Thursday, September 30, 2010


The ego is the collection of thoughts, feelings and experiences of a life time. The ego does not exist in isolation. It is part of your being. You cannot separate your ego from your being. When you do so then you treat your ego as an entity that can be displaced. This is the flaw in Eckart Tolle’s thinking. However Jesus said that we should deny our self and take up our cross. . This means that we need to deny our fallen desires and wishes that go against the counsel of God. To deny one self is to deny the self-will, that desires to push its agenda and not follow God. How can you serve God and Mammon? Either you serve God or Mammon. Mammon is that self that seeks to serve itself or the devil. Self seeks to serve itself or the devil. Therefore it needs to be denied its wishes so that God’s will can be done. Jesus had to deny Himself and go through the pain of the Cross. It was not His will but His Father’s will and he prayed, ‘Thy will be done’. How do you deny yourself? This is only possible through the power of the Cross. Apply the Cross to your self and you will find that your desires lose their power over you. If it is lust then that power is cancelled. If it is pride then that power is cancelled. The Cross is the only power that can cancel the power of the flesh and the devil. This is why Jesus had to die and it is in His death and resurrection that the power of the Cross is realised. Now by faith I can tap into this power and be free.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hallelujah the Lord reigns. He is above all and in all. He is the Sovereign Lord. In Him are all things. All are created in His image so why do you separate one from another? These divisions are man made divisions. When you see a person as a created being then you will stop separating them. They have their own beliefs and preferences. These should not be seen as a reason for separation but for variety. When variety is perceived as difference then this causes separation. All need love and all need recognition. These are common human needs. Why separate when all have been created by one God. Difference that separates is not Godly. Man needs to separate because this is the only way he can survive. This is a survival instinct. However when one realises that this separation is artificial and that difference is an illusion, then unity will prevail. This is the curse, separation. Sin brought about the separation and since then all separation is a way of man. Man in the hope of salvation separates from each other, hoping to be purer then them and therefore wins the race. God did not send His Son to separate us but to tear down the wall of separation and to unite the slave and the free, the Jew and the Gentile, the Muslim and the Hindu, the Christian and all others. What an illusion, what a lie, what a deception! Lord come and open the eyes of man and help us see each other as you see us, created in your image.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The Lord is God and there is no one like Him. He is the Creator of all things. People who are spiritually blind cannot see and therefore will go round in circles and die. They need to hear the Good News that will save them and cure their blindness. Just as some are emotionally blind, so also, spiritual blindness is a disease. Many seek for salvation in the wrong places. Never judge another who is blind. Have compassion for the lost so that they can find their way to wholeness. So much sickness and disease is due to spiritual blindness. You were created for God. Without God you will never be fulfilled. You know how good it is to share about His great works. His greatest work was to send His Son Jesus in the form of man. God has done everything to pave the way for man. Now it is up to man to choose His way. His way is the only way for man to be saved. There is no other way. This is why it is a matter of urgency to spread the Good News, so many will be saved from the clutches of hell fire. You are responsible for those you know and none can be spared. Help me Lord to spread the news to all and sundry.

Monday, September 27, 2010


The mind is like a weapon that never sleeps. It is on guard all the time for internal and external threats. It never sleeps as sleeping is like allowing the enemy to infiltrate. The mind will find problems to solve and sometimes creates problems when there are none. Its constant activity keeps it awake. This is why it is so difficult not to think and be present. The mind does not like to be ignored. It is part of your ego. Not to think is like annihilation. This is to be nothing. Take away this faculty and you loose your identity. Your identity is very closely related to your thinking mind. What you think is closely related to your beliefs and motivations. Your predominant mode of thinking determines the outcomes of your life. Problem solving is good but life is not just about solving problems. Life is also about being and feeling and experiencing. Too much thinking leads to a world of facts and information and not much of feeling and experiencing. You could lose out on experiencing by thinking too much. Some are wired this way and find no enjoyment in experiencing life other then through thinking. Others on the other hand like to feel and experience and do not think much. They operate by feeling and are tuned to others at a feeling level. They love people and like to mix with people. They love to touch and feel. Their world is filled with images, art and creativity. Thinking is not bad but it is at the expense of other experiences. A balance in these areas is what gives life its colour and excitement.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


