Monday, November 21, 2005

Maintain a broad perspective in conflict resolution

20/11/05 Maintain a broad perspective in conflict resolution

God always has a broader perspective and sees beyond the immediate. To stay balanced in your judgement, you too need to have a broad outlook and not be taken up with peripherals. You need focus to advance but when it comes to conflict resolution try and maintain a broad outlook. In this way you avoid being snared by your negative emotions which always take a blinkered position. Emotions get aroused when a narrow focus is taken in conflict situations. This is how black and white thinking takes place, where there is a failure to appreciate the position of the other. To be broad is to first to seek to understand rather then to be understood. In this way conflict resolution is easy. God chose to provide the answer to sin then to judge you. He knew that no amount of reasoning could solve the sin question. Therefore the answer was provided through the death of His son. When you seek to understand and seek to provide an answer then you move from the position of a victim to one of a victor.

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