Friday, May 03, 2013


Most of the battles we face daily can be reduced to ego battles. Our individual ego is challenged by another and this sets of a stream of defensive behaviours that serve to keep us from losing face. The ego is our only defence against attack. Once the ego is reduced to nothing we are less then a person. Yet Christ said that we need to die to our ego if we want to follow Him. What He was saying is that we need to trust Him and not ourselves. He will defend us in our daily battles. This does not mean being a door mat for others to walk all over us. What He means is that He will give us the wisdom to know how to respond and not attack or withdraw in defence. This means that when we choose to follow Him that we trust His Spirit to give us the answer in each situation. I may want to respond in anger but I will choose to be quiet or say in response what will calm the waters. On the other hand we may also be enabled to say what is right. Jesus never backed down when He was confronted with sinful behaviour. He confronted this and for this He was crucified. He called the Pharisees white washed sepulchres. He accused the Jews of idolatry and they wanted to stone Him. He did not do this for His sake but He did what He saw His Father doing. I too need to do what I see the Father doing and not give in to the fears and desires of my ego or flesh.

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