Sunday, September 27, 2020

Is Resurrection Power Different From Anointing In The Holy Spirit?

Jesus was anointed in the Holy Spirt when He walked on earth. He went about doing good and healing all who came to Him. He was Son of Man and Son of God. He came as man to show us the way to live as sons of God. He knew we were bound by sin and so came as the Messiah to deliver us from the power of sin. He did this by laying down His life as a sacrifice for our sin so that we may be free. He took our place and now we are free from the power of sin. He rose from the dead to confirm His redemption from sin for us. This is the Good news of the gospel. 


Now His resurrection power is available to us to live on earth like He did. We are in the flesh and we are sons of God at the same time. His resurrection power enables us to live like Him on earth as He did. We too are anointed by the same Spirit as He was. However it is more than an anointing as now we have conquered the fear of death. This is to operate in resurrection power. This resurrection power is what makes us eternal beings now. Death no more is a limitation. We live forever and this life flows through us. In the Spirit we never age and our flesh is affected by this. This is why we can live in perfect health. We don't have to live in sickness or disease. If we believe in resurrection power then we can live in this resurrection life now. 


Why then do we not see this resurrection life manifested in our lives now? We are limited only by our own thoughts. When we see Him in the spirit high and lifted up then we will be like Him. Our fallen nature still doubts and struggles with believing. Our unbelief keeps us bound. Only resurrection power can free us from this state to operate in heavenly realms. We say we are seated in heavenly places but we operate as if we are still on earth. This gap between what we say and what we believe and do needs to change. We hear many promises but we still fail to believe. Only resurrection power can deliver us from this sorry state.


Connect to the resurrection power and be set free from an earthly and carnal view of Christ’s redemptive work at Calvary. Confess your unbelief and be set free today. His resurrection power will cause you to believe and operate as a son of God. We are co-heirs with Christ. This is our inheritance. Don't let the devil rob you of your inheritance in Christ.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

In Knowing Him (Jesus) Is Resurrection Power

In Philippians 3:10, Paul says, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection". Knowing Jesus means having a personal relationship with Him. It is not just knowing about Him. Knowing Him is to have an intimate fellowship with Him. I am in Him and He is in me. This kind of experiential knowledge leads to the experience of His resurrection power. This is the key to revival with signs and wonders being manifested. There is no power that can change lives like resurrection power. This power is beyond death since it has conquered death. The fear of death keeps us from doing anything beyond safe limits. Faith, someone has said, is spelt “R-I-S-K”. To take a risk is to go beyond our natural abilities and see the possible in impossible situations. This is the realm of healings and miracles. This is the realm where the supernatural becomes natural.


Resurrection power is what Jesus operated in during His ministry. For example, He raised Lazarus from the dead, claiming to be the resurrection and the life. He also walked on water. After His resurrection, He could now also walk through walls.  His resurrection power crossed all natural boundaries. We too can operate in resurrection power since we rose with Him when we made Him Lord. Do we believe in this? He says we are seated in heavenly places with Him. How can we be seated with Him if we have not ascended with Him? When we believe this we become like Him in resurrection power on earth. This is how we can implement His will on earth as it is in heaven. 


Resurrection power is the power that can raise people from the dead. There is no other power that can raise the dead. Resurrection power can reverse illness and disease. His power is available to us today to make possible the impossible. Believe and be saved. This is the Good News of the gospel. Death has been overcome by life. Fear has been replaced by hope. This hope is not a maybe state but a reality in heaven. Now it is up to us to bring it down to earth in each situation of death we face.  Come and be energised by the resurrection power of Jesus and be made whole today.

You Were A God Thought Before You Were Created


Everything created begins with a thought. God thought of you before you were created. This thought alone must make you feel so precious and worthy. You are not just a complex of cells. You are a creation of God. You were made in His image for a purpose. God knew you even before you were created in your mother's womb. God decided a plan that only you can fulfil. Now it is up to us to know His plan and fulfil it. How is it then that most fail to know this? Many are born with gifts but use them to glorify self rather than God. This is why Jesus came to show us the way.


From the beginning God had planned for man to glorify Him. His creation however went astray and desired to be like God rather than glorify Him. The created turned to itself and lost the original intent. We were created by God for God. We now live for self. This is what sin does. It turns everything that was made for good to serve evil. So we see the results in the world we live in. Every kind of evil is the result as described in Romans 1. Without God we become like animals.


We need to come to the place where we find ourselves in God. The only way to find ourselves in Him is to repent and turn to Him. Jesus came to help us do just this by dying for us. He reversed the curse and brought us into the light. We were once in darkness but now we are in the light as He is in the light. In Him there is no darkness. Now we must walk in the light as He is in the light and thus have fellowship with Him. Now we can fulfil His will and purpose for our life. Now we can speak forth His word and create life. We were once under a curse, but now we are under a blessing as God intended.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

From Revelation To Visitation To Habitation.


