Sunday, June 23, 2013


Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness. He is Abba Father. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in Him with all your heart. It is with the heart a man believes and is saved. The chart is where the spirit dwells. It is from the heart that all things emerge. It is the heart that needs to be changed. Heart change leads to head change and not the other way round. Head change helps but is limited because it is limited to the head level. There are many levels of change. The body is one level and the soul another and the spirit the third level. Just like the outer court, the inner court and the holy of holies. True communion with God occurs at the heart level. True worship is in spirit and in truth. The gifts and fruits of the Spirit arise from the heart level. This is why you cannot put on a face for long if it is not from a heart level. A crisis usually reveals what level you operate from. True saints will be tested and the testing is to enable you to trust God deeper. Jesus spent time in prayer to draw strength from His Father to combat the devil. Today worship God from the heart level and see the change in you.

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