Saturday, July 13, 2024

Holy Spirit Communicates With Our Spirit To Manifest On Earth

We are spirit beings living in a body. Our soul resides in our body and determines how we feel and think and do. Our will is part of our soul. Many confuse the soul and the spirit. The Bible clearly teaches that we are a trinity of spirit, soul, and body 1 Thessalonians 5:25. However the church mainly ministers to our soul through compromise and poor teaching. This needs to be clarified for the church to operate in the spirit rather than from the soul. Many feel deprived because their spirit is not being fed. Rather they are given a diet of soul food through music and positive messages to build up our soul. We therefore do not expect the supernatural in our gatherings. We are no different from a social club that meets to fellowship and do some good works.

Holy Spirit

In the Holy Spirit, we can return to our first love. We were born again of the Holy Spirit. Now we need to be filled in Him and walk by the Holy Spirit. Most Christians are happy with their position in Christ but lack a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus who was sent to help us in our daily walk. How can we walk if we do not talk with Him? Many times we are confused because we do not communicate Spirit to spirit. Our soul cannot understand the things of the Holy Spirit. We need to communicate Spirit to spirit to discern what God is saying and then our minds will be transformed to comprehend the things of the Holy Spirit.


I realized this when I received the revelation that I need to communicate through my spirit with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer but He feels ignored because we continue to operate through our soul man. Our soul is fallen and needs to be redeemed. Only our spirit has been redeemed through the born again experience. When we come to this place of revelation we begin to operate in the Holy Spirit to manifest His gifts and His fruits. This is how God manifests Himself through us. Now Our prayers are through His Spirit to Him who is Spirit. There is no hindrance and we receive the answers to our prayers through His Spirit. This is what is called manifestation. Let us push forth in the Holy Spirit to see Him manifest himself in our midst and see heaven established on earth.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Aligning Your Thoughts To His Word Leads To Transformation Into His Image

God's word in Romans 12:1 exhorts us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This transformation is through the work of His Holy Spirit in us who reveals His mind to us. This is what is called revelation. We can read His word but not have a revelation. Revelation leads to transformation. We get something from heaven transferred to us. There is no limit to this transformation. God is Spirit and He works through His spirit on our spirit. Our mind then gets enlightened like a light bulb moment. We suddenly see what we did not see before. We might have read a certain scripture verse a hundred times but till we received revelation that word was just a word. When Jesus spoke, He spoke life into dead bones. His word when spoken by faith can produce life in dead situations.

Power Of His Word

The power of His word is endless. We can speak to our sickness and transformation occurs. The Holy Spirit works through His word which mixed with faith produces life. When we saturate ourselves with His word and His Spirit we too can talk and walk like Jesus. His now word is what brings forth fruit. The word without the Holy Spirit is a dead word. It does not inspire and is fruitless. 


Today let us be inspired by his word and do the works of God. When we pray let us pray through our spirit to God who is spirit. Many prayers don't get higher than the ceiling because they are said from our heads and not from our hearts. We need to connect with God through our spirit and with his truth. We can expect God to answer our prayers because He has ordained it this way. We have authority on earth to ask and to receive. So let us be transformed by His word and be the light to the world.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Operating In Holy Spirit Mode

Operating in Holy Spirit mode is a process that many are unaware of. Naturally, we operate in flesh mode. This is to operate in our mind rather than our spirit. We are made body, soul, and spirit. Till we are born again in the spirit we are blind to the spirit or as the Bible says we are dead in the spirit. Through the born-again experience, our spirit is born again. This means that our spirit was cut off from God before this experience. God says that He will give us a new heart. This is similar to the parable of new wineskins to store new wine. 

Baptism in The Holy Spirit

Now we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit which is also called the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is a separate experience from the born-again experience. Some may be born again and be baptized in the Holy Spirit at the same time. God decides this but it is also dependent on correct teaching. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to enable the power of God to help us in our walk. Most Christians are satisfied in knowing the word of God but not His power. This means that they are still walking in the flesh rather than the Spirit. This is where we see many conflicts in the church because some are walking in the Spirit while others are walking in the flesh. In the Spirit, there will be unity. 

Walking in the Holy Spirit

Walking in the Holy Spirit is a process. We start in baby steps and progress to walking, running and some may even fly in the Spirit. Paul talks about beginning in the Spirit and then walking in the flesh. This happens so easily as our default position is to walk in the flesh. God is calling us to be hot for Him. We cannot get slack in our walk. We must be on fire all the time as our enemy will try to get us walking in the flesh. Today determine to operate in Spirit mode and be victorious.

Friday, May 03, 2024

Operating In Holy Spirit Mode Is The Way To Overcome The Flesh

Most of us struggle in the flesh to please God. However, this is not the way God intended. When God gave us a new heart and put His Holy Spirit within us, He gave us the power to live a life pleasing to Him. Many of us started this way but then retreated to our default position. Our default position is to walk according to our flesh. We therefore slip back to walking our Christian life in the flesh rather than the Spirit. This is what the Bible calls double-mindedness. God has called us to be filled in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit.