God is present all the time even when you are unconscious of His presence. When you walk in the consciousness of His presence then you become one with Him. All the forms of life take new meaning because you are aware of His presence. When you are lost in thought then you become unconscious. The key to living in His presence is to walk in the light as He is in the light. What does this mean but to be conscious of His presence. It is this consciousness that needs to increase in the world. Many are caught up in the newest thought or invention. This is to be taken up with the form of things then the presence. To die to self is to be conscious of His presence. This is abundant life. All you problems are in your mind. You perceive the world through you narrow mind and judge it. When you are dead to yourself then you are aware of others and their divinity. You become aware of nature and you live in the present in His presence. This is to live life in eternity because you are now free from the concept of psychological time. You have entered into the realm of spiritual time where there is no beginning and no end. You live in God’s time and there are no limits in His time frame. What liberty there is in knowing that you are a beloved child of His creation. He created you and knew you even before you were born. This is what liberates and empowers and not you own puny little thinking of what is.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord. Commit all your ways to the Lord and He will guide you. You are what you are and God made you this way. You have been wired in this way for a purpose. The purpose only God knows. You may stand apart from the crowd but you must be sincere in the way you are. Many reject the way they are because of non acceptance. This is a sure way of killing yourself. You kill yourself by non acceptance. God accepts you the way you are. Do not try and please others, for in this way you fail to accept yourself. Loving others is to accept them as they are. They have their own history and experience that has moulded the way they are. It is not for you to judge them but to love them. When you impose your ways on others then you are manipulating or forcing them to accept your way as the best way. You have the right to provide information but it is up to them to choose. God is the judge. Therefore stand up to what you believe. When people confuse information with direction then it becomes a battle. Information like good news is just that. Now a person can choose what he does with that information. Everyone has to make their own choice and no one should be forced to make a choice. If a person chooses to suffer then it is their right to do so. However if they are vulnerable and need protection then the law provides safeguards for such situations. You are free when you can accept yourself as you are and not when you become perfect. There is no such thing as perfection in this fallen world.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Happy is the man who is blessed by the Lord. He will live like a saint and enjoy the fruits of his labour. The Lord will shield him and keep him in His green pastures. He will be like a watered garden, evergreen and full of strength. He will be like a tree that bears good fruit all year round. He will be like a well watered garden that never seems to lack anything. This is the blessing of the Lord. How good it is to be called His child. He will always come to the banquet table and feast with you on His riches. He is the ever present Saviour of your soul. In Him you have all you need to live life to the full. He is in the present and life is in the present. There is no tomorrow to fear for everything there is, is in the present. This is what the enemy of your soul wants to rob you off, by keeping you in the past or the future. What a evil, deceitful and conniving enemy to your soul he is? Whenever he takes you to your past or fills you with fear about your future, remind him that all you have is the present! In this way you cast him out and he loses control over you. The only way he can control you is through guilt for your past and fear of your future. The Lord is Lord over all and He is in your present, to give you the victory you need over the enemy of your soul. Hallelujah.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Precious is the Lord and mighty is His Name from whom all blessings flow. He is in me and with me and I love Him so. He is the first and the last and in Him is joy everlasting. I love the Lord and He is my everything. Morning, noon and night I worship Him. I am nothing without Him. He is in the DNA of my being. Every cell within me praises Him. Therefore every cell in me is blessed. All my organs are functioning well because He nourishes them day and night. I am alive in Him and His Spirit lives in me. What more can I ask. His Spirit within my spirit and I am one in Him. I am drawn to the things of God. I live and breathe His Name which is above all other Names. Jesus is the Name above all other names and in Him I am blessed. His Name bears all things and all things are in Him. How blessed it is to know the Lord and be in Him. This is the most secure place to be in and there is no danger in Him, only love and peace. He is the peace centre of my life. Even though everything around me is breaking down I am at rest because He is my rest.