Friday, April 30, 2021

Why Are There So Many Sick Christians?

Sickness and disease came into the world through the fall. In the garden of Eden before the fall there was no sickness. God never sent sickness and is not the author of sickness. Sickness and disease are a symptom of sin and how the devil uses it to bind people. We are all prone to sickness and disease in this fallen world. Our spirit was redeemed when we accepted Jesus as Lord but our soul and body is in the process of being redeemed. This is an ongoing process. The Bible states that we are healed and set free as our soul prospers. This means there is a process we all need to go through to be sanctified.

The blood of Jesus is sufficient to cleanse us from all sin and the power of sin. The devil has no right to a blood bought child. However he schemes to try and sow thoughts of doubt and fear to convince us otherwise. We are in enemy territory. This is not our home and as long as we live here we will be faced with various challenges. These challenges maybe attacks to our body or our soul. We have therefore to be vigilant and not give into the taunts of the enemy. The symptoms we experience are real but they can be vanquished by the Name of Jesus. Many succumb to the symptoms and die. We then fear that God has abandoned us.

We can choose to believe the lie or stay steadfast in believing the truth of His word. His word says that He has a good plan to prosper us and keep us in health. Our destiny is heaven and we are being transformed into the image of Jesus. We should not be distracted by symptoms but use them to place our trust in God. The more we are attacked the more we need to see it as a challenge to become more like Jesus. Jesus never suffered sickness or disease when He walked on earth. We too can hope to be the same and experience good health and wealth right now.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Breathe In The Atmosphere Of Heaven And Live

Heaven is real as is earth and all the planets in the universe. God spoke the heavens into being as He did in all that was created. God is the Creator of all things and He resides in heaven. There are atmospheres around us which we dwell in and live in. Earth has an atmosphere and animals and plants grow and flourish in this atmosphere. Heaven too has an atmosphere which is different from the atmosphere on earth. In heaven all things are in a form that we don't experience on earth. Light and sound are magnified and multidimensional. God and his angels reside in this atmosphere. Those who have gone ahead have a different body and dwell in heaven. Those who have visited heaven give us a glimpse of what heaven is like.

We can live in the atmosphere of heaven on earth. In the spirit we can breathe the atmosphere of heaven. The spirit realm is beyond the realm of the physical. The spirit world is like breath, wind and light. When we connect with the spirit world we begin to live by the spirit. The Holy Spirit who dwells in our spirit helps us to commune in the spirit. In this atmosphere although limited by our flesh, we can experience something of heaven. We can see visions and have dreams. We can experience heaven on earth and be enlightened. Wisdom and knowledge is imparted to us from another realm. Discoveries are made and break through occurs.

Living in the heavenly atmosphere is like living on another planet. There is love, peace and joy and life everlasting. There is no fear and death has lost its sting. Disease and disorder vanish and health and order reigns. How good it is to know that it is possible to live this life now when we connect with the Spirit. This was the original plan till sin entered the world. Now God is redeeming us to Himself so that we can live a heavenly life here now on earth. This is only possible because Jesus came to redeem the world to Himself. He does not want anyone to perish and calls all to experience this heavenly life. Come now to the river of life and live like there is no tomorrow

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Why Did Jesus Pray So Much?


Jesus came in the form of man as the Son of man. He walked on earth as a man like you and me. Yet He was also the Son of God. We also are sons of God if we are born again in the spirit. Jesus paved the way for us in showing us how to commune with the Father through prayer. He needed power to walk on earth as the Son of man. This was not automatic as He needed to fight the power of sin and the devil and not commit any sin. He was the sinless lamb of God. His main mission was to be the holy unblemished sacrifice of God. To fulfil this He had to go through all the trials and temptations that we face. He did this only through the power of the Holy Spirit in Him.


Now we too can do the same. If Jesus had to spend so much time in prayer, what about us? We too need to spend time with the Father to be strengthened in our spirit to overcome the temptations of our flesh, the world and the devil. Yet we try and do this in the strength of our flesh rather than our spirit. This is where we have compromised and allowed the world and the devil to mould us into their ways. God's ways are not the same as the world's ways. The way of the world is broad while His way is narrow. His way is the way of the Cross, which is death to self and the world. We too need to be like Jesus and operate in the power of the Spirit.


