Thursday, December 12, 2019

Are You Operating IN The Normal Zone Or Miraculous?

We are all operating in a zone and your life is limited or unlimited depending on how you live. Jesus came to give us abundant life. This life of abundance is like how He lived when He walked on earth. He now resides in heaven having accomplished what He had to do on earth. We too can live that life because He purchased it for us on the Cross. We can choose to live like He did or operate in the limited life of natural man. He came to give us eternal life. This life has no beginning and no end. Living His life on earth is only possible in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent to help us to experience the abundant life He promised. This life cannot be bought. It has to be received by faith. You were born again when you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. The same way you are baptised in the Holy Spirit when you are filled in Him by faith. Now He is your life and He will lead you to all things new. The old has passed away.You are a new creation in Him. What a divine exchange this is.
Operating in the Holy Spirit is to operate in the miraculous. We can choose to walk according to the flesh or the Spirit. In the Spirit a whole new realm of reality is opened up to us. Jesus walked as He saw and heard what His Father was doing. We too can operate by seeng and hearing in the Spirit. This is an elevated life. No more operating in human terms but in the Spirit. Which life would you choose? God is calling us to operate in the Spirit for this is the life without burden or stress. He carries us. Choose this life today.

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