God reveals His mind to His saints before He manifests His will. This is called revelation. God is Spirit and communicates to our spirit. We are spirit beings on an earthly journey. God reveals His will through His written word, which points to His living Word, Jesus. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men. God's revealed word is Jesus. Now Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and reveals His plans to us on earth. We cooperate with Him by implementing His plans in word and deed. When we speak His word angels go out to perform it. This is how the body of Christ works on earth to implement His will. 


God visits His people from time to time. Revivals are signs of His visitation. He visits to guide His people in some circumstances when He appears in person. These visitations are increasing in these last days. We hear of revival fires being lit all over the world. We hear of thousands of Muslims coming to know the Lord in Iran. We hear of millions coming to the Lord in China. He also manifests Himself in signs and wonders and through healings and miracles. The deaf hear, the blind see and captives are delivered.


God resides in the third heaven and we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Our residence in the spirit is in heaven with Jesus. This is our habitation. The more we operate from this place the more we will operate on earth as it is in heaven. In heaven there is no disease or disorder. There is only ease and order. We can experience His joy and peace and health from our position in heaven. What then limits our operating full time from this place? We limit our operation because we are distracted in the flesh. Our minds keep us bound to the earth. We are called to be heavenly minded and to separate ourselves from earthly matters. The more we become like Jesus in the flesh the more we will operate from habitation.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Old Man And The New Man In Christ.


The old man is a description of the person born in sin and dead in the spirit. There is no hope for the old man and his destination is hell. The old man is under the power of sin. Sinfulness is a condition of fallen man who has no access to God. Sin cut man off from God. In this sinful state, man, who was originally made in the image of God, tries to make a substitute for God in his own image. This is just a false god made to appease the demons that now control him. Many sacrifices are made to these images of god. Man is deluded into thinking he can obtain salvation through his works and being a good person. There is no salvation on this fallen path.


The new man is the born-again spirit of man through salvation obtained by believing in the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Man's spirit comes alive as he identifies with the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. He becomes a new creation just as Adam was in the garden of Eden. He now has access to God the Father and can commune with Him. His spirit has been redeemed but his soul is to be transformed as it is still open to sin (Rom 12:2). Sin is still operative in this fallen world till it is delivered when Jesus returns. The regenerated man therefore can be influenced by sin but sin has no power over him. This is called positional salvation. 


Now there is a process that man has to go through to be sanctified in his soul ( mind, emotions and will). This is a process of walking in the Spirit and becoming like Jesus. This process is a battle with the forces that now are opposed to the new creation. The battle is with the devil, the world and the flesh that are opposed to the spirit.  Surrendering to God and His will is the only way to stand against these forces. Many are blind to this battle. They continue in the state of positional salvation but conform with the world and are mostly not different from the world in behaviour and attitudes. There is no relationship with God and He is distant. The Holy Spirit needs to be welcomed and given first place in order for us to have a living relationship with the Father. This is known as relationship salvation. God wants a relationship with us just as Jesus did with His Father. He only did what He saw and heard His Father doing. We too are called to have a relationship with the Father.


We need to move from a positional state to a relationship. This is achieved by being filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing. Come and be revived and walk in communion with the Father for eternity.

Do You See Yourself As God Sees You?


How we see ourselves determines how we project ourselves to others. If I see myself as a victim then that is how others will see me. On the other hand if I see myself as a victor then that is how others will see me. How we see ourselves is derived from the total experiences we have had over our life time. From early childhood we have been programmed by our environment to think and see the way we are. If we were born poor or with disability then our response to these unfortunate circumstances will determine how we see ourselves. A positive outlook will help us to overcome while a negative one will keep us a victim.


God now enters the scene and we are born again by His Spirit. Our spirit has been redeemed but we still carry the characteristics of our old sinful self with us. We are being transformed by the Spirit; that is, our soul is still in the process of being sanctified. After the honeymoon period, our soul usually takes over and our spirit is given second place. We now continue to walk in the flesh although we are born again in the spirit. We have another encounter with God and our spirit is strengthened and tries to be in control. This only lasts for a little while and the soul takes over again.


This is a journey and we continue to struggle with our flesh life. We don't look different from others in the world we live in. We have many God encounters on our journey till we come to a place of total surrender to God. For some it is a life-time struggle but for others it is shorter. When the Spirit finally takes over, we rapidly become more and more like Jesus. Others will see this and marvel at the transformation they see in us. Holy Spirit is at work to help us in this process. He is preparing us for our next life in the new millennium.  Only total surrender to God will change our perception of ourselves. Come now and surrender to Him and be changed.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Parrot-Based Prayers And Power-Based Prayers.


Prayer is a form of communication between us and God. One must believe in God to pray. Many use prayer as a way of saying best wishes. However there is more to prayer than it just being a nice way of hoping for the best. God established prayer as a way to fellowship with His children. Prayer is more than asking God for things. It is essentially a means of communicating with God just as we talk with or communicate with each other. There are many forms of prayer. We pray for our needs and desires, intercede for the needs of others, praise and worship God, and engage in spiritual warfare.