Could it be that we face so many failures because we choose to do it our way rather than Christ’s way? This is the challenge we face today. We need to be filled with the Spirit and walk in the Spirit as Jesus did. This means spending time in prayer and doing only what we see the Father doing. This is a learning process and we have to start somewhere today. Today is the day of salvation if we heed His call. There are no short cuts. Today let us separate ourselves from the world and pray to the Father and be strengthened to walk in His way. In this manner, we will imitate Jesus and become like Him.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Gift Of Eternal Life. You Choose.

God created us to live forever. Sin entered the world and death cut off the gift of eternal life. God is eternal which means He has no beginning and no end. There is no past or future as everything is in the present. This is the way we should live, like there is no past or future. The eternal now is to live in the presence of God. How wonderful to know that we still can avail of eternal life now through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. This has made it possible for all to avail of eternal life. There is only one condition. I must confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that He is risen from the dead. (Romans 10:9) 

The Holy Spirit convicts each person of their sin and leads them to repentance. He opens blind eyes to see the completed work of Christ on the Cross. Jesus said it is finished on the Cross. The case against you is now closed. Satan has no more power over you. You are saved from sin to serve the Lord. Sin has lost its power over you and now you can live in resurrection power to overcome sin. Jesus paid the price and now I am free. This simple message can deliver anyone from death to experience eternal life now. Why then do many reject this message?

Many hear the message and feel it is too easy. God created us and now redeems us through His own power. There is no other power that can deliver us from the power of sin. Only a heart change can deliver us from sin. God will replace our heart of stone with a heart of flesh. Let the Holy Spirit open your eyes to see and believe and receive eternal life now. There is no greater life than to be free from the fear of death and live in the abundance of eternal life. Money or good works cannot buy this life. It is a free gift to those who will believe and be saved.

Monday, April 26, 2021

How To Tap From The Resources In Heaven


Heaven is as real as earth. In other words, the spiritual realm is as real as the earthly realm. Many have tapped into the spiritual realm but unwittingly tapped into the demonic realm. God is Spirit and He dwells in the third heaven where demons have no right of entry. Demons dwell in the second heaven after Satan was thrown out of the third heaven. Jesus came to redeem us so that now we can sit with Him in the third heaven. This is the inheritance of all who have made Jesus lord of their life. Now we have access to the resources of heaven. How then can we tap into the heavenly resources?


God has made it possible for us through Jesus to enter into heaven and bring to earth all that we need to live a heavenly life on earth. His love, peace, joy and riches in heaven are available to us now. The secret is in knowing Him and following Him. He has given us His Holy Spirit as a first deposit to assure us of His presence in us. We now can through His Spirit avail ourselves of anything we ask for. We can ask for healing, righteousness and riches according to His will. His will is to bless us and others through us. Jesus came to die for us and cancel the penalty of death brought about through sin. Now we can access the heavenly riches and live.


We are spirit beings and have the ability to commune with God who is spirit. We cannot see Him yet we can know Him. We are sons of God and just as Jesus communed with His Father so can we. We can come to Him directly and know His mind. He will also lead us and guide us. All we need to do is surrender all to Him and let Him lead us. He trusts us and we can trust Him for He has promised us abundant life, which is for eternity. This life on earth is a speck compared to eternity. It is this eternal life that makes it possible for us to tap into the eternal resources. We can ask and it will be given to us. Today tap into the resources of heaven and be blessed. I am so blessed to know Him as my Lord and Saviour.

Friday, April 23, 2021

How To Differentiate Between A Soul-based Ministry And A Spirit Based Ministry.


