Sunday, March 20, 2016


God created all things. He is the Creator and we are His creation. Medical science has found answers to creating new life. Is this ethically sound? If man can create life why need God. Man has the same ability as God because man was created in His image. This potential has problems because it puts man on the same level as God. When boundaries are transgressed problems become insoluble. Boundaries are there to keep creation in order. This order when transgressed will result in disorder. The disorder will have consequences that will affect generations to come. Meddling with creation is like transgressing boundaries. IVF is an example of man's attempt to play God. This is not a natural method but because it works it is acceptable. It has brought happiness to many infertile couples. Yet some solutions are not ethically sound. Like a slow slide down a slippery slope IVF  has opened doors to many other vices. These are ignored because of the possibility of life successes. What about the losses of embryos? This is an experiment and loss is part of the equation. Success is the goal. How does God view this? God allows this. It is not His perfect will but His permissive will. God permits a lot of things but man has to face the consequences. I want God's perfect will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In this context I believe that IVF is not in God's perfect will.

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