Tuesday, November 30, 2010


There is an anointing that is coming that will cause the world to marvel. This is the end time anointing that will sweep the world and usher in the coming of the Lord. Just as John the Baptist brought in a wave of repentance and turning to God so also will it be that a wave of the Spirit will turn the hearts of the people to God. This is the work of the Lord and no man will be able to take the glory. The Spirit will move like locusts across the land and set off fires that will cause the people to repent. A new consciousness will arise and people will be set free from their blindness. This time is fast approaching and you must be ready to welcome it. Many will cast doubt and say it is of the devil but the sheep will hear and respond. God is the Master of this work so no man can take credit for it. Only those who are willing and able will be caught up by this wave. Therefore ready yourself so that you don’t miss the wave and be left stranded. Like a wave in the sea you get caught up with it and flow or miss it and be left behind. This is how the wave will flow and catch all who are in its way. Pray that many will be caught by this wave and be saved.

Monday, November 29, 2010


The Lord is good and His banner over me is love. Many are the tragedies and incidents that occur in life but they that put their trust in the Lord will come forth unscathed. He is Lord of all and therefore He can speak to all and through all. Never allow your prejudices cancel the thoughts and words from others. It is this prejudice that leads to misunderstanding and conflict. To seek to listen first is a good strategy as this will enable you to challenge your prejudices. Prejudice is prejudging a situation or person before they are given a right to state their position. You will be surprised by the leanings of some who you thought were against you. They will turn out to be your ally because deep in the heart of man there is a secret place that yearns for hope and a place of escape from the hardness of this world. All the defences against this threat of annihilation melt down when true love gets through. God uses others to reflect His love and when you catch that reflection, change happens. This is what happens when you attend meetings when others can rub with you and you are able to transfer His love to others. You hold the pearl of great prize and wherever you go you will reflect His light to others. Go forth today to reflect His light and His favour is upon you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


To be really free from your self, only total surrender to Jesus will do. The fight between self and the spirit is ongoing till self surrenders to the spirit. This battle is what Paul described in the epistles. All the desires that cause you to sin come from the flesh life. The flesh needs to be reckoned dead in Christ. Now your spirit can live in total surrender, free from the slavery to the flesh. The flesh life is what causes illness and disease. In the spirit there is freedom for body, mind and spirit. Total surrender to Jesus means He takes over every faculty of your being. This consciousness is what will enable you to see the miraculous happening in your life. Peter was able to walk on water because he surrendered to His word, come. When Jesus calls you to walk on water, then you are in total surrender. In walking on water you will see diseases melt away as all this is just an illusion. When you feel pain, you think it is real, till you realise even that is an illusion. Placebo cures are an illusion. When you have died to self, you realise that all you thought was real, was an illusion. You then are able to perceive the real in the spirit world. The spirit world will become more real as you sense it through your 5 senses. You then realise that you have wasted your life chasing after what was an illusion all your life. This realisation then enables you to leave all and walk in total surrender to Him who holds all things. This is the state of total freedom. All your fears melt away and you become a free spirit able to minster from your spirit to help others be free.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Many are the ways of man but the Lord has provided a way and those who find it will find life. God is author of all things but the devil perverts His ways and causes man to wander from the truth. God is good and the devil is bad. The devil is a creation of God. God has given His people choice and this is why the devil became part of God’s creation. He created man with a free will. This means that man is not a robot but can choose what is right. God has provided man with the capacity to know what is good and bad. When he chooses the bad then bad things happen to him. Why do bad things happen to good people? Bad things happen to good people to mould them into better people. In God even the bad things that happen to you can turn into good. He makes all things work together for good. In Him there is no good or bad because all is good for He is good. Therefore when you are in Him, you know it is going to work for good. In Him all His promises are yes and amen. Therefore you can trust Him with all things because He is in control. Now give yourself to Him and see how He will work to make your day like the noon day sun. He will shine through you and light will surround you in the midst of darkness. Man’s mind is darkened by the evil one but His light will dispel the darkness. In this way God will use the happenings on earth to turn the hearts of the people to Him. He is Lord over all.

