Monday, August 16, 2021

Honour The Holy Spirit As Your Intimate Partner


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. He was sent after Jesus ascended to heaven. The Holy Spirit was from the beginning and performs what the Father commands. He was with Jesus from the beginning and Jesus was conceived through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was baptised in water and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him with power to do His works. Jesus set us an example of the way for us to follow in being baptised in water and filled with His Spirit. Jesus came as a baby and operated as the Son of Man to fulfill all that scripture had foretold of Him. Now as the Son of God He is able to set us free having fulfilled His mission of salvation for all creation.


The Holy Spirit is our partner in fulfilling all God has planned for us to do. He was sent to be our Helper (John 14:26 NKJ), Counsellor, Comforter and Guide. As our Counsellor He teaches us of the things of God and He interprets His word to us. Jesus spent time alone with His Father to receive instructions from Him. Now we need to listen to His Holy Spirit to receive His instructions for us. We can choose to listen to Him or follow our own way. When we come to the place of total surrender to Him, we will yearn to only follow Him. There is no greater joy than to please Him. All other ways look good but have no eternal value. 


Partnership with the Holy Spirit is the only way we can overcome all negative things. He will whisper to us what we need to hear and He will manifest His power through us. Supernatural resources will be made available to us. We will receive what we never could imagine is possible. This is to walk in supernatural power on earth and thereby establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The Holy Spirit was sent to help us but many times we prefer to go our own way. This is foolishness but God is patient with us. The disciples all left Jesus at the end but see how they changed when they were baptised in the Holy Spirit. They turned the world upside down. We too are called to turn the world upside down by revealing His love for all mankind.

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