Sunday, February 19, 2006

Engaging your subconscious mind to live life to the full

19/2/06 Engaging your subconscious to live life to the full.
The subconscious mind needs to be brought into operation to aid your actions. One way to do this is through self-hypnosis. You enable your subconscious mind to come to the fore and allow the conscious to take a back seat. Most of the time you are operating with your conscious mind. This is limited in its potential to bring about change as it is controlled by your senses. There is no limit for the subconscious because it is beyond the limit of the senses. The subconscious transcends the physical and seeks for answers in the metaphysical. This is the realm of the spiritual. In God you are protected from forces that are not aligned with your belief system. When you are grounded in the Word then you have nothing to fear. You operate from the basis of His Word to receive His promises through your subconscious mind which is linked with the Holy spirit. Your emotions and will are also subject to the subconscious mind. As you practice this you attain more focus and in this way sharpen your faculties to breakthrough in areas where this far you have met with blockade. In all areas of your being the key is to get your subconscious to cooperate with you. If your subconscious is against something then it won’t work. If you believe that Jesus Christ is alive then you will walk as if He is. However if your subconscious disagrees with this then you will find yourself in conflict and therefore frustrated in your attempts to live according to His calling. Prayer in the spirit is to operate in the spirit. Meditation is a similar activity in the spirit. You can love in the spirit or with your feelings. Loving in the spirit is what agape love is all about. You can operate in the flesh or in the spirit. For a Christian living life in the spirit is what it is all about.

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