Saturday, August 03, 2013


Prayer is like breathing. If you stop breathing you are dead. If you stop praying, you are dead spiritually. When you pray you are in communion with the Father and He communicates with you and spiritual resources are available to you. You were born a spiritual being and without the breath of God you are just existing and not living. A living being breathes. Breathe on me breath of God till I am wholly thine. The Spirit is like breath. You breathe in the Spirit. How can we live without praying? Praying is not just asking for things. It is a relationship with the Father. It is to be in fellowship with the One who created you. God has established prayer as a means of resourcing and doing His will on earth as it is in heaven. Without His resources we cannot build His Kingdom. His Kingdom is not of this world. He is building a spiritual Kingdom where He is King. His disciples on earth build His Kingdom on earth by praying and sharing His life. Man builds a replica of God's Kingdom. His Kingdom is unseen and therefore it is only when we begin to walk in the unseen world that we truly see His Kingdom. The church maybe dying but His church is growing. So do not judge His church by external standards. He knows those who are His and they know Him. Therefore praise God at all times for the unseen Kingdom of God.

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