now is nothing compared to your riches in Christ Jesus. Communion with the Holy Spirit sets you apart from others. He will lead you and guide you in all things. You will be free to move freely because you are led by Him. No more hindrances because all hindrances will make way for Him. The devil and his followers will have no power over you. This is to live the kingdom life on earth as it is in heaven. Even in prison you will experience the heavenly life. This is why you can rejoice at all times and in all places.

Monday, March 18, 2013


The thoughts that go through your mind keeps you in the straight and narrow way. If your thoughts wander away then you will wander away too. Therefore keep a check on your thoughts. The devil will insinuate thoughts but you can choose. When you walk in the consciousness of the now then you are awake. When you are on automatic mode then you are more susceptible to attacks. Watch therefore and pray for this is the only way to keep moving forward. A stalemate is not a good position to be in. You never move anywhere and will fossilise and die. Change is what keeps you moving forward and change always results in new growth. However change for the sake of change is no use either. The change must have a focus and a goal. As long as you are changing in the process of reaching your goal then this is good change. God is always sowing new thoughts into you. These thoughts enable you to move forward. He knows the desires of your heart and therefore His timing is perfect. Too many premature babies have been born and die prematurely. So also there is a time and and a season for everything and a project on time will breed good fruits. Wait therefore on the Lord and do not be hasty in your decisions. Wait till you know and then go and do.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The attacks of the devil come in the form of negatives. Every negative assault needs to be attacked with God's positive word. His word is your sword. His word will tear down every negative force that is sent against you. As you enter the foray more of these darts will be hurled at you. It comes in subtle forms and only His Spirit can help you discern the hand of the enemy in it. Many praises of men are just the way the enemy will try and topple you. He will send his emissaries to praise you just to make you think you are good only to topple you. He will raise you up so that you will fall harder. Never give in to those praise reports which strengthen your flesh or ego. Always remain in the position of Christ alone is sufficient for me. My flesh is a deadly enemy that seeks to destroy me. How can this be when the flesh is part of me? This is how the enemy works. His only entrance is through your flesh. This is why Jesus said that you must carry your cross, death to the flesh, and follow me. There is no other way but the way of the Cross. This is the way of death to self which is the main enemy against full surrender. Only full surrender will bring the glory of God into the present. You either blow up in His presence or grow up. Growing up occurs when you are submitted to Him. Many have blown up because their inflated egos have touched the glory of God. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Step out and step forth for the time of separation between evil and good has come. This is the time to stand for what you believe. Evil has insinuated into all areas of life that good is like evil and evil is like good. This is how sin works to deceive and make acceptable what is evil. This is Satan's main strategy and this is the strategy of the world. Everything is acceptable and the individual decides what is good and bad. There is no standard and just like the sexual revolution in the 70's so also now there is the gay revolution. We are becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah and the world is going headlong into hell. There is no limits in hell for everything that is evil goes. Good has become evil and therefore evil is celebrated. Before the end comes there will be all the evil as it was before the flood destroyed the whole world. Now is the time to pray and seek His face that many maybe saved. This is the final hour and this is the time not to rest but to pray violently to rescue the lost. Come my child and rest in me for I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. All things means all things. It does not mean somethings or nothing but all things, good and bad things. This requires faith in God who is in control of all things. Even when you are in the claws of death it still means that God is in control. There is nothing that is beyond His control. The devil may make you think that he is in control but he is not sovereign. God is sovereign and He is in total control of all things even the devil. This is what will enable you to have faith when things appear not to be going your way. Your way may not be the best way. The Spirit knows the end from the beginning and rests in the knowledge that God knows everything. Therefore you can rejoice at all times good and bad. This is your inheritance in Christ. Rejoice therefore and be glad in all things. You don't rejoice for all things but in all things.

Saturday, March 09, 2013


The powers of darkness are rising. God is at work through His saints to overthrow them. This is the battle in the heavenlies. The people of earth are unaware of these forces that assail people. People are controlled by these forces and wonder why they do the things they do. They think they are in control yet something else controls them. Satan makes them believe it is their doing. He works through deception to convince you that it is your fault. Sin is a force that Satan works through. Temptation is not sin. However when sin becomes a fruit through temptation then you become hooked. Eve was tempted but it was only when she ate the apple that sin caused the fall. Once she was in the light then she lost the light and her mind got darkened. In the world many walk in this darkness. They cannot see. You are the light that God will use to lighten their darkened minds. When they eat the fruit of your life then they too will come into the light. Never be challenged by knowledge that never results in fruit. It is knowledge that is effective that will result in good fruit. If the knowledge you have cannot be applied then it is worth nothing. Experience is what brings forth true knowledge. You know a person by being with them. Their spirit connects with your spirit and you become one.