 Parrot-based prayers are just repetitive prayers that are not based on a relationship. These are prayers that are based on repetition like a parrot hoping that God will get fed up and answer. Many routine prayers are religious practices and mainly satisfy the person praying that they have done their bit. There is no expectation of an answer. These prayers appear routine and meaningless. A parrot repeats the same sentence in all situations without understanding what it is saying. 


Power-based prayers on the other hand are based on a relationship with God and belief that what we ask will be done. It is like a child asking his father and trusting his father knows best. The child does not have to ask repeatedly for the same thing but waits patiently for the answer. Time is not part of the equation. Trust is. The Father knows what is best for His child and the child trusts completely in his Father. This is based on relationship and not on rote learning. Trust Father God and know that your prayers will be answered according to His will.

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

God Wants Everyone To Go To Heaven And Not To Hell


God created us and He knew us before we were knit together in our mother's womb. This means He had already planned what we were destined to be before we were born. This was the plan from the beginning. However God has given each of us a free will to choose our path. We can choose to follow Him and His plan or not. We all have a spirit just as God is a Spirit. We were born as spirit beings but are housed in a body. God came down to us in the body of Jesus. Jesus showed us the way to the Father. Also God’s ways have been known by man from the beginning. Man knows what is right and wrong. He now can choose the right from wrong. However the devil of this world tempts us to choose the wrong. God made a way of escape from the devil and sin that trips us up.


Jesus came to show us the way out of the trap of sin and the devil. He gave His life as a living sacrifice to atone for our sins. He was the sinless Lamb of God. This opened up the way for us now to enter into the throne room of God through His sacrifice on the Cross. Now we have the right to be called children of God and have fellowship with our Father in heaven. This offer is to all who call on His Name. God is no respector of persons and even the vilest sinner can come and be saved. 


God has provided the way. Now we have to choose. We can choose His way and go to heaven or reject Him and go to hell. There is only one way under heaven by which man can be saved. This way is through Jesus who is the only mediator between God and man. Choose today to go to heaven for this is God's perfect will for you. Today is the day of your salvation. Do not delay for tomorrow will not wait for you.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Which Heaven Are You Operating From?


There are three levels of heaven. Heaven is a dimension beyond the earthly dimension. Heaven is not limited by space or time. God resides in the third heaven. The devil and his demons reside in the second heaven. Angels can operate in the second heaven to war with the devil and his demons. Man has access to the second heaven but only those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, have access to the third heaven. The throne room of God the Father is in the third heaven. This is the understanding we have from the Bible. 


Man is able to access good and evil from the second heaven. Therefore many religious movements can access both good and evil from this heaven. This mixture is what causes problems. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve operated on earth as if they were in the third heaven. In the third heaven there is absolute truth. There is no evil there and therefore no questions or opinions. Truth pervades all areas of life and there is love, peace and joy. However, because of the Fall, evil invaded the earth and now we have to contend with it on earth. Most religions embrace some of the good but they have no solution for evil. Sin produces evil actions. Jesus came to be the solution for the sin problem.


Through Jesus we can now be restored to the third heaven on earth. We can enter the throne room of God and commune with Him. Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and  we are seated in heavenly places in Him (Eph 2:6). This is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read the Gospel of John where the ministry of Jesus is revealed. He came to reveal the Father and restore us who believe in Him to the Father. Now we can operate from the third heaven and overcome sin and evil from our place in heaven. What a salvation, what an inheritance.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

The Word Of God Has Power To Transform Nations


The Word of God is the power of God that was sent to transform us from being victims to being victors. Sin caused us to fall into a depraved state of being through rebellion and selfishness. God sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem mankind from our fallen state and restore us to our original state. Adam and Eve enjoyed everything that was created by God in creation. Sin polluted that creation and mankind lost the original joy and peace and thus fear and loss became our lot. God's Word came as a person to redeem us. When God's Word is received by faith it has the power to transform lives. When nation receives His Word, it is transformed leading to being healed and restored.


God's word is living and has the power to transform because Jesus rose from the dead. His written word became the living Word. And this Word when received becomes the now word to bring about change. The world is full of other words which are the product of the imaginations of man. Many have tried to replace God's word but their words are powerless. God's word is eternal and therefore has the power to give us eternal life since God is eternal. This eternal life has the power to never fade or die. When we tap into this power then all other powers will bow down to this power. The power is in the Name of Jesus.


Why have we lost our way and rejected His Word for something lesser? We wanted to do it our way. We were made in the image of God and have the ability to be like God. We chose to do it our way without God. Now is the time to turn away from our wicked ways and to turn to God. He will have mercy when we repent and turn to Him. When a nation turns to Him, He will prosper them. This is a promise. God's favour will follow those who follow Him. Choose this day whom you will serve.