Friday, November 26, 2010


The awakening that is coming into the world will transform this world from one that fights for survival to one that will seek for real peace. This peace will come in the form of enlightenment from the darkness that infiltrates the earth at the present time. The spirit of this world will be bound and light will stream in. People will awaken from their deep sleep in unconsciousness and awaken to the light of His presence. Many will be the signs and wonders that will cause this awakening. People will begin to recognise that there is another world then what they see. They will desire to enter into this world. In their pursuit for this they will surrender their own desires and seek for that which is real and eternal. In this process a unity will pervade and peoples of all races and persuasions will unite to be One. This is what will then usher in the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There will be peace on earth and love will prevail. It is happening now and the spirit of love will spread through out the earth. It will begin this Christmas and so expect much during this season of redemption. Many will turn to the Lord and be saved. God will use you in this end time battle for souls. So be prepared to go when He calls.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Life is an illusion. An illusion, because what you see to day is not there tomorrow. Everything passes by like a movie. What appears to be real is only a perception. You perceive because your senses see and feel and touch and your brain converts it into an image which you then perceive. This is an illusion of your mind. The blind can see and the deaf can hear too despite the loss of sense. They perceive things differently using their other senses. Therefore realise that what you see and hear is just a perception. What is fact today is no more a fact tomorrow. Why? Because perceptions change. How do they change? They change when information of a different kind is heard and seen. A change of perception occurs as new information is seen and heard. This is why you are challenged each time you receive new information which challenges the facts of a situation. All is perception and illusion. This is why Solomon at the end of his days said that life is just an illusion. It does not make sense for there is nothing that lasts in illusion. Death kills your illusion and then nothing remains. Only the Spirit lives forever. When people realise this then they will leave their illusion and its enticing lure and awaken to perceive the world of the spirit. This world never dies, for what is seen in form is just an image of the unseen. When you enter the spirit world then all that is a reflection will not hold the lure any more. This is how you get deceived by your perceptions and go for what you think is good and then realise that it was only a perception. Lust works in this way and lures you like the apple in the Garden of Eden, only to see that the apple was an illusion which causes death.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Praise the lord from whom all blessings flow. He is the One who prepares you for great things. He orders your days and He will come through for you. He controls the whole universe and there is nothing beyond His control. Having confidence in this you can launch out in faith and be bold. His Spirit will work through you and enable you to overcome all things in His Name. He is your guide and friend. He is with you all the time even when you are not aware of His presence. It is living in His presence all day that provides you with the insights for wholesome living. He will come when you call. He is so wonderful and when you fill your life with praises then He comes through more clearly. Negativity is not the atmosphere which He likes because negativity is the lack of praise. A truly grateful heart will find reasons to praise Him all the time. Life is an illusion and what appears real vanishes with time. Therefore treat every situation as an illusion and you won’t let it control you

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Let go and let God is a state of absolute abandonment to the Lord. In this state you let go of control and let the Holy Spirit lead. He will lead you and guide you as you let go control of your life. This is the state of complete and absolute surrender. Many come to this place when they are at the end of the road through illness or some other situation. This is the place of liberty in the Spirit. It is like an illusion. The ego wants to control everything and will not give up anything without a fight. In Him you are able to let go and let Him have His way. This is to live life to the full. Today live in surrender and see how you have complete control of your thoughts and feelings. When you are filled with His love then no other thought or feeling can intrude this space. In Him you are one with all nature and this is to be completely one with being. Your internal and external desires become one and you flow in unity of the spirit, mind and body. This is like experiencing total freedom. It is a paradox in that when you let go, you are free to be. The ego will not let go easily. It will always fight to survive but it is in this that you fail to see the higher purpose and meaning of life. Life is meant to flow like the wind and live in the moment for the moment. This is all you have. Everything else is an illusion. Death and life are an illusion, a figment of your imagination. Only what is now is real and this moment will pass and what is now becomes an illusion of the past.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. He is the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star. In Him are all the riches of glory. He is the beginning and the end. In Him all things dwell and find their meaning. Without Him life is but a blip in time. There is no meaning as all ends in death and decay. In Him is life everlasting and this life is full of meaning because He lives. He lives and so I live to tell of His glory. All nature tells of His glory. Even the ant tells the story of His glory. You will find a story in all things when you connect with all creation. Even what seems ugly and evil tells a story. Life is full of positives and negatives. Choose to be positive and the negatives will lose their hold on you. In Him you can be positive knowing that all things work together for God to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. Beloved be yourself today and let me reveal myself through you. I cannot reveal myself through you as long as you are trying to be someone else. I made you and formed you in your mother’s womb. You have all the characteristics of Adam, the human being, but now you also have all the characteristics of the Son, Jesus Christ. His Spirit in you is your only hope of glory. Therefore trust Him in you and be free to be.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Joy is the heart of the Father. Where there is joy, there is peace. Joy results in health for the body and mind and spirit. Joy is the source of all things wonderful. Joy is a result of a grateful heart. A heart smitten by the Father’s love will abound in joy. Joy is like fuel that never runs out. Joy is laughter and dance. You dance with joy because the Father loves you. Joy never runs out. It is a fruit of the Spirit. Therefore when joy runs over it spills and touches others. Compassion for others leads to healing and life for you. God had compassion on us and sent His own Son as a sacrifice. In turn He has now many sons born into His Kingdom. His Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Therefore you know when you are filled with these that His Kingdom is ruling within you. You can’t help being joyful because the King is in residence in your heart. Whatever is broken outside can be mended for the price was paid for your healing 2000 years ago. When the hindrances to your miracle are removed then you will receive the healing. Keep your heart clear of all impurities and you will come through.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


