Thursday, February 06, 2020

Fear Is In Your Mind

In the garden of Eden when sin entered the human race, fear was the result of sin. Adam and Eve hid themselves from God. Ever since than Satan has used fear as a major weapon against us. Where there is fear there will be torment. When fear controls you than everything else becomes subject to it. You see the evidence of fear in every walk of life from the individual to the family to the community. Fear also dominates churches. Fear is the cause of a lot of controlling behaviours. Power battles are the basis for a lot of grief and turmoil amongst relationships. Once fear is overcome it will be replaced by peace. Lot of the peace we talk about is just a compromise. There is no peace unless fear can be overcome. The answer to fear is faith.

Jesus came to deliver us from the demon of fear. His resurrection power enables us to overcome fear through faith in His resurrection power. The Cross served a death blow to Satan and His resurrection from the dead was the final weapon. Where there is no resurrection only fear and death prevail. People can die of fear. However every weapon the devil forms against us can be overcome by faith in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.There is no other solution to fear than what was accomplished on the Cross. The first Adam succumbed to temptation. The second Adam{Jesus} reversed this curse. Now all we have to do is to receive this finished work by faith by putting our trust in Him. Tap into this power and be set free today. Every other problem or struggle can be overcome easily when fear is vanquished. His promises are yes and amen. He will never disappoint. Today is your day of salvation.

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