Saturday, December 27, 2014


God has chosen you to live life in His Spirit. This is an abundant life available to all who will separate themselves to be possessed by Him. There is no division in Him. He is all or nothing. Separation from the world and attachment to Him is the only way to live an abundant life. This world and all it's cares will pass away. The destruction that you see around you is the work of the devil. You can judge what is of God and what is of the devil by the simple test of love. Love serves, gives and forgives. The devil takes, uses and abuses. The destructive forces in this world only show who is the god of the world. You belong to the Kingdom of heaven and not of earth. God is God of the whole world but He has given man authority to rule on earth. Man has chosen to follow the god of this world by serving his selfish ways then to serve God. However there is a remnant that serves God. These are the chosen ones who light the world of darkness. These are the ones separated unto God to serve Him. He is coming soon and the world does not know Him. Go and save those who are lost. You don't know who is in and who is out. Only God knows this. You are called to share His Good news and draw those caught up in the devil's web and rescue then from hell.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Don’t despair I am being changed from within so that I can be a light. The darkness covering my soul will lift as I stay in the spirit. See how the Lord will open doors. For too long I have been satisfied in staying in the dark - not confronting and facing my fears and weaknesses. If I am to change then the wall that I have built around me has to be broken down. Your failures are part of the process. You can either withdraw or break out. This is your choice. Break out. You have been anaesthetised to a false sense of security through your job and position and wealth. You have not been living. For living is to experience life in all its’ fullness. Books, knowledge etc. - talk about life but this is not living - living is the day to day experience of acting on what you know. It is so easy to be detached from all that is going on around you. It is only when you are connected to others, when you make yourself vulnerable to others that you become real. This is what I am doing in you. I am calling you out of the nest you are in. I have a treasure within you that is bursting to come out but the walls have kept you in. Mere knowledge blocks you in. The soul is missing. So don’t despair but trust in Me. I have brought you and given you the desires of your heart. I want more for you than what you have now. Just move forward in faith - one day at a time. Your failures will be the stepping stones to a new place of liberty. For the failures will remind you of the fact that nothing is assured in this life. All that you have can disappear in a moment. Only faith and trust in God will last forever. So don’t despair. The angels are around you. The Father will lead you. The Holy Spirit will comfort you. Do not be distracted. Just live each day to the full. See how He will change your mourning into dancing. Only the Spirit can do this. It’s during these times that you are being moulded to be the person God wants you to be. The walk of faith will bring many challenges but none will be too hard for you. You are loved - this is the strongest, most solid experience that you have - the love of God so encapsulates you. Nothing is possible to break this. So bask in His love. He is strong for you. Be strong in Him. Go where the Spirit leads you. Go in His strength and in His mighty power. He has led you this far - now move forward. Don’t let the forces that come against you defeat you. Press on. Keep your face firmly fixed on the goal. Exams, trials, temptations have no power over you. You are blessed - so stay fixed. It is this tenacity - this confidence that will see you through. Don’t compare yourself with others. Remain fixed. Seek to grow. This is risky living - but you can because He who is in you is greater then he who is outside you, so put your faith and trust in Him. Hallelujah what a Saviour. So Lord I will trust in You. You are leading me on a different path. I know You are. I will follow - for You want me to be free to do what I want and not be boxed in by the system. Excerpt from Prisons of our mind and the road to freedom.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


You may think that you are in control of your life and circumstances. However this is a delusion. You cannot control anything but your own thoughts. We live is a fallen world and bad things do happen to good people. So you may think you don't deserve this happening but God knows what is good for you. He allows bad things to happen to achieve His ultimate purpose. He can sow thoughts into you to enable you to overcome in all situations. He knows the end from the beginning. You only know what is now and no more. What happens in the next second is beyond your control. Why do we fool ourselves daily by worrying about things that have not happened? We imagine the worst scenarios because fear keeps us from believing that God is in control. Fear and worry paralyse us. They are all to do with what we think. When we surrender all to Him then we allow Him to take control.Now it is His responsibility to take care of us. God always provides and protects when we surrender all to Him. This is the best place to be. Therefore stop fooling yourself and rest in His arms.