For the Lord is King and all others will have to bow to His Name. There is no other Name under heaven that is greater then His Name. His Name echoes throughout the earth as He is Lord. In Him all things hold together and the praises of His people will bring Him to earth. He dwells in the midst of praise. Where He is, there is praise. The angels in heaven praise Him day and night. It is the positive atmosphere of praise that will usher His entrance. He is welcome in an atmosphere of praise. Praise is the language of heaven. Praise will drive out every demonic influence. Evil cannot reside in an atmosphere of praise. All negativity will move in the midst of praise. Therefore let praise be your language. A heart of gratitude always stimulates praise. Worship the Lord with all your heart, mind and body. Let praise fill your whole being till you vibrate with the presence of God. Let His fire so fill you that you will affect others around you.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Amazing love how could it be that saved a sinner like me. The love of God is incomparable to anything on earth. He loves lavishly and when you have experienced His love, you will never be the same again. His is not a fleeting love but an eternal love that never changes with the wind. He is always there come wind or storm and He will never forsake you. What kind of love is this that will never let go? This is the kind of love God has for you. Tap into His love and see your soul change under His influence. His love is like a never failing stream in a desert place that never runs dry. You will be refreshed and renewed and empowered to serve. His love is released through you as you release His love to serve others. Like a tap that is opened to let the water flow so also when you give freely then you will tap into His love. This applies to all the gifts and fruits in the Spirit. These are released to serve and meet the needs of others. As you do so you own needs are met. What a limitless supply of love when I just release His love through me. When others get touched by His love then they will flower and be fruitful. Come Holy Spirit and fill me with your never ending love.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Precious is the Lord and I will praise Him all the days of my life. When the going gets tough I will still praise the Lord for He is with me during tough times. I will praise the Lord because He lives in me and He is all I have got. He needs me to fulfil His plan during these end times. I am His voice, hands and feet. God has limited Himself by entrusting the responsibility to carry out His plan through His people. When His people do it then revival will come forth immediately. This is no game for hell is awaiting for those who refuse to acknowledge Him as Lord. Satan wants as many as possible to join him in hell. He knows his end is near and he wants to take humanity with him. God has provided a lamb as a sacrifice so that humanity can join Him in heaven. Jesus the Lamb of God is the sacrifice and in Him your salvation is assured. Therefore all you can do now is praise Him and live for Him and die for Him. There is no greater meaning or purpose in life but to see many come with you to your eternal home in heaven. Therefore be filled in Him and live as if this is your last day on earth. Earth is just a temporary station. Heaven is the eternal station. All that is earthly will fade and decay and therefore there is no use in spending your time fretting about earthly pleasures. These will all pass away like the wind and only that which is eternal will remain.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own abilities. He will flower and flourish daily in his walk and talk. He will be like a river that is flowing with fresh water not bitter water. He will water the land and the land will bring forth fruit. His Spirit in you will empower your spirit and you will be refreshed. He is Lord of all and when you recognise Him as your Lord. Precious are the moments that the Lord gives to share His glory with others. People matter to God and when you share His love with others then they will be touched by Him. It is His touch that will leave a lasting impression on others. People are touched daily in many ways but when He is Lord then He will touch others through you. It is a spiritual touch that will awaken their spirit to want more of what you have. You have the pearl of great prize within you and He is living and tangible. His tangible presence will be manifested when you reach out to others to bless them. In this way you become light in this dark world of despair and distress.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Lord leads one step at a time to the land of milk and honey. This is the land that was promised to you when you commenced on the journey of life with Him. The route is difficult at times but you will enjoy every moment of it because He is with you. Now you write about this journey but one day you will reach the destination and rejoice. Faith is a journey filled with excitement for it can always expect the supernatural. The natural is mundane compared to the supernatural. Your life of faith is a supernatural walk and therefore your whole being is at attention to expect anything. He is with you and for you and therefore you can expect the impossible. People are only limited by their own expectations. When you expect great things then great things will happen. When you believe that God lives in you then anything is possible. This is what is so exciting, that God chose to live in you. It is this that will propel you to take bigger steps into the unknown and become known. This knowledge then will build faith and there will be no limits to the adventure with God.