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My God is able to do much more then I can imagine or think. How good is that? When I am connected to Him and He is connected to me then anything is possible. All the darkness around me cannot stop the light of His presence. He is in me and with me and this is what matters. Now I can walk with my head high and believe that He is able. I only need to look at the past to see His faithfulness. This gives me confidence for the future. Now all I need is to live in the present, in the light He has given me. There are many that know more then me but I don’t I have to feel threatened by them. I need to be and do the best in the position I am in. God who created me knew what he created. He created me with the gifts and talents and a work that only I can do. Now He has sent me into the world to be His hands and feet. I am totally His because there is no better place to be, then in Him. Today I will excel in Him, for I live only for His glory. How good it is to live in the power of His Name. His Spirit gives me the power to operate His gifts and fruits. I am in Him and in Him I am in control of all my faculties. Without Him I am a mess and therefore I rather be in Him. In Him I am free to be who I am in Him. Hallelujah what a life and what a destiny I have in Him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord. The Lord is good and he who trusts in the Lord will find good things. Life is just a moment in God’s time line. He is and therefore you are. He is the One who gives you life. In Him you are present and all the chaos around you is nothing in Him. You can rest in Him in the midst of the chaos. The winds and storms may rage but you can be still in Him. Jesus in the boat, while the storm rages, is a picture of what it means to be in Him. These storms will pass and you will be left standing. This is the mark of a Godly man who remains standing whilst all else fades away around Him. So also in your walk, you will remain standing and your enemies will fade away. They come like roaring lions but the lion of Judah in you will roar them away. Truth spoken in love will last the test of time. Finally He has the last word. Therefore remain fixed in Him and you will stand tall on the day of reckoning. Knowledge of the end will keep you steady while you go through the storms.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I like you is a powerful statement to anyone. I like you is more specific then saying I love you. I like you means I like what you like and vice versa. Like is to do with behaviour, love is to do with attitude. When I say I like you, I mean I like the way you behave. Your behaviour is to do with your personality. If you are a clean and tidy person then I like that. If you are laid back and easy going then I like that too. Likes and dislikes are to do with one’s behaviours. They say nothing much about the person. A person is known more by his reactions. This says more about the person’s inner workings then just behaviour. Jesus revealed His inner workings when He gave the beatitudes. These are to do with attitudes. When you can love your enemies and pray for those who curse you, then you know that you are operating like Jesus. I may dislike a behaviour but still love the person. I may dislike the behaviour because it puts someone down in front of others. Behaviours can be modified. Attitudes have to be learnt. I learn to love, give and respect by cultivating this attitude. A bad attitude like prejudice cannot be changed but can be replaced by a new attitude of understanding. This change of attitude will change your behaviour. Change of behaviour on the other hand may not change your attitude. I may not react in anger but still harbour hatred. One is cosmetic change, the other is inner change. Jesus came to change our heart from one of hatred to self and others to love for God and others.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The flesh will give you all the excuses not to take risks. The flesh is always careful not to progress, but to be careful, for it is more interested in protecting itself. One must be prepared to take risks if you want to advance the Kingdom. Those who are more interested in their own welfare will never go far. When you live in the moment then all those fears that bombard and restrict you will melt away. When you believe in God more then the fears, then all those fears which are in your imagination will melt away. The only counter measure to fear is faith. Faith has paralyzed you from action. Most people are restricted by fear. Faith is spelt risk. You prove your faith by taking risks. When God brings an opportunity to you it means that He is going to anoint you to achieve it. You will be faced with opposition but you must exercise violent faith to stand. This is the only way to move forward. Violently pray, violently love, violently move out in faith.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Help me Lord to overcome the flesh and to move in the Spirit. The flesh is weak but the spirit is strong. The same battles that the saints before faced, you too will face in the flesh. The flesh is dead but still torments you with its desires and urges. They are just an illusion. The devil will make you think the flesh is still alive but you know that you are dead in Christ by faith. As long as you operate in faith then the flesh cannot have dominion over you. The ego is strong but melts when you enter His presence. This is the only way to walk the talk. The Spirit in you will help you for He is alive and lives in the present. The ego is not interested in the present but only in the past and in the future. This is why it is an illusion. The illusion seems real because you identify with it. You fight the ghosts of the past and the future because they are all an illusion. When you recognise this then you become conscious of this and in that instant your ego melts and gives way to your spirit. Hallelujah, glory.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Friends are the source of stress and happiness. Friends are a company of people that one shares joy and sadness. This is why you need friends. It is not just the happy times but also the sad times you need friends. Sharing is the heart of the gospel. Jesus spent time with his disciples and they grew up with Him. He was their source of knowledge about God and His ways. Then when the Holy Spirit came He was their source of life. Knowing about God is not the same as knowing God. Knowing about your friend is not the same as knowing him. So knowledge is good but only when it is applied that it is of any use. Having knowledge alone does not solve anything. Having medicine and not taking it is useless. The medicine needs to be taken to benefit from it. Friends need to be together and learn from each other. Therefore friendship with God is the means of knowing Him.