Saturday, June 18, 2016


Governemnt is not a concept that is easily understood. To govern is to have rules and regulations to conduct life. To govern is to provide guidance as to how to conduct affairs of daily living. Good government results in good outcomes. Poor government results in chaos and poor outcomes. The proper structure of government based on biblical values of love, respect and trust will result in people feeling safe and cared for. The church is God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The church is to exemplify what true government should be like. What we see is the church following the government of the world. In the world government is hierarchical and based on power and not love. Money drives issues and this is not the way of true governance. How does one govern when money is the guiding factor in all matters. Decisions are made based on what is cheap not what is good and of value. Democracy as a form of government is seen as the best way to govern in the modern era. However democracy means also that many ill ways are accommodated because they are not based on biblical values. We pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. However this is what we pray but what we do is based on greed and power. What is based on greed and power can never last. Greed and power in the church has destroyed the church. Only servanthood based on love and trust and transparency can result in good government.

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