In these days of confusion and many voices, we need the spirit of discernment to know the difference between what is spoken from the soul and what is from the Spirit. Many have trained themselves to speak well and to sell their wares like a good salesman. This kind of ministry whets the soul and appears good and convincing. However it only gives us good feelings as it ministers to our soul which includes our mind and emotions. We tend to be convinced by clever logic and a powerful display of emotions. Our soul loves such preaching because it stimulates our mind and emotions. Many are seduced by this kind of preaching and train themselves to imitate it. Scripture is quoted and sold as good and healthy but it only ministers to our soul and not to our spirit. Many ministries today tickle the ears of their hearers but their spirits are not fed.


Spirit-based ministry is revelational. Our spirit receives revelation from the Holy Spirit and this is then revealed to our mind. It has a different sound and feeling to it. Our spirit begins to warm to the messages and we become built up in our spirit. Consequently, our soul begins to  prosper as our mind is renewed and we begin to discern the difference between the soul-based and Spirit-based ministries. Sin and repentance are preached. The Cross and thBlood are preached. Dying to self and taking up your cross and following Jesus are taught.  There are no opinions or issues where one can agree to disagree. Truth is taught as absolute truth and not relative truth. There is no grey area as light is separate from darkness. The captives are set free as the demons flee and the sick are made whole, demonstrating that signs and wonders follow the Spirit-based preaching of the word.


In this world we will be faced with choices. The devil is out to compromise and dilute the message of the Cross. We would be led to believe that there is more than one way to heaven. Jesus will be accepted by many as one of several ways to God. A gospel according to the world will be motivational and sound good but lead many to hell. The devil will appear as an angel of light and many will be swayed by the new gospel. Be warned that such a broad way only leads to death and not life. It sounds and feels attractive and new but the end is not good. Discern any soul-based preaching and be led by the Spirit and do not be led away from the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Absolute Truth. Is There Such A Thing?


Absolute truth is a truth that has no alternative truth to it. It is the truth and not an opinion or fact. A fact can change with new evidence but absolute truth is without error. God is absolute truth and His Son Jesus is absolute truth (John 14:6), and therefore there is no higher truth than this. God is the beginning and the end of all things. What He says is absolute truth and so the Ten Commandments are absolute truth. Why then do we still challenge these truths and even remove them from tablets of stone? This is because absolute truth is not comfortable to man who was born in sin. Sin keeps us from knowing the truth and being set free. Consequently, it blinds us to the spiritual reality that God is our Creator.


When absolute truth is rejected then lies will abound. The devil, the god of this world, is the father of lies. His main job is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He mainly does this by sowing lies into our mind. A lot of what we believe is based on false evidence appearing as real. This is what we are sucked into through the media. The devil uses lies to make us fit in with a particular agenda of a political party or movement. We are all caught up with the opinions of man because we have rejected God and absolute truth. We would rather believe the lies than the truth. We think so-called facts are truth but they are not because some of them are based on lies. We are easily persuaded to accept the lies because we live on lies. 


We lie to each other and justify it by not wanting to hurt the other with the truth. When we build our lives on lies it is like building a house on sand. When a crisis occurs the building collapses. The high rate of suicide is a sign of this in society. Why is absolute truth so uncomfortable to hear? We hate the truth because we are spiritually blind and deaf. We are afraid to see and our blindness keeps us from the truth. The only way out of this dilemma is to repent and turn to Jesus who is the absolute truth. There is no fear in love. We can face anything when we have faced the truth. We can only do it when we have come face to face with absolute truth.

The Great Reversal: One Man's Sin Led To Death; One Man's Death Led To Life.


Wow! How is this possible? Yet this is what the good news of the Gospel is all about. Adam sinned and this led to death affecting all creation. God created all things good, but through sin all were subjected to a death sentence with eternal damnation. Jesus came as the perfect sacrifice to reverse the death sentence and grant us eternal life. This is the great reversal and those who experience this reversal continue to bring life to all around them. Where once strife, lack and destruction prevailed, now love, life and health prevailThis is the greatest news ever to be broadcast, yet few believe this and so continue on the path to death.


In the gospels, Jesus teaches us to do the opposite of what we naturally would do: for example, to turn the other cheek, to give the extra coat and to love those who curse us. Grace replaced law and now grace abounds so that many can come into His salvation. What manner of love is this that a man would lay down his life for another. Only the love of God can do this. Now is the time to implement this great love as we reverse the order of sin by love. Love came into the world to save the world from sin. In these last days it is the love of God that will sweep the world and reverse the hatred and coldness of the heart.


