Friday, August 18, 2017


Today God reminded me that there is nothing greater than having the pearl of great price, JESUS. Yes He is my pearl of great price that moneycannot buy. The financial markets go up and down, circumstances change, people go up and down but He remains the same , never changing and always a constant. He is the one everyone needs, the Saviour of the world. He has come and He desires that none should perish and all should come to Him for salvation and possess eternal life which is the right of every child of God. Philosophies come and go and man created in the image of God has the ability to be like God. Yet he is still His creation and although he has the attributes of God, he does not have the ability to save himself. Sin has destroyed that capacity and all man can look forward to is death. Salvation is promised in different forms but only those who have the pearl of great price are assured of eternal life. This is the hour for the world to hear the good news and be saved. Lord use me to be part of your answer for a fallen world under the grip of the power of sin and the devil.