Thursday, March 07, 2013


In these last days how much we need to discern the spirits. Spirits are roaming the earth and influencing people in different ways even in the church. The church is being seduced to believe some new forms of theology which are dressed in deception. How will the flock cope with this gentle seduction? Like a frog that is being boiled so the church acclimatizes to the surroundings and will finally die. The Bible is our standard and not human intellect or wisdom. When we bow to any other spirit then the spirit of Jesus then deception will set in. Once deceived we will believe the untruth and die. Truth gives life while lies bring death. The truth will always bring the light while lies will bring darkness. Walk in the light as He is in the light and you will have fellowship with Him and one another. To stay the course on the straight and narrow way is the only way to walk. Broad are the persuasions and rewards of the world and the church can easily be seduced into those ways. Pray much in the spirit and keep close to the Lord in these days of darkness and prostitution.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


The living word of God gives life to your spirit just like sperm gave life to you. The Word became flesh. What a powerful thought that can cancel the enemy's plans and bring life. The word of God is sharper then any 2 edged sword piercing the depths of your spirit to bring forth life to your body, soul and spirit. Yet how lightly we treat His word. It is not just the written word but the rhema word that will produce life. The word mixed with faith becomes the now word. This now word is your rhema word and this word will go forth and perform the word. If the word is for healing then you will experience healing. If it is for peace then it will bring forth peace. God's word spoken through you by faith will go forth to bring results. It is like seed that is sown and when it falls on good soil will produce a harvest.So sow freely and let the Spirit bring forth the harvest. It is His work and His Kingdom. We are just His tools.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


The Holy Spirit will connect you with others through identification. Your spirit will identify Him in others. This is how connection occurs. When Mary came to Elizabeth the child in Elizabeth jumped. So also the spirit of Jesus will identify others who He has called to His fold. It is this identification that draws people together. When this occurs all other flaws of human nature fade into the background. We are united in one Spirit in the Lord. This is the unity Christ came to bring to His body on earth. When we recognise His Spirit in each other we become united into a whole. All divisions or opinions become irrelevant. We submit to His Spirit in us. When we fail to recognise His Spirit in us then we allow our judgements and assumptions and opinions to divide us. This is what divides the church. This is why we need the baptism in the Spirit so that we are filled and led by the Spirit. Any other Spirit will cause division. The only way forward is to be united in the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit of Jesus who dwells in each one of us. The God head is not divided. It is one with many functions or roles. So also we should see the body as one with many functions. Let us respect the Holy Spirit in each of us and love each other as Christ loves us.

Monday, March 04, 2013


The Holy Spirit is the powerhouse of your life. He comes to help you be a light to the gentiles. The gentiles walk in darkness. You walk in the light. God walks in the light. Therefore you are in the Kingdom of God. Light comes when truth prevails. Darkness comes when lies prevail. The lie of the devil keeps people in darkness. Therefore speak forth the word of God that will dispel the darkness through the speaking of truth. What you say goes forth as bullets to pierce the hearts of the wicked and deliver them from darkness. Imagine the power you have of demolishing strong holds as you speak forth the word of God in faith. God spoke and the worlds were created. When you speak believe that you too create worlds that push back the forces of untruth. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. His belief resulted in his righteousness. So also your belief will result in your righteousness. Not by works lest any should boast. Only by grace through faith have you received salvation.

Sunday, March 03, 2013


Total surrender and nothing else will do for the Kingdom of God. It is this journey that leads to whether you achieve your freedom in degrees. The more the surrender the more the freedom. Holding on to things and positions will delay the freedom. The paradox of it all is that the more you give the more you gain. The less you give the less you gain. Jesus came to earth and gave up all His freedom so that we can gain His riches on earth and in heaven. He said unless a man hates his own life for my sake is not fit for the Kingdom of God. This means that I hate everything that is centred on self so that I may gain all God has for me. When I withhold I only withhold His riches from reaching me. When I let go then I open the gates of heaven to fill my barns. What a paradox from the ways of the world that teaches us to keep all we have. Letting go and letting God is the sure way of living an abundant life. This cost to the self will result in abundance to self and others. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing. God gave and so now He has many children who have been saved from the clutches of hell. What a divine exchange is this.

Saturday, March 02, 2013


Truthfulness is at the heart of every good relationship. When one can be open and truthful in one's communication then there will be no room for any deception. Deception is the cause for a lot of miscommunication and suspicion. Once deception and suspicion enters a relationship it will begin to sour. Not even God can save such a relationship. God's word is truth and God cannot stand deception. It was deception that resulted in the fall and deception will always be around. Only close watchfulness will drive it out. You have to be truthful at all costs if you want to sustain a relationship. Truth begets trust. Trust is the basic foundation of any relationship. Therefore major on truthfulness and see how your relationships will flourish and grow. Even a dead relationship can be revived when one person decides to be truthful. It will cost your flesh much but in the long run it will do your soul good. Truth is like light. Deception is like night. Let your light shine that others may find hope and love and be blessed.