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Prepare the way of the Lord and be bold. You have entered into the realm of the supernatural and today you will see signs and wonders manifest in your midst. God has heard the cry of your heart and is pleased with you. He will answer your cry and enter your realm and manifest Himself. Signs and wonders are for the heathen to see and believe. The faithful will believe even if they do not see. Faith is a heart matter and the head cannot have faith. The head only thinks and analyses what is seen. This is why you cannot enter the Kingdom with only knowledge. Knowledge alone does not save you. You need faith and knowledge to be saved. You hear the word and this stimulates faith and then you enter in through the door by faith. Look out and see as your faith taps into the invisible world and sees the supernatural. The supernatural becomes natural and this is how miracles occur. The dead come alive and the sinner becomes a saint. Hard hearts melt and the devil is defeated.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Keep yourself pure and clean and holy. The Lord cannot stand sin of any form or colour. Sin is sin and it is only when you hate sin for what it is that real change will take place. You have hurt others and this is sin. There is no excuse for hurting others. Each soul is precious to the Lord and he/she must always be seen in the light of the Cross and eternity. The Cross is the only hope for the sinner and salvation is only through the Cross. Where there is no Cross there is no heaven. Heaven is a reality only because of the Cross. The Cross divides heaven from hell. Knowledge of heaven and hell comes from the Cross. It is because of hell that the Cross became necessary. Now man makes his own cross but the Cross of Christ is sufficient for all. Come to the Cross of Jesus and be saved, healed and restored for eternity.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Blessed is the Lamb that came into the world to be slaughtered. What a sacrifice, what a surrender to love. Only love can surrender to such a destiny. He knew before He came that this would be His destiny, yet He willingly submitted to His Father’s will. He said not my will but thine be done. In this He surrendered to Him who knew the end from the beginning. He willingly embraced suffering knowing that it was His mission on earth to accomplish. Only the spotless sinless Lamb of God could do this. You also have been called to suffer for the sake of the gospel that many may enter through the narrow gate to eternal freedom. This kind of love is of the Father in heaven. He wants us to be filled with His love so that other kinds of love cannot take His place. His love is unconditional pure and holy. His love heals all disorder and disease and brings wholeness. How does this fit in with the western presentation of the gospel which seeks to satisfy the flesh rather then the spirit? No wonder you see the excesses and the falling away when those props are removed. A gospel without the suffering Christ will not last. The Cross is central and all the benefits that flow from it are secondary. Focus on the Cross and be delivered for the world and its temptations. The apostle Paul said it well when he said I glory only in the Cross. This is to die daily to the flesh so that His Spirit can fill to the maximum my being.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Restless is the man who has no hope and despair will engulf him in no time. Hope is what will steady the hand of any man who is faced with situations beyond his control. Faith in a God who controls the Universe and everything in it is the key to hope. Hopelessness is a powerful motivator to give up and give in. This is the state of no return and once that captures a person the end is usually nigh. Many live in a hopeless state of mind because they do not have an anchor for their soul. Their soul wanders seeking for water to quench their thirst but all they find is a desert. Jesus said He will give water that will never fail. His water is an eternal spring that is not dependent on circumstances or situations. Once your soul is anchored to a source that is eternal then this is what will keep your mind at rest. Peace that passes all understanding will engulf you and you will be a spring of living water to quench the thirst of others.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Precious are the moments with the Lord. He comes like a wind and blows His kisses over you. You feel His presence and you feel loved. This is how His Spirit ministers to your soul and spirit. He is a lover of your soul. He is the great I am. He loves to bestow His blessings upon you. He moves gently over you. He is a fire to those who fear Him. He is a God of justice and He will bring the wicked to justice. At His judgement seat no one will be able to pass His righteousness. All have sinned and fall short of His glory. Yes the Lord is a lover but also just. Oh how I worship the Lord for He is my security at all times. In Him I am on a firm foundation. Without a firm foundation the house will not be able to stand. The Lord is your foundation and in Him no storm will be able to rock you. He is the Rock on whom the church is built and on this rock the church will survive the storm. The storm of affliction is increasing around the world. Only those whose life is on the rock will be able to stand the coming persecution. Religion will be seen as evil and governments will try to close all religious facilities. Like the communists, God will be seen as a figment of man’s imagination. Woe to those who live like them with no God and no hope.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Many are the ways of man to bring peace but it is only when peace enters the heart that real peace will be possible. Real peace is when the Spirit of the Lord comes and resides in a man’s heart. Jesus promised peace when He said ‘Peace I bring to you, not as the world gives. My peace is eternal and will be with you because I am in you’. Any kind of peace based on human agreement will not last for people keep changing their minds. Real peace is only possible when men’s hearts are at peace. What is reflected in the world is a reflection of man’s state of heart. Where there is turmoil in the heart there will be unrest. Philosophies and beliefs are content issues and therefore divide rather then unite people. Political parties fight over content and therefore can never agree. Real peace is a heart matter and not a content or space matter. Real peace is only possible in Jesus who came to unite the Jew and the Gentile and make peace in one new man.