Saturday, June 07, 2014


God is love. We are called to represent Him on earth. We must love like He loves. We cannot do it by ourselves for we were born in sin. Only the love of God in us can love. The Holy Spirit came to endow us with love. Love is the hallmark of a Christ follower. Love is the chief character quality of a Christian. What is love? Love is action that thinks of the other first and I last. Whenever I am thinking of what is in it for me, then I am not walking in love but selfishness. This is the spirit of the world which has also infiltrated His church. Where there is this spirit,there will be discord and every kind of fleshly desire like jealousy, pride and envy. Jesus humbled Himself and went to the Cross. Humility is another characteristic of a Christ follower. Not I but Christ. We are to follow Jesus in these attributes and everything else follows from these two. How much do we see this in Christ followers today? No wonder the world is not moved to follow Him. We must cry out to God to fill us with His love and humility and not rest till we are filled. Love is the greatest force on earth to turn the heart of a sinner to a saint.

Thursday, May 08, 2014


The ego is the self that is the conscious part of us and conducts our daily life. It decides what we will do and what we will not do. The ego is self centred and only thinks in terms of what is good for me.When the ego is bombarded by the lower self then it is driven by emotions that seek to overwhelm it by basic desires. These desires are controlled by the ego and superego which is our conscience. In a drunken state we have less control over our lower nature. Our lower nature wants to always exert its way over us and sometimes wins. We give into it in a moment of distraction and then regret our behaviour later. The only way to control our lower nature is through identification with the Cross. A crucified life is dead to the pressures from our lower self. We must practice this death daily to be victorious. There are so many temptations to give in to our lower nature but only a surrendered life can walk a spirit filled life. Today crucify your flesh and live a victorious life in Christ.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Cancer is an illusion! What! This cannot be true. When Jesus walked on earth He treated all disease and disorder as an illusion. He healed all who came to Him. He was able to do this because He was sinless. Sin produces sickness and disease. Jesus came to reveal the true nature of man in his original state without sin. If this is true then all illness is an illusion. We suffer it only because we are still in our sinful body. The body suffers the effects of sin. Cancer is a symptom and not the disease. Jesus came to set us free from the power of sin. Therefore in Him we are free from the power of sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. We are therefore free from sickness and disease. Yet this is not what we see. We see that sickness and disease still affects those who have been redeemed. This is so because even though we have been redeemed we still walk according to the flesh which is sinful. In the Spirit we are free from sickness and disease. Therefore in the spirit we are whole. He carried upon Himself all our diseases and nailed it to the tree. Now all we have to do is live in the reality of this truth. He said we were healed( past tense). If we therefore still feel the symptoms, they are illusory. An illusion is a false perception of the real. Jesus therefore spoke to the real person and delivered those burdened with disease and treated their disease as an illusion. The blind saw, the lame walked and leper was healed. You too can enjoy freedom from illness and disease when you treat them as mere illusions rather then reality.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Living in the overflow

The Lord is able to do much more then you can ask or think. He lives in you by His Spirit. You are inHim and He is in you. You are one with Him. This is a glorious truth and you need to believe in this truth and accept it. When you live in this knowledge then things begin to happen beyond all expectations. Now you operate seated in heavenly places in Christ. This is the most holy place . Here there is no sin and the Tempter has no access to this place. Jesus is the only one who can save you. Salvation is more then going to heaven. Salvation is life in the fourth dimension. This is the place of signs and wonders. This is living life in the overflow. Few yearn or desire to live this life. You have been called to live this life. Come and be encouraged and live like a king.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Christ is risen. Hallelujah. Because He lives I have hope for tomorrow. He is the only reason for my purpose in living today. Nothing else satisfies me then living for Him. Hr is my breath and my love. Without Him life is meaningless. He gives me hope and purpose. He energises me and provides for me. Without Him I am nothing. With Him I have everything. Now all I have to do is live in worship to Him who gave Himself for me. I will advertise His greatness for He is the best. What else will give me greater pleasure then to see others being filled with His love, joy and peace. I will praise Him till the end of my days.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


