Saturday, November 26, 2005

Reality test

26/11/05 Reality test
You can determine the state of your soul by your reactions. When a negative remark elicits a strong negative reaction, it means that your tank of positives is low. When fear is apparent in your reactions, it means that you are low on the positives. When you are defensive, it means that you are just existing. To live life to the full you need enough positive energy. Too much defence and negative energy leads to paralysis and dis-ease. Therefore be sure your tank is full of love otherwise the negatives will enter. All space must be occupied by the positive or negative. Build yourself up in the positive and see how your perceptions and therefore your reactions change. Only a person secure in God’s love can live and win in the struggles and traumas of life. It is the positive love of God that can cancel all negativity within and without. Therefore bask in the love of God and face your fears and overcome.

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