Thursday, September 09, 2010



God is and therefore He can. He can do anything and He will. He will hear the cry of His people. The broken, outcast and disempowered are His. The slave and the servant are His. The black, yellow, red and white are His. It is not the form but what is formless that is more important. The form will never last while the formless is for eternity. So why do you worry so much of the form when it is what is not seen that matters. Why are you so blind and taken up with your thoughts and opinions when what matters is love, peace and joy. These are the formless attitudes that matter and will last. No one can rob you of these yet these are what the world craves for. They try and get it through the form. How can the things of the spirit be understood through the form? The spirit world belongs to the formless yet man has tried to give form to it and thus devolved it of its substance. Faith is the substance of things not seen, the formless. Only through faith can you receive love, peace and joy. Yet God took the form of man so that we could understand Him and be with Him. Yet God is formless and is everywhere. He is in you and outside you. He does not exist in form yet He communes with you who is spirit. Your spirit is able to commune with His Spirit and this makes you one with Him. Focus on the formless and see the form take a new form.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Confusion reigns in the land. When morals slide then the people will do as they please. This is repeated in history from the days of Israel in the wilderness. A nation will reap what it sows. A divided government will not be able to withstand the pressures of the day because division undermines the power base. Authority and power have to go together. One may have authority but no power. You need power to execute. Authority alone does not give you the power to execute. This is why many organisations fail to execute because their power base has been cut. You need power to light a house. Just having the house wired does not produce light. Therefore you can have a government but if it lacks power to rule then it will not be able to rule. This is the present state of this nation. You have a government that is divided and will not be able to rule because it is divided. What a state of affairs and this does not bode well for the nation. Divide and rule is a state that enables the rebels to take hostage a nation. Unity is the only way to rule. There is power released through unity. This is why families are divided because there is no unity. One can stand any change when one is united. Therefore this is a key value to uphold at all times if you want to move forward.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Many are the ways of understanding a person or situation but only the Lord knows the truth. This is why it takes many minds for a proposal to work. Just like the blind men and the elephant it is the different parts that make the whole. So also when you work as a team, you see different parts and the solution is in bringing the whole together. It is the process of combining the parts that results in wholesome living. No part on its own is sufficient to achieve the task. No one is better then the other. The small toe is as important as the big toe. This is the way the body operates as a whole. It is because man wants to operate on his own that results in strive. Competition is good but many times it is at the expense of the some other part. When there are winners and losers then the body competes with each other part. It is when you keep the whole in mind that you are able to see the vital role of all the parts. When there is a split then this is at the expense of the whole. Any organisation that does not think of the whole will not do as well as one which operates as a whole. Unity is vital for survival. This is why many have to give up their small ambitions for the sake of the whole. If any one part decides to go on its own it will separate and come apart from the whole. Many organisations break up because of this. In the body it is important to keep the peace for the sake of unity. Unity in the Godhead should reflect in the unity of the body. If the head is divided then the body will crumble.

Monday, September 06, 2010


The Lord is good and His banner over you is love. Therefore only loving thoughts are admissible under His banner. All thoughts contrary to love needs to be banished. They belong to the flesh or the devil. Why entertain those thoughts or give them time and space? Godly thoughts lead to contentment in all things and all circumstances. If you realise that it is your thoughts that condemn you or free you, then you will stop entertaining negative thoughts. You can never blame another or circumstances for your thoughts. Own them as yours and you will then have control over them. People whose locus of control is external will always blame others or circumstances for their dire straight. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Therefore today rejoice in your position under God’s banner of love and entertain only loving thoughts. Your thoughts will influence your feelings and state of mind. Positive thoughts will arouse positive feelings and attitudes. Take control of them today and see how your talk and walk will change. Now your whole being will be affected and your immune system will get stronger as stress diminishes and strength increases. In Him you have a inbuilt filter system which will only allow positive, encouraging, up building and Godly thoughts to control you. Anything else needs to be exterminated in Jesus Name.

