Saturday, March 18, 2006

The fast of the Lord

18/3/06 The fast of the Lord
The fast of the Lord is a discipline of spiritual engagement. To fast is to discipline your body to take second place to your spirit. The spirit has to rule the body otherwise you become a slave to the temptations of the body. The body is ruled by the senses. When you choose to fast then you choose to walk by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh. The flesh needs to be subdued and can only be subdued by the spirit working in you. This is to walk in joy and not in slavery. Slavery to the desires of the flesh is like bondage. You are bound by the desires of the flesh and therefore are a slave to fleshly demands. To be free from these demands is to be free to choose God’s will over your own will and bodily desires. Many try to do this by punishing the flesh. Yet there is a easier way and that is to cast your burdens on the Lord. In this way He carries your burdens and you are free to live above the desires of the flesh. This is true freedom. Your choice leads to your destiny. What a life of victory to be able to operate outside demands of the flesh and to rule like a king. It is your bodily desires and feelings that you need power to overcome and this power is freely available to you through Christ. Now let the fast of the Lord bring you to a place of total freedom.

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