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and does not waver from His cause. His cause is to redeem the whole world to himself. This is the heart of the gospel. There is no other cause on God’s heart then this cause. To win the world which is lost and wandering like the people of Israel in spiritual deserts. They wander because they don’t have a shepherd to lead them. All the shepherds do is to fill their own belly with good things and leave the sheep to die. They will be judged on that day for their irresponsible behaviour. But God is merciful and will send His Spirit once again to water the earth. The dry land will be refreshed and the souls of men will be revived. Many will be lost but many will escape and be saved. During these last days there is an urgency before the last tribulation. Pray for many to come in and be saved. There is no other cause for you to die for then His cause. The simple message of the Cross has to be broadcast day and night till the heathen hear and believe. There is too much compromise at present and the world is drifting away from its salvation. Only those who hold on to the end will be saved. What you see in the world is compromise and this will end in death. Therefore be urgent and do not relent till your last breath.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and looks to Him for solace. A man who walks in the will of God will always be at rest. Whatever the assaults he faces he will find perfect rest in the Lord. In this life of hassle where all is against God there is rest only in Him. The devil will try all ways to discourage and frustrate you but your victory is assured, for you rest in Him. In Him you will find all the resources you need to lead a fulfilling life. In Him you are assured of victory. In Him you are safe and secure. Nothing that comes against you can prosper. You will advance knowing the calling of God. God will send His angels to protect you and to lead you and guide you. One thought from the mind of God is like a million from the mind of man. Therefore read His word and seek His mind through His written word. Reading His word is like washing your soul with water to cleanse you. This is like having a bath daily and keeping you free from the pollution of the day. The pollution is through the daily bombardment you receive from the world of images and sounds. These worldly insults affect your soul. The washing through the word enables you to keep yourself free from the filth. Your mind gets easily influenced. This is why it is important to watch what you hear and see. Pollution of the soul is the cause of a lot of disease and disorder. When the soul is infected it will produce disease in the body and mind. Cleanse your soul and see how your body will respond to the cleansing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Open your heart and never shut it down as it is your connection with the spirit world. Many have blocked out their hearts by allowing their intellect or mind to dominate every area of their life. This is so especially in relationships and it just does not work. The mind is for solving problems, non relational type of problems. Relational problems need the wisdom of the heart and mind. The heart is especially the way to go for spiritual matters. This is why there is so much conflict and misunderstanding in relationships. One communicates with the heart and the other with the head. The woman mainly is superior in heart communication while the man is good at head communication. The two clash and can’t understand where the other is coming from. The solution is to tune into the other person’s communication style. This is to seek to understand then to be understood. This is the basis of a lot of communication problems between the sexes. Depth in relationships occurs when both can be free to communicate at a heart level. This is the area of emotional communication and how emotional needs are met for love and acceptance. Failure in this area of communication is what leads to breakdown in relationships. Each goes their own way and seeks for someone else to fill the void. God is spirit and He communicates through your spirit to your heart and intellect. Many try to communicate with God through their intellect and never find Him. This is why the charismatic movement has filled the gap but sometimes leans to the extreme and loses their mind in the process. Balance in all areas is the key to success.