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Speak the word of the Lord in boldness. Confusion arises when you question your own thoughts. When you speak from your heart, fully surrendered to the Lord, then you can speak with boldness. You are not concerned about your own reputation or ego needs but the Lord’s. He is Lord of your life, so what the crowd thinks does not matter. You represent the Lord and therefore you can be sure that He will speak through you. Your responses will also similarly be from the Lord. Believe this and then act accordingly. This is the only way to be free from yourself. Your oppressive self will always doubt but your confidence is that you desire to please the Lord and walk in His ways. Therefore be bold as you walk by faith. Faith lives in the moment for the moment and in this way is freed from the past and free from the oppressive forces that want to destroy you. In Him you are free. Abide in Him and He abides in you. In Him you have all the power you need to live a free life. Freedom is what He has called you to and in Him you are free to be. In this way you will be led by His Spirit and not by your thoughts. In this way you set yourself free from your self. Your ego needs become secondary to His will.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


The hour of reckoning has arrived. There will be big movements on the earth as fires and flood waters rise. This is the earth groaning under the heavy assault it is suffering from man’s abuse. The land is reflecting what is happening in the atmosphere. All creation groans and trembles in the final hour. These are all signs of the suffering ahead before the second coming. This is the time to fast and pray for God’s mercy. It will take shock waves like these to awaken man from his slumber. The devil has bewitched man to thinking and feeling safe under the cloak of material security. All these will be shaken in the final hours before His second coming. The material world and all that is in it will be shaken and the very foundations that man has built for himself, will crumble and quake. God have mercy will be the cry, as man turns from his wicked and selfish ways, to cry unto God to save them from the coming tribulation. So do not be surprised but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Maybe the Lord is waiting for a people who will tarry night and day till they see a break through in the heavenlies. The land lies deserted because the people have forsaken it and left it to go barren. The land needs rain to water it and fresh crops will emerge. This is how the Kingdom of God works. Prayer soaks the land with rain and good fruit then emerge. Instead of weeds which thrive in barren land, good fruit will arise. Prayer will lead to good vibrations and all creation will respond to the heavenly vibrations. God is looking for a people who will seek Him for all their needs. In this materialistic age we have become too comfortable, depending on earthly resources. We can see these resources rather then seek for things in the unseen world. Faith believes and therefore prays for rain and depends on God. The time has come when men have lost faith in the material and will look to God to save them.

Thursday, September 02, 2010


This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Yes the Lord makes everyday and we will rejoice each day for His manifold blessings. The Lord is good and when you venture out in faith, He makes all things new. Today let go of the past and focus on the present. Now is the only time you have to rejoice. The past is a memory, a fiction, a mist, an illusion of the mind. Now is reality and today you can do things to effect change. Involvement is the path to change. When you avoid situations and circumstances then you allow what is, to determine the outcome. When you are involved then you are able to influence the situation through your presence and input. A kind word, gesture or just your presence may influence a good outcome. This is why it is more important to be present then absent. Avoidance does not change things as it only maintains the same. No change occurs when all is the same. The same repeats itself when there is no new input. Change occurs when the circumstances change or when the thinking changes. Change occurs when the players change positions. Any change is better then no change. Change means that there is life and any movement is better then no movement. Therefore today be an agent of change for good.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Pray for this is the only way to have break throughs. Pray for this is the only way to walk by faith. Pray for this is the only way to move mountains. Pray for this is the only way to move forward. Pray in the Spirit for this is the way to enter the throne room with your prayers. Pray day and night. Praying is a lifestyle. Praying in the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer. This was not just for Himself but because this is work in the spirit realm. When you pray you are releasing the heavenly powers to work on earth to bring salvation to man. When people pray they invite heavenly powers to enter into the affairs of men. You are not praying your will into existence but God’s will. Man works to earn a living. When you pray you cooperate with heavenly powers to bring His will to pass. Therefore praying is to be like breathing. You need to pray with every breath that you have. In this way you breathe in heavenly air and influence the earthly realms with heavens breath. Prayer should be the breath of a Christian. This is the only way heaven can become a reality on earth. There is no escape from this work. This is the time for Christians to pray. There is much more achieved through prayer then through work. The Spirit is at work through you but the hindrances to the work are the spiritual forces ganged up against you. These can only be overcome through victorious prayer. This is the way you violently overcome the powers of darkness and bring in the light. This is the light of His presence. Therefore pray till His will is done on earth as it is in heaven