Saturday, December 27, 2014


God has chosen you to live life in His Spirit. This is an abundant life available to all who will separate themselves to be possessed by Him. There is no division in Him. He is all or nothing. Separation from the world and attachment to Him is the only way to live an abundant life. This world and all it's cares will pass away. The destruction that you see around you is the work of the devil. You can judge what is of God and what is of the devil by the simple test of love. Love serves, gives and forgives. The devil takes, uses and abuses. The destructive forces in this world only show who is the god of the world. You belong to the Kingdom of heaven and not of earth. God is God of the whole world but He has given man authority to rule on earth. Man has chosen to follow the god of this world by serving his selfish ways then to serve God. However there is a remnant that serves God. These are the chosen ones who light the world of darkness. These are the ones separated unto God to serve Him. He is coming soon and the world does not know Him. Go and save those who are lost. You don't know who is in and who is out. Only God knows this. You are called to share His Good news and draw those caught up in the devil's web and rescue then from hell.

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