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Come all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. This rest is not like the rest from labour but a rest that is a peace that passes all understanding. In the Holy Spirit you have all you need to live an exuberant life. He is in you and with you and will speak to you through your thoughts. He will sow His thoughts into you and you will stand back and be amazed. This is why Jesus had to return to heaven to prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come and indwell man. How marvellous that God not only saved you but then goes on to keep you. This is the change that all need to receive so that they are free from their own workings. Man wants to continue to labour but God has provided for man every provision he needs. It is greed and not need that drives man to want more. There is more then necessary for everyone but greed has divided the haves from the have nots. You are responsible to redress the balance so that those who have not can be have lots. This is the gospel that Christ came to save and to restore man to his original state and be free from his sin state. What redemption, what a salvation, what a Saviour. Now go and live this message today so that more have nots can be set free.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Jesus is the source of all my hope and joy. He laughs through me and dances with me and rejoices over me. I love Him more everyday. He is the joy and strength of my life and in Him I am safe and secure. There is so much evil in the world and I am closeted in my own world. It is to address this evil that Jesus came. For in Him none of these diseases of mankind matter for He is spirit and the spirit cannot be touched by the evil of this world. In Him I am covered and whole and all the evil against the body and soul cannot touch my spirit. It is my spirit that is born again and is alive now to live forever in Him. He is the Alpha and Omega of my faith and in Him I have access to all He has purchased for me by His sacrifice on the Cross. Man may try to arrange for peace but as long as the god of this world is around, there will be no lasting peace. Peace is only possible in oneself and this is the peace that can spread and heal the world. In Jesus He gives peace even in the time of loss and distress. His peace is beyond understanding for it is internal. He is our peace and He dwells in me. I will therefore share His peace with the world that the world may know that there is peace in Him.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Purpose in your heart to serve the Lord with all your heart and these things will be added to you. Things are forms and therefore have a short life. Spirit is non form and therefore has eternal life. When you work in the spirit then your resources are endless and not limited by form. Anything that is of form will age and decay. This is why all that is seen and felt does not last. Why then do you put so much effort in the things that are seen and felt? Because all your life you have been trained to look to form for comfort and release. This is a pointless effort, as all that you have gained can be burnt up in a moment. The realisation of the transitory nature of all things is what will bring you to a consciousness of the eternal world of the spirit. In the spirit world there is no form, no substance. All that there is, is formless and will not rust and decay. You are a spirit being but you are limited by your body and mind. Your mind and your body have limitations but your spirit does not. Therefore when you are filled in the spirit you have a power that is eternal. You can do things that is humanly is impossible. You can believe things that are impossible. You can walk on water and change water into wine. This is the world of the supernatural. This is the world Jesus came to introduce to us and enable us to have access to this world of the spirit. In Him you have all things you need to live a wholesome life in the spirit.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Glory to God in the highest who causes me to praise Him all the day long. He is my rod and staff and He leads me and guides me. He is the restorer of my soul. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He gives me joy and peace and love and all things good for my soul. My soul rejoices in the Lord and in His midst I am safe and secure. I feel loved and at peace with God and man. No weapon formed against me will prosper for the Lord is at my right hand. His banner over me is love. When you go through trials and temptations, know that the Lord is near and He is with you. His Holy Spirit lives in you and He plays the music in your heart. When you begin to listen with your heart then you enter a new dimension of communication. God is Spirit and He communes with your spirit. This is the kind of communication that comes from daily communion with Him. Communion with Him is manna for your soul. Your soul cages in your spirit with its assumptions, perceptions and attributions. These are like soul ties that bind you to the form and cages in your spirit. Once you are free from the form then your spirit is free to be. Some call this nirvana. This is the pursuit of man in the inner depths of his being. One may never attain this state in this life but it is possible. In the spirit you can operate in this realm and be free from the longings of the flesh. In the spirit everything is subjected to Him. This is what it means to acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

