Saturday, February 18, 2006

The best defence is offensive action

18/2/06 The best defence is offensive action
Most people walk in defence because they walk in fear. Fear of the consequences of their action. Defence is like taking no action and the status quo exists. Many live all their lives in defence and never really know how to live. This is the predicament of the masses. It’s only those who have overcome fear that can live life fearlessly. This is to live life in the offensive. This is to take charge and not give in to popular opinion or peer pressure. A man who knows himself lives life according to his knowledge and his actions are congruous with his beliefs. A man who is defensive lives in fear and is not sure of his actions and therefore never goes anywhere. Defensive living bears a high cost physically and emotionally. It is stressful living and not stress free living. When a man knows himself and is prepared to take responsibility for his actions then there is nothing to fear. This is stress free living. The stress that is generated through offensive action is transmuted into energy to carry out the action rather then defence. This is why you need to abandon all to Jesus so that you can live in offensive action in His love. When you are at peace at the centre of your being then you no longer live to please others but to please God.

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