Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Only believe is the key to tapping into the resources in heaven. Believe is a active word. We have to activate our faith through believing. I can passively believe something but it never results in the fruit of our belief. Fruit comes through actively believing that what we believe will be. This is the earthing of our faith. This is the substance of things not seen. We have to see in the spirit to receive the things of the spirit. We cannot receive by believing with our heads. It requires a shift from our head to our heart. This means that we need to set our critical faculty aside and begin to tap into our intuition. This is the deep knowledge of knowing that is beyond thinking. We think with our head . We believe with our heart. Jesus always addressed the issues of our heart. When we believe in our heart than we bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. All we need is available as all was finished at the Cross. Our physical, mental and spiritual needs were all finished at the Cross. Now we need to access them through heart belief.Praying in tongues enables you to shift from your head to your heart. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are released to you as you walk in the spirit.

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