Sunday, December 31, 2006


31/12/06 Beliefs determine your destiny

The Lord is good and His mercies are great. He is merciful to those who are merciful. He is gracious and His love is everlasting. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. His Name is Wonderful, Counsellor the Prince of Peace. In Him all things are contained. He is God and there is no one like Him. Many are the pursuits and opinions of man but the Lord is faithful and He never changes. There are spirits that confuse and distort the truth. Beware of the persuasions of man that lead men astray. Bind yourself to the One who is eternal and who is able to give you eternal life. Yes evil has to be resisted otherwise it will take over the good. There is no way of overcoming evil then by resisting it both within and without. The grace of God will enable you to do this. Compromise is of the world and not of the Kingdom of God. God’s call is clear that He wants a people who are separate, a people in the world but not of the world. Your beliefs will determine your destiny. Many are crippled by their beliefs. Only Jesus can set them free from beliefs that imprison rather then liberate.

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