Saturday, May 09, 2015


God is in control and God's people have to fix their eyes on Jesus and not worldly news. When we fix our eyes on Jesus than He will enable us to see with His eyes and hear with His ears. He will work through your natural senses and so don't be confused. His thoughts and pictures flow through you and bypasses your mind. You think with His mind and feel with His heart. Your feelings will not dominate you but His thoughts and feelings will dictate your walk. Many think they know but it is only when they have entered into His mind and heart that they will really hear and see. The difference is that one is through our own thinking and feeling and the other through His. You will know the difference once you have experienced Him. Come now and be filled in His Spirit and see the difference. Your delight will be in the Lord and soon you will be smiling because you know He is in control of all things. The devil is a deceiver and will sow doubts into your mind but God is Truth and He will never leave you or forsake you. Just keep your eyes on Him and never stray from this position. He is in control of your past and future so let go all to Him. Live in the now and experience His abundance now.

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