Sunday, June 09, 2024

Aligning Your Thoughts To His Word Leads To Transformation Into His Image

God's word in Romans 12:1 exhorts us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This transformation is through the work of His Holy Spirit in us who reveals His mind to us. This is what is called revelation. We can read His word but not have a revelation. Revelation leads to transformation. We get something from heaven transferred to us. There is no limit to this transformation. God is Spirit and He works through His spirit on our spirit. Our mind then gets enlightened like a light bulb moment. We suddenly see what we did not see before. We might have read a certain scripture verse a hundred times but till we received revelation that word was just a word. When Jesus spoke, He spoke life into dead bones. His word when spoken by faith can produce life in dead situations.

Power Of His Word

The power of His word is endless. We can speak to our sickness and transformation occurs. The Holy Spirit works through His word which mixed with faith produces life. When we saturate ourselves with His word and His Spirit we too can talk and walk like Jesus. His now word is what brings forth fruit. The word without the Holy Spirit is a dead word. It does not inspire and is fruitless. 


Today let us be inspired by his word and do the works of God. When we pray let us pray through our spirit to God who is spirit. Many prayers don't get higher than the ceiling because they are said from our heads and not from our hearts. We need to connect with God through our spirit and with his truth. We can expect God to answer our prayers because He has ordained it this way. We have authority on earth to ask and to receive. So let us be transformed by His word and be the light to the world.

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