God has said and He confirms His word with signs in the heavens and on earth. He is the God of all creation and so is in control of all things animate and inanimate. Our puny minds cannot understand the vastness and intelligence behind what we see in creation. We can only stand in wonder and behold the beauty of all creation. The Creator does not have to answer to His creation. We think we can understand everything but only God knows the truth. We may have the facts but truth is beyond facts. Truth is what it is, truth. It is based on facts but facts are only about the truth and not the truth. We may know facts about a person but yet not know the person. This is the difference between truth and facts. Man is satisfied with the facts but he fails to know the truth and therefore is blind as a bat. Bats can't see in the light only in darkness. We too are blind and need the truth to set us free not just the facts. Jesus said He is the truth, the way and life.Break through comes as we receive the truth and break through into higher realms of faith and see the manifestation of His Kingdom on earth.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


The flesh is weak and powerless in the presence of the Spirit. The Spirit is able to overcome all fleshly weakness. The flesh cannot be changed. All you can do is manage its desires and impulses. The flesh can be destructive and this is why you see its works in life. The Spirit is able to overcome the flesh because He is in you. His Spirit in you is your hope of glory. The Holy Spirit is the initial deposit of what is to come. In Him you have a eternal hope. He is the One who can help you in your weakness. The message of the gospel is simple. Jesus is His Name and He has overcome all things for you on the Cross. This is the message of salvation that needs to be preached today. No other message is necessary. From the beginning this is the way that was designed for salvation. God's plan has not changed. Today look to Jesus and be victorious.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Man is fraught with challenges that dog him all his life. He can choose to live in his strength or My strength. I am here and I am available to all. All who call on Me will be saved. Many call on Me because they know I am for them. Like a mother I yearn for each child that calls on Me. I am Father to all and yearn for all to come to me. Pride keeps man from coming to Me and calling on Me. I am a shepherd and I tend my sheep. My sheep depend on Me. I am always looking out for you. Therefore never take your eyes off Me. When you get distracted then step back and look up to Me . It is in looking up to Me that results in your power with Me. I will share My power with those who look to Me. My power is measureless. You need power from on high to break through to liberty.

Friday, March 14, 2014


The road to success is in the running and not the outcome. The outcome will always be a stepping stone to the next stage on the road of life. The road of life goes through many twists and turns and this is part of life. It is never a straight road. The road is always rough and to manoeuvre through those hurdles is the essence of life. Life is to be lived and not just to exist. To exist is not life. Life is a constant road of changes. The change can be tough and dangerous but it is in the overcoming that you get the thrill of living. A life that does not face challenges is not worth living. To live is to breathe and be live. There are many dead people walking. They live a life of mediocrity. They escape from challenges. They re satisfied with the minimum. This is not living but dying in the present. Living is a movement that takes on the challenges of life and in the overcoming is the life worth living. Be a overcomer today and live.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


There is a big difference between walking in the letter of the word or the spirit of the word. The difference is as large as walking on earth or flying. To walk in the letter is to be obsessed with every dot and cross of the letter. To walk in the spirit is to fly in the spirit girded by the word of God. To be letter bound is earthly. To be spirit bound is heavenly. If you desire to walk in the spirit then be prepared to fly. For in the spirit you are no more bound by the laws of gravity. To be in the letter is to be bound by that letter. In the spirit you are free to be. Many are bound by the word and can't see the wood for the trees. Their life is so taken up by the letter that everything is according to the letter. There is no room to breathe for the spirit is squashed by the letter. This is the danger when man decides to live by the letter rather then the spirit of the letter. Jesus came to set us free from this obsession with the law. He gave us His Spirit that we may now live according to the Spirit and not according to the demands of the flesh. Be filled in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit today.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