God's end time message is clear. He wants to gather as many as would come into His arms of love. Love will never give up and thus God pursues us until the end, presenting Christ as His answer to the sin problem. Now we can receive His salvation and be set free from the law of sin and death and enjoy life. Come to the river of life and be set free from death and inherit eternal life in Him. I am so thankful He called me to taste His life.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What Does It Mean To Carry Your Own Cross?


Jesus said that anyone who wants to follow Him must carry his own cross and follow Him. What does this mean? Carrying your own cross is another way of saying you need to die to self. Jesus carried His cross when He walked on earth. The crucifixion was the end of His carrying the cross all His life. Carrying the cross means we must die to our own self will and surrender to His will. This is a daily death to self and not a one time happening. We are to identify with Christ's death on the Cross and also His resurrection. There is no resurrection without death.


Carrying our cross is a hard requirement. Dying to self is not easy as the flesh controls all our thoughts, feelings and will. This is to do with our soul life. Our soul dictates how we live our life here on earth. However when we deny it its right then we are able to live by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit in us will help us live a crucified life. All we need to do is surrender to Him. This appears to be hard work but really is not. It is a work of faith. When we walk in the Spirit we deny the flesh its way and its control over us, and moreover the demonic realm cannot influence us. Also the world will have no effect on us. The more we walk in the Spirit the more we will be able to subdue our flesh.


God created us as spirit being because He is Spirit. He formed us from the earth and breathed His Spirit into us. Now we can choose to walk according to His Spirit or according to the demands of our flesh. We have to make this a daily choice. Many have started well but then get distracted and fall away. We are in enemy territory and our war is in the spirit realm. We need to fight with spiritual weapons not earthly weapons. God has equipped us with all we need to wage this warfare. His Spirit helps us when we are helpless. Let us today take up our cross and follow Jesus.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

All The Gifts And Fruits Of The Spirit Are Received The Same Way You Were Born Again


Amazing as it is, it is true that we receive all things from God by faith. Anyone who comes to the Lord must believe that He is. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith demands that we believe He is who He says He is. This is where many fail to enter into the promises of God. We want to see the evidence of our faith before we believe. We must first believe before we see. The evidence will come forth as we walk by faith and not by sight. As humans we refuse to believe what we do not see. This is to walk by sight or with our natural eyes. The person with eyes of faith believes and steps out in faith and receives.


Many live a deficient Christian life and get into a religious lifestyle. They are happy to follow the rules and rituals rather than believe. Religion is a set of rules that they follow. No belief is required. They do things as a routine and are bound by these rules. Religion can be a trap. This is to live by the law which results in death. In the Spirit a different law operates, which is the law of the Spirit. This results in life and that more abundantly. To live by the Spirit is to trust God at His word and not doubt. When God says He will give us His Spirit this is exactly what He means. The 120 disciples waited in the upper room and received the promised infilling of His Spirit. 


We receive all the gifts and fruit of the Spirit by faith, just as we came to know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour by faith. So also we receive all He has for us by faith. When we ask for the gifts we will receive whatever we ask for . When we ask for more love we will receive supernatural love. Many of us start our Christian walk by faith but then operate in the flesh by following rules. This is fleshly and does not please God. In the Spirit we can overcome the flesh and not walk in fleshly ways. God is calling for a generation of people who will walk by faith. The children of Israel walked by faith in the desert and God fed and watered them for 40 years with heavenly manna and water. Today He is calling us to also walk by faith.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

It Is Not What Man Says But What God Says That Matters


God created man for His pleasure. However through the Fall man lost his fellowship with God. Man now orders His world the way he feels like it. This means that man decides how he wants to live in this world. Sin has tarnished every aspect of our lives. We are now fallen beings in a fallen world. This is the Biblical position and those who believe that the Bible is the word of God stand on this. Fallen man however rejects God's word as mythology and so decides to do what he thinks is right. This then causes the moral drift that leads to all kinds of disorder in society.


