Sunday, November 28, 2021

What Is Eternal Life? Eternal Life Is Jesus

Eternal Life

Jesus said He who believes in me will never die and have eternal life. This is a profound promise that few understand the immense value of it. Many think that eternal life means that we will live forever. This is true but only applies after we die. However Jesus promised eternal life now and not just after we die. The difference is that if we only have eternal life after we die then we don't have that life now. Jesus said we would have eternal life now not after we die. He was talking about our spirit. Our spirit was dead but now is alive in Him. When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we receive eternal life now.

Holy Spirit

Eternal life is the life of Jesus in us. He comes to dwell in our spirit by His Holy Spirit. Our spirit will never die and will live on after our body dies. We will all die one day and that is a fact. However all of us can live forever in the spirit and never die. This is what Jesus promised to all who will receive Him. Come to the river of life and receive His life. His life is abundant and whatever your circumstance, you will never live in lack. Once we grasp this revelation then we will live life like heaven on earth. This is the abundant life Jesus promised us who believe in Him.

Choose Eternal Life Now

Jesus came to restore us to our original design before the Fall in the garden of Eden. This was planned before He created man in His image. He knew He had to come as a man and die. This is the path He made for us to follow. He created us and now He has restored us because He knew we would fall. He took the responsibility for our sin upon Himself. This is our God who has a solution for every situation and problem. Now He lives His life through us. We are seated in heavenly places with Him now. Why wait till we die when we can enjoy eternal life now?

Friday, November 19, 2021

Intuition Is A Gift Of The Spirit


Intuition is a inner knowing that we all have because we were made in the image of God. Most of us ignore this knowing and switch to our mental realm and decide accordingly. Once we are awakened to the spirit realm then we become more conscious of this inner knowing. We will begin to listen more to the inner voice in us guiding and leading us. This is to be led by the Spirit and to walk in the Spirit. I have found this leading to be so helpful in my daily life. It develops an intimacy with the Holy Spirit who wants to lead us and guide us. Listen to your inner voice and see how being led is a more joyful life.


God has given us various gifts. These gifts are to help us to face the challenges we are faced with. We need to develop these gifts as we put into practice the gifting. If it is a gift in healing then we must pray for healing till we see more results. The operation of the gifts lead to manifestation. We must actively seek to apply the gifts just as a child learns to ride a bike. If the child gives up because of the falls, he will never learn to ride the bike. So also in our gifts we need to apply them to see the manifestation of the gift.


Today let us ask God to reveal the gifts He has given to us and be active in applying them. God has a design and plan for each of us. We are unique in His plan and only we can fulfil His plan for us. It won't happen if we sit back and do nothing. His call is to do as He leads and be His representative on earth. This is how we establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Our prayers will be answered as we do this in Jesus Name.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Alignment, Assignment, Consignment And Procurement


We need to be aligned with the Holy Spirit to know the mind of God. God is Spirit and He communicates with our spirit. Many are not aligned with the Holy Spirit because they are not born again. Only those who are called are able to be aligned with God. There are many who are born again yet walk according to the flesh. This is non alignment with the Holy Spirit. There are many who call themselves Christians but do not believe. It is only believers who are able to be aligned with the Holy Spirit and do much for the Kingdom of God. Sadly the church at large is not in alignment and therefore is saltless and tasteless.


Once we are aligned with the Holy Spirit then we are able to know our assignment. Each one of us has an assignment from God to fulfil His Kingdom purpose. Just like a government has many roles for people to play so also the Kingdom of God has many roles for us to partake in. His Kingdom is like a government with many departments. We all have roles to fulfil to enable His Kingdom to be established on earth as it is in heaven. It is only when we catch this vision will we be able to fulfil our mission. Know your assignment and then fulfil your role.


Each assignment has a consignment. A consignment is a job to be filled. Just as goods are delivered to fulfil a certain need so also a consignment fulfils a need. It could be food or material for construction. Consignments are necessary to fulfil needs.  God has already dispatched consignments to be filled on earth. We have to be ready to dispatch our forces on earth to complete the consignment. Medical supplies and building materials are examples of consignments. We each need to do our part in building God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


Once we complete our consignment we procure the necessary task to complete the assignment. In this way all needs are met. Many are in lack because parts of the body have not taken up their assignment. Many suffer because of this. However God will assign the task to another if one fails to do their part. God is in control and He knows those who will heed His call in this hour. Much are the needs around us but few heed His call. This is not a task for the weak and unbelieving but for the strong and able. Let us today do our part and stand in the gap and pray and do His will.

Friday, November 12, 2021

It Is Impossible To Believe With Your Mind


Believe is a verb and it means to be actively engaged in something or someone. We many times confuse what we believe in our mind with what is of the Spirit. This confusion arises because we misunderstand that God is Spirit and He speaks to our spirit. We want to understand everything we believe in and in this process stop believing. Faith is a matter of the heart not of the head. We must first believe before we gain understanding. Most of us want to understand before we believe. This then becomes confusing because what we understand with our finite thinking is nothing compared to God's mind. We need to believe in our heart before we receive revelation of what we believe.