Monday, November 08, 2010


Precious are the moments you have with the Lord and great will be the outcome of those moments. Total surrender is the only way to live life to the full in the Lord. There is no other way to walk in the fullness of the Spirit. His Spirit is in you and He has shown you the way to live. Don’t worry now how you will live this life. Just follow the Holy Spirit. It is His vision and mission and all you need to do is to follow. No hassle in planning and doing in just following. He will bring the people and resources to you to fulfil His mission. It is not your mission because what is birthed in the mind of God is His vision. When you are connected with His vision then you become a pencil in His hand to fulfil His mission. This takes away all thought of failure and worry about resources and things to fulfil the mission. Man strives and labours under his own burden of care for he has disconnected from the source of life. You are free to live a fear free life because He is leading you. In Him you feel safe and secure and nothing that happens around you can deter you from your God inspired mission. God sent His Son on a mission and now it is your mission to implement the plan on earth and bring as many as possible into His Kingdom. Total salvation for body, mind and spirit is what he bought for you. All you need to do is now claim it in Jesus Name.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


The Lord will help you enter into the holy of holies and to be there to worship Him. The angels worship Him here and the glory of worship fills the air. He loves to be in an atmosphere of worship. Worship is like sweet incense. He dwells within the worship of His people. When you worship then you welcome His presence. Worship is an attitude of the heart. This is submission and trust and faith in an all loving God. Worship is at the heart of the gospel. Those who worship in spirit and in truth invite His presence. His presence sometimes is so strong that you will be able to hear the voice of angels. Operating in heavenly realms is to leave earthly realms to operate from heaven on earth. You are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. The things of the world matter little as all your resources come from heaven. You operate on earth from heaven and what a walk this will be. Jesus walked on earth but He operated from heaven. This is what it means to walk in the fullness of the Spirit. To be led by the Spirit each moment is total bliss. All may change around you but you are fixed in Him. Everything then will turn around to follow you because everything that is against you cannot stand the force of heaven. This is how the war will be won as you stand and push back the forces of darkness. Jesus fought the battle on earth and now you can stand on His word and prevail.

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Many will call Him Lord but few will follow Him as Lord. This is the complacency that is around in the church. There is no sense of urgency and all that is left is His name but no power with it. The church is crippled with inertia because He is not experienced as He is supposed to in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Every thing is said but not felt. It is in the saying and the experiencing that your faith comes alive. When you operate in the sphere of the unseen then that which is unseen becomes seen. This is the power of the eternal being that sits on the throne of grace and supplies His power to all who call on His Name by faith. Your faith in His words will release the power of His word to perform His works on earth as it is in heaven. Come Holy Spirit and make this a reality in my life. Never go back to what was but to what is in the spirit. The spirit world is waiting for the sons of God to reveal themselves so that the power of God can be manifested on the earth. This power holds the whole earth and it is the word of His power that will bring forth His will on earth. So pray that His love and grace will abound and penetrate through the darkness like shafts of light to dispel the darkness. Lord let this start in my life and flood my life and my family with your light and dispel the darkness.

Friday, November 05, 2010


Never make assumptions for it will cause you to predetermine your response. Always give the other person the liberty to respond first before prejudging. In this way you don’t box other people in by your assumptions but free them to be. We like to prejudge a situation because it gives a sense of control, one upmanship. You do a disservice to yourself and others in this process. To be free of assumptions is to free yourself and free the other person in your interaction. Assumptions are like a sword over a person’s head. It has already crucified the person even before they can have a hearing. This is a normal way people operate because they have their own distorted perceptions fuelled by their biased assumptions, biased because it is really a reflection of their own mind set. Their mind set is determined by their own life experience. The abused always see themselves as victims and therefore see others as aggressors. This dynamic is played out in everyday life from the relationships at home, office and social scenes. The key to be free from assumptions is to accept the other as they are and then make judgements as you get to know the person. In this way you free them to be who they really are rather then who you think they are. Lack of faith always boxes people because there is safety in boxing people. Never judge others by the colour of their skin or their social standing. Character is more then that. When you are free from your own assumptions about yourself then you will be free to set others free. Free me Lord from my false and evil assumptions so that I can love others, for who they are, your creation who you love unconditionally.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Regression is a condition when one operates on a lower emotional level and therefore is unable to sustain a coherent conversation as emotions of childhood flood the psyche and overwhelm it. Triggers or reminders of past associations trigger the childhood feelings and disrupt your thinking. You become overwhelmed by these feelings and therefore are unable to carry on a sane discussion or conversation till you can bring yourself together again. Many struggle with this especially if there is a history of past abuse. Many who have come out of abusive situations suffer with traumatic memories and feelings that keep them locked in the past. Their behaviour and thoughts and feelings rush in and overwhelm them and they lose control. They are in adult bodies but in childhood emotional state. This state will last for a few hours till they can compose themselves. The healing of memories is required to enable individuals to regress to this state and then let Jesus come in and heal those emotions. Unless they are healed or delivered they will continue to be harassed by these feelings. They cope by avoiding triggers, situations or people that could cause them to regress. They feel like prisoners in a prison that is safe but at a cost. They will avoid situations to keep themselves safe. Avoidance helps in the short term but is not a lasting solution. It will impair relationships and social competence and lead to a life of isolation and depression.