God has made a way of escape from this chaotic and confused situation. He provided an answer for the fall of man into sin. His answer is Jesus who came to pay the price for our sin by dying as a sacrifice on the Cross. Now we can choose to avail ourselves of His answer or reject it. Most people are blind to sin and therefore it takes a spiritual intervention for our spiritual eyes to be opened. This is called the born-again experience. When our eyes are opened we see sin for what it is. This is why a spiritual man cannot be judged by a worldly person. It is as if we are from two different worlds. No amount of discussion can remove the blindness. 


It is time now for Christians to pray that the spiritual blindness that affects the world be removed. Satan who is the god of this world wants to keep us blind and bound. God wants to liberate us and give us abundant life. We can live the heavenly abundant life now. This is possible for anyone who will call on the only Name under heaven by which they can be saved. Jesus saves and He is the only way the spiritually blind can see. Once we see then many things we thought were right are wrong. Truth replaces lies and we will stand for truth. The Holy Spirit will help us see the truth and His word will confirm it. This is the only way we can be free to be who we were created to be. This spiritual sight is available to all who will repent and turn to Jesus to save them.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Your Thoughts Framed By The Word Of God Has Power To Move Mountains.


Your thoughts are powerful to bring about change. God's thoughts can transform lives and situations. Man's thoughts are natural. God's thoughts are supernatural. The Word of God is supernatural. The Word and the Spirit are as one. God's Spirit dwells in His word. Jesus is the living Word of God. The Bible is the written word of God. When we believe this then His word becomes alive to produce fruit. Fruit is the manifestation of life. Where there is no life there is no fruit. Many read His Word but don't believe it. This is to read it as a letter and not as the living word of God. This is the difference between the religious and the faithful. 


Now imagine what power is released when the word of God frames your thoughts. God's word will begin to transform you from within. This transformation will affect your perception of things outside you. It will affect your relationships and your destiny. Once you walked according to the law of the world. Now you walk according to His word and His Spirit. This is an about turn from the path leading to hell to a path leading to heaven. Heaven is now your destiny. His word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. His word is the lamp but it is darkened to those who are blind. Those who see can walk in the path wherever it leads.


The word of God spoken by faith can move mountains. This is the key to victory. Speaking the word of God is to speak His will into being. If my mountain is sickness then I can speak His word of healing and see my healing manifested. If my mountain is poverty then I can speak to that mountain with God's word of prosperity and cancel the curse of poverty. God's word is His perfect will. Therefore when I speak His word it will manifest the fruit. Jesus spoke and the lame man walked. His word had power because He did the perfect will of God. Now we can do the same in Jesus’ Name.

Friday, April 09, 2021

Keeping Confidences Is Related To A Selfless Life


Relationships are built on trust. Trust means we keep what is shared in confidence to our self. Moreover, we don't gossip about others. We can be trusted with what is shared with us by another. This is what is lacking in the world today. Many people don’t trust the words of anotherMuch communication is distorted and like Chinese whispers secrets are shared and distorted. Lies abound in the fake news and no one knows what is the truth anymore. This only breeds insecurity and a lack of faith in others. What is the remedy for this fake state of affairs? 


Trust in God is the remedy for a world that revolves around lies. God is our Father and when we trust Him we are able to be honest with each other. Satan is the father of lies, but God is the Father of truth. We are able to be vulnerable with each other when we operate from a platform of trust. When we trust God to be the judge then we are not involved in the game of one-upmanship, and furthermore we seek to serve and not to lord it over others. How much the world needs to see this in the church. Yet the church mimics the world rather than the other way round.


God is calling for a body of believers who will forsake all and trust in Him. He died for the whole world, which includes you and me. What manner of love is this, that a man will lay down his life for another? Yet God knew this was the only way to prove His love for us. Today, turn to Him, let go of your insecurity, and trust in Him. He will help you to turn from your wicked ways and walk with Him. I choose to follow Him and to trust Him with everything. I can keep confidences and build trust with my fellow brethren and prove to the world that unity is possible for those who seek it.