The power of God will see you to a new place and a new season. His Spirit lives in you and His presence in you will enlarge your world to embrace the lost and the forgotten. He is merciful to those who have nothing and are poor and hungry. His heart yearns for hose who hunger after righteousness. Hallelujah for The Lord lives and reigns. God is searching for those who hunger for something more. He desires to fill their lives with abundance because He fills the empty vessels. Only He can fill the empty places because He is all in all. He is worth everything because He is the Creator God who created you for a purpose. His purpose is to fill everything that cries for Him. Be filled with His presence and live.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


The Holy Spirit lives in you. God is with you and in you. He works through you. When you have God in you then all the answers for your needs are in you. So why worry and seek for answers outside when the answer is in you. His presence in you is what makes the difference between you and the other. People need God but they don't really alive that He is near and will come in and dwell in them. We are spirit beings and our search for meaning will not end till we acknowledge Him. When you pray know that your prayers are answered because He lives in you and He is the answer to your prayers. This awareness of His presence in you will transform your world and you will become a victor rather then a victim. You will become a giver rather then a receiver. You give out of His riches in you.

Friday, February 21, 2014


God and man in fellowship is what God had ordained from the beginning. This is the same state that He desires for all His creatures big and small. There is harmony when the creature and the Creator live in harmony. In the Garden of Eden there was harmony till the serpent came and invaded the place. This upset the harmony and led to the fall of man.Ever since then there has been strife between the man and the woman and between them and God.Blame is the name of the game. No one wins in this game and all we do is go round in circles.These are circles of despair, disillusionment and self destruction. There is no end to this and this is why God sent His Son to deliver us from this mess. The mess we are in is the result of our own making. God will help us get out of our mess if we allow Him to. There is no other way to live but in Him. So come today and make peace with Him.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Man was created to worship God and walk in His ways. Yet this is exactly what he has not done. Man has chosen to walk in his own ways and reaped the rewards. The rewards have been dismal. Man has only himself to blame for the fruits of his labour are futile. Death stares him in the face daily. With the fall came death and there is only One that can save us from death. He came to reverse the effects of the fall on all humanity by dying in our place. Now we have a hope of eternal life in Him forever. This life is from the Spirit. A spiritual man lives and breathes the spirit and does not walk according to the flesh. The flesh is reckoned dead as he now breathes the spirit of life. This is the work of the Spirit of Christ in you. Now walk in the spirit and do not give into the ways of the flesh.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Operating from the heart is different from operating from the head. Heart operation is to intuit in the spirit and walk by the Spirit. This is different from the logical approach of the head. The head analyses while the heart intuits. To intuit is to use your senses and your inner sense to understand and discern people and situations. It is a different kind of wisdom to that which comes from the head. The heart feels and therefore emotions are aroused and sometimes these can be uncontrollable and unconsolable. Take a break and let your head now process the information and get your emotions under control. Feelings are good because they make you human and vulnerable. However emotions can lead you to make decisions that plunge you into a irreversible path. Always let your head guide you but let your heart connect with others. A well balanced mind knows the difference. Your life will be more balanced when you let your head guide your heart.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Jesus said that if I abide in you and you abide in me then you can ask anything and I will grant it to you ( john 15:7). This is so powerful that we can ask anything and He will grant it to us! All I have to do is let Him abide in me and let His words abide in me. How foolish we are not to heed His call. The Creator of the world wants to abide in us. Imagine that. He does abide in us because we have asked Him to. Yet He chose us and called us to be His own. Now we can ask anything in His Name. Is anything too hard for The Lord? No nothing is impossible to Him and to him who believes in Him. Therefore let us abide in Him for it is this union that leads to answered prayer. It is not just the prayer but the union with Him that results in answers. This is the key to answered prayer, our union with Him.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


