Thursday, September 10, 2020

Parrot-Based Prayers And Power-Based Prayers.


Prayer is a form of communication between us and God. One must believe in God to pray. Many use prayer as a way of saying best wishes. However there is more to prayer than it just being a nice way of hoping for the best. God established prayer as a way to fellowship with His children. Prayer is more than asking God for things. It is essentially a means of communicating with God just as we talk with or communicate with each other. There are many forms of prayer. We pray for our needs and desires, intercede for the needs of others, praise and worship God, and engage in spiritual warfare.


 Parrot-based prayers are just repetitive prayers that are not based on a relationship. These are prayers that are based on repetition like a parrot hoping that God will get fed up and answer. Many routine prayers are religious practices and mainly satisfy the person praying that they have done their bit. There is no expectation of an answer. These prayers appear routine and meaningless. A parrot repeats the same sentence in all situations without understanding what it is saying. 


Power-based prayers on the other hand are based on a relationship with God and belief that what we ask will be done. It is like a child asking his father and trusting his father knows best. The child does not have to ask repeatedly for the same thing but waits patiently for the answer. Time is not part of the equation. Trust is. The Father knows what is best for His child and the child trusts completely in his Father. This is based on relationship and not on rote learning. Trust Father God and know that your prayers will be answered according to His will.

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