The flesh needs to be reckoned dead but as long as we live in our body we will be faced with its desires. Our desires are selfish and so drive us to see our world through those desires. The desires to be famous, rich, self-centered, and all other fallen desires. These need to be reckoned dead on the Cross. This is the only way of salvation we have to overcome our fleshly desires. Jesus did it for us on the Cross. Now we can avail of His victory by faith in His finished work on the Cross.


Living now in the knowledge that His Spirit in us empowers us to overcome the flesh is the key to victory. This is a journey we all have to go through till we come to the place where we are completely free from the longings of our flesh. Few of us will attain this standard in this life. Many will struggle to the end because of double-mindedness. We have the way of escape but have to choose His way always. He has made it easy for us but we must say Yes to His way. There is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

There Is No Money In Heaven

Money is the currency on earth. In heaven there is no money. The only currency in heaven is love. Money is required on earth for it is what makes the world go round. What we see on earth is how money controls everything. The devil uses money to promote his plans. Everything on earth is driven by money. Where there is a lack of money provision is limited. We need money to buy and sell things. This is the currency on earth. We need to earn money to buy and sell things. Many are crippled because they lack money. Imagine what can be achieved in the hands of one who has money. This is why the world systems are based on money transactions. There is power in the hands of those who have money.


The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). This means that money is not evil in itself. Money is neutral in moral value but the hands that use it can be good or evil. Money can be used for good or evil. Sadly we see the use of money in both ways on earth. The devil uses money to achieve his ends by stealing, killing, and destroying. God uses money to build and restore. We need money to build God's Kingdom on earth. The church, however, has compromised and uses worldly ways to earn money. The share market is one example of how money controls the world. The evil agendas of men are controlled by money. Big companies monopolize the markets and control the population. In every area of society, those who have money speak the loudest.


How can God's people use money to build His Kingdom? God's people can create skills and jobs to promote God's agenda on earth. Money will flow from evil hands to God's hands as products are delivered to meet needs. This is how we tap into money in the hands of the wicked. We see how the wicked now pay for God's services. In this way, we overturn the kingdoms of the world into God's kingdom. We need to be wise and strategic in our plans and God will guide us and lead us. This is the only way we can win the hearts of the people to turn from their wicked ways to God's ways. God is with us and the devil has no control where God is given control. Let us work to build His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Spiritual Warfare Can Only Be Won From Habitation

God has called us to enter into the holy of holies. The curtain was torn and there is no more separation of the people from the inner sanctum which was reserved only for the high priest. Now through Jesus, we have entrance into the most intimate place with Father God. This was the plan from the beginning but few choose to enter into this place. This is the place of victory for us on earth. This is illustrated clearly in Psalm 91.


In Goshen, Exodus 33, the people were protected from all the calamities and diseases that the Egyptians were afflicted with. Similarly, we can enter into spiritual Goshen and be protected. This means that we can enter into habitation with God. Most people are happy with revelations and visitations. These are temporary experiences. Now God is calling the remnant to enter into habitation. He does not just want to visit us. He wants to be an abiding presence with us. This requires complete surrender to Him and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit.


I have walked through my life through revelation and had many visitations. I was always looking forward to the next meeting, a revelation to experience His presence. God has brought me to the place where I know the only safe place to be, is in His presence, in habitation. There is no other safe place for a believer. The spiritual warfare that we face daily can only be won from our position in habitation. We face so many struggles in the flesh, that it is so easy to give up and settle for less. God wants us to be on fire all the time. All we need to do is surrender all. When we say Yes to God He comes in and helps us in our weakness. He has the solution for every challenge we face daily. He will win through for us when we give Him first place.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Case Is Closed


Guilt Free

The case is closed. Romans 8:1. What a powerful statement! No one condemns you now for you have been freed from any judgment from your past sins. This is what Christ did on the Cross 2000 years ago. However, many who are born again still continue to walk in condemnation. Why is this so? This is so because we have failed to believe that Christ has set us free from our past. We continue to carry our burdens as if they have not been carried on the Cross. We live in the reality of our scarred conscience and not in the light of our born-again spirit. Our spirit has been redeemed but our soul is being redeemed. We therefore confuse our spirit with our soul and think they are the same thing.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 clearly states that we are spirit, soul, and body. Our spirit and soul live in our body. Our soul and body are still prone to sin. We therefore are not free in soul and body which are under the influence of the devil, world, and self. Our ego continues to want to do its own thing. It has a free will and so can choose right from wrong. When we sin in the flesh we reap the consequences of our sin. We are not totally free from sin because of our fallen state and we live in a broken world. The god of this world is satan and he still operates to steal, kill, and destroy.

We need to be transformed in our souls to be totally free from this world and its hold on us. Our born-again spirit is able to do so as we walk in tandem with the Holy Spirit who lives in us. There is no easy way but through death to self and walking in obedience. The Holy Spirit in us will empower us to overcome every addiction and weakness of the flesh. This is the Good news of the Gospel. There are no limitations in the redeemed spirit. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ in the spirit. This is the reality that we need to grasp to overcome and be transformed.