Jesus always addressed matters to do with our heart. He used parables and illustrations to help us understand the things of the Spirit. He knew we were unable to understand because we would interpret everything He taught in physical or material terms. Once we understand that we need to believe and not doubt His words than a whole new world will open up before us. This is the world of the Spirit. Now things become revealed to us which before we did not see. It is as if once we were blind but now we see. This is the 'aha' experience. Suddenly we know what we once did not know. It is a deep knowing that transforms us from a unbeliever to a believer.


Many call themselves believers but believe with their mind and not with their heart. This is why we have many unbelieving believers. We say we believe but really don't. We have been taught what to believe but this is like intellectual knowledge. The knowledge of the heart is deeper and intimate and transforms lives. This is why one can read the word of God but never be changed. Heart belief leads to an experience that changes our thinking and our minds are renewed. We must believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord and confess with our mouth that He is risen from the dead to be saved. Romans 10:9.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Do You Have Power Over Sin? If Not, Why Not?

Sin is real and we see the evidence of it all around us. Pride entered the devil and ever since his fall we too have been tarnished by the same brush. We want to go our own way and reject God's way. We think we are made like gods and therefore can behave like God. This power still assails us even after we have been born again in the spirit. In this world we are tempted by many negative forces that work against our spirit. This battle is mainly in our minds when we have to choose whom we will follow. The Spirit or our flesh. The flesh is against the Spirit. We have to make this choice daily in our lives.

Way Of Escape

God has given us a way of escape. He has put His own Spirit within our renewed spirit. He has given us the power over sin. The power of the Spirit can overcome the power of sin. Jesus did this on the Cross and cancelled the power of sin. Once we were helpless and bound by sin. Now through identification with Christ's death on the Cross we are free from its grasp. However God has given us a will and we have the power of choice. We can choose to follow His Spirit or do our own thing. 


The temptation to do our own thing is how sin lures us to sin. The enemy aids our flesh and so together try and overcome us to sin. However the Holy Spirit is able to help us in our weakness. The more we follow the Holy Spirit the less we will succumb to the temptations of the flesh. We have to cancel all legal rights the enemy may have over us. We have to repent of all sin and forgive all who have sinned against us. In this way we don't give the enemy a foothold to attack us. This is possible and daily I am experiencing the victory I have over sin and the devil. We are at war with the devil and the flesh and this will not stop till we go home to glory. Be bold and never give up the fight to keep the devil out.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Repent, Recover, Restore And Release

Repent is a word that is used in the Bible to turn around from the direction one is going. It is a powerful word that John the Baptist used when he called the people to turn around from their sins and turn to God. This word is still powerful today to stop us from going the way of the world and to turn to God. God always listens to the one who repents. There is no other powerful word to signify a change of heart. I repent and turn to God to save me. This is the only way to recover what we have lost. We continue to sin in thought , word or deed. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. When we repent of them we turn away from their power and God cleanses us from all sin.


Once we have repented we can now recover what we have lost. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. We recover what he has stolen from us. It maybe finances or relationships that we have lost. Recovery includes all areas where we have been robbed. 


God will restore to us seven fold what we have lost. He is a generous God and He is able to restore what we have lost and more. This restoration process enables us to move on with our lives. He restores the broken places of our lives. It is like rebuilding what was destroyed. Now we have a new place to start again and build and move forward. This will then release us to a new walk with God.


We are released from our bondages. Our burdens are lifted and we feel free to be. This is the promise to those who repent. Repentance is key to release in all areas of our life. Sin keeps us stuck and burdened. Repentance releases us from our chains so we can walk free. This is the salvation we need in our body and our soul. Our soul is being redeemed and the effects will be experienced in our body. The Spirit of God in us will do the work of leading and guiding us out of our prison into His glory.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Pray In The Spirit. Receive In The Spirit. It Is Done. Period.

 God is Spirit and He communicates with our spirit. However most of us don't operate in the spirit realm because we are led by our own thoughts and feelings. We are more confident to reason and think in our own thoughts and feelings and therefore have not been trained in operating in the spirit. When revelation comes we begin to see the difference between operating in our soul and operating in our spirit. This revelation then leads us to spend more time in the spirit. This shift occurs when we realize that God is Spirit and we need to operate by faith and not by reason. In the spirit we begin to intuit the Father's heart and will. We realize that sometimes God's will is in conflict with our will.

Our Spirit

In the spirit we operate by faith because this is the substance of things not seen. Faith believes before it sees. It sees in the spirit what the Father desires and then moves out in faith to do His will. Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. We too must see in the spirit and then do what we see. This is a complete shift from the way we used to do things. This dimension of working in the spirit will bring us to new understanding of the things of God. It appears like a foreign language to the mind of man. However we have to make this shift to move in revelation.


God desires to bless us and not to fault us. He is not a hard task master who is waiting to trip us up. He is a loving Father who wants the best for us. We need to operate in the spirit and we will be transformed in our soul and even our body will respond to this new walk. The Bible teaches us to be filled in the Spirit and to walk by the Spirit. Very few of us do this because this appears to go against reason. God gives a vision which appears impossible yet possible because God gave it. Many will be against the vision but we must stay focused on what is revealed and stay the course. One day the vision will be realized as God is the author. Today let us walk by the Spirit and enjoy the abundant life God promised.