God is at work in you and He will complete His work. All you have to do is to rest in His presence. Resting is not work. To rest is to be in His presence in constant communion with Him. Ask and you will receive.When you ask believe that you will receive what you ask for.God is a generous giver and He will give freely who did not spare His own son for you. This is the God we worship. He is a Father and He delights in His children . You are never alone because He is always with you and lives in you. His purpose is to bring many into His kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy. His everlasting Kingdom will one day be seen on earth as it is in heaven. Rejoice and be glad that your name is written in heaven.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Who would desire to operate like Stephen in Acts 6 who was full of faith and full of power. He served God and signs and wonders followed him everywhere. These are the days when we need to move in that fullness to move the world to God. We have compromised with the world and in this process lost our influence. We need to stand back and see how we can regain what we have lost through compromise. The devil's strategy is for us to compromise with the world. The world is going to hell and we need to gather as many as possible into His Kingdom. The only way is to be filled in Him.The Holy Spirit will fill us and we can operate in the supernatural. Come brethren and let us pursue Godliness for in this is our salvation and the salvation of the world.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. God's word is like manna to the soul. Without His word people die of hunger. Hunger for His word is a sign of health. His word nourishes your soul like food nourishes your body. His word is a light to my path and a guide to my life. His written word needs to become His rhema word before faith can take hold of the promises that dwell in it. His written word is like any other word till it transforms you from within. It is His rhema word that has power to transform . It is when the heart is affected that change occurs. Mere intellectual accent does nothing to the heart. A heart that receives His word is transformed and lives are changed. This is how the Spirit works through His word. You hear the word and the spirit then transforms it to His rhema word which then changes lives and situations. You can speak to the mountain and it will move.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Faith is the door to all the provision God has for you. A man who knows God knows how to unlock the doors to His riches. Faith enters through the door and takes what it expects from God. There is no other way to reach God then through faith. God is always available as the Keeper of your soul never sleeps. He is waiting for you to come by faith and to ask that you may receive. What is stopping you from asking? Doubt is the enemy that robs you of your inheritance. Cancel doubt by believing in the said word of God. The written word becomes the now word when you exercise faith in it. His word is fulfilled in Christ and therefore what He says is done. Now tap into His riches and you will never lack anything.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Whosoever calls on the Name of The Lord will be saved. Call on The Lord in the day of trouble and He will answer you. He is more near you then you think. He is closer to you then a brother. He bought you with a price, His very own life. What mother who lays down her life for her child will reject the child? He is the lover of your soul. In Him you have what you need to live a righteous and holy life. He has given you His own Spirit who dwells within you. Nothing in this world can compare with His love and care for you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


God sets the pace and we just follow. This is the new way of living. The old was based on us doing and keeping the law. Now God has sent His Spirit that we may just follow Him. He does the work in us. We just follow. This the perfect union between God and man. We look to Him to do His will. We have abandoned our old ways and follow the new way. Jesus said He is the way, the Truth and the life. We want to follow Him because He is the leader and author of our faith. He bought us with His own blood and saved us from our sin. His way is the only way because He knew we could not please the Father by doing good. Our goodness is like filthy rags. God established a new way, the way of the Cross. All who believe will be saved.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


God has a purpose in everything. He is purposed in His plans for you. I need to be mindful of His plans. His plans are good for me. I need to know how to flow with His plans. I can plan but finally God decides what will come to pass when I commit my plans to Him. We are here to fulfil His plans. We were born to do His will . We pray this everyday Your will be done yet we do our own thing. Why pray Your will be done if that is not what we really mean? We think we know it all but really we don't. Our days are in His hands and all our plans will be brought to nought if we think we are in control. None of us are in control. Man desires to be in control only to be faced with changes in weather that sends tsunamis and earthquakes to remind man that God is in control. These reminders serve to lead us back to God. Commit all to Him and be mindful of Him in your daily walk. Life becomes so much more enjoyable when we let go and let God.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


God expects 100 percent commitment and nothing less. The devil will take opportunity to attack any bit that remains secret or uncommitted to Him. It is for our safety that we need to acknowledge His Lordship in all areas of our life. Many are weak and sick due to the lack of total commitment to Him. The Holy Spirit will help you in your commitment. We cannot do this by ourselves as the flesh is too weak to handle the offences the evil one sends our way. Total commitment will result in total power over the evil one and his works. Come beloved and give all to Him for this is the way to live an abundant life. In these days we need the full power of God to live victorious life. He will not withhold His power to those who give their all.

Friday, January 10, 2014


It is difficult to leave and to cleave for individuals from close families. This is because what has been developed over the years from childhood is programmed into the hard wiring and anything different is experienced as alien. People who are distant from their families will find it easier to leave but cleaving becomes difficult because of their difficult childhood experiences. There are strengths and weaknesses in each but the strength of a close relationship with families of origin usually trumps the other because of the inner security from families of origin. Finally the individuals involved will have to make their own home with the resources they have. There is no value in blaming each other for what is being built is the future and not the past. The only way forward is to look up and forward and never backward. The only way to live life is in forward gear.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and grieves to bear. What a privelege to carry everything to God in prayer. Prayer is the vehicle for communion and answers to prayer. Prayer is the way to God and the way to receive from God. God is our Master and in Him we have all things we need to do what He commands us to do. He will not allow us to bear more then we can carry. He carries all our cares and burdens and in Him we are safe. He is our burden bearer. In Him we breathe and move and have our being. Words cannot express the magnitude of His work in our lives to prepare us for what is to come. He will come and save all those who are in Him. He has marked us as present in Him. We feel His presence and in Him we are sanctified and glorified.

Monday, January 06, 2014


God is work in you to desire and to do. God 's work is a new work each day. You are His hands and feet. You represent Him on earth as He represents you in heaven. Each day look for opportunities to serve Him. Consciousness of His presence in you will enable you to do things beyond your abilities and expectations. This is how you prove that God is alive in you and project His presence to others. God's work is a good work and He will bring to pass all things in His time. Time is not a limitation for God. God operates by faith and He responds to your faith in Him. God is good and He loves to respond to your faith. Pray at all times for this will prepare you for the opportunities that will come to you. You will attract good when you are in God. Goodness is part of Godliness. In God all is good. He perfects those who are in Him. Now lavish His love on others for there is no limit to His love. Never operate in the flesh which is limited by your senses. Always operate in the spirit.

Friday, January 03, 2014


Mercy and grace triumphed at the Cross. Jesus wore these on His mission on earth. He was merciful to us sinners and gracious as He saved us from our good works. Man was designed for worship and not for works. The law demanded good works but God knew that our good works were like filthy rags. There was no way any man could attain salvation through good works. All our good works are but to please our own conscience. The mercy and grace of God achieved what no man could do and God gave it as a gift. Salvation now is free but it cost Him much. Today receive His gift of salvation and live.

Thursday, January 02, 2014


Man was made for worship. God created man to worship Him. Why does God need to be worshiped? The Creator created you to worship in spirit and in truth. When I worship God I give Him the honour due to Him. God knows that in this submission to Him is the clear way to blessing. He established this in the garden of Eden. Yet He gave man the choice to do so. Worship must be free to be called worship. Worship in the Spirit is being in tune with God's Spirit. Man can worship in anyway he desires but it is only through Jesus that the Father has access to us and we to Him. Wow what a transaction took place at Calvary that man is now free to worship. Worship Him with all your heart, mind and strength. Lord come and help me to worship in spirit and in truth.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Blessed is the man who walks in the ways of The Lord. He will have a restful sleep. His barns will be full. His wife and family will bless him. He chooses to praise The Lord then curse his lot. He blesses all who come to him because he is so blessed by The Lord. His joy is in serving The Lord and others. He puts everything in perspective and is not distracted by the immediate. The immediate always demands our attention but with perspective they do not have a hold on us. Perspective is what makes life tolerable. The immediate just demands your attention now. High emotions are involved. Do not let emotions make your decisions. Always let your head rule your heart. This year Lord I choose to make you Lord and to live life in perspective.