Monday, September 03, 2007


3/9/07 HABITS

Habits are like patterns that follow a set trail and is automatic. Behaviours are also habitual. These habitual behaviours then become part of one’s normal routine operation. This then becomes a normal neural pattern in the brain. The brain executes this pattern and this becomes a part of your character. This then dictates how you lead your life. Such patterns can be changed as new patterns are executed. Like routines can be changed so also patterns. Change is difficult but once the pattern is set it becomes easy. All of life is to do with how we behave. We can be friendly or difficult. Both are patterns, one based on love and the other on fear. By faith the fear based behaviours can be changed to love based behaviours. A change of heart will result in new behaviours being established. Therefore much of what you see as behaviours are just a exhibition of fear based or love based patterns. Medication is not the answer to this. Habits can only be changed through a change of heart. Behaviours can be controlled but real change comes through a heart change. Jesus came to give us a new heart and then put His Spirit in it to enable us to live a new life based on love. His love changes us and we become new creatures. However we trust our old familiar patterns and resist the change into the new. Change is threatening as it moves away from deep held beliefs that have been ingrained in us through generations. Departing from this familial pattern is like betrayal of the family. True conversion is like that. It is following a new pattern. The old is gone and the new has come. This takes time but God is able. Therefore trust Him to help you change as you allow